This is Joe Biden and the Left’s Federal Banker of Choice.

This woman desires to make all monies Federal Monies.

You are no longer in control of your own money. The State owns all money. The State can reach into your bank account and take your money without your permission.

In effect, the State OWNS you.

This is what you voted for when you voted for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the scum known as the Squad.

This is Communism. This is Stalinism. This is Maoism.


With Saule Omarova, you become a slave. You are owned by the State. You are nothing.

And if you don’t like it, you are selfish. You are a monster. You deserve to be thrown into the Gulag…concentration camps. You are to be re-educated.

If you vote for these people, you are already a slave. A willing slave.

Saule Omarova’s “thought experiment” is your enslavement.

Eric Swalwell should move to China


“Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters,” Eric Swalwell

And who will be tasked with going after resisters?  Who will willingly and joyfully follow those orders.

American Law Enforcement is the answer.

The Police are not your friend. Law Enforcement is always the first line of tyranny.

Democrats are scum. Law Enforcement are their Pets.

Perfect Description of the Democratic Party

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Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living?

Thus it every day renders the exercise of the free agency of man less useful and less frequent; it circumscribes the will within a narrower range and gradually robs a man of all the uses of himself. The principle of equality has prepared men for these things; it has predisposed men to endure them and often to look on them as benefits.

After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd. (Volume 2, Section 4: Chapter VI, What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear.)






P.S. NO, I don’t like the Republicans either. So don’t bring that idiot party up.

Money – The Great Confidence Trick



It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
Henry Ford

The Affluent Elite created money.
They did so in order that they might horde it, control it and use it as power.
The great con IS money.

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Prohibition & The War On Drugs



This is the essence of #Prohibition.
It is the ultimate faithless act when it comes to good intentions and roads being paved to #Hell.
Prohibition never works.
Drug Prohibition (i.e., the #WarOnDrugs) has not worked and will not work.
The Government of the United States of America has lied all along about drugs. The Government of the US in the form of the FDA has approved and allowed to be marketed the exact same drugs that it prohibits in synthetic form. These drugs are far more harmful than their nature provided counterparts/originals.
The Government does not care about all of the sheep out there who dimly and blithely follow their every command and support the tyranny of the #State and the enslavement of the Sheople.
The Government using the #WarOnDrugs as a tool has had one goal in mind. That goal has always been to protect certain Corporate Cartels such as Dupont and Standard Oil. In this age, the War On Drugs is continued to protect the Pfizers and the #MartinShkreli types of America.
The War On Drugs is not continued to protect the health or well being of the Citizens of the United States of America. The War On Drugs, in fact, does the opposite. It harms Americans. It kills Americans. It directly assaults and diminishes #Liberty.

Why Do American Accept these Murders?

ciara meyer

Police willfully placed this young girl in danger along with her father. These murders of young American due to Police Aggression and Incompetence happen far too often.

Penn Township, Pa — 12-year-old Ciara Meyer was shot and killed by a police officer this Monday morning as her family was being evicted from their home. According to police, her father, 57-year-old Donald B. Meyer, pointed a gun at Pennsylvania State Constable Clarke Steele during the eviction. The police say that Steele shot at Meyer when he had the gun pulled on him, and grazed the man’s arm. However, the bullet went on to fatally strike young Ciara Meyer after it went through her father.

Donald Meyer was taken to the hospital but was also charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, terroristic threats, and reckless endangerment.

An unidentified neighbor told local reporters that Ciara was a “Very kind, sweet kid.”

“Here’s a little girl that doesn’t even have a chance to grow up and live her life, and all because of this senseless act. It’s horrible, absolutely heartbreaking,” the neighbor said.

Meyer’s aunt, Hope Cordas Rohde, wrote on Facebook that, “We are so broken as she was just a little girl and we loved her so much. My heart hurts so very much. Such a sad world this is when an innocent child is shot and killed. May God give us peace.”

According to PennLive.com, the family owed $1,780.85 in rent, which was roughly 3 months behind for them.

Essentially, the Police murdered this girl over less than 2,000USD. That is what your life is worth America. The State does not care about you. It’s not that Black lives do not matter. It is not all lives that matter. It is that NO LIFE MATTERS to the State.

The Average American Citizen holds only the value of his or her worth in taxable income, goods and property. Beyond that, your life does not matter.

When will Americans come to comprehend this basic fact about the State. All States. Yes, even the American State.

