Israel & Palestine

This is merely the evil of the State vs the evil of Religion.

And most Western Liberals are too damned stupid to comprehend.

I’d love to see Mia Khalifa run on over to Gaza and exercise her “rights” in “Palestine”. She’d be running back to Tel Aviv asking for protection within 15 minutes of crossing the border. They’d murder her as soon as they realized who she was.

The Palestine Lie and Marc Lamont Hill

Marc Lamont Hill is a fool. He is ignorant. He is wrong.

Support for Palestine is:

1. Support for the Enemies of God/Allah (if one is a believer in such things as Gods, in general and/or the God of Abraham specifically).
Either that or the Palestinians are so ignorant that they do not know that Palestine is derived from Philistia who were THE enemies of God.
2. A call for the destruction of Israel (or support of said call).

Every Palestine movement has called for the destruction and violent end of Israel and the death of the Jews.
3. A call for another Saudi Arabia.

Palestine is not going to be an enlightened nation wherein freedom and liberty will reign supreme. Hamas, Fatah, the PLA/O all call for an Islamic Nation based on Islamic Law. It’s another petty religious tyranny waiting to be formed. Saudi Arabia, Iran….Palestine.
4. Palestine is already free and a Nation. It’s called Jordan. They have a Nation. They also have Lebanon now because Palestinians combined with Hezbollah stole that nation from the Marionite Christians and occupied it.
5. I’ll support the end of the occupation of Jerusalem when the occupation of the Holy Roman Empire and Constantinople comes to an end.
6. Jerusalem is not the holy city of Muslims. That is Mekkah. Jerusalem is THE holy city of the Jews and has been for thousands of years. If Muslims base their claim on their 1300 year old conquest and occupation of Jerusalem, Israel has the greater claim as Jews have lived there for, at least, 1,000 years longer. Jews have the greater claim.
7. If Palestine was meant to be a Nation, why did it not exist between 1948 and 1967. Instead, those lands were illegally annexed by Jordan and Egypt.

8. Palestine has never…ever…ever…ever…ever(!) been a Nation. Palestine was first made a province of Rome after the 71 AD revolts of the Jews. It was, at that time, called Judea. The Romans renamed it Palestina or Palestinia. They named it so because of the Philistines who were the ancient enemies of the God and People of Israel. It was a slight. Again, “Palestinians” took the name of the enemy of their own God. Ignorance or Stupidity. You tell me.
Palestine was, after the fall of the Western Empire, a province of the Holy Roman Empire. Thereafter, it was a province of the various multitude of Islamic Empires, Caliphates
and Petty Kingdoms that conquered it. Those various entities, excepting the Crusader States, retained that name for that province. Palestine has never been a State. It has never been a Country. It has never been a Nation. It has never been a Kingdom. It was always a part of some Nation, State, Country or Kingdom


All else is lie or propaganda.
Finally, if Israel is an occupation and has no right to exist, every Nation from Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq to Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Pakistan and Indonesia, likewise, is an occupation and has no right to exist.
All of those nations were created in the same era and in the same manner and with the covert or overt support of the same “colonial” Western Powers.

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#FreePalestine = Genocide

st,small,215x235-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1u1Is supporting the #FreePalestine movement a celebration of genocide?

The name Palestine originates with the Romans who had just committed genocide, stopped short and forcibly ejected the Jews from their homeland and caused all manner of hardship, death and destruction in the name of Empire all so the Romans could continue to occupy the Kingdom of Judea.

A few hundred years later, the Islamic Empire continued that tradition of conquest, genocide and occupation.

Israel finally gets their homeland back and the myth of the Palestinian Nation is created to steal that land from them again.

Palestine has never existed as an independent State. The lie of Palestine was created in 1967 when the Arab Muslims finally realized that they could not “drive the Jews into the sea” or “make the Med run Red with the blood of the Jews.”

Support of Palestine is support of genocide.

Palestine was NEVER a Nation

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Palestine has never existed as a State.

It was a Province of Rome, of the Ottoman Empire, of other Arab Islamic and Turko/Kurdish Islamic Empires.

Palestine has always been a tool of Empires.

That is the funny part.

All of the ignorant Leftist fools who are against Imperialism and Colonialism have championed THE longest existing tool of Empire still extant.

