Iraq voted; Wants American Troops Out

This is the opportunity of a millennia.

Donald Trump, don’t argue with them. Let’s get out.

Pull out all US forces from Iraq and Syria.


It’s time for Iraq to put on their big boy drawers and run their own Nation.

It will fall apart and, eventually, a dictator will emerge.

Pull the US military out and let nature run her course.



Get America out of Syria and the Middle East

Early withdraw will lead to more terrorism.
Late withdrawal will lead to more terrorism.
No withdrawal will lead to more terrorism.
Alcohol withdrawal will lead to more terrorism.
ATM withdrawals will lead to more terrorism.

Two things will lead to less terrorism directed against the American people:

1. Complete withdrawal from the Middle East (Islamic Nations elsewhere as well) and the affairs therein.
2. Complete withdrawal from Israel’s national security interests.

End the interventions.

Withdraw completely. download-10

The Plan to Defeat ISIS


I don’t think the US needs a plan to defeat ISIS.

Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Iran all need a plan to defeat ISIS.

We should let them take the lead. The onus for the fall of ISIS should be on them.

Only when they have taken the lead and committed forces should the US provide support.

The initiative and the majority of forces and funding should come from Saudi Arabia.

The US is not truly threatened by ISIS. We are only threatened in so far as we allow that threat to come to our shores. We are only threatened in so far as our proximity to ISIS.

ISIS is no existential threat to the United States of America.

I don’t care who is in charge of the Middle East. ISIS and Saudi Arabia are two of a kind. If ISIS were to gain the upper hand and defeat the Saudis, we would treat with ISIS in the same way that we treat with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia and ISIS are the same evil. They are the same immoral, uncivilized, hyper-religious form of scum.

If ISIS were to win, eventually, they would calm down and realize that they needed to do business with the West. The radicals only hold onto power for a generation or so.



Invasion of the Refugees

The ‪#‎refugees‬ have no right to the land or resources of other people.

Isn’t the argument of the ‪#‎Palestinians‬ that Israel had no right to invade, occupy and steal the land and resources of the Levant?

Why, suddenly, do ‪#‎Syrians‬, ‪#‎Afghans‬, ‪#‎Yemenis‬, ‪#‎Iraqis‬ and other‪#‎MiddleEastern‬ peoples have the right to invade, occupy and steal the land and resources of ‪#‎European‬ nations?

Oh….you’re all hypocrites? I got it now.

This current set of refugees are running from war and violence in the exact same manner as the Palestinians ran in ’48, ’56 and ’67. Will they demand a “right of return” as well?



Hayat Boumeddiene 'appears in Islamic State film' - 06 Feb 2015

Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX USA (2642870a) 

I’m still waiting for the answer.

The question: What is the National Security Interest of the US in Syria?
Another question: What is the existential threat posed by ISIS?
ISIS is a monster created in the bathhouses, madrassahs and Wahhabist charities of Saudi Arabia. They, the House of Saud, is responsible for this monster. They, the Saudi Royals, should clean up their own mess.
The Saudis should be held accountable for the creation of ISIS in much the same way as they and the Pakis should be held accountable for the Taliban.
If Wahhabism did not exist or was not spread like a slimy, scheit stain across the Muslim Crescent with Saudi oil money, would ISIS exist? Would the Taliban exist? Would al Qaeda exist?
The answer is no. A resounding no!
If we are going to solve this equation, Saudi culpability must be taken into account. The Saudis must be held to account.
Saudi Arabia is the enemy. Saudi Arabia is the source. Saudi Arabia is the origin of all Sunni Islamic Violence, Fundamentalism and Terror Strategies across North Africa, the Middle East and throughout Central Asia.
Saudi Arabia is the key to 9-11. Saudi Arabia is the key to the Taliban. Saudi Arabia is the key to ISIS. Saudi Arabia is the key to Libya. Saudi Arabia is a key to tensions with Iran. Saudi Arabia is a key to the Israel challenge.
Saudi Arabia is the focal point of all “evil” in the Islamic World.
Yet, somehow, they are our ally and everyone else is a threat.
Until someone satisfies the Saudi questions, we go nowhere in the Middle East or with the Islamic World.
We can crush ISIS. We can annihilate that faction. The newest of 70 years worth of Saudi funded Islamic insanity. Until we face down the Saudi Royal family, all effort is wasted. Something worse will arise from the ashes of ISIS.