We are so broken as she was just a little girl and we loved her so much. My heart hurts so very much. Such a sad world this is when an innocent child is shot and killed. May God give us peace.”

There will be no such peace from God or any source until the State is brought to heel and made to respect the lives of human beings as more than a simple funding source.

Ciara is the 21st person and the first child to be killed by law enforcement in 2016.

America is Funny



When we are killing tens of thousands of their folks each year, we should probably think before we react when they kill a couple dozen of ours.

We’ve been waxing people in the Middle East for a while now.

We’ve been supporting corrupt, evil tyrants in the Middle East since the end of World War II.

We’ve installed corrupt, evil tyrants in the Middle East.

Yet, we, the Great Americans, get all huffy when they hit back. We’re ignorant peasants who believe patriotism is supporting a corrupt Federal Government that grows more centralized, more corrupt and more tyrannical with each passing election.

We vote for the lesser of two evils because we are too stupid to use our numbers to our advantage because we are more interested in being Republicans or Democrats than in being Americans.

We are easily led sheep wandering aimlessly down a pre-constructed path to our destruction and we love them for it. We fight each other for the right to be first into the meat grinder. We fight each other to show our love, support and blind trust of our respective “leaders” who are outright purchased by Big Banks and Big Corporations.

And we think this makes us exceptional.

America is funny. Deathly funny.


1913 & The Era of Tyranny


In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted allowing the Federal Government to directly tax the people. Thus was born the Income Tax.

Taxation of a person’s labor is enslavement in all but name only.

The Federal Reserve was also born that year allowing the Federal Government to issue “fiat money.” Money that is valued only so long as confidence can be fabricated and maintained by the Federal Government. The Fed can print money to it’s heart’s content devaluing our currency ever so slowly in the process. This is theft by devaluation. One dollar today is not the same as one dollar a mere ten years ago. Stealth wealth redistribution.

The Federal Reserve is made possible only because of the tax base which is the Citizenry of the United States of America.

We are accounts upon which the Federal Government of the United States can perpetually draw upon for any and every misadventure and insane scheme that the Banks, controlling US Corporations and the Fed can fantasize about in their greedy, beady eyed little heads.

Imperial America was born in 1913 made possible by the creation of the Federal Reserve and a permanent funding source that is US, the United States Citizen.

Also, in the year 1913, the 17th Amendment was passed. This crafty amendment altered the s/election of the Senators of the United States of America.

Where before, the States Legislatures elected United States Senators, thereby maintaining control over the Senior Representatives of the respective, autonomous and sovereign States, the 17th Amendment created direct elections via popular State Citizen vote of the Senators from each State.

These acts removed any checks that the individual and sovereign States held over the Federal Government paving the way for the Centralized and all too powerful Federal Government that we have today wherein the Executive can take the Nation to war on whims, lies and propaganda and truth be damned.

The Federal Government is now Supreme and all powerful. What it cannot overcome via coercion and threats of violence, it can overcome with pork via the confiscations of the Income Tax and the tyrannical Internal Revenue Service.

Americans are now wholly owned subsidiaries of the Federal Government of the United States of America. We are slaves in all but name.

Try not paying your Federal Income Taxes and see how free you are.

The monies that are collected via the income tax make possible every evil that has been enacted by the Federal Government since 1913.

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America’s “New” Tyranny


Honestly, I see no difference between the American Police and Thai, Cambodian, Afghan or Egyptian Police.

They are all Corrupt.

In America, they’re simply in denial.

American Police spend most of their time doing anything and everything except Law Enforcement.

American Police generate revenue 90% of the time.

Speeding Tickets, Parking Tickets, Civil Asset Forfeiture and anything else to make a buck or, as I like to call it, pilfer the Citizen.

American Prosecutors use lies, corruption, intimidation, bullying and harassment to persecute citizens and gain a plea deal. Many, if not most, citizens who plea do so, not because they are guilty of anything but because they cannot afford competent legal representation and/or are ignorant of the system.

Judges and Prosecutors will believe obvious Police lies over obvious Citizens truths in order to find guilt and sentence Citizens to prison or fine them.

Setting up speed traps is not law enforcement. It is a rigged system of revenue generation.

A Police Officer will endanger everyone else on the road to catch a speeding driver. How is that Public Safety.

The last time that I was in America, a Police Officer ran a red light to get to an accident that had zero fatalities and was no danger to any citizen. He was rushing over there to produce a traffic report. In doing so, he caused a five car collision that included me. I was able to stop in time. I barely bumped the car who had slammed on their brakes in front of me. However, a large oil truck slammed into the back of me spun off of my truck and hit two other cars causing me to ram the car in front of me and damage and injury to two citizens in two other vehicles.

