Refugee Extortion


Here’s something that no one is talking about. I’ve spent a bit of time in Afghanistan. One problem that we’ve had there is extremely Pro-American Afghans suddenly “turning” on the US/Coalition. Later, we find out that these persons families were targeted. The guy is given a choice. Commit this heinous act and kill Americans or ISIS/Taliban/Haqqani kills their daughter, son, mother, father, wife, etc.

How do we know that this is not the case with this seemingly pro-American Somali.

He may not be the terrorist. He may be a fellow victim.

What would you do if you received a video or a letter stating that your family will be killed, tortured, raped and/or brutalized if you don’t do as ordered by the terrorists. As we accept more and more refugees, these will be issues which America must deal. Accept refugees and you accept a “knapsack” of challenges.

This possibility must be taken into account when accepting refugees who have family in any area which is held by ISIS, the Taliban or any other Extremist Group.

Or…we could take out the real enemy — Saudi Arabia.


People Are Funny


People are funny.

Christians are committing the same old sins such as burning witches alive today in Africa. Christians have murdered in America in the name of Jesus. I know this is not the message of the Christ.  However, it is done. Abortion clinics have been fired and abortion doctors have been murdered. Other freaks are out there murdering in the name of Jesus. The KKK were using Christianity as pretext for their actions and still do.  Though the KKK is or has been fairly non-violent as of late.

Of course, America is a modern nation.  As such, our people are, on whole, better educated and less prone to outright violence in the name of religion. However, it happens and it will happen. Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity. It is going through a period similar to the Wests Dark Ages or Medieval Age. We had it.  They’re having it now.

Imagine what they were saying about us in our dark age. Fortunately, the West and Christianity did not have today’s technology. We were far, far more violent than they have been thus far. We are actually still more violent.  The Muslims have done nothing close to World Wars 1 & 2, yet. I love how we, in the West, point to others and call them savage and barbaric when the West have nearly destroyed ourselves twice.

What is worse?  A couple of hundred beheadings or the bombing campaigns that the US has going all over the Middle East and Central Asia.

“Hey, I’ve got a brilliant idea.  We’ll stop ISIS from murdering people by murdering more people!  Brilliant.”  lol

People are funny.

I’m not excusing anything. I’m simply saying that no one is innocent. If all Muslims are guilty of the actions of a minority of Muslims, all Christians are equally guilty of the actions of a minority of Christians. Thus, we have no room to speak.

You can’t have it both ways.


People are funny.

Your sins are horrific. Mine are excusable even if they were worse.

Now, let’s go drone some ragheads!

The Last Century Accomplished Nothing!


I do not think that Hillary is Hitler. One politician is about the same as the other. Some, like Hitler, are simply more successful in moving society to accomplish their aims. The aims are all the same. Control of the populace in a given geo-political area for the advancement of personal power. There is nothing more to it.

There are no Great Leaders out there.

Look at the great leaders in history.

Lincoln — He kinda freed the slaves. But not really. In order to keep the South in the Union, he prosecuted a war which claimed the lives of millions. How is he different than Hitler or Stalin or FDR or Churchill or any of the Monarchs of the 17th Century.

FDR took America to war for Democracy and to save the Free World. In the end, more people were enslaved by communism than were threatened by the madness of Hitler.

Ike, JFK, LBJ took us to war in Vietnam to stop the communist dominoes from falling. In the end, those communist dominoes fell anyway. Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia all fell to communism. Indonesia became a dictatorship.  Nixon’s “peace with honor” all but ensured the fall of Cambodia to the Khmer Rouge.  Congress’ failure to support South Vietnam or Laos after our withdrawal ensured their fall to communism.  What did we accomplish except to participate in slaughter and sacrifice our citizen soldiers to madness and arrogance.

We supported the Indonesia dictator.

How were the people of Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos better off after our War of Liberation?

In Iraq, Bush “liberated” the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein only to have Obama hand those same people over to a Shi’ite despots and the Islamic madmen of the Islamic State.  All the while, we supported the Monarchy which fuels Sunni Extremism via Dollar Diplomacy.  The Wahhabis owe everything to Saudi Arabia.  The Wahhabis are ISIS, al Qaeda, al Jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood and every other Sunni Islamic Extremists group extant.

In what war has America actually helped anyone?

We defeated Germany and Japan? They went on to become economic superpowers. This would have occurred anyway. In fact, the war with Japan was over the US and Britain keeping resources away from Japan that would have allowed them to become an economic superpower. We basically warred with Japan for five years in order to destroy them so that they could recover and become exactly what we had attempted to stop them from becoming. Millions died because FDR and his economic obstructionism. Yet, FDR is a hero and Hitler is a villain.

It was the same with Germany. Britain did not want Germany to become master of the Continent. So, we warred with them twice in conflagrations which engulfed the world in flames…so that Germany could become the economic master of the Continent.

What did we accomplish with our wars?

Asia slowly recovers with Laos and Cambodia lagging and their people suffering in poverty. Vietnam is becoming a mini-economic superpower and are loosening their economic controls so that capitalists can profit. This benefits the State and the Capitalists. There is relatively little benefit to the people.

Germany is the power of the Continent.

Britain has lost it’s empire. (I suppose that’s a plus).

America is still an economic power though we are doing our best to implode.

Russia is what it has always been. The poor man of Europe and the villain of the east.

China is a burgeoning beast with the potential to ruin or save the world as it has always been.

And history begins to repeat itself.

Is war on the horizon?

It seems that Political Leaders of the World are repeating the sins of the last century even as they preach of peace. I see no peace. I see no good coming of this next few decades. If the “Great Leaders” of this coming Century are as incompetent and arrogant as those of the last, the World is doomed to simply repeat the sins of the past.  There were be Great Leaders only because they take us into Great Wars.

Where are the visionaries?  Where is our Jesus?  Our Moses?  Our Gandhi?  Where are the leaders who not only preach peace but practice it?

Can the earth survive human war or human peace?  If we war on one another with our current technology, we may make this world uninhabitable.  If we do not war and continue “peaceably,” human being will reproduce in unsustainable numbers.

There seems to be no way out.  By War or Peace, humanity’s ignorance and lack of foresight endangers itself…ensures it’s fall.  Perhaps that is not a bad thing.

ISIS Is Exactly What the Muslim World Needs Right Now

ISIS Five Year Plan — These boys mean business


ISIS/ISIL/IS is exactly what the World needs right now.

They are a wake up call to the Muslim World.