Palestine was created by Rome to punish the Jews. The Roman Empire in the East ultimately fell to the Islamic EMPIRE. Various Islamic Empires rose and fell over the centuries after the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire. They all kept the Palestine name for that Province.

That province was NEVER a State. It was never a Nation.

Yet, most Leftist Social Justice Warriors are too stupid to realize that they’ve been duped.

Israel has committed no crimes that every other Nation now extant and in history have not committed. By virtue of being American, Syrian, Egyptian, Iraqi, Chinese, Russian, English, British, Canadian, Mexican, Irish, Scottish or any other member of any other Nation-State, you are guilty of the same crimes of which you accuse Israel.

Except…the Western Social Justice Warrior pretends that they are better because they are willfully ignorant of your own history.

Show me one Islamic nation now or in history that has not committed the same “crimes” as Israel. You will have to lie to do so.

Nations Are Earned in Blood Not Flight


Nations become Nations because people fight, die and, eventually, succeed in taking the land upon which those nations are built.

This is how the United States, Ireland, Russia, China, Britain, France, Sweden, Thailand, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Yemen, Oman and every other Nation on the planet were formed.
This is how Israel was formed as well. This is why Palestine is not, has never been and will not be a Nation.

Palestine has never been a Nation. The existence of a group of people who choose to call themselves a name created by Romans nearly 2,000 years ago neither necessitates nor creates a Nation. The existence of a people who chose to flee (as they do in Syria) and become refugees rather than fight for their homeland does not create nor does it necessitate a Nation. A group of people who choose to call themselves Palestinians and who use terrorism to bully the world into coming to their aid and who constantly poke a bear in it’s lair so that said bear will come out and mail them neither creates, justifies nor necessitates a Nation.
Palestine has been a lie since 1967. Before 1967, Palestine was naught but the name of a province of Rome and half of the name of a British Mandate.
The people who chose to brand themselves Palestinians chose to flee rather than to stand and fight.

They do not deserve a Nation.


Invasion of the Refugees

The ‪#‎refugees‬ have no right to the land or resources of other people.

Isn’t the argument of the ‪#‎Palestinians‬ that Israel had no right to invade, occupy and steal the land and resources of the Levant?

Why, suddenly, do ‪#‎Syrians‬, ‪#‎Afghans‬, ‪#‎Yemenis‬, ‪#‎Iraqis‬ and other‪#‎MiddleEastern‬ peoples have the right to invade, occupy and steal the land and resources of ‪#‎European‬ nations?

Oh….you’re all hypocrites? I got it now.

This current set of refugees are running from war and violence in the exact same manner as the Palestinians ran in ’48, ’56 and ’67. Will they demand a “right of return” as well?


Arab-Israeli Cultural PTSD

Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, quoted in the New York Times in 1948:

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea.”


In 1948, the Arabs were not willing to allow an independent Israeli (Jewish) State. The Arabs wanted Arabs to rule the area as part of a Muslim Nation. Once the war kicked off after the Israelis declared independence, the Arabs attacked.

There was no mention of a Palestinian Nation. The Arabs immediately began to speak of massacre and running the Jews into the sea and turning the Mediterranean Red with the blood of the Jews. Prior to the Balfour and Sykes-Picot agreements, the Arab-Jewish relations were fairly calm and agreeable. Once the Brits pulled their various deceits, the bottom of the amity barrel dropped out into a pit of poisonous acrimony between Arab Muslim and Jew.

Once the Jews committed to Independence, war was all but inevitable. Golda Meir spoke with the Jordanian King and asked if amity was possible. He said no. Israel declared Independence nonetheless. The Arabs expected the Jews to allow themselves to be ruled by Muslims. They expected the Jews to be satisfied as subjects with little to no say about their governance. The Jews refused to accept this.

The Arabs refused to allow Israel to become a State without a bloodletting. The Arabs maintained a war of attrition against Israel until 1982 with the realization that Israel had a finite population. The Palestinian Statehood question only came about AFTER the sound defeat in 1967. Prior to that, the only Palestinian State was Trans-Jordan now called Jordan. (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)

Arafat was posted in Palestine as the Head of he PLA. He was theretofore an Officer in the Egyptian Army. He maintained a home in El Arish until he died most likely from HIV/AIDS. (I’ve seen his home). The Arabs warred upon the Israelis constantly from 1948 until 1980s when Sadat made piece with Begin.  Whilst the peace between Israel and Egypt was being crafted, the PLO began its storied history of terrorism and general political murder of civilians.