It is my considered opinion that American Police are a menace to society.

I know many Police in America. I’ve heard the worst stories from them. I’ve heard grotesque racism. I’ve heard obvious violations of the law from them. I’ve witnessed them violate the law.

American Police are granted magical “qualified immunity.” This causes a situation wherein Police are above the law. That coupled with every Prosecutor and Judge in America being either afraid of prosecuting or outright sympathetic to Police regardless of their guilt or innocence in any given situation has created a huge imbalance of justice in America.

In reality, it is rare for a citizen to obtain justice when the Police, Prosecutor and Judiciary of America all act in concert to thwart the basic rights as represented by the guarantees in the US Constitution.

American Police feel that they are entitled to respect. They demand respect of their authority despite the fact that they are supposed to be public servants.

In America, Justice is nearly impossible.

At least, the “uncivilized” nations offer a path to justice in the form of small bribes for small crimes. In America, a small crime can land you in prison for 10 to 20 years simply because the Cop needs to fill his quota and the Prosecutor needs a win for his rating.

That is not justice.

That is tyranny.

The Right To Bear Arms

All of you gun control freaks are wrong. 1. Rights are not granted by the Constitution. 2. The Constitution lays out certain rights with which the Government is prohibited from interfering.

3. These are NATURAL RIGHTS. They weren’t granted by the Constitution. 4. If you believe that Governments can give rights, you are ignorant. 5. Governments can grant privileges. They can take away privileges. 6. Rights precede the Government. The Constitution was meant to LIMIT government. Statists want the government to have total control. Statists want to be slaves. Statists should all be dead. Slaves are not worthy of the air they breath.

oppressors-james-madison Ever read James Madison.

He’s known as the Father of the Constitution.

His writings clearly illustrate that he was PRO- GUN OWNERSHIP and that the intent of said gun ownership was to stave off tyranny.

You know….tyranny like #POLICEBRUTALITY, Qualified Immunity, Civil Asset Forfeiture, the War on Drugs, the War on Crime, SWAT teams raiding homes because a family is two months behind on utility bills. Tyranny.

But none of that happens in America.


The CIA has never smuggled drugs into America. The Police and DEA have never been bought off by the Columbian and Mexican Drug Cartels. Al Capone didn’t own half of the judges and police in Chicago.

Nope…none of that ever happened.

An American President has never assassinated a United States Citizen. Nope, Barack Obama would never do that.

America would never go to war based on the lies of a President, Vice President, CIA, NSA and with collusion from foreign national leaders such as Tony Blair.

Nope…that would never happen in America.

Police would never rape citizens in America. Police would never murder citizens in America. Police would never take the money of a Citizen without due process. Police would never falsely charge citizens with crimes in America.

Never in a million years would any of that happen.

The United States Supreme Court would never hand down a ruling that stated something like this:

“Taylor’s shooting was justified not because he posed an actual threat, but because (Officer) Cruz reasonably perceived a threat.”


We’re the land of the free, the home of the brave.

Police officers are NOT responsible for 1 in every 13 gun deaths?

And, of course, James Madison never wrote this:

“Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form1e2defb691bb68296e9562db2827370a can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.”

This is James Madison (as Publius in Federalist Paper #46) supporting the ratification of the present Constitution including the Second amendment.

Yes, America, you are Statist Sheep. You are exactly the Yoked about whom Madison spoke who are too fearful and too lacking in arms to throw off tyranny. This is ESPECIALLY so for those LIBERAL SHEEP who believe in gun control.
corrupt cop

Discrimination and Involuntary Servitude


You have no RIGHT to the labor of another. You have no authority to demand that another human being do your bidding.

You do have the ability to contract[ing] for the labor of another.

A contract is a two way agreement wherein both parties agree to some exchange of services/goods/labor in return for services/goods/labor.

Both parties must agree to the contract.

You have no right to the other parties agreement.

Except via the coercion of the State. If the State deems that you have a right to the labor of others, then you have a legal right but not a natural right.

This is where you err on the side of despotism.

If the State can demand that a bigot provide a cake for a gay person or that a bigot cater a gay persons wedding, where does it end.

If you wish to grant the State those powers on your behalf, then you forfeit all right to complain about items such as institutional racism.

Those who argue in favor of State enforced rights such as the right to the labor of others, the right to forced association, the right to forced contract, you are arguing for tyranny.