ISIS is the ultimate expression of Islamic values at their most extreme. ISIS is the Spanish Inquisition of Islam. ISIS is a heinous, violent, vile organization that expresses it’s Islamist values at their ultimate Wahhabist/Muslim Brotherhood level of hate, exclusivity and intolerance for all others.

The Sunni Muslim world now has a choice. Embrace ISIS and show the world that Islam truly is a wretched religion of hatred and death OR reject ISIS and show the world that there is hope that Islam can normalize AWAY from the House of Saud’s death cult and it’s various branches in Hamas, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

The Muslim world has a clear choice. Embrace ISIS’ Islam and reject the World community or reject ISIS and join the World community.

Islam or Muslims do not need to embrace Western commercialism as a culture. They do need to step out of the 14th Century and allow for the existence of other peoples and cultures.

This is why we need to allow the Muslim world to deal with ISIS. Stop interfering. If ISIS wins, we can deal with them at that point. Until such time as ISIS wins, the Muslims need to make choices and decide to embrace and support or reject and fight ISIS.

We have coddled these people for too long. We have protected despots, petty monarchs and dictators for far too long.

It is time to step back and let Islam reform itself one way or the other. Either they embrace the Extremist culture and ultimate expression of the Salafist way of Islam or they reform their religion and culture in a positive way that allows for the existence of and cooperation with others.

Islam at this point is a decrepit beast that is hell bent on a path that leads down the road to violent death. ISIS is nothing more than an Islamic Khmer Rouge.

If the Muslims wish for this and embrace it, they are our enemies. If they reject it, they can become something more and better.

However, if the West keeps fighting the battles that Muslims need to fight, they will never know who they are, what they can become and why they should or should not become whatever it is that they are to become.

The only thing that Obama and other Western “leaders” are doing at this moment is giving future generations future excuses to reject the West as interlopers and enemies of Islam. If the West defeats ISIS without letting Islam confront this “face of Islam,” we are simply giving future generations of Muslims an excuse to re-open this Pandora’s box when they too become disillusioned by the corruption and ignorance that prevails in the Middle East and other areas dominated by Islam.

We are simply transferring angst from one generation to the next. That angst needs to be let loose. It needs to be resolved by Muslims within Islam. This is humanity. This is what we do. No reform will come in Islam until ISLAM is allowed to face itself stark naked in the mirrors of the deserts of it’s own cultural soul.

Is Islam THE Problem?

Current Ass Kisser in Chief

No, I don’t think that to be the case.  It’s not really about Islam generally speaking.

It’s more complicated than that.

Islam.  Muslims.  They’re not bad folks and many of them are damn fine people.

The problem that we won’t face is the Nejd.


Saudi Arabia owns it and has BLACK GOLD.

Also, the official religion of Saudi Arabia is the same form of Islam from which sprang all of the Fundamentalist Thugs who are terrorists.  Saudi Arabia is a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

BUT because they have oil.  It’s the truth that shall remain unspoken.

It is the evil with no name.

To speak it’s name is to reveal the truth.

It’s easier to keep the public ignorant and let a few hundred or a few thousand die at a time and keep the pipe line open to “cheap” oil.

What’s a few thousand civilians to Big Business and Big Government.  Most of the ones who die don’t pay taxes or pay negligible taxes anyway.  They don’t matter.

Saudi Arabia is the monster.  Wahhabism is their little secret Dr. Frankenstein.  Islamic Fundamentalism is the monster escaped from it’s dungeon.

It’s escaped before and the Muslims themselves went in and killed thousands of them in the Nejd while the Brits killed thousand more in the NWFP and the FATA in Central Asia.

Today, though, we choose to ignore the belly of the beast and instead, we “combat” the excretions.

Thousands, no, hundreds of thousands have died in the past 10 years.


To keep that Saudi oil pipeline open.

Obama receives the Honorary Order of the Saudi Boot Licker

For those of you who have no clue as to where Saudi Arabia is located.


On Religious Tolerance and Acceptance

Muslims can be tolerant and Muslims can avoid hostility towards others. To do so, they must disregard whole passages in their Qu’ran.

The same is true of Christians and Christianity.

Both are world devouring religions. Anyone who denies this is denying the message of their religion. Both religions teach that they are the true religion and that all others are false. There is no tolerance in that dogma. Both preach that unbelievers, heretics and infidels are going to hell. Both agree that homosexuality is an abomination. Both are patriarchal versions on life that preach that the man is the leader of the household. Both call the other and all others false.

The ultimate goal of both religions is the conversion/reversion of all of the peoples of the world. Both have tried to convert by force of Arms. One is attempting to do so today.

I know this will offend the Islamophiles and Christians on this board. If you are honest with yourself, you will admit the truth of it, though.

There is simply no room for tolerance in either religion for true believers. For those who pick and choose what they wish from the religions, tolerance and the better form acceptance is possible. For those who take a literal view, tolerance is only a stop gap. Acceptance is impossible.

Therefore, in the end, neither religion can truly tolerate the other or any other. All of this talk of tolerance and acceptance is merely chimerical voodoo. It merely delays the inevitable conflict.

America preaches freedom of religion. We practice it as well. For the most part. Reality on the ground is that all are free to practice their religion of choice in America. Practitioners are not free from criticism. Neither are they free from attack. Physical, spiritual or otherwise.

One is free to choose. Free to practice. Free to preach.

This freedom is only possible in the West. In the lands occupied by Islam, this is not possible. Islam prohibits this. Islam prohibits proselytizing of other faiths. Islam severely restricts the practice of other religions. Muslims scream to the high heavens about tolerance in the West. In the East/Occupied Lands, they speak not of tolerance. They act as if it is the natural order that no other be allowed to freely preach their religion or seek converts. Even in the most Western or least Islamically dogmatic countries such as Egypt and Turkey, seeking converts is problematic. One’s life is at risk.

Yet, Muslims and in some cases the same Muslims who would react violently to Christians proselytyzing in Muslim lands come to America and abuse our freedoms in order to seek converts (reverts) to their religion.

When do we start to hold them to account for their actions. They come here and are allowed to build their Mosques and bristle at any criticism and any challenge to their aggressive campaigns against other religions. Then they go home and act in the exact opposite manner that they expect Westerners to act towards them in the West.

Eventually, the two systems must clash.

Either that or Christianity lays down and Islam becomes the dominant religion on the planet.

What happens then?

Is an Islamic America still America or is it simply another Muslim Occupancy wherein Sharia becomes the law of the land?