There has been nearly 70 years of constant war between the Israelis and some body of Arabs. Yet, folks act as though they are surprised that the Israelis see the Palestinians as inhuman enemies. The Palestinian State is merely one more iteration of Arab animosity towards the Jews. It is a continuation of previous hostilities to the Jews/Israelis.

It is exceedingly difficult to view a people who have been trying to destroy you as humans. For many Israelis, they were born into war and have never known anything else. They have been attacked constantly in one form or another since May of 1948. And it surprises so many that a people who more than likely collectively suffer from PTSD would act insane and not give a damn about the state of the Palestinian people.


It has been recognized internationally that Khmers and Afghans suffer from collective cultural PTSD. I’m quite certain that both Israel and Palestine suffers similarly.


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The 50-Point Manifesto of Hassan Al-Banna

Political, judicial and administrative sectors

1- An end to party rivalry, and a channelling of the political forces of the nation into a common front and a single phalanx.

2- A reform of the law, so that it will conform to Islamic legislation in every branch.

3- A strengthening of the armed forces, and an increase in the number of youth groups; the inspiration of the latter with zeal on the bases of Islamic jihad.

4- A strengthening of the bonds between all Islamic countries, especially the Arab countries, to pave the way for practical and serious consideration of the matter of the departed Caliphate.

5- The diffusion of the Islamic spirit throughout all departments of the government, so that all its employees will feel responsible for adhering to Islamic teachings.

6- The surveillance of the personal conduct of all its employees, and an end to the dichotomy between the private and professional spheres.

7- Setting the hours of work in summer and winter ahead, so that it will be easy to fulfill religious duties, and so that keeping late hours will come to an end.

8- An end to bribery and favoritism, with consideration to be given only to capability and legitimate reasons [for advancement].

9- Weighing all acts of the government acts in the scales of Islamic wisdom and doctrines; the organization of all celebrations, receptions, official conferences, prisons and hospitals so as not to be incompatible with Islamic teaching; the arranging of work-schedules so that they will not conflict with hours of prayer.

10- The employment of graduates of Al-Azhar in military and administrative positions, and their training.

Social and educational sectors

1- Conditioning the people to respect public morality, and the issuance of directives fortified by the aegis of the law on this subject; the imposition of severe penalties for moral offences.

2- Treatment of the problem of women in a way which combines the progressive and the protective, in accordance with Islamic teachings, so that this problem – one of the most important social problems – will not be abandoned to the biased pens and deviant notions of those who err in the directions of deficiency or excess.

3- An end to prostitution, both clandestine and overt: the recognition of fornication, whatever the circumstances, as a detestable crime whose perpetrator must be flogged.

4- An end to gambling in all its forms – games, lotteries, racing, and gambling-clubs.

5- A campaign against drinking, as there is one against drugs: its prohibition, and the salvation of the nation from its effects.

6- A campaign against ostentation in dress and loose behavior; the instruction of women in what is proper, with particular strictness as regards female instructors, pupils, physicians, and students, and all those in similar categories.

7- A review of the curricula offered to girls and the necessity of making them distinct from the boys’ curricula in many of the stages of education.

8- Segregation of male and female students; private meetings between men and women, unless between the permitted degrees [of relationship] to be counted as a crime for which both will be censored.

9- The encouragement of marriage and procreation, by all possible means; promulgation of legislation to protect and give moral support to the family, and to solve the problems of marriage.

10- The closure of morally undesirable ballrooms and dance halls, and the prohibition of dancing and other such pastimes.

11- The surveillance of theatres and cinemas, and a rigorous selection of plays and films.

12- The expurgation of songs, and a rigorous selection and censorship of them.

13- The careful selection of lectures, songs, and subjects to be broadcast to the nation; the use of radio broadcasting for the education of the nation in a virtuous and moral way.

14- The confiscation of provocative stories and books that implant the seeds of skepticism in an insidious manner, and newspapers which strive to disseminate immorality and capitalize indecently on lustful desires.

15- The supervision of summer vacation areas so as to do away with the wholesale confusion and licence that nullify the basic aims of vacationing.