Biggest Terror Organizations in the World


1. Saudi Arabia
4. US/Russia/China
7. UK/France/Germany
8. Muslim Brotherhood
9. Puppets of #s 4 and 7
10. Israel
11. Iran
12. Remaining ME/CA Islamic Nations.
13. Everyone else.

Saudi Arabia exports more terrorism in the form of its decrepit Wahhabi creed than all of the others combined.

Iran is a chia pet by comparison.

The Great Triumvirate of the United States of America, China and Russia have terrorized the world with impunity since the close of the Second World War.

France, the UK and Germany are all too willing accomplices to any and every US adventure that comes down the pike.

Iran selectively defends the Shi’a community via the IRG and the Party of God (Hezbollah). They imported Hezbollah to Lebanon. They support factions inside of Saudi Arabia, the Houthis in Yemen as well as other places. Iran will also selectively support Sunni terrorists otherwise known as Wahhabist Saudi Arabian created scum as suits their needs.

Israel terrorizes the Palestinians and occasionally Southern Lebanon. Israel has attacked nations such as Iraq and Iran preemptively.

The Palestinians terrorize Israel and their own people. The Palestinians attempted to depose the King of Jordan. They’ve also raised a bit of hell in Lebanon and Egypt. There is also the actions of the PLO under Arafat and assorted other madmen.

The other nations of the Middle East and Central Asia mostly terrorize their own people. Only occasionally sending out State sponsored Wahhabists and assorted other misfits to further their political ends.

Pakistan created the Taliban out of the anti-Soviet Insurgency, orphans from that war and the Wahhabist Madrassahs that were established by the Saudis. They were established, equipped and used as a hedge against Indian influence in Afghanistan and as well as a buffer against Iranian influence.

Yes, the world is fucked up.

Barack Obama is a War Criminal

I can find no difference in the actions of Barack Obama and George W. Bush.  Yet, Democrats support Obama and condemn Bush.  They are both guilty of war crimes.  Both guilty of circumventing the US Constitution.

Obama is using Bush/Cheney tactics and politics to subvert the National Will and to circumvent the Constitution.  He has lied.  He has fear mongered.  He has used WMD.  He has reused the Bush Act of 2002.  Yet, Democrats support him.

How does any of this make sense?

These same democrats condemn Israel for targeting civilians.  Yet, Obama is targeting civilians and has done so since he became President.  How does Obama differ from Netanyahu?

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The Saudi Boogie Man is Gonna Get You (not really, the Banks control everything)


I don’t get it either. We get all poofed up over one guy getting his head chopped off with a long knife. We also get our panties bunched in a wad over 10,000 deaths to nerve gas.

We get exercised not at all at deaths by drones in the hundreds and collateral damage. The American President can assassinate a US citizen based on proofs only seen by our Elite and all knowing government. We can bomb civilians “back to the stone age.” We can invade a country based on lies. And no one seems to care.

I don’t see the difference.

The invasion of Iraq caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. We invaded Iraq based on lies. While our government covered up the guilt and involvement of Saudi Arabia whom we should have invaded.

Saudi Arabia funds and/or controls ISIS and al Qaeda. Yet, we ignore this.

As long as Saudi Arabia is our ally, Islamic extremism will be a part of the reality of life on planet Earth. Yet, we pretend that this is not so.

Even the Ottomans knew better than to empower the House of Saud. Yet, the all knowing American World Police treat with the Sauds as if they are just another nation. The House of Saud and their Wahhabist animal scum are the center of the issue. Saudi Arabia is ISIS. Saudi Arabia is the original Islamic State.  

No Saudi Arabia, no Wahhabism.  

No Wahhabism, no ISIS, no al Qaida, no Muslim Brotherhood.

When will we learn?

Except we wish no longer to learn truths and deal with them. Perpetual war is more profitable for our Banks. America rots as our banks and the men behind them control the conversation and the politics and the Presidents and the Congress.


Barack Obama is Delusional. History Shows Him a Fool.

US President Obama waves from a golf cart in Kailua

This is President Obama’s reaction to the death of James Foley.  In the statement, he shows a naive, wishful view of World History.

Radicals are the “folks” who move history.  Radicals end nations and start nations.