Imagine a majority Muslim America. How long do the freedoms and liberty last?

On the other hand, imagine a truly Christian America. How long til freedoms are reversed. Christians led by the Republican Party wish to add religious laws to our legal code. They wish to make homosexuality a legal abomination. They wish to reverse divorce laws. There is much, much more that Christians speak to when they are amongst themselves.

Both of these patriarchal religions are intolerant and un-accepting of any other order. Both wish to re-make the world in their chosen religions image.

That! I find dangerous and offensive.

Christians at this moment use the systems in place to further their agenda. Muslims are beginning to do so. Muslims are a minority in America for the foreseeable future. And thank the Gods this is so. I’ve lived and traveled in Muslim lands. I can tell you for certain that not many of you would be comfortable in these places.

Neither would I be comfortable in a truly Christian land.

I am comfortable in America. For now. If the Right gets it’s way, there may come a day when America becomes unpalatable to me.

That day is not yet here. Thankfully, the radical Christians are peaceable for the most part and are willing to use the systems in place to further their agenda.

There are no true Christian lands. There are only lands wherein Christians live. Such has not always been the case. I would say that I hope this trend never reverses itself.

As well, I hope that Islam does not make any further advances. That includes Israel.

Every land wherein Islam is the power is a backward place. I’ve been to most of them. There is a reason for this and it isn’t Colonization by Western powers. The backwardness of these provinces of man are the reason that they were so easily colonized.

Islam is a danger. It’s not the danger that is preached by the Homeland Security types. It may come to pass that is becomes that great a danger. This is why I am against any Wahhabi mosque being established in America. Wahhabism is the greatest evil of all time. And it is not a new evil. It is a yoke on the spirit and free will of mankind. It is violent. It carries with it death.

IT is worth fighting on all fronts. It is worth laying aside tolerance and acceptance and becoming intolerant and unaccepting. Wahhabism should never be allowed on our shores.

It is too late for this as in our weakness and folly, we have allowed it to reach our shores.

The backlash that could occur here is dangerous. People could flee to Christianity and become rigid. Freedoms could be lost in our search for security against the very danger that we invited in to our home.

Think hard about these things.

The threat is there. It is looming. It very well may bring us down.

Rome did not think she would fall to the Barbarians. Britain laughed at the Colonists as well as at Gandhi. The Holy Roman Empire and the Christian Kingdoms of Europe laughed once at Islam.  The Roman Pagans once laughed at and persecuted Christians.

We are there again.

Laugh at your peril. Dismiss the danger at your peril.

America is not to Blame for Islamic Extremism

Islamic Extremism began before America was founded. It existed in our early days.  It was there in the Barbary Pirates.  It was there before our Revolution in the Nejd being fought against by other Muslims.  It existed long before we started our foray into the World as a power of any great importance (real or imagined).

Islamic Extremism has been there since the beginning of Islam.  Islam was born in blood.  It was born extreme.  The first act of Muhammad was to use Islam as a tool to capture Mekkah and to turn the pagan shrines there into Islamic Shrines with the Ka’aba as it’s center.

What we know in the modern era as Islamic Extremism was started by al Wahhab.  Al Wahhab was a Cleric born in the late 1700s.  He assisted the Saudi Family in their ultimately successful efforts to conquer Arabia.  Afterwards, his adherents became so violent that they were put down by the Egyptians at the behest and with the approval and thanks of the Ottomans.

The Muslim Brotherhood traces it’s philosophical founding to al Wahhab.  All Islamic Terrorism groups not sponsored directly by Iran and even some of those such as Hezbollah, the Quds Force and Hamas trace their philosophical foundings and their violence back through the Muslim Brotherhood to al Wahhab.

I find it amusing when Westerners who are wholly ignorant of the history of Islam and it’s people wax poetic about how America or the West is to blame for Islamic Extremism. began as a tiny desert cult or sect in the deserts of Arabia.  It conquered it’s way via Holy War from Central Asia and Western China to India and Indonesia to parts of Southeast Asia thorugh Asia Minor into Eastern Europe down through the Middle East and the Levant to North Africa and into the African Interior ending in Spain.

This peaceful religion then sided with the Germans in both World Wars I and II.  Syria and Egypt then sided with communism and the Soviet Union.

I suppose that is peaceful as compared to a pacifist community or two…

Currently, Islam is used to justify African Slavery, Holy Jihad and suicide bombs, Airplane Hi Jackings, Clitorectomies on young women, the chattel slavery and oppression of millions of women across the Islamic world and in the West, execution of homosexuals, honor killings of sisters, mothers and wives for the slightest of reasons.

It is a given that not all Muslims practice these things or approve of such things.  It is a given that the leadership of Islam is weak and vacillating.  Relying on oppression and duplicity to remain in power.

Yes, Christians have done ugly things as well.  That said, Christians, for the most part, are not doing these things now.

There is no mainstream movement in Christianity that calls for the Bible as Christian Law.  No mainstream movement that calls for the execution of infidels, homosexuals or women based on Christian law.

This does not exist in the West.  Not in the mainstream.

There are loons and fools a plenty.  None of them get the time of day from the majority of the Western World including adherents to the Christian faith.

The world would be better off without Islam and Christianity.  That much I believe.  Individual Christians and even smaller organizations are fine.  It is primarily the politicized and the mainstream fundamentalist Christians with whom I have a problem.  Christianity has done much harm.  The belief in Jesus of Nazareth and those who follow the actual teachings of Christ have been a great boon to the world at large.  Christianity as we know it is a perversion created by the State of Rome as a mechanism of control.  It was also used by the Monarchies of Europe to further their power and political aims.  Jesus, I believe, would not approve of what we have called Christianity for the past 1600 plus years.

We’d find others things over which to fight.

The West is not to blame for Islamic Extremism.

America is not to blame for Islamic Extremism.  It pre-dates America herself and it certainly pre-dates American Global Power.

Someone someday might successfully explain to me how something that existed before her birth is the fault of America.  As of this date, no such person has arisen.

Only fools who know nothing of history.

Not all Muslims are enemies of Liberty and Freedom.  Not all Muslims would force their brand of religion on others.  Even so, there are many Muslims who would.  Radicals are always the more powerful force in history.  Moderates will usually fight for nothing.  Pacifists will not fight.  Those who believe in nothing will not fight for their vision of life on the planet.

This is the danger of Islamic Extremism.  The radicals are willing to fight and to die for that in which they believe.  Ignore that at your own peril–as many have done before.