16- The regulation of business hours for cafés; surveillance of the activities of their regular clients; instructing these as to what is in their best interest; withdrawal of permission from cafés to keep such long hours.

17- The utilization of these cafés for teaching illiterates reading and writing; toward this end, the assistance of rising generation of elementary school teachers and students.

18- A campaign against harmful customs, whether economic, moral, or anything else; turning the masses away from these and orienting them in the direction of ways beneficial to them, or educating them in a way  consonant with their best interests. These involve such customs as those to do with weddings, funerals, births, the zar (a ceremonial of exorcism), civil and religious holidays, etc. Let the government set a good example in this respect.

19- Due consideration for the claims of the moral censorship, and punishment of all who are proved to have infringed any Islamic doctrine or attacked it, such as breaking the fast of Ramadan, wilful neglect of prayers, insulting the faith, or any such act.

20- The annexation of the elementary village schools to the mosques, and a thoroughgoing reform of both, as regards employees, cleanliness, and overall custodial care, so that the young may be trained in prayer and the older students in learning.

21- The designation of religious instruction as a basic subject in all schools, in each according to its type, as well as in the universities.

22- Active instigation to memorize the Qur’an in all the free elementary schools; making this memorization mandatory for obtaining diplomas in the areas of religion and (Arabic) language; the stipulation that a portion of it be memorized in every school.

23- The promulgation of a firm educational policy which will advance and raise the level of education, and will supply it, in all its varieties, with common goals and purposes; which will bring the different cultures represented in the nation closer together, and will make the first stage of its process one dedicated to inculcating a virtuous, patriotic spirit and an unwavering moral code.

24- The cultivation of the Arabic language at every stage of instruction; the use of Arabic alone, as opposed to any foreign language, in the primary stages.

25- The cultivation of Islamic history, and of the national history and national culture, and the history of Islamic civilization.

26- Consideration of ways to arrive gradually at a uniform mode of dress for the nation.

27- An end to the foreign spirit in our homes with regard to language, manners, dress, governesses, nurses, etc; all these to be Egyptianized, especially in upper class homes.

28- To give journalism a proper orientation, and to encourage authors and writers to undertake Islamic, Eastern subjects.

29- Attention to be given to matters of public health by disseminating health information through all media; increasing the numbers of hospitals, physicians, and mobile clinics; facilitating the means of obtaining medical treatment.

30- Attention to be given to village problems, as regards their organization, their cleanliness, the purification of their water supply, and the means to provide them with culture, recreation, and training.

Economic sector

1- The organization of zakat (charity) in terms of income and expenditure, according to the teachings of the magnanimous Sacred Law; invoking its assistance in carrying out necessary benevolent projects, such as homes for the aged, the poor, and orphans, and strengthening the armed forces.

2- The prohibition of usury, and the organization of banks with this end in view. Let the government provide a good example in this domain by relinquishing all interest due on its own particular undertakings, for instance in the loan-granting banks, industrial loans, etc.

3- The encouragement of economic projects and an increase in their number; giving work to unemployed citizens in them; the transfer of such of these as are in the hands of foreigners to the purely national sector.

4- The protection of the masses from the oppression of monopolistic companies, keeping these within strict limits, and obtaining every possible benefit for the masses.

5- An improvement in the lot of junior civil servants by raising their salaries, by granting them steady increases and compensations, and by lowering the salaries of senior civil servants.

6- A reduction in the number of government posts, retaining only the indispensable ones; an equitable and scrupulous distribution of the work among civil servants.

7- The encouragement of agricultural and industrial counselling; attention to be paid to raising the production level of the peasant and industrial worker.

8- A concern for the technical and social problems of the worker; raising his standard of living in numerous respects.

9- The exploitation of natural resources, such as uncultivated land, neglected mines, etc.

10- Priority over luxury items to be given to necessary projects in terms of organization and execution.

Ideological Tolerance and Acceptance

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I have a few hard line stances to which I am pretty much a hard stay.

Most people are cool with the difference of opinion.

Two groups who, ironically, preach tolerance/love/acceptance have been the ones most often and most likely to hold these opinions against me.

1. Fundamentalist Christians
2. Hard Left Liberals

I have a few people who hold a hardcore dislike for me or who love to “preach” their message but do everything that they can to NOT hear any other message.

All of these people fall into the category of Fundamentalist Christian or Hard Left Liberal.

For instance, I do not think that Palestine will ever be “democratic.”  Yet, there are a group of liberals whom I have known who attend rallies, meetings and such with the goal of a “free and democratic” Palestine.  When I tell them that this is impossible, they automatically think that I am for the status quo in Palestine and that I am pro everything Israel.  However, that could not be further from the truth.

I believe that Israel is the author of many of the woes of Palestine.  I believe that Israel has become an offensive fraud who preaches democracy, yet, oppresses a whole class of people based upon fear and greed.

I, also, believe that the Arab Nations share guilt in this endless conflict.  All of the Arabs.  Iraq, Saudi Arabia (most guilty and most hypocritical), Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan and Palestine.  These people are as great a problem and sticking point as the Israelis.

That said, no Palestinian State that emerges at this time will be democratic.  It will be another Islamic Despotism based on the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Liberal fallacies and fantasies about freedom and democracy in the region are naught but dreamy intentions paving the way to hell for Arab Christians and Muslims in Palestine.

I also have my Fundie Christian detractors.  Those purveyors of hellfire and brimstone who “innocently” imply that I am on the path to hell and can’t quite understand how such a belief would offend anyone.   These people have told me countless times that morality can not exist without Christianity.  For them, there is no morality without Christ.

I, on the other hand, look at the history of Christianity and think that if that is morality, I’d rather be immoral.

When I refute their claims, they claim that I am blaspheming their religion.  They tell me that I am disrespecting their beliefs.  They tell me that I should be more tolerant.

That bewilders me.  The thought that I should be “tolerant” of a belief that condemns me to hell.  The idea that I should be more respectful of a religion that believes that I will burn for eternity because I do not pay lip service or believe in their system of intellectual and emotional servitude to a capricious deity who on the one hand orders genocide and on the other preaches faith, hope and love BUT only if you believe in him, his son and their plan for salvation.

If I deign not to believe, I shall burn in hell for eternity.

And I’m the disrespectful, intolerant one?


Yet, that I have the audacity to make it clear that I think Palestinian Democracy or Salvation at the hands of a vengeful, judgmental God or whatever pet project a Fundamentalist Christian or Hard Left Liberal might have is based on fallacy, I am the intolerant one.

These folks are absolutist.  There is no room for difference with these folks.  I will admit that I might be wrong.  I fully and freely admit that I do not know all.

But there is no room for doubt with these folks.  Therefore, I become the enemy.  The hated one.

They preach.  They give their story.  They’ll demand that you listen, that you give them your time.  When you attempt to give your side, they will not listen.  Their minds close as tightly as their eyes, ears and hearts.

And then I become the evil one.

Tolerance?  Acceptance?

For most of these people, these are mere tools with which they bash the opponent.  You are required to tolerate and accept their ideas.  They require that you dismiss yours.

Israel and it’s Defense Force

Palestine Youth in the Crosshairs

This is a result of a combination of perpetual war, Israeli myopia, Israeli aggression, Arab Muslim aggression and the Arab/Palestinian use of civilians as human shields.

Both sides are guilty of dehumanizing the other.  I have had conversations with Israelis and with Palestinians.  They did not speak of “the other” as fellow humans but as targets to be killed.  They spoke of each other as enemies.  There was never a mention of reaching agreement or to coming together to solve the issues.  It was only winning the battle that mattered.  For Palestinians, winning is complete control of the Palestinian State.  For Israelis, it is the same but they rule the day.  There is no ending this stalemate short of a holocaust of one side or the other.

Israel did not come to this point on it’s own.

Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran all share blame in this ongoing tragedy.

The Israeli have allowed themselves to become their enemy. They’ve allowed themselves to morph into the same monsters that they fight.

That’s the shame of it.

Israel needs a sea change in cultural attitudes. Their policies with the Arabs need a thorough review and evaluation.

I’m of the opinion that the Israelis should back off completely. Withdraw unilaterally to the pre-67 boundaries sans Jerusalem.

Let the Palestinians do as they will.  Let time pass.  If the Palestinians still wish to fight, IDF can justify their actions.

Right now, Israel needs to back off.

It’s past time for change on this front.

I can no longer tell who is the terrorist and who is the victim.

All of that said, I can never support the creation of another oppressive Islamic State.  A Palestinian State as it stands right now would be another Muslim Brotherhood sponsored despotