The US should have no Religion

The people should believe and worship as they please so long as they harm no other.

Unfortunately, Wokism is an incredibly dangerous and violent religion that has the potential to make the Abrahamic religions combined seem as peaceful doves.

Wokism is more destructive than Shiva and Shiva IS THE DESTROYER!

The Woke will, in the end, destroy more lives and cause more death and destruction than Maoism and Stalinism combined.

Is America a Christian Nation?

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I don’t mind the US being a “Christian nation.”

I do mind Christians forcing their beliefs on the individual.

Morality and Religion are not the same thing.

I loosely follow Buddhism. I call myself a Chaotic Buddhist. I give freely and constantly to causes that I believe worthy. I do not believe in the divinity of Ieshua or that the God of Abraham is the one God. I don’t believe or disbelieve in God, a God or the Gods. I believe that they may be there but that, if they exist, they do not involve themselves with our affairs. If they do, they’re either incompetent or evil…or just plain unable to communicate effectively. All of the religious writings that I’ve read are…well, let’s just say that they’re poorly written and not convincing. The Books of the people of Abraham read like a schizophrenic madman communicated them.

More than that, every moral teaching in them can be found in the teachings, wisdom and writings of Shakyamuni (the Buddha), Zoroaster and Mani. Zoroaster and Mani probably took theirs from that of the Sumerian prophets and teachers. Buddha probably learned from some older monk on the path to nibbana as well.

Morality is not unique to Roman Christianity. It wasn’t even unique to Ieshua from whose followers the Roman State stole Christianity.

The US need not be a Christian Nation. It need only be a moral nation.

I’m not saying that Christianity was NOT a foundational supporting system of the United States of America. It undoubtedly was such. Some of the founders were devout followers of Christ Jesus. Some were deists who generally worshiped “Providence” or the “Creator.” It is a debate that will go on until all tongues are silenced. Nonetheless, it is an unnecessary debate.

Christians have been violent and immoral throughout their history. Christians have murdered enmasse, at least, as many of their fellow humans as did the atheists and communists and communist atheists. Muslims have acted likewise. As have the Jews. Buddhists have done the same. Hindus…maybe more as human sacrifice was a greater part of their orthodoxy.

It matters not. Moral people act differently than religious people and morality is not synonymous with religiosity.

America needs to be a moral Nation.

No moral Nation has ever had a Vietnam War and an LBJ. That was, from beginning to end, an immoral war and that President lied to the American people in order to back us into that war and then sacrificed thousands of young Americans to maintain that facade.

America has had epochs of morality and epochs of immorality. Chattel slavery was immoral. The Civil War was immoral. Jim Crow was immoral. No nation that produced the War on Drugs or which empowered such inhuman filth as J. Edgar Hoover is completely moral. I could go on and on with this.

Bringing the light of Liberty to the world was moral.

The many missions upon which Americans have been sent out to selflessly help others in the world was morality.

Though done for less than selfless reasons, the Monroe Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were moral acts.

I know of no Nation which has been all moral or immoral. No people such as this has yet existed.





Gay, Muslim and Proud?


This only exists in the West.

These proud, Gay Muslims would be closeted and fearing for their lives in nearly every Muslim Nation on the Planet.

They would be in hiding in Iran.

They would be running for their lives in Afghanistan.

In Iraq and Syria, they’d need to dodge missile, mortars and Muslims. ISIS would torture and behead them.

In Lebanon, Hezbollah would murder them.

The Palestinians would rise up against them and stone them, hang them or force them to wield a knife against armed IDF soldiers.

These people cannot be serious.  This guy is an exceptionally idiotic example of a “proud, Gay Muslim.”. If you are such proud, Gay Muslim Warriors, go to Pakistan and announce this as you do in the West whilst pretending that you are oppressed in America, Britain and Europe. You can use the experience to get a real feel for oppression.


Proud, Gay and Muslim? You may as well say that you are proud, Muslim and Fuck Allah as you piss on the Ka’aba in Makkah.

The ignorance of the religious and the weakness of the mind of people who need religion never fails to astound me.


Photo by Ashley Rae Goldenburg aka Communism Kills

The “brave” Gay Muslim (in the photo above) can be unafraid because he lives in America. If he lived in the Middle East or Central Asia and stood about with that sign, he’d be dead.

Why are they telling Americans that they are unafraid? Let them travel to Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Iran or Pakistan and carry that sign around. These morons are fighting against nothing. They are protesting nothing. No one in America cares that they are Gay. Most people don’t care that they are Muslim. If he were truly unafraid, this coward would travel to Saudi Arabia and fight for his fellow LGBTQ’rs therein and to other countries where homosexuals are put to death via Sharia.