It’s About Sharia! It’s About Submission to Allah…

The former speaker of the House gets the war on terror. For one thing, he refuses to call it the “war on terror,” which should be the entry-level requirement for any politician who wants to influence how we wage it. Gingrich grasps that there is an enemy here and that it is a mortal threat to freedom. He knows that if we are to remain a free people, it is an enemy we must defeat. That enemy is Islamism, and its operatives — whether they come as terrorists or stealth saboteurs — are the purveyors of sharia, Islam’s authoritarian legal and political system.

This being the Era of the Reset Button, Gingrich is going about the long-overdue business of resetting our understanding of the civilizational jihad that has been waged against the United States for some 31 years. It is the jihad begun when Islamists overran the American embassy in Tehran, heralding a revolutionary regime that remains the No. 1 U.S. security challenge in the Middle East, as Gingrich argued Thursday in a provocative speech at the American Enterprise Institute.

The single purpose of this jihad is the imposition of sharia. On that score, Gingrich made two points of surpassing importance. First, some Islamists employ mass-murder attacks while others prefer a gradual march through our institutions — our legal, political, academic, and financial systems, as well as our broader culture; the goal of both, though, is the same. The stealth Islamists occasionally feign outrage at the terrorists, but their quarrel is over methodology and pace. Both camps covet the same outcome.

Second, that outcome is the death of freedom. In Islamist ideology, sharia is deemed to be the necessary precondition for Islamicizing a society — for Islam is not merely a religious doctrine, but a comprehensive socio-economic and political system. As the former speaker elaborated, sharia embodies principles and punishments that are abhorrent to Western values. Indeed, its foundational premise is anti-American, holding that we are not free people at liberty to govern ourselves irrespective of any theocratic code, that people are instead beholden to the Islamic state, which is divinely enjoined to impose Allah’s laws.

Sharia, moreover, is anti-equality. It subjugates women and brutally punishes transgressors, particularly homosexuals and apostates. While our law forbids cruel and unusual punishments, Gingrich observed that the brutality in sharia sanctions is not gratuitous, but intentional: It is meant to enforce Allah’s will by striking example.

On this last point, Gingrich offered a salient insight, one well worth internalizing in the Sun Tzu sense of knowing one’s enemy. Islamists, violent or not, have very good reasons for the wanting to destroy the West. Those reasons are not crazy or wanton — and they have nothing to do with Gitmo, Israel, cartoons, or any other excuse we conjure to explain the savagery away. Islamists devoutly believe, based on a well-founded interpretation of Islamic doctrine, that they have been commanded by Allah to kill, convert, or subdue all who do not adhere to sharia — because they regard Allah as their only master (“There is no God but Allah”). It is thus entirely rational (albeit frightening to us) that they accept the scriptural instruction that the very existence of those who resist sharia is offensive to Allah, and that a powerful example must be made of those resisters in order to induce the submission of all — “submission” being the meaning of Islam.

It makes no sense to dismiss our enemies as lunatics just because “secular socialist” elites, as Gingrich called them, cannot imagine a fervor that stems from religious devotion. We ought to respect our enemies, he said. Not “respect” in Obama-speak, which translates as “appease,” but in the sense of taking them seriously, understanding that they are absolutely determined to win, and realizing that they are implacable. There is no “moderate” sharia devotee, for sharia is not moderate. Gingrich noted that in response to global outcry against the prospect of death by stoning for an Iranian woman, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, convicted of adultery, the mullahs’ great concession appears to be that she will be hanged instead. Islamism is not a movement to be engaged, it is an enemy to be defeated.

And it has been since Mohammad came slobbering and raving out of his cave.

There are moderate Muslims. There are Muslims who take their religion with a glass of ice cold beer. There are Muslims who believe that they can co-exist. There are Muslims who were simply born Muslim and know not much more about it than that their parents were Muslim.

Not all Muslims care to spread their religion.

That! We must not forget.

However, there are millions of Muslims who believe that Allah commands them to spread their religion. Through their life path as well as through teaching, witnessing and preaching and, yes, by there are many millions of Muslims who wholeheartedly believe in conversion (reversion) by the sword.

The problem with Islam and Muslims is that it is an enormously pressurised world. Peer pressure is a real danger. I have seen peer pressure turn a room full of irreligious Muslims who drink and cavort and chase girls all through the night and weekend into a motley crue of raving fundamentalists simply by the entrance of one religious individual.

Read their histories. Once Jihad is called, no one will dare denounce it for fear of being “unIslamic.” Read of the Afghan Constitutional Convention and how their Constitution came to include Sharia and the Qu’ran. It was not a forgone conclusion. It entered the room with a Mullah who publicly dared the assembly to exclude it by asking who in the assembly would stand against Sharia and the Qu’ran.

No one dared do so.

Not even Rashid Doostom. Doostum, who is one of the most secular Afghani of the age. Doostum who is infamous for his riotous drinking and womanizing. Dostum who hated the taliban and has publicly stated that he doesn’t see the need for women to cover themselves nor the reason that they should not attend university or be shut in the home.

This man mounted on horse back and did battle against the Taliban alongside US Special Forces and stood in battle and taunted the Talib Commanders.

This man was too fearful to denounce the inclusion of Islam, the Qu’ran and Sharia law in the Afghan Constitution.

To be seen as an infidel, one who is against Islam, in the lands occupied by Islam is to write your own death warrant. From the highest in society to the lowest.

Ask Malalai Joya. Read of her life and mission.

There are many Muslims who wish to live under a secular government and to live out their religion in private.

The problem is the Mullahs and those who use Islam as a means to power.

Our war is with the Mullahs. It’s with the Ayatollahs.

Even then, not all Mullahs wish to live out their lives as Government agents. Look to the Sufis who believe that religion is a private matter and that all religious leaders should stay out of politics.

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran are the enemies of freedom.

Rid ourselves of them and the tide turns.

I’ll state again. Not all Muslims and not all of Islam is the enemy. Just as I believe that not all Christians desire to force their religion on all and sundry. I believe the same of Muslims.

There are key elements.

1. Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia

2. Iranian Revolutionary Islam

Take out those two and the battle is won.

Hezbollah, the Quds force and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are the major exporters of Iranian Shi’a War on the West.

