The New Jim Crow, Black Lives Matter & Hillary

“But now that I’ve been speaking out and saying that mass incarceration is the new Jim Crow, now all of a sudden the Clintons are saying, ‘oh wait a minute, we are going to be back on the other side of this issue right now.’”

Rand Paul


The African American under the Clinton Boot

The Clintons injected steroids in the New Jim Crow. It is amazing to me that Hillary Clinton, Democrats and other Hillary supporters have the unmitigated gall to claim that others are racists.

Why the fuck Black Americans supported Hillary is beyond me. Bill Clinton is the one who amped up the Drug War, Incarceration and Police Militarization that has led to the exact complaints of #BlackLivesMatter. This is exactly why I believe the BLM movement to be nothing more than Sorosian Propaganda. If BLM were really an intelligent, meaningful movement, there is no way that they would have supported Hillary Clinton. They’d have supported Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders or Gary Johnson.

You want to talk about cognitive dissonance. Black Lives Matter Activists supporting a candidate like Hillary Clinton is the very definition of it.

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Police Brutality Never Ending

This happened 70 years ago but could have happened this morning.
The Police are still bullies and criminals.
Lest you forget, it was the Police of Chicago who protected Al Capone and profited handsomely from Alcohol Prohibition. It was the Police in LA who protected and ran gangs on the streets and profited from Drug Prohibition. The NYPD was riddled with corruption brought on by the Drug War in the ’70s.
You think this kind of corruption is a thing of the past?
The Miami Police were just caught protecting and profiting from Drug Prohibition. I guarantee that the Drug War has taken control of the LAPD Headquarters and the NYPD again. It is only a matter of time before the scandal erupts in the public.
Wonder you why the Police are so Pro-Drug Prohibition?
Why would the very people who profit from the War On Drugs wish that war to end?
 The War On Drugs is a War on Liberty. Police have near unlimited powers due to drug prohibition. This situation is only being exacerbated by the War On Terror.

America is so fearful that we naively hand our Liberty to the Usurper. He gladly takes it and we are the more endangered for the bargain.

Pay attention!