It’s easy to hold up this sign in a country which has free speech and where the right to assemble and petition the government is enshrined in its founding document.

Let us see these brave souls travel into danger and be unafraid in the face of certain death.


The Democratic Party Loves War


If you supported the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, you have no room to criticize anyone for being pro-war. If you supported the past 8 years of Barack “Drone Ranger” Obama, you have no room to criticize anyone for being pro-War.

That is the problem with Democrats. You guys talk a loud game when it’s the other idiot in the White House. The moment Barack Obama entered the White House, all opposition to war dried up. You remained silent.

Now, suddenly, you all want to be anti-War.

Democrats are the Party of War. You are the Party of Division.

You have your pets that you allow to roam about the country as proof that you are enlightened. The moment one of those pets dares to cross the line, you turn on them like mad dogs.

Democrats are exactly like Republicans. None of you have real character. None of you have real convictions.

No one can claim to be progressive whilst defending the Stone Aged Religion of Abraham in opposition to another Stone Aged Religion of Abraham. They are both the same ignorance, hate, death and destruction.

If you defend Islam and oppose Christianity, you are a complete buffoon. It’s the same God. It is the same precepts. It is the same violence. It is the same madness.

They call this cognitive dissonance.
Democrats suffer from this badly. Horribly.

The 20th Century had two World Wars. Both of them were Democrat Wars. There were four major wars. Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, War On Terror (Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Libya).

Korea was a Democrat War.

Vietnam was a Democrat War.

Persian Gulf was a Republican War.

The War on Terror was started by a Republican President and widely expanded by a Democrat President.

Democrats wanted to elect Hillary Clinton. Hillary wanted more war. She was instrumental in expanding the Bush Wars and making them Obama Wars.

The Cold War was started by a Democrat President. Harry Truman started the Cold War when he murdered two Japanese Cities solely to make a statement to the Soviet Union.

Democrats are the War Party.

You cannot deny history. You cannot deny facts.

Democrats love war. Hillary would have continued that tradition and had she been elected, not a single Democrat would have uttered an anti-War word or phrase for the whole of her Presidency.

They call that hypocrisy.

Your party needs to do some serious soul searching. You are guilty of some of the worst wars in history. Yet, you have the gall to call other folks War Mongers and Pro-War.

The DNC stinks with the blood of humanity. You reek of death and hatred and fear.


My Muslim, My Brother, My Sister, My Friend


Here is the thing that I cannot reconcile with the Right fear of Muslims.

I know, have come to know and have met so many Muslims in the past decade and a half working overseas.

The majority of them are open minded. They are Muslims. You are Christian. Another is Jewish or Atheist or Animist. It doesn’t matter.

These people have befriended me. Brought me into their lives with open arms.

Some of them have protected me from harm.

Many of them curse ISIS, the Taliban, al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Many abhor Saudi Arabia.

I’ve even had some purported Muslims tell me that they hate the the Arabs came to their land and spread their religion.

They’re Muslim. They are Shi’a. Ismaeli. Sunni, Sufi and a dozen other sects.

They are Afghan, Jordanian, Egyptian, Israeli, Uzbek, Tajik, Pushtoon, Hazara, Thai, Cham and a hundred other nationalities, tribes and ethnicities.

None of them wish any other ill.

Most of them desire only what any other human desires. Security. A house over their head. Food and Water. A place under the sun and a better life for their children.

Yet, because some Muslims would force their religion and their desires on all other humans, these people whom I have come to call friend, brother and sister are looked upon as evil, enemy, villain.

I know it to be otherwise.

(And I say this as a man who thoroughly abhors all religion.)

On Blaming Mohammad


Why “Fuck Mohammad?” Why blame Mohammad for the lunacy of some Muslims today. Mohammad was a man of his age. He was a conqueror. Comparatively speaking, he was as great a conqueror as any of the Greats of any Age in history.

Mohammad is not making these folks do any of this? He acted, in his day, no different than any other leader of his age. They all used religion. They all used God. They all raped, pillaged and conquered their way to “Greatness.” He is accountable for those “sins” and no more. If he were a European, he would be celebrated by the West.

Islam moderated and was a center of enlightenment, creativity and modernity for a good while. Were it not for Islamic Qaliphs, we’d have lost much knowledge from the Old World. It was contact with the Islamic World that spurred the Renaissance and Enlightenment.

Does Mohammad get credit for all of the good that came from Islam as well as all of the nuttiness that is occurring now?

This is not Islam doing any of this. This is humans acting. Islam can be interpreted a thousand and one ways.

Much like anything else. Much like Christianity.