Wahhabism is the father of all Sunni terror lords and murderers. The Taliban and the Deobandi of Central Asia, Pakistan and India are all end points that can be traced to the Nejd of Saudi Arabia and their evil cult of al Wahhab. The Muslim Brotherhood is the father of all Sunni Terrorist Organizations. The MB were followers of al Wahhab and his desert madness.

Yet, we claim that Saudi Arabia is our ally.

And Iran is defended in the West by fools. Fools who side with Hizbollah against Lebanon and Israel. Fools who support Hamas.

Fools who support a Wahhabi Shrine mere feet away from Ground Zero.

Saudi Clerics say drink your Neighbors Breast Milk (Breast Milk Sibling “Custom”)

Saudi Clerics Advocate Adult Breast-Feeding

(June 5) — Women in Saudi Arabia should give their breast milk to male colleagues and acquaintances in order to avoid breaking strict Islamic law forbidding mixing between the sexes, two powerful Saudi clerics have said. They are at odds, however, over precisely how the milk should be conveyed.
A fatwa issued recently about adult breast-feeding to establish “maternal relations” and preclude the possibility of sexual contact has resulted in a week’s worth of newspaper headlines in Saudi Arabia. Some have found the debate so bizarre that they’re calling for stricter regulations about how and when fatwas should be issued.
Sheikh Al Obeikan, an adviser to the royal court and consultant to the Ministry of Justice, set off a firestorm of controversy recently when he said on TV that women who come into regular contact with men who aren’t related to them ought to give them their breast milk so they will be considered relatives.
“The man should take the milk, but not directly from the breast of the woman,” Al Obeikan said, according to Gulf News. “He should drink it and then becomes a relative of the family, a fact that allows him to come in contact with the women without breaking Islam’s rules about mixing.”
Obeikan said the fatwa applied to men who live in the same house or come into contact with women on a regular basis, except for drivers.
Al Obeikan, who made the statement after being asked on TV about a 2007 fatwa issued by an Egyptian scholar about adult breast-feeding, said that the breast milk ought to be pumped out and given to men in a glass.
But his remarks were followed by an announcement by another high-profile sheik, Abi Ishaq Al Huwaini, who said that men should suckle the breast milk directly from a woman’s breast.
Shortly after the two sheiks weighed in on the matter, a bus driver in the country’s Eastern Region reportedly told one of the female teachers whom he drives regularly that he wanted to suckle milk from her breast. The teacher has threaten to file a lawsuit against him.

The fatwa stems from the tenets of the strict Wahhabi version of Islam that governs modern Saudi Arabia and forbids women from mixing with men who are not relatives. They are also not allowed to vote, drive or even leave the country without the consent of a male “guardian.”

Under Islamic law, women are encouraged to breast-feed their children until the age of 2. It is not uncommon for sisters, for example, to breast-feed their nephews so they and their daughters will not have to cover their faces in front of them later in life. The custom is called being a “breast milk sibling.”

In another bizarre fatwa (ruling) by the Wahhabi Clerics of that insane religion from the Nejd, a group of Saudi Clerics has stated that men who frequently interact with women from outside of their family should drink the breast milk of said women in order to become their “siblings.”

Why make rules or even follow the Qu’ran if they are going to go to such lengths to get around them.  The Saudi Kings and Princes [supposedly] follow Islam while they are in the Kingdom.  When they depart the sacred land of Arabia, these Princes do as they please.  The rules apparently only apply while they are on sacred Saudi soil.

I know that while I was in Kuwait several Filipino gals were kidnapped, raped, murdered and then deposited in the desert.  The desert tells no tales.  Another “custom” of these holy men of Arabia is to lure young Filipino and other Asian gals into one of the desert Kingdoms with the lure of employment.  Come to Kuwait or Saudi Arabia or one of the UAE countries to become a maid, an aux pair or run a restaurant.  Once the girls arrive, the sponsor takes her passport.  The first thing that takes place is that the girl is raped and beaten.  She no longer is in possession of her passport. This is in the possession of her sponsor.  She has no recourse.  She can’t complain to the police.  They’ll not believe her.  Especially as the rules of Sharee’ah are in force.  She needs witnesses.  If she claims rape, yet, has no witnesses, she’s guilty of adultery or fornication or crimes against chastity.  She’ll be judged against and punished harshly.  Up to and including beatings, canings, lashes and death.

I guess now, though, all they have to do is give up a little breast milk and their siblings.

Hey!  Then everything is A-OK.

Ain’t that grand.

And that’s Islam in a nutshell.

Patriarchal idiocy.

Utter nonsense.

Power in the name of religion, Allah, Mohammad.


The Wahhabis need to be ended.  Period.

Without Wahhabism, Islam could be a decent religion.  Possibly have a renaissance era that brings it into an era of peace and out of it’s essence of death, violence and war.

Any person in the West who is mad enough or stupid enough to justify or rationalize this lunacy should be deported and made to live in Saudi Arabia in the Nejd.

Air drop their ridiculous selves into the Nejd and let them fend for themselves.  That’s a perfect punishment for child molestors, rapists and murderers, too.  Hell, perhaps we could send our politicians there, too.  Let’s make Obama the first example of Islamic “Justice.”

Islamic Justice!

Is this the mercy of AllahA Septaugenarian Woman given 40 lashes for having two men in her home.

The two men were delivering bread to her.

Is this the Mercy of Allah?

(CNN) — A Saudi Arabian court has sentenced a 75-year-old Syrian woman to 40 lashes, four months imprisonment and deportation from the kingdom for having two unrelated men in her house, according to local media reports.

According to the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Watan, troubles for the woman, Khamisa Mohammed Sawadi, began last year when a member of the religious police entered her house in the city of Al-Chamli and found her with two unrelated men, “Fahd” and “Hadian.”

Fahd told the policeman he had the right to be there, because Sawadi had breast-fed him as a baby and was therefore considered to be a son to her in Islam, according to Al-Watan. Fahd, 24, added that his friend Hadian was escorting him as he delivered bread for the elderly woman. The policeman then arrested both men.

Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam called Wahhabism and punishes unrelated men and women who are caught mingling.

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, feared by many Saudis, is made up of several thousand religious policemen charged with duties such as enforcing dress codes, prayer times and segregation of the sexes. Under Saudi law, women face many restrictions, including a strict dress code and a ban on driving. Women also need to have a man’s permission to travel.

Good Old Islamic Justice of Saudi Arabia.  It’s gotta make Muslims all over the world so proud.

This “culture” needs to be eradicated.   The stain of this belief needs to be removed from the world.