Even our Founding Fathers were radicals.  Look back to the American Revolution.  The Revolutionaries carried out some nasty deeds.  Massacres…town burnings…hangings.  I’m fairly certain they beheaded a few people as well.

Obama seems to think that history is made by peaceful “folks” who suddenly agree that things should change.  I think he’s seen one too many “Faux Revolutions” in Eastern Europe.  He seems to think that those “upheavals” were the norm.  What happened when the Cold War ended and the walls came tumbling down.  The history of the era is not so bloodless as they seem.  The old regimes’ rulers died.  It’s just that they didn’t show it on TV.  The 90s upheavals were heavily sanitized here in the West.  We weren’t shown the deaths that are inevitable with any regime change.  These things are inherently violent.  

And then we had the Balkans.  Plenty of folks were killed.  Massacres were everywhere in the Balkans.  So much so that Clinton decided that he had to intervene.  Serbians hate America to this day.  

Below is the Obama delusion:

President Obama delivered the following remarks in Martha’s Vineyard on the beheading of American journalist James Foley by the militant group Islamic State. Transcript courtesy of Federal News Service.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody.

Today, the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of Jim Foley by the terrorist group ISIL. Jim was a journalist, a son, a brother and a friend. He reported from difficult and dangerous places, bearing witness to the lives of people a world away.

He was taken hostage nearly two years ago in Syria, and he was courageously reporting at the time on the conflict there. Jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocked the conscience of the entire world. He was 40 years old, one of five siblings, the son of a mom and dad who worked tirelessly for his release. Earlier today, I spoke to the Foleys and told them that we are all heartbroken at their loss and join them in honoring Jim and all that he did.

Now, Jim Foley’s life stands in stark contrast to his killers. Let’s be clear about ISIL. They have rampaged across cities and villages killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. They abduct women and children and subject them to torture and rape and slavery. They have murdered Muslims, both Sunni and Shia, by the thousands. They target Christians and religious minorities, driving them from their homes, murdering them when they can, for no other reason than they practice a different religion.

They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people. So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.

People like this ultimately fail. They fail because the future is won by those who build and not destroy. The world is shaped by people like Jim Foley and the overwhelming majority of humanity who are appalled by those who killed him. The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless. When people harm Americans anywhere, we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done and we act against ISIL, standing alongside others. The people of Iraq, who with our support are taking the fight to ISIL must continue coming together to expel these terrorists from their community. The people of Syria, whose story Jim Foley told, do not deserve to live under the shadow of a tyrant or terrorists. They have our support in their pursuit of a future rooted in dignity.

From governments and peoples across the Middle East, there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer so that it does not spread. There has to be a clear rejection of this kind of nihilistic ideologies. One thing we can all agree on is that a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century. Friends and allies around the world, we share a common security and a common set of values that are rooted in the opposite of what we saw yesterday. And we will continue to confront this hateful terrorism and replace it with a sense of hope and civility.

And that’s what Jim Foley stood for, a man who lived his word, who courageously told the stories of his fellow human beings, who was liked and loved by friends and family. Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim. All of us feel the ache of his absence. All of us morn his loss. We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated from their families. And we will do everything that we can to protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for. May God bless and keep Jim’s memory. And may God bless the United States of America.

Most of the remarks were empty words.  Harmless.  Meant to make the Foley family feel as though the US did all it could to retrieve their son and bring him to safety.  This is and obvious lie but one that all Presidents tell the American people.  One can’t blame Obama for following in the footsteps of Reagan, Carter, FDR and LBJ.  Lies are common when Presidents speak to the America people.  

“All we have to fear is fear itself…;” said FDR.  He left out the Bankers and others who love to push America to war for profit.  After all, he was in cahoots with the Bankers.  Why would he speak truth to the power of the Bankers in American Foreign Policy.  If the American people were ever roused to the truth of American Banks…well, nothing.  Americans are too busy watching American Idol.

Obama says that no religion “teaches massacre of innocents.”  This lie ignores the commandments of God in the Old Testament and the Suras in the Qu’ran which continually command Muslims to murder the non-believer.  Until we come to terms with the truth that religions (faiths) do command murder, genocide and the killing of those who believe differently, we’re not going to successfully change the attitudes of the believers of this Earth.  We ignore the truths regarding these faiths at our own peril.  Obama should know better as he is a secularist and only pretends to be a church goer for political reasons.  It’s time, or rather it is past time, to speak the truth to these religions and of these religions.  