I can’t stand religion but really what I can’t stand are religious people.

I can read the Bible or the Qu’ran and come away with beauty, freedom, liberty, love and life. All too many others come away as slaves, violent, hateful, ugly, putrefied, inhuman scum.

In the end, Islam is not different than Liberalism or Conservatism or Socialism or Capitalism. All of these movements and philosophies can be good. We, humanity, bring them to reality and, all too often, use them as tools of greed and destruction.

Mohammad is guilty of nothing more than Alexander, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan (my personal hero) or any other Great Conqueror in history.


Evil is a Religious Fabrication


Evil was created by religion.

Men are creatures who live in duality. We are good and bad. We are never all of one or the other. I know of no perfectly good creatures. I need no God to explain this to me. I need no God to pretend to allow me free will only to punish me for exercising same.

Evil is and has always been based on perception.

There are very few actions which are considered evil universally.

You might say murder. Yet, the State, which is the true religion of every age, has murdered millions and called it good and necessary. We kill to eat. We cause directly and indirectly the death of millions in the name of profit, greed, religion, love, envy and all manner of things.

Murder, it would seem, is only evil when committed by an individual against the will of the State or Religion.

Theft is another. Yet, the State and the Church have stolen trillions from humans. Taxation is theft in the guise of State mandate. It is backed by violence.

Rape, pillage, plunder and slavery have been considered both evil and a right of conquest.

What evil is there that has always and is always evil?

There exist none.

Evil is what we consider it at a particular time and place.

Homosexuality was/is considered evil. Marrying outside of one’s race has been considered evil. Sex outside of marriage has been considered evil.

Women were persecuted for centuries for having sexual intercourse outside of wedlock. If found to be soiled on the wedding night, it was permissible to murder young women who did not show first blood.

What is evil? What has always been evil?

Can you truly say that anything is evil and always evil?

Satan is a figment of the religious imagination. He does not exist. If he did, he is not evil for he is a creature of God. If God created him, he cannot be evil. He may be fallen but we are all redeemable…even the angels.



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Bigotry begins when you force your idea that “same sex marriage is one of many wrongs” onto others.

It’s fine that you have your beliefs. Your beliefs are yours.

It’s really rather simple. Keep your beliefs to yourself and do not force others to act on or become a part of your belief system by enshrining them into law, etc.

For instance, I believe that people who force their beliefs, esp. religious, onto others should be taken outside and beaten to within an inch of their lives and then deported to Saudi Arabia with a blaring loudspeaker announcing their beliefs that Jesus is Lord and Savior and Muhammad is a pedophile and that Islam is apostasy hanging around their necks.

That would bring me great joy.

Beheadings are scheduled every Friday on Jami Square.

However, I would never act on that belief nor would I demand that it be codified into law.

Was Jesus “the Way” and the only Way (path) to Heaven (the father)?


He told a truth. Not the only truth.

However, the Christian Church misunderstood and bastardized that truth. Jesus was talking about his message of Faith, Hope and Love. That is the path. Criminals and despots took that message and warped it. Thus, it became Jesus himself who was the way and the door to eternity.

Live a life of love and the GoDs will adore you. Heaven will be yours. The religion does not matter.

More Signs of the Coming Backlash Against Muslims in Europe

A bit sensationalistic, this.  However, some truths lie within.  Regardless, this video will upset the masses of Muslims around the world   Hopefully, they’ll realize that it wasn’t made by Americans as we usually are blamed for everything.

All religions have skeletons in their closets. The “Virgin Mary” impregnated by God at/abt age 13. Did GoD get down with the boogie in the Virgin Mary or did he just reach up there and throw a baby inside?  Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, married a girl somewhere between the ages of six and nine.  No one knows for certain and the actual age is hotly contested by Muslims and “Infidels” alike.  The one thing that the record makes clear is that he did not have “relations” with her until she had “passed her first blood.”  Mohammad also had multiple wives as did nearly all of the Prophets of the Bible.  Such was the custom of the times.  Abraham, the great patriarch of all three major Western Religions, pimped his wife out at least two times.  Both times, he denied that Sarah was his wife.  Both times, he allowed her to “marry” a local ruler by deceiving said ruler into believing that Sarah was his sister.  Abraham also sexed up his consort (slave), Hagar, in order to bear a child.  Did Jesus not say “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?”

The Europeans in this video and elsewhere are complaining about the actions of a subset of Muslims.  They are complaining that nothing is being done to counteract the criminality of this subset.  Here’s the thing, though. Muslims in Europe are being treated differently because of European Culture and European Politicians. Who elects these creatures? Oh….EUROPEANS!

If you do not like what is happening, stop electing these people.