Any right that must be enforced by the State is a threat of violence.

You, who are arguing for these legal rights, are arguing in favor of the Police who killed Eric Garner and every other victim of the State.

Your desires and actions are no better than that of the Christian bigot who irrationally (based upon his misinterpretations of the message of Christ) discriminates against Homosexuals or Black people. I would argue that these actions are worse. You are essentially demanding involuntary servitude based on your beliefs that people should not discriminate when, in fact, we all discriminate to one degree or another.

I’m not certain that many have thought this through to its logical Statist conclusion.

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As the State Accrues Power, Liberty Abates


To the extent that government power grows, liberty diminishes. Remember this as you vote, America. Liberty is at a perilous crossroads thanks to lunatic voting of the Far Left and Right. Obama and Bush accomplished more in the name of government intrusion and centralized power than the last 42 Presidents combined.

Presidents are not Gods to be worshiped but men who are voted in to office to do the bidding of the people. Every power that they accrue to themselves comes at the expense of the citizenry. Every worshiper of the office of the President and of the men who are elected President chips away at the sovereignty of the American Citizen.

The trend continues towards centralization of Executive Power. The trend continues towards the diminishment of civil rights. The State grasps for power continuously. It is the responsibility of the American Citizen to ensure that our Liberties remain. If Liberty is lost, we have only ourselves to blame and Liberty, once lost, is never regained without revolutionary bloodletting.

“The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government. But the Constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.”
— George Washington (Farewell Address, September 17, 1796)
(see George W. Bush’s comment on this subject)

“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”
— Thomas Jefferson (Letter to Archibald Stuart – 1791)

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
— Wendell Phillips (speech in Boston, Massachusetts, January 28, 1852, citing Thomas Jefferson, though it has also been attributed to Patrick Henry)

“When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny.”
— Thomas Jefferson (attributed to Jefferson, by his contemporaries)

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”   — John Quincy Adams (attributed to Adams, by his contemporaries)

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The Patriot Act is the most unconstitutional legislation since the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, which proscribed speech critical of the government; yet the FBI loves it. Its premise is that in dangerous times, if we surrender our freedoms to the government, the government will keep us safe until the danger passes. This is a flawed argument.

Random Thoughts on the Destruction of American Liberty


The DNC and GOP are evil.

Neither are good for the country.

Both are good for their respective Lobbyists and Special Interests.

Both target key demographics and lie to them to get elected.

Unions represent the interests of their respective organizations. Police Unions represent the interests of Police. They lobby for legislation that will benefit the Police. Laws such as COPS and 1033, qualified immunity, confiscation, etc.

The Wars on Poverty, Crime and Drugs were initiated by Democrats. All of these so-called wars benefit the Police, empower the police and destroy the rights of the Citizens.

The War on Terror was initiated by Republican Bush 2. However, Obama has taken that war and run with it. He’s made it his own. The NDAA, NSA spying, police militarization, assassination, rendition, invasions and occupations…all of these things were started by someone other than Obama, the Democrat. Yet, Obama has taken them and injected elephant steroids into these programs and gone about the business of destroying the Constitution.

Any Political Party that centers on the corruption that are American cities is bound to be corrupt.

Police have, historically, been Democratic run organizations. Not Republican.

Military members joining the police forces enmasse is a recent phenomenon. This is happening recently as a result of the terrible economy and programs put in place by respective Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama DOJs.

Our current volunteer military is only 30 years old. Prior to the “All Volunteer” military, our nations military services were made up of careerists who retired after they left service and draftees who were mostly poor. These draftees left the service and went into all career fields and some into none as most were from the poor or lower middle class.

This preposterous idea that the Police forces in the military are made up of mostly ex-military is patently false. I looked it up and it can’t be proven or disproven because no one (not even the DOJ) keeps statistics.

I have been researching American police forces for some time now because of Obama’s continuation of Bush’s War on Liberty. Police come from predominantly working class familes. They enter the police force between the ages of 21 and 24. That does not give the majority of them time to enter the Military, ETS and then join the police as a goodly majority of Police have at least 2 years of college. This is a prerequisite for some, if not most, Police forces.

Police Brutality, of late, is a direct result of the Bush/Obama war on Liberty and the Constitution.

Both the Military and the Police are tools of the State.

Police forces have been given qualified immunity. This means that they are not accountable to the citizenry and not held to the same law as the rest of the citizenry. They are, in fact, above the law. Bush and Obama have brought this about via legislation, “Wars on…,” and court appointments.