Christianity and Islam have blood stained histories.  That much they have in common.  Both are knee deep in the blood of innocents.  Let us speak the truth.

Obama also says that “people like this ultimately fail. They fail because the future is won by those who build and not destroy.”  

This is half truth at best.  Stalin did not fail.  Mao did not fail.  Pol Pot did not fail.  Ho Chi Minh did not fail.  Tamerlane did not fail.  Genghis Khan did not fail.  Alexander the Great did not fail.  The radical and the violent succeed.  The radical and the violent do not fail.  To say that the future is won by those who build and not those who destroy ignores 6,000 years of human history.  Even America has destroyed.  The American North invaded the American South and destroyed it.  The American South still feels the wrath of the Northern Invasion.  

Obama’s hero Che Guevara is one of those who was a destroyer.  He believed and acted on the belief that Capitalist societies must be destroyed in order to re-build a more egalitarian society.  He acted similarly to ISIS and al Qaeda.  Che used the tactic of terrorism to destroy the governments in Central and South America.  

Perhaps, this has Obama confused.  


ISIS Is Exactly What the Muslim World Needs Right Now

ISIS Five Year Plan — These boys mean business


ISIS/ISIL/IS is exactly what the World needs right now.

They are a wake up call to the Muslim World.

ISIS is the ultimate expression of Islamic values at their most extreme. ISIS is the Spanish Inquisition of Islam. ISIS is a heinous, violent, vile organization that expresses it’s Islamist values at their ultimate Wahhabist/Muslim Brotherhood level of hate, exclusivity and intolerance for all others.

The Sunni Muslim world now has a choice. Embrace ISIS and show the world that Islam truly is a wretched religion of hatred and death OR reject ISIS and show the world that there is hope that Islam can normalize AWAY from the House of Saud’s death cult and it’s various branches in Hamas, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

The Muslim world has a clear choice. Embrace ISIS’ Islam and reject the World community or reject ISIS and join the World community.

Islam or Muslims do not need to embrace Western commercialism as a culture. They do need to step out of the 14th Century and allow for the existence of other peoples and cultures.

This is why we need to allow the Muslim world to deal with ISIS. Stop interfering. If ISIS wins, we can deal with them at that point. Until such time as ISIS wins, the Muslims need to make choices and decide to embrace and support or reject and fight ISIS.

We have coddled these people for too long. We have protected despots, petty monarchs and dictators for far too long.

It is time to step back and let Islam reform itself one way or the other. Either they embrace the Extremist culture and ultimate expression of the Salafist way of Islam or they reform their religion and culture in a positive way that allows for the existence of and cooperation with others.

Islam at this point is a decrepit beast that is hell bent on a path that leads down the road to violent death. ISIS is nothing more than an Islamic Khmer Rouge.

If the Muslims wish for this and embrace it, they are our enemies. If they reject it, they can become something more and better.

However, if the West keeps fighting the battles that Muslims need to fight, they will never know who they are, what they can become and why they should or should not become whatever it is that they are to become.

The only thing that Obama and other Western “leaders” are doing at this moment is giving future generations future excuses to reject the West as interlopers and enemies of Islam. If the West defeats ISIS without letting Islam confront this “face of Islam,” we are simply giving future generations of Muslims an excuse to re-open this Pandora’s box when they too become disillusioned by the corruption and ignorance that prevails in the Middle East and other areas dominated by Islam.

We are simply transferring angst from one generation to the next. That angst needs to be let loose. It needs to be resolved by Muslims within Islam. This is humanity. This is what we do. No reform will come in Islam until ISLAM is allowed to face itself stark naked in the mirrors of the deserts of it’s own cultural soul.

Outrage is not a Strategy



Image“Outrage is not a strategy. I thought military action always had to have a purpose behind it – so what is the endstate here? Hit, and then hope?

“I am not sure in what way even limited strikes help the people living in my constituency: how does this further Britain’s or America’s national security?

“There cannot be a sane person in Britain who would not think it a good thing for us to get involved in the war in Syria if by doing so it would ease the horrors faced by the Syrian people – and dire risks to people in neighbouring countries.