The other problem is the immigration programs of these nations.  Immigration, at certain points, was selective.  Europe took in oppressed peoples.  They accepted immigrants with certain needed skill sets such as Doctors, Engineers and Scientists.  This was a wise policy.  In the past 40 years, European nations have accepted all comers.  Many of these people journeyed to the Scandinavian nations, France and Germany because of these lax immigration measures and because of the benefits and “entitlements” offered by these nations.  These people had nothing to offer but the “equality” mindset of Europeans made it so that all immigrants were seen as equal.  There is an issue with this egalitarianism in that all people are not equal.  Some are base criminals.  When a country accepts large numbers of these undesirables and treats them as the oppressed when they are actually the oppressors, these are the problems that will arise.  Europeans, primarily because of the World Wars and Colonialism, became myopic and wished to offer themselves as reward or recompense.  The guilt of the collective European nations overwhelmed sense and has created a situation in which large numbers of criminals were accepted and their activities excused as being “part of their culture.”  That sentiment in and of itself is bigoted.  All peoples have morals.  Even the “other” who arrive from distant lands.  To act as though this subset of folks are representative of any culture is ludicrous and bigoted.  It is an insult to those who are of those cultures who do act with common courtesy and are law abiding, moral peoples.

I’ve long said that there is coming a backlash in Europe. That old race hate will again raise it’s ugly head. Muslims in Europe had best pay heed. Europe has a long and nasty history of murdering the masses of immigrants who come to their lands.

The past 60 years has been an anomaly in European history. With the resurgence of Nationalism and the threat from the old Russian Empire raises, Europe will revert to form.

All it will take is a major economic slowdown. Muslims will become the targets of massive hate. Some will deserve it. Others will not. Some will have laid the seeds of their fellows destruction. Others will be innocent victims. When the wave strikes, it will destroy the lives of many innocents. It is coming. If you read between the lines, Europe is close to the edge.

It does not matter that it is a small percentage of Muslims who are guilty. All will suffer. All will reap the whirlwind.

60 years in the face of thousands of years of history…the “tolerance” of the “new Europe” will be wiped away and blood will run in the streets.

Muslims would be well instructed to police their own. Yet, this will not happen.  Eventually, they will all pay for the actions of a few.  Europe will set itself afire and the dead will pile up as the pyramids of old.  The blood will be on the hands of all.


Somewhere in America (Westernized Muslim Women and Hijab Pride)

These are Muslim women who do not understand Islam and the meaning behind the hijab. The hijab is humility and chasteness. There is nothing humble or chaste about most of the women in this video.

The hijab, chadori and other Islamic accoutrement that these women are wearing are nothing more than an expression of their being from an Islamic culture. It is not an understanding of Islam or a representation of their Islamic beliefs.

These women have a choice, obviously, as to how they wish to live their lives. let them go to Saudi Arabia and prance around as they do in this video. That would be an excellent and hard lesson for them in the realities of Islam.

American Muslims are, apparently, no longer Muslims. They’ve lost their “Islam.” lol Muslims in name only. haha

This video is not a vision of reality for Muslim women in the Muslim world. It is an expression of Women who grew up Muslim in the West and, apparently, in extremely liberal Muslim families. This would not be possible in most of the Islamic world.

Body fitting pants and a hijab are as compatible as liberty and slavery. One may as well be a Nun and wear a bikini.

This video says nothing except that Muslim women in America do not to understand Islam or the realities of Muslim women in Muslim countries. The Hijab, the Chadori and other Muslim clothing articles of this type are meant to convey a sense of humility before Allah. They are meant to be a sign that the woman or girl is chaste. These women almost universally wear curve revealing clothing. This completely negates the head coverings that they’re wearing.

I challenge any of them to move to Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Live for a year or two in Egypt or Turkey or many other traditionally Muslim countries outside of the larger Metropolitan areas such as Cairo. Try dressing their as they dress in America. Experiment with going out in public without their hair covered. After that, then come back and tell us how free you felt to dress as you please.

Muslim women outside of the Muslim world have fooled themselves into believing that they have choices. They have fooled themselves into believing that if they wear the hijab that they are good Muslims.

Reality would beat these girls and throw acid in their face almost anywhere outside of the West.

Enjoy those freedoms but understand that you have those freedoms because you DO NOT live in a Muslim society.

Freedom to Be…


He’s Gay. She’s Gay. They’re not Gay. We’re all coming out of the closet. Who cares? Are we not free born humans? Am I a slave to your ideals, your desires, your beliefs? Must I be set upon constantly by the Statist & religious beliefs of others?

I’m not gay. I don’t care if others are gay. It’s none of my business. It is their life.