Someone please explain to me how the Saudis are different from the taliban?  I’ll give you a hint.  They’re not.  The only real difference is that Saudi Arabia has oil.  Therefore, no one cares that they are savage animals with no morals.  No one cares for their people or that their brand of Islam is exactly that which was espoused and enacted by the Taliban.  No one cares that Saudi Arabia and their rulers practice the exact same brand of Islam as Osama bin Laden and his cronies in al Qaeda.

Saudi Arabia is one of the greatest enemies of freedom and liberty extant in the world.  They are second only to Iran and their dogs in hizbollah, Quds force and Revolutionary Guards.

Yet, they are our “allies.”

Continuing to do business with Saudi Arabia is like handing your enemy a loaded gun, pointing it at your heart and assisting said enemy in pulling the trigger.  It is insanity.

Wahhabism Must Die!

Osama: Wahhabi, Salafi, or What?

We must realise that Islam is not our enemy.  Muslims are not evil people.  It is this virulent and violent form of Islam started by al Wahhab in the Nejd and spread like a plague across the globe by the Saudis in their oil funded madrassahs that are the enemy.  The House of Saud must fall.  Until it does, we will have these criminals amongst us and their numbers will continue to grow.

Osama bin Laden is but the latest thug to attempt to infect Islam with this disease through terror and violence.  Study the history of Islam.  Specifically, study the history of the Arabian Peninsula.  Study the history of the British Raj of the late 1800s.  Even the Ottomans fought the Wahhabis in the Nejd near the end of their Empire.  There is precedent in history for the events of today.  The Ottomans warred on the Nejd from Egypt in the 1700s and 1800s.  Their fight was against these same followers of the doctrines of the apostate al Wahhab and the ancestors of the current Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Wahhabism must die.  The sooner the better for all of the world– Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

A picture of the culprits.  The criminals of the House of Saud and proliferates of the disease contracted from their forefathers.

Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab ibn Sulaiman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rashid Al-Tamimi[1] (1703–1792) (Arabic: محمد بن عبد الوهاب التميمي‎) was an Islamic scholar born in Najd, in present-day Saudi Arabia. Despite never specifically calling for a separate school of Islamic thought, it is from ibn Abd-al Wahhab that the term Wahhabism derives.

He believed that those who practice innovation in Islam such as “taking the graves as a place of worship” which is practiced in Sufism and Shia Islam, are Kufr.[2][3][4][citation needed]

For this reason, Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab destroyed many graves and was also considering destroying the grave of the Prophet Muhammad, out of fear that it might be worshiped.[2][5]

This was due to the sayings of the prophet. Who said before his death, while on his death bed.

“May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of their Prophets”.[6]

Alliance with the House of Saud

Upon his expulsion from ‘Uyayna, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab was invited to settle in neighboring Dir’iyya by its ruler Muhammad ibn Saud in 1740 (1157 AH). Two of Ibn Saud’s brothers had been students of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab in Uyayna, and are said to have played a role in convincing Ibn Saud to take him in. Ibn Saud’s wife is also reported to have been a convert to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s cause. Upon arriving in Diriyya, a pact was made between Ibn Saud and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, by which Ibn Saud pledged to implement Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s teachings and enforce them on neighboring towns. Beginning in the last years of the 18th century Ibn Saud and his heirs would spend the next 140 years mounting various military campaigns to seize control of Arabia and its outlying regions, finally taking control of the whole of modern day Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1922. This provided the movement with a state. Vast wealth from oil discovered in the following decades, coupled with Saudi control of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, have since provided a base and funding for Salafi missionary activity.


Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab considered his movement an effort to purify Islam by returning Muslims to what he believed were the original principles of Islam, as typified by the Salaf and rejecting what he regarded as corruptions introduced by Bid’ah and Shirk.

Although all Muslims pray to one God, ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab was keen on emphasizing that no intercession with God was possible without His permission, which He only grants to whom He wills and only to benefit those whom He wills, certainly not the ones who invoke anything or anyone except Him, as these would never be forgiven,[31]. Specific practices, such as celebrating the birth of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, were also deemed as innovations. He is hence considered by his followers to be a great revivalist of Islam, and by his opponents as an innovator and heretic. In either case, ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab’s impact on Islam has been considerable and significant.

Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab also revived interest in the works of the Islamic scholar Ibn Taymiya.

The followers of this revival (see Salafism) are often called Wahhabis, though most reject the usage of this term on the grounds that ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab’s teachings were the teachings of The Holy Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Up on Him), not his own. Thus, most generally refer to themselves as Salafis, while during his lifetime they often referred to themselves muwahhidin (“monotheists”).

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s descendents are known today as “Al al-Shaykh” (“House of the Shaykh”). The family of Al al-Shaykh has included several religious scholars, including the former grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad ibn Ibrahm Al al-Shaykh, who issued the fatwa calling for the abdication of King Saud in 1964. Both the current Saudi minister of justice and the current grand mufti of Saudi Arabia are also descendents of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.


Perceptions of ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab are varied. To many Muslims of the Salafi persuasion, ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab is a significant luminary in the proud tradition of Islamic scholarship. A great number of lay Sunni Muslims regard him as a pious scholar whose interpretations of the Qur’an and Hadith were nevertheless out of step with the mainstream of Islamic thought, and thus discredited.[32] Some scholars regard him as a pious scholar who called people back to worship of Allah according to the Qur’an and Sunnah. Others, often Sufis, regard him as a one who stopped at nothing to gain power and manipulate others. Natana DeLong-Bas, meanwhile, has recently published a self-described “controversial” book that complicates the idea that ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab contributed to the “militant stance of contemporary jihadism.”[33]

These are the madmen whom we empower through oil consumption.

Letter From Fort Hood

Letter From Fort Hood
— By Kevin Drum | Fri November 6, 2009 8:19 AM PST
—Photo by flickr user brokenthoughts used under a Creative Commons license.

A former reader emails today to pass along a firsthand account of the shooting at Fort Hood on Thursday. It’s unedited except for paragraph breaks:

I was walking into the medical SRP building when he started firing (he never made it to the main SRP building….the media accounts are understandably pretty off right now). He was calmly and methodically shooting everyone. Like every non-deployed military post, no one was armed. For the first time in my life I really wish I had a weapon. I don’t know how to explain what it feels like to have someone shoot at you while you’re unarmed. He missed me but didn’t miss a lot of others. Just pure random luck. It’s a very compressed area, thus the numbers.