This must change or America will no longer be a free nation but, instead, little better than Maoist China.

The Democrats are no better than the Republicans. They are the same. This is an age old tactic. Divide and conquer.

By choosing D or R, you are defeating yourselves and destroying America.



Is the Federal Government Afraid of the American People?

There is no other explanation for this:

President Obama blocks off whole highways so that he can travel in "safety."  But safe from who?  THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

President Obama blocks off whole highways so that he can travel in “safety.” But safe from who? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

(Yes, I know it’s Alex Jones.  That matters not for it is the act of segregation that should be thought upon here.  Not the rantings of Mad Alex)


President Obama moves through the city of Austin and blocks off all access to the highways and roads on which he will be traveling.

This gives the distinct impression that:

1.  The President is above the people.

I see this action taking place in Afghanistan, Egypt, Thailand, Russia and other places that are Third World or Oligarchic.  This is the action of a tyrant.  This is the act of a person who believes that he is above his subjects.

2.  The President fears the people.

In a free society such as that which America is supposed to be, the President is, or should be, a man of the people.  Yet when Presidents travel they are more and more guarded as though they are Kings or Dictators.  It is now illegal to protest and to peaceably assemble in areas wherein the President is known (or not known) to be occupying space.  The same is true of Congress.

When did this become America?  How is this America?  These are further signs that America has veered far from the path laid out by the founding fathers.  We are not longer on a path of liberty and justice for all.  We are on a path of elitism.  Justice for our betters and all others take what they can get..and risk persecution for daring to ask for basic rights and standards of justice.

The America Republic is falling.  It is failing.

What is America becoming for we certainly are not on the path to freedom.


America ~ Governement of the Government, For the Government and By the Government

It was not supposed to be this way. We elect the government. It works for us. How did it get so removed, so unbridled, so arrogant that it can tell us how to live our personal lives? Evil rarely comes upon us all at once, and liberty is rarely lost in one stroke. It happens gradually, over the years and decades and even centuries. A little stretch here, a cave in there, powers are slowly taken from the states and the people and before you know it, we have one big monster government that recognizes no restraint on its ability to tell us how to live. It claims the power to regulate any activity, tax any behavior, and demand conformity to any standard it chooses. — Andrew Napolitano

No Need for a Jewish Homeland?

Animosity against Jews intensified. Notes nailed to the homes of Jews accused them of working for Israel and corrupting Muslim morals. “Jews were specifically targeted by Houthi rebels,” says a spokeswoman for the Yemeni embassy in Washington.

In January 2007, Houthi leaders threatened Jewish families in Saada. “We warn you to leave the area immediately… [W]e give you a period of 10 days, or you will regret it,” read a letter signed by a Houthi representative cited in a Reuters article.

Virtually the entire Jewish community in the area, about 60 people, fled to the capital. Since then, they have been receiving food stipends and cash assistance from the government while living in state-owned apartments in a guarded enclave, says the Yemeni embassy in Washington.

President Saleh, a Shiite, has been eager to demonstrate goodwill toward the Jews. On the Passover holiday, he invited TV crews to videotape families in the government complex as they feasted on lamb he had ordered.

Raida became the last redoubt of Yemeni Jews, who continued to lead a simple life there alongside Muslims.

Ancient stone homes dot the town. Electricity is erratic; oil lamps are common. Water arrives via truck. Most homes lack a TV or a refrigerator. The cell phone is the only common modern device. Some families receive financial aid from Hasidic Jewish groups in Brooklyn and London, which has enabled them to buy cars.

Typically, the Jewish men are blacksmiths, shoe repairmen or carpenters. They sometimes barter, trading milk and cow dung for grass to feed their livestock. In public, the men stand out for their long side curls, customarily worn by observant Jewish men. Jewish women, who often marry by 16, rarely leave home. When they do, like Muslim women, only their eyes are exposed.

It is bewildering to me when people question the need for a Jewish Homeland.  The Jews have been persecuted for centuries.  Since the Roman era diaspora.  Christian purges, Czarist pogroms, Islamic expulsions.  The Holocaust of Nazi Germany.  Jews are forever the scapegoat for the inadequacies, incompetence and criminal acts of the elite.

Yet, today, people question the need for a homeland wherein the Jews can defend themselves and live with dignity.  A place where the Jewish people can live without fear.  A place where a future as a Jew is possible.

Palestine is a fiction.  There was never a Palestine in history except as a Roman province.  The name itself comes from the Roman language.  The Romans dubbed the area Palestine as an affront to the Jews.  Palestine is the Roman transliteration of the word Philistine.  Thus, the Romans named the area once known as Judea after the ancient enemy of the Kingdom of Judea.  Jews have had a constant presence in the area for thousands of years.  They have been present in the Levant since the time of the ancient Kingdoms of Assyria and Babylonia and the ancient Persian Kingdoms.  Alexander’s Generals and historians wrote of the Jews there.  The Romans conquered them there.

Then came the Muslim Empire.  The great and bloody Empire of Islam.

Islam conquered the area and forced mass conversion on the inhabitants of the region.  Well, technically the didn’t force conversion.  You had choices.  Flee.  Become a slave.  Pay a hefty tax called the Jizya.  To avoid all of these choices, one had merely to convert.  State three times the words “there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his Prophet.” Yes, many people “chose” to convert to Islam.  And what a choice it was.

Today, all across the Muslim world, Jews are second or third class citizens.  They are treated poorly.  Subject to rules and regulations and the whims of a mostly illiterate populace.  Antisemitism is on the rise across the globe.  Especially in Europe and the Arab lands.

The Arabs like to say that Israel is a guilt price for the actions of Europe during World War II.

And perhaps there is some truth to that.

Even so, the Jews have paid their own blood price for that land.  When Israel declared independence in 1948, the Arabs attacked.  Killing thousands of Jews and proclaiming that they would drive the Jews into the sea.  The Jews fought back and held off that bloody calamity.  The Arabs maintained a steady war of attrition for the next 30 to 40 years.  Attacking at the borders.  Raiding across the border and murdering families and communities much like the bloodletting and rockets that the Palestinians and Hezbollah plan and execute today.  In 1956, 1967 and 1973, the various Arab factions have pursued outright war against Israel by closing the straits and bottlenecking the Red Sea, by bombarding the country with artillery and build ups on the borders of Israel and by outright attacking as Sadat did in the ’73 October War.

Yet, through it all, Israel has survived.  They’ve had the assistance of the US at times.  Their enemies have also had assistance.  The Soviets paid for most of the militaries of Egypt and Syria.  The Army that attacked Israel in 1973 was “mentored” by Soviet “advisers.”  Soviet pilots were shot down in combat action in the ’73 war.

These are things that the opponents of Israel will deny or claim inconsequential.

Israel has always existed in one form or another.  Most of the land that comprises Israel was owned by Jews in 1948.  This land was purchased from the Arabs who owned the land.  Most of the business in Israel in 1948 was Jewish owned.  The Arabs who lived in the area in 1948, moved there because of developments created by the Jewish immigrants to the area.

I have been to Israel.  What is striking about the region is that Israel is much like a mini-European country in a vast wasteland.  Exit Israel and enter Egypt or Jordan or Syria.  You enter a time warp.  As if traveling back to the Ottoman Empire.  If Israel were to fail as a nation, this is the same fate that awaits the land.  It will corrupt and fall into disuse and neglect.  This is why the Arabs want it?  The people of Israel took a barren wasteland and made it into a paradise.  The Arabs simply let the wasteland stand as it is.

I do not support the creation of a Palestinian State.  Never do I think this should happen.  A Palestinian State would be nothing more than another Islamic Despotism wherein the people are kept illiterate and a few corrupt leaders in the mold of Yassar Arafat will enrich themselves at the expense of  the masses.  The Arabs of Palestine would do better to make their own treaty.  Expel the thugs of the PLA, Hamas and FATAH and make their own treaty with Israel.  Create a non-religious state and live side by side with Israel in peace.  Either as an autonomous region or a City-State along the lines of the Vatican.  Live in peace with their neighbors and let religion be no issue at all.

Israel is the only beacon of light in the darkest region of the Planet.  In almost every country that claims Islam as it’s dominant religion, the people are merely slaves to the whims of despotism and tyranny.

Israel should be supported by all democracies and all liberal peoples.  The PLA and the other groups that keep this war going should be international pariahs.  Iran, Saudi Arabia and any other country who supports these groups should be ignored.

But, of course, oil makes that impossible.  America, China, Europe and India will kiss the feet of the Arab oil men of the Middle East and ignore the real injustice of the region.  And the despots of the Arab Nations will forever use Israel as the scapegoat for their corruption to avert the eyes of their illiterate masses away from the real enemies that are the leaders of their own nations.