If America is a free country with free citizens, this should be a non-issue.

However, America has never truly been a free nation. We’ve always been beset by superstitions and whims of the masses. Free will, freedom…these are lies that we tell our children and our citizens.

If a man is not free to be homosexual and to marry the person whom he loves, there is no freedom.

There is a religious yoke across the neck of this nation that has strangled freedom since the “Great Awakening.” This yoke is loosened and tightened and loosened and tightened.

I shall be happy to see the darkness of these pre-historic mythologies and superstitions removed from the soul of humanity. Unfortunately, humans are pre-conditioned to control by a master. Religion is but one manifestation of this control.

Religion has always been a disturbingly large roadblock to freedom in America. The founders saw that this would be and had been for eons and attempted to forge a path through superstition by incorporating “freedom of religion” into the Constitution. This plan has not worked.

Why? Because the majority of people yearn for their chains.

Look at the Left. They have sworn off the mystical chains of religion only to create their yoke in the worship of the State.

Humanity is pathetic.

This raging debate over homosexuality is but one small example of the human free will and freedom revulsion. I think most humans fear freedom.

Freedom places the onus on one’s self for security, survival, life.

Most humans are too ignorant and too weak to survive in a truly free world.

Religion Hates Me! How Can I Respect That?




I    do not understand “respect” for an archaic vision of hatred. That, to me, is the essence of religion. Religion separates humanity. It categorizes and labels. It creates “the other.” Oftentimes, or more realistically, most often it prejudices it’s adherents AGAINST the other.

Religion unifies one part against the other. It divides.

Certainly, it unifies. However, it does so in a negative manner.

Religion says; “We are this and you are that. AND THAT is an abomination. THAT is wrong.”

What is good about that? What can I find to respect about that?

What if religion were to say; “We are all one. We are different but we are all part of the same whole. It is ok that you are different. We can find common ground and live peaceably and honorably.”

Religion does not do this. Religion names the other sinner, infidel, heathen, savage, heretic, unbeliever, abomination. Religion dehumanizes and allows it’s adherents to think of the lives of all others as unworthy. Unless “the other” converts, submits, reverts or otherwise becomes a part of that religion.

Religion is false. It is simply a means of falsely dividing the people of the earth and controlling that subset in accordance with the whims of “the GoD” of their leader.

Religion keeps us divided.

Religion is false.

Why would I respect that? What earthly reason do I have to respect the religion of the crusades, of jihad, of honor killings, of genocide. This notion that we should respect the beliefs of others is insanity.

No person who truly believes in Islam or Christianity can be tolerant or accepting of other religions or of persons who do not “believe.” Inherent in the beliefs of those two specific religions is the law, judgment, understanding that those who do not believe are going to a hell or will be punished for living their lives outside as a non-believer. There is no real tolerance and can be no real acceptance of others for those who truly believe in the writings of the Bible or the Qu’ran.

To a true believer, you are as good as judged by their GoD. You are unworthy. You are infidel. You are perpetual outsider with no hope of redemption or salvation UNLESS you become one of them…unless you join their FAITH.

And, like the song by Queen, there can be only one.

The two cannot coexist in any true sense. To believe one is to believe the other false. To be one is to believe that the other is not fully human…not worthy of “everlasting life.”


Inherent in the beliefs of those two religions is a disrespect for all other living creatures who dwell upon this planet. You are unclean. You are infidel. You are heathen. You are savage. You are abominable. That IS the belief.

Am I supposed to respect that fundamental hatred of who I am?




Is Human Life Sacred?

ImageIs all human life inherently sacred and worthy? Why? What makes human life more sacred than a goat, a horse, an elephant or a sea urchin?

I’m not talking in a White Supremacist kind of way.  However, I know many people who hate others simply because of the color of their skin or because they are of a different religion.

Niggers, kikes, nips, chincs, ragheads, zips, spics are all humans.  Are they not?  If one did not know better one would believe that these groups were NOT human.  The people who use these labels certainly do not believe that these groups are human.  Else they’d not hate them so and would not be so willing to murder them.  Infidels are human?  Are they not?  If we are to believe that infidels, niggers, kikes, nips, chincs, zips, spics and rag heads are all human, then how can we cling to the belief that human life is sacred.  For these groups are murdered as if they have no worth across the world by their “fellow” humans.  How can a communist or a socialist lay claim to a belief that life is sacred.  The proponents of these to two political/economic beliefs are responsible for millions upon millions of human deaths.  How can a capitalist lay claim to a belief that human life is sacred when they create anarchy and wreak havoc upon humanity and the planet causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and untold suffering by destroying the planet’s resources.  Capitalists also exploit the weaknesses of humanity and humans themselves in their search for profit and higher stock prices.

We do nothing good for the planet. We are more or less parasites attached to and sucking at the teat of the planet.  We refuse to respect the planet.  Instead, we destroy the planet as we seek to profit from its natural resources.  This greed destroys the planet by slowing making it uninhabitable or, at the very least, less habitable.

What makes human life sacred?  A claim by books written by men in ancient times siting various Gods or versions of God as principle lawgiver?

I simply do not believe that life is sacred.

Judging by the prejudice of men and the wars we constantly and incautiously wage upon one another, life is not sacred.  We murder each other over greed, religion, skin color.  Yet, we attempt to claim enlightenment. We claim that life is sacred.  Our actions speak otherwise.  Any person who hates others based on their skin color, their work ethic, their religion cannot lay claim to the belief that life is sacred.  That is hypocrisy.

Perhaps, I am simply lacking understanding.  Perhaps, I am not human.  I do not hate others because they are Black or Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or because they are not White, Muslim, Christian, heterosexual, etc.  I suppose my willingness to accept differences and not merely tolerate difference makes me some sort of mutant.

I suppose I should be like others who believe that all “niggers are worthless,call Obama a nigger, say that all Muslims should be killed, tell homosexuals that they can’t marry because THEY believe that homosexuality is wrong or perverted or because my belief labels them abominations (again, based upon a book).

We murder each other over these superficial differences and then claim that life is sacred.  Humanity is a plague upon the planet, upon nature and upon each other. Yet, life is inherently sacred.

When someone can explain the contradictions herein, I will believe that life is sacred rather than the phrase being a mere slogan created, like religion, to control and subvert the masses.

It is a lie.  Humans are mostly a blasphemy to the Gods and the books written at the behest of these supposed Gods.  We murder each other by the thousands and by the millions.  We create divisions in order to create fictional power over others.  Even in America, there is no true tolerance.  Tolerance is given lip service by the Left and the so-called Liberals and Progressives.  However, there is no true tolerance.

Tolerance is the game of the weak mind.  There is acceptance of differences or there is not.  To merely tolerate someone is not generosity or kindness or goodness.  Tolerance is merely a way of saying; “I dislike you, what you are and what you stand for but I’ll let you stay around until I show you the truth and you become like me.”

There is acceptance or there is merely delayed violence over differences.  I can accept the differences between myself and others.  I do not wish to change others and certainly I do not with to murder others because they believe differently than I or look differently than I or are attracted to the same sex.

Yet, those who call life sacred do kill others over these differences and have done so since the beginning of the human race.  Yet, they claim that life is sacred.

It is a lie.

Our voices speak to one “truth” while our actions speak to THE truth.

The Disease called Religion


Afghanistan has a sickness called Religion.  It’s a disease of the mind and spirit.

Religions are all designed with one thing in mind. CONTROL! Domination over weak minded masses by a powerful individual or ruling class of individuals. Religion is a tool by which the dominant classes allows the less powerful classes to yoke themselves.  Religion is the willing spiritual self-enslavement to false gods and greed driven, power lusting men.
This video is proof positive of this.


Religious Ramblings


Emperor Constantine and the King of Kings

The Legendary Triumph

In the year 312 AD, a fiery and unscrupulous but vigorous and ambitious man named Constantine was leading a great army across Italy to meet his rival for the emperorship of the world, Maxentius. Suddenly, just after noon, he saw, flaming on the heavens, the Greek monogram, the Labarum or Chi-Rho symbol of Christ, together with the words:

In this sign, conquer.The sign cannot have been startling or obviously miraculous and Constantine did not fall on his knees. He merely wondered what the sign meant. No ecclesiastical historian today believes the vision as miraculous. The cross, if it ever existed at all, might have been the phenomenon of sun-dogs, caused by ice crystals in the stratosphere.

During the night, a second vision informed him that this monogram referred to the same Christ whose religion and followers he had been familiar with for ten years at least. After consultation with Christian clergy, he declared that the Sun-God had been created by the Christian God, removed the eagles from his standards and put in their place the Chi-Ro symbol of the failed Jewish Messiah. The following day, he marched on, crossed the Milvian bridge and did conquer. He won the battle of the Milvian Bridge and so supremacy over the whole Roman Empire. Later he converted, but a good many of his family and the Roman ruling class already had. With an emperor’s authority, Christianity was now secure.

I believe that the only way to get back to the original beleif of the followers of Ieshua is to strip away all Roman influence.

I may be a bit too hard on Paul because I like many of the Apostles believe him to be an interloper. He’s the Bill Gates of Christianity.