I saw a lot of heroism. So many more would have died if this wasn’t an Army post. We’re almost all CLS trained and it made a huge difference. Cause the EMTs didn’t get there for almost an hour (they thought there was a second shooter). I just can’t believe one of our own shot us. When I saw his ID card I couldn’t believe it. After he shot the female police officer he was fumbling his reload and I saw the other police officer around the corner and yelled at him to come shoot the shooter. He did. Then I used my belt as a tourniquet on the female officer.

I hate to tell you this but in the course of the day it became clear that it was another Akbar incident.1 (Once they convinced them the blood drenching my clothes wasn’t mine I spent the day being interviewed by the alphabet.) Akbar again. God help us. He was very planned. I counted three full mags around him (I secured his weapon for a while). Found out later that his car was filled with more ammo.

This was premeditated. This wasn’t VBC again. That guy snapped, not this one. He was so damn calm when he was shooting. Methodical. And he was moving tactically. The Army really is diverse and we really do love all our own. We signed up to be shot at but not at home. Not unarmed. No one should ever see what the inside of that medical SRP building looked like. I suppose that’s what VA Tech looked like. Except they didn’t have soldiers coming from everywhere to tourniquet and compress and talk to the wounded while rounds are still coming out.

No one touched him…the shooter that is…other than to treat him. Though I told the medic (and I’m not proud of this) that was giving him plasma that there better not be anyone else who needed it because he should be the last one to be treated. But I had just finished holding a soldier who was critical (I counted three entry wounds) and talking to him about his children…. If the shooter had a grievance he should have taken it out on those responsible; he wasn’t shooting people he knew (media reports to the contrary). He was just shooting anybody who happened to be present for SRP medical processing, mainly lower enlisted.

But please, no one use this politically! The Army is not “broken”, PTSD doesn’t turn people into killers, most Muslims aren’t evil, and whether we should stay or go in Afghanistan has nothing to do with this. I’m babbling…sorry.

1Hasan Akbar was an Army sergeant who killed two soldiers and wounded 14 others in a grenade attack in Kuwait in 2003. He’s currently under a sentence of death.

This letter was printed on  I felt that many persons who were not politically inclined to the Left might not see it.  So I’m throwing it up here.  Just in case.

All sides of any given event should be heard.

I do not agree with many who are attempting to downplay the influence of Islamic Extremism on this man and his actions.  He was definitely and heavily influenced by his brand of Islam.  Even the Imam of his local Mosque thought he was extreme in his views.  These actions will continue until America and the rest of the world come to the realization that not Islam but Wahhabism is a violent strain of Islam bent on forcilby converting all of Islam specifically and the population of the globe ultimately to their world view.  The only way to combat this is to rid our planet of this strain of Islam.  That means squaring off against Saudi Arabia.  Wahhabism is the official religion of the realm.

We must realise that Islam is not our enemy.  Muslims are not evil people.  It is this virulent and violent form of Islam started by al Wahhab in the Nejd and spread like a plague across the globe by the Saudis in their oil funded madrassahs that are the enemy.  The House of Saud must fall.  Until it does, we will have these criminals amongst us and their numbers will continue to grow.

Wahhabism must die.  The sooner the better for all of the world– Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Then, authorities said, he packed two handguns, drove to this bustling military base, and opened fire on a brigade of young engineers prepping to deploy to Afghanistan after Christmas. In a matter of about four minutes — before he himself was taken down in a face-to-face shootout with a female police officer

Authorities say several witnesses heard Maj. Hasan open fire with two weapons, neither of them Army-issued. One person with knowledge of the weapons said one was a revolver, the other a FN Herstal “Five-seveN”tactical pistol, which one firearms Web site describes as capable of defeating “most body armor in military service around the world today.”

The FN carries 20 rounds per magazine. One witness said he saw Maj. Hasan reload at least once. A medic who treated the major’s injuries said his camouflage cargo pant pockets were full of magazines.r — he killed 13 people and wounded 30.

soldiers at the base have told investigators Maj. Hasan, a Muslim, shouted “Allahu Akbar,” Arabic for “God is great,” in the attack. One military official at the Pentagon who has been briefed on the investigation said officials are “close to 100%” certain Maj. Hasan authored an Internet posting defending suicide bombings.

I don’t think there is any plot in which this guy is involved. I think this guy did snap. I think he may have been pushed from various directions.

1. Inner conflict over “going to war” against fellow Muslims.

2.  Bigotry of his fellow service members caused by:

a. Ignorance/Bigotry
b. his statements

3. Contacts with extremist Wahhabi elements at:

a. Mosque (an extremist Imam)
b. on the internet
c. within the local Muslim community

4. Life/Job Stress

I think he lost it and decided that he was going to earn his 72 virgins.

I am not saying that all Muslims are a danger. Some are.  Probably a small percentage.  Those dangers are out there.  The greater danger to plunge our heads in the sand and deny the reality of Wahhabist Terrorism.

The War on Terror is not the War on Islam

How can it be when scenes like this are common place? This is the casket of one of our fallen Soldiers.  Mohsin Naqvi.  He gave his life fighting against the monsters who have co-opted Islam into their insidious aims to crush freedom in the lands of Muslim peoples and ultimately all peoples across the globe.  The kid on the floor mourning is Hassan Naqvi.   Is there someone who has the nerve to tell this kid that Islam killed his brother.

Islam is not the enemy.  Wahhabism is the enemy.  Extremism is the enemy.   Extemism in any form.  Political, civil, religious, cultural.  It matters not.

The War Won’t End in Afghanistan

The War Won’t End in Afghanistan

Senator Barack Obama said something at the presidential debate last week that almost perfectly encapsulates the difference between his foreign policy and his opponent’s: “Secretary of Defense Robert Gates himself acknowledges the war on terrorism started in Afghanistan and it needs to end there.” I don’t know if Obama paraphrased Gates correctly, but if so, they’re both wrong.

If Afghanistan were miraculously transformed into the Switzerland of Central Asia, every last one of the Middle East’s rogues gallery of terrorist groups would still exist. The ideology that spawned them would endure. Their grievances, such as they are, would not be salved. The political culture that produced them, and continues to produce more just like them, would hardly be scathed. Al Qaedism is the most radical wing of an extreme movement which was born in the Middle East and exists now in many parts of the world. Afghanistan is not the root or the source.