“We must be guided not by our alliance to America, but by our duty to understand that military force should only be used in support of a clear purpose and with a clear objective in mind – in support of our national interest. I am yet to be convinced that there is a strong and clear-cut case that military action will deter the Syrian government from using chemical weapons – nor am I convinced that in 20 years time some other tyrant thinking of using chemical weapons will turn around and say to his or herself “Whoops, better not do that: remember what Obama, Cameron and Hollande did back in the summer of 2013”.

“The use of chemical weapons was indeed a crime against all of humanity. But by firing one missile we are involving ourselves in a civil war on the side of a fractured opposition which includes people with proud links to Al Qaeda. By striking now, without clear cause and purpose, we risk consequences that we have not even thought of: this is a case of hit – and then hope.”

British MP Adam Holloway

Arab “Democracy?”

Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, Syria.  Revolutions are breaking out all over within the Arab world.

Egypt.  They wanted Mubarak out.  They say that they desire freedom.  Now, the likely scenario is that they vote in some form of Muslim Brotherhood-ish Islamic government.  A government that seems to be heading toward a Sunni version of the corrupt government of  Iran.  How is that more Democratic than Mubaraks regime?  How is that freedom?

The Syrians are doing the same thing.  Protesting, demonstrating, rioting in order to get Assad out.  They say that they want freedom.  They say that they desire Democracy.  Yet again, they’ll more than likely get an Islamic Sharia form of Governance based on the model of Iran.

In Lybia, it’s more of the same.  Trading Qaddafi for Islamic Sharia under Fundamentalists who wish to force their idea of Islam on the masses.

Is Sharia as dictated by power mad fanatics considered freedom by the people of the Arab world?    Trading one form of tyranny for another.  Is this Democracy?

I can’t see a difference between a Fundamentalist Islamic Government under Sharia law wherein all are coerced into being “good Muslims” or face imprisonment,  beatings, torture or murder and the genocidal regimes of Stalin and Mao.  If one substitutes Islam for Maoist Communism, the difference between Mao and Khomeini escapes me.  Mao starved his people to death.  Khomeini sent tens of thousands of Irani children to clear minefields between his Irani and Iraqi forces during the war that lasted most of the 1980s.  He promised that they would be Holy Martyrs and go straight to paradise.   What kind of monster sends ten year old children into the middle of minefields?  How is that different from Mao, Stalin, Hitler or Pol Pot.  In the end, the only difference between Iran under Khomeini and Iran under the Shah was that the Shah wanted a secular Iran and Khomeini wanted a Fundamentalist Shi’a Iran.  Khomeini stepped replaced the leadership of the hated Savak with his own devils and left the torturers and jailers in place.  Evin Prison is the same hell on earth under Khomeini as it was under the Shah.

Is this the type of Freedom and Democracy for which Egyptians, Tunisians, Syrians and Lybians fight?

American Capitalism is definitely not perfect.  Even so, you get a fighting chance.  You make your own choices.  America may not be completely free.  Not as it once was.  Still, America has more freedom and more opportunity than most countries.  One can complain about America.  One can discount America with lies, hyperbole and propaganda.  Yet, the truth remains.  People from all over the world flee to America in order to join a country that has more freedom and opportunity than nearly any other country in the history of the world.  We are free to come and go as we please.  We are free to choose a religion.  We are free to choose no religion.  We are free to dress as we please.  No Basiji, Chastity or Morality Police roam our streets beating women for dressing inappropriately.

What is it that Arabs want?  What do Muslims want?  They say that they want freedom and Democracy.  It seems to me they want the power to coerce others into being “good Muslims.”  They say that they want tolerance and acceptance.  Yet, I do not see tolerance or acceptance being shown to others by many Muslims and especially by  governments who claim to be Islamic.

What of the Religious minorities in those countries?  Are they entitled to freedom and democracy as well?  Are they entitled to freedom of religion?  Are they entitled to freedom from religious persecution?   Do women have the right to walk down the street unmolested with their hair blowing in the wind.  Do women have the freedom to choose their spouse?  Can a Muslim reject Islam and become a Buddhist or a Wiccan without a Fatwa being issued against him.   Is it the feeling within the Arab-Muslim World that only Muslims are entitled to Religious Freedom?

I know that there are tolerant and accepting Muslims out there.  I know that there are Muslims out there who wish only to be accepted as a Muslim and have no desire to force their brand of Islam on any other.  I’ve met them in Jordan.  I’ve met them in Egypt.  I’ve met them in Afghanistan and Thailand, America and Indonesia.  I’ve met them all over.  One of the nicest people whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting is a Muslim Woman in Cairo.  She loved Islam.  She also accepted that others did not agree with her choice.  She was fine with that.  She had no desire to force her views on me.   For my part, I had no desire to force my views on her.  I’ve met people like this all over the world.

I readily admit that there are Christians who would force their Christian ideology on others if given the chance.  I’ve met them as well.  I find these folks repulsive.  I find Muslims who would force their religious ideology on others equally repulsive.  Thankfully, we, in the West, have separated Religion from Politics.  It still reverberates in the halls of our political bodies.  Even so, religion is held in check and kept out of our laws for the most part.  I would go further myself and eradicate religion from Politics.  Personally, I’d like to see a Taoist Buddhist as President of the United States of America someday.

I am digressing.  The question is; “What do Muslims want?”



Freedom for all or freedom only for Muslims within their country?

Democracy would mean protecting the rights of minorities as well as the majority.  This is not possible under Sharia Law.  Sharia and Democracy are largely incompatible.  Democracy means allowing differences of opinion to exist.  Freedom means allowing the same freedom for others that one expects to have for oneself.

If a Muslim can not wake up one day and say to himself that they wish to convert to Buddhism and do so without being murdered by the Muslim majority, then there is no freedom.  There is only a lie.  The concept of freedom goes hand in hand with liberty.  To be free means that one is free to make all of one’s choices in life.  To be sure, law and order must prevail in some form.  Murder must be prohibited and discouraged as well as thievery, rape and other such crimes.  Fundamental freedoms must be given to all, though.  One of those fundamental freedoms in any Democratic Society is freedom of religion.  If this does not exist, the rest is a lie.

If any one cares to explain, please feel free to do so in the comments section?  I am truly curious.

The Muslim World

I like this. Except that I don't see any of them as scary. I see those labeled as scary as folks who need to be dealt with violently. Not all, but, those who would act violently against US.

On the Muslim World

Muslims see themselves as a community. They always have and always will. The only way to stop that is to kill all of them.  Christians think of themselves as a community as well.  Christendom is a concept only recently gone out of fashion. There are mentions of Christendom from the 19th Century, I know. Europe was still speaking of Christendom until only recently. I think Churchill mentions it a few times. That was the 20th Century.  It is not a foreign concept to think in terms of a World Wide Religious or Cultural community.  We think of the West. The West is Christian. No matter how greatly this is denied by atheists and secularists within the West.  The West is merely a more secular term for Christendom.  The West is as guilty of this kind of speak as is Islam.   The difference is that we, in the West, agree with Western Culture. We don’t see it as problem and arrogantly believe that the rest of the World should be overjoyed to join us.   Muslim lands. Christan lands. During World War I and at the end of World War I, “The West” celebrated the return of the “Holy Land” to it’s rightful Christian hands by virtue of it’s capture after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire encompassed most of what we now speak of as the Middle East. Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and a few others were part of the now defunct Ottoman Empire. This was considered the Muslim World or the Lands of the Mohamadens (Saracens) and spoken and written about as such by Christian or “Western” writers and historians.  That some in our era do not understand the concept of Muslim lands is fairly meaningless. The Great Tides of History are against their ignorance. It’s simply that they are ignorant of the history of the region. Not their fault.  Our schools are more interested in Political Correct thought processes than learning.  If one truly desires to rail against this concept and this ideology, though, one should at least be aware of this history.  Me, I don’t care what history says about Muslim lands. Prior to the Muslims, these lands were all Western (Roman) and/or Christian.  Not that Christians ruled them justly either.

History also shows us that the most violent and war like culture wins out in the end. The winners determine the future and control history.  Except in our current era, where idiotic pacifists, socialist, multi-culturalists and self defeatists in the West want to write history based strictly upon their feelings of guilt and ignorance of history.  They remind me of mini-Pol Pot or Mao Tse Tung pretenders.  The greatest threat to the West (Christendom) is not the Muslims or even Communist China. It is the 5th Column of corrupt leftists and extreme liberals within our own borders. In order to finally defeat the Islamic threat, we will need to defeat this 5th Column by making them irrelevant.