If you know the Nazarene as Jesus Christ, it is my belief that you know not the man at all. If you see “Jesus Christ” as a White European, you know not the man. If you preach hell, punishment, division, hatred for this or that group, and the whole host of other trash that is preached/taught by the Christian Church and has been part of the Christian Church for ages, you do not know the man.

Hell Fire and Brimstone is not the message of the Man from Nazareth.

I see hate in the Church. All of the Churches. Including and sometimes even more so from the post Protestant Reformation Churches.

Where did Jesus preach that Homosexuals or Jews were going to hell?

He didn’t.

Where did Jesus preach to judge everyone and condemn them all to hell or to run around saying that non-believers were going to hell?

Where did Jesus preach “God helps those who help themselves?”

I suppose I am too harsh on Paul. That’s probably because I think he is too GREATLY worshiped by the masses for whom he should be a conduit to the Nazarene. Instead, Paul is akin to the Islamic Mullah who tells the illiterate masses how to believe, how to perceive, how to feel about the teachings of the Nazarene.

If I take a lie and split it into two pieces, do those two pieces then become truths. No. Such is the case with the Protestant Reformation. If there is a centigram of Rome in your beliefs, you have strayed from the message of the Nazarene.

The only way to get back to the Nazarene and his message is to go directly to him. It’s difficult as we know very little about who he was or what he actually stated. Unless the Vatican has his words hidden away from the world in their vast dungeons and libraries.

If Genghis Khan had conquered Europe and had taken Christianity and co-opted it into a tool of his Empire, Jesus would have become Asian. This did not happen. Yet, it did.

Constantine used Christianity to re-conquer/re-unite the Empire. Then he decreed it the religion of the Empire.

Is that not ironic? “Jesus” said that his is the Kingdom of Heaven. God did not send his “only begotten son” to conquer. Yet, we are led to believe by the Roman Church that God changed his mind and decided to send Constantine to conquer in his name.

I do not believe the story as it comes down to us through the Vatican. I believe that Ieshua (Jesus) was a prophet, a speaker of truths.

I believe that he died and in a sense, yes, he did die for our sins.  He did not die to atone for “original sin.”   He died to bring us a message of Love.  However, humanity was too proud of itself to inculcate his teachings. I compare Ieshua to the Buddha. He learned, he gained wisdom and he passed on his wisdom to the masses. I do not believe that Ieshua was God or that he was or is the only way to Eternity. I believe that he taught a way. Much like Buddha. He taught love for our fellow man. He taught compassion. He taught faith and hope. He taught us to be good and kind to one another. I believe that when he stated “I am the way. No man gets to heaven before me.” that he was saying that we should follow his example.  “I am the way.”  The Nazarene is bidding us follow his example.  He’s not asking us to “glorify” him.  That is mere paganistic Sun God worship syncretically transmogrified into Christian Imperialistic idolatry.

I do not believe that he was saying that we should all gather in some mega-church and scream in ecstasy that we “love Jesus.” I think Jesus would be appalled by such behavior. Instead of building multimillion dollar institutions with glamorous edifices to “Christ the Savior,” I believe that Ieshua would want that money to go towards edifying the poor. Christianity is appalling. Christians spend millions a year on Theme Park Christianity. Show places of humility and piety. Ieshua instructed his disciples to go into their rooms or a dark place and to pray alone. He did not teach his disciples to gather in orgiastic congegations of worldly excess.

Christians do not listen. They want the magnificent. They want the show. They want to show.

Give to the poor. Give to the needy. Pick up your neighbor. Help a stranger.

The billions of untold wealth held by the Churchs of the world could alleviate much suffering. Instead, it is gathered and maintained as a show of the “Glory of God.” This is not what Christ taught. This is what Rome taught.

Rome is all around us in the Christian Faith. Most Christians are too ignorant of history to see this. Especially the Catholic “faith.”

Christians are not so dissimilar from Muslims in this regard. They make fantastic show of faith and devotion to religion but live out a life that is the exact opposite of the supposed tenets of their faith.

Faith, Hope and Love ~ This is the true message of the Nazarene.



Foolish Infidels

If anyone secretly entices you–even if it is your brother, your father’s son or your mother’s son, or your own son or daughter, or the wife you embrace, or your most intimate friend– saying, “Let us go worship other gods,” whom neither you nor your ancestors have known,

any of the gods of the peoples that are around you, whether near you or far away from you, from one end of the earth to the other, you must not yield to or heed any such persons. Show them no pity or compassion and do not shield them.

But you shall surely kill them; your own hand shall be first against them to execute them, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

Stone them to death for trying to turn you away


I agree with the Tea Partiers and Neo-Nativists.

Any religion that includes passages such as these
in their Holy Book should be banned from the
United States of America.

These are outdated notions in a world attempting to achieve universal peace and harmony.  Any religion that claims to be
of love and peaceful would recognize that such talk is counter-
productive and would rid itself of such language.

By the way, that passage under the photo is straight
out of the Bible (Deuteronomy 13:6).

A most excellent passage from the New Testament would seem to apply here:

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Jesus of Nazereth

Matthew 7:5

No Conversion, Please: “I believe that there is no such thing as conversion from one faith to another in the accepted sense of the word.      It is a highly personal matter for the individual and his God. I may not have any design upon my neighbour as to his faith, which I must honour even as I honour my own. Having reverently studied the scriptures of the world I could no more think of asking a Christian or a Musalman, or a Parsi or a Jew to change his faith than I would think of changing my own.” (Harijan: September 9, 1935)

All Religions are True: “I came to the conclusion long ago … that all religions were true and also that all had some error in them, and whilst I hold by my own, I should hold others as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we are Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu … But our innermost prayer should be a Hindu should be a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, a Christian a better Christian.” (Young India: January 19, 1928)


I wonder how many will have the courage to forward this on to friends and relatives.  ; )  No guilt from me.  Do as you wish.  God won’t hate you.  God won’t love you more.  You won’t get good luck or bad.  No car will come crashing through the front of your house and you won’t go bald or become impotent if you don’t forward this.  You won’t lose your your job, your wife or your dog if you don’t forward this.  You won’t win the lottery or a get laid if you do send it forward.  You’ll simply have forwarded on something for others to think about.

The Heretic

(I sent this out as an email.   I wonder if it will make it back to me someday as a forward.)








Political and Religious Discussion - Amarasingam Westboro

I have discussed religion and politics around the world with people with whom I have no reason to expect agreement.












Yet, I’ve never been in a fight.  And I don’t really hold back on that which I believe.

For instance, I know for a fact that I disagree with most Europeans with whom I come into contact over Israel.  Yet, I discuss and we’ve discussed without it becoming a problem.  This is in personal, face to face conversation.  Yet, on the internet, it always turns ugly.  Why is this?  I’m constantly attacked and called a “cunt” on the ‘net.  Especially on websites such as

It seems that on the net.  Where one can be as ugly as possible without physical repercussions, the folks get ugly almost immediately.  Without thought.  A few folks on this website in particular are guilty of this.  One can not speak of Islam without an onslaught of insult.  If you ever go there, Ciaran, Beej and Pee Marc are the most egregious examples of this inability to discuss subjects intelligently and amicably.  I’ve discussed the pros and cons of Islam with Muslims in Muslim lands and have never been insulted as much.   What’s even more hilarious is that one mention of Islam brings about attacks on Christianity.  I’m not Christian.  So the tactic does not work.

I find it ever more hilarious that one of these guys has as part of his Artistic portraiture a picture of Jesus made up of dollar bills and another print/creation of Shell with blood as oil.  Yet, he doesn’t stop to consider that the Holy Keepers and Sacred Defenders of Islam known as Saudi Arabia are the folks who benefit most from the bloody old trade.  It’s the Saudis who benefit most from oil and have since their unholy alliance with FDR.  Yet, he attacks the dollar and Jesus when it is the Saudi denomination in both money and religion that benefits most from the dollar.  Perhaps, he’s too stupid to realize this.  The House of Saud, Mohammad and Islam had benefited most from oil.

Then again, most ideologically pure folks are too blind to realize their stupidity.

Which leads to the question?  Why?

What is it about White Anglo Saxon Protestants and other Europeans that lead them to attack those who question Islam more vociferously than even Muslims themselves.  Muslims are capable of self examination.  It seems that White Europeans and their cousins in America are not capable of this.  It’s a quandary with which I am not particularly capable of answering.  Are these folks so emotionally crippled by their guilt over past “sins” that they are incapable of questioning the present.  What is it?

I am truly perplexed by this strange phenomenon.  Will some European please explain it to me without becoming enraged and simply calling me a cunt.  lol

It’s quite hilarious.  So, if you want to debase yourself by calling me a cunt.  Please do so.  I will laugh it off and spread further the Euro apoplexy.  If someone with the intelligence and the ability to emotionally separate oneself from their ideology could explain this strange phenomenon to me could be so kind, I would truly appreciate it.

I’m curious.  perhaps, they are so anti-West and so elitist and so bigoted that they can’t see that those whom they seek to “protect” are just as illegitimate and just as corrupt as those against whom, in their impotence, they rebel.