Naturally the war against them began in Afghanistan. Plans for the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States were hatched in Afghanistan. But the temporary location of the plotters of that strike means little in the wide view of a long struggle. Osama bin Laden and his leadership just as easily could have planned the attacks from Saudi Arabia before they were exiled, or from their refuge in Sudan in the mid 1990s. Theoretically they could have even planned the attacks from an off-the-radar “safe house” in a place like France or even Nebraska had they managed to sneak themselves in. The physical location of the planning headquarters wasn’t irrelevant, but in the long run the ideology that motivates them is what must be defeated. Perhaps the point would be more obvious if the attacks were in fact planned in a place like France instead of a failed state like Afghanistan.

Hardly anyone wants to think about the monumental size of this task or how long it will take. The illusion that the United States just needs to win in Afghanistan and everything will be fine is comforting, to be sure, but it is an illusion. Winning the war in Iraq won’t be enough either, nor will permanently preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons or resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. The war may end somewhere with American troops on the ground, or, like the Cold War, it might not. No one can possibly foresee what event will actually put a stop to this war in the end. It is distant and unknowable. The world will change before we can even imagine what the final chapter might look like.

Most of the September 11 hijackers were Saudis. All were Arabs. None hailed from Afghanistan. This is not coincidental. Al Qaeda’s politics are a product of the Arab world, specifically of the radical and totalitarian Wahhabi sect of Islam founded in the 18th Century in Saudi Arabia by the fanatical Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab. He thought the medieval interpretations of Islam even on the backward Arabian peninsula were too liberal and lenient. His most extreme followers cannot even peacefully coexist with mainstream Sunni Muslims, let alone Shia Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, secularists, feminists, gays, or anyone else. Their global jihad is a war against the entire human race in all its diversity and plurality.

Wahhabism has spread outward from Saudi Arabia by proselytizers funded by petrodollars who have set up mosques, madrassas, and indoctrination centers nearly everywhere from Indonesia to the United States. In the Balkans, for instance, Wahhabis are actually replacing traditional moderate Ottoman mosques destroyed by the Yugoslav Army and Serbian paramilitary units with their own extremist knockoffs. They’re staking out new ground in the West where they deliberately gin up virulent hatred among immigrants from Muslim countries. They tried to car-bomb their way into power in parts of Iraq, and in the cities of Baqubah, Fallujah, and Ramadi they even succeeded for a while.

In some places the ideology flourishes more than in others. It was effectively transplanted to Afghanistan with the assistance of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency. In thoroughly secular Muslim countries like Azerbaijan and Albania, bin Ladenism remains thinner on the ground than in Western Europe. Its adherents are unevenly distributed, but it began in the Middle East and has since metastasized.

Al Qaeda leaders did not spring up from the ground in Afghanistan, nor are they chained there. They move around. Any country where they are located becomes crucial whether American soldiers are present or not. Like the Cold War, this conflict is not exclusively military, but the theaters of armed conflict have already been widened well beyond Afghanistan. And the war isn’t America-centric. It is not all about us. Fighting between violent Islamists and their enemies broke out in Arab countries like Algeria and Lebanon, and even in countries without a Muslim majority like Russia and the Philippines. Many of these conflicts started before the attacks on September 11, before anyone could even imagine that American troops would fight a hot war in Afghanistan.

And let’s not forget the radical Shias. While Sunni Wahhabis export their fundamentalist creed from the Arabian Peninsula, the Khomeinists in the Islamic Republic of Iran are busy exporting their own revolutionary and totalitarian brand of Shia Islam to countries like Lebanon and Iraq. So far the Iranians and their proxies have been less violent and extreme than Al Qaeda, but Iran remains the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. While the leaders are Shias, that has not – contrary to mistaken conventional wisdom – stopped them from forming tactical alliances with radical Sunnis from Hamas in Gaza to Ansar Al Islam.

Before the U.S. demolished the regime of Saddam Hussein, Ansar Al Islam was based in and around the town of Biara in Northern Iraq. Al Qaeda in Iraq founder Abu Musab al Zarqawi was one of its members. American Special Forces and Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters pushed Ansar into the Northern Iranian city of Mariwan where they remain today and receive support from the government of Iran. They have since changed their name to Al Qaeda in Kurdistan.

On some level even Senator Obama himself understands that Afghanistan is unlikely be the beginning and the end of this war. He correctly argues that more needs to be done to shut down the safe havens bin Laden and company have established in Pakistan. He likely doesn’t believe some of his own rhetoric about Afghanistan even though it’s a standard staple of his campaign. His dovish liberal base seems sometimes desperate to believe that Afghanistan was the beginning and will be the end of a war they have little stomach to wage.

Wishing will not make it so. Afghanistan, indeed all of Central Asia, is on the periphery. The violent ideologies that animate the most dangerous terrorist movements in the world are Arabic and, to a lesser extent, Persian. The Middle East is central. It is not a distraction. It is where the war truly began because it is where most of the combatants, ideological leaders, and supporters were born and raised. While there’s a chance it won’t end there, most of it will be fought there.

Michael J. Totten 09.29.2008 – 4:32 PM

Michael Totten speaks the truth.  Will anyone listen?

The Ridiculous Cult of al Wahhab

The Epitome of Arab Stupidity

The Epitome of Arab Stupidity

Is there anything more ridiculous than a culture that forces it’s women to dress in this manner?  Saudi Arabi and Wahhabism are the epitome of all that is wrong in the Middle East.  Ignorance and oppressoin in the guise of religion.

The above is not Islam.  It is an ugly Arab cultural holdover.  Go to the deserts of Arabia and you will find hundreds of thousands of women and female babies buried there.  The victims of Arab culture.

Against the darkness, we fight…

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

While Obama thinks that we shouldn’t fight against evil in this world because it’s Gods job.  I disagree.  We must do that job ourselves.  While Obama will talk and talk as they use his naivite to their advantage, real leadership must plan to thwart the plans of the masters of terror and the enemies of peace.  The Wahhabis, the Russians, Communists, despots of every stripe, Fatah, Hamas, the PLA, the deceitful Lords of Qom and all  of the rest wish for nothing more than an Obama Presidency.  Michelle Obama thinks that the real enemy is America itself.  Obama seems to agree with his numerous comments on the subject.

Obama suits the terror lords and the despots and dictators.  They know that he will talk and talk and do little else.  Much like Carter and Clinton before him.  Should Obama become President, America will be rudderless.  The evil in the world relishes the opportunities that will be the Presidency of cowardice, empty talk and Inaction that an Obama White House promises.

They fear real leadership in the West.  Real leadership that will keep the wolves at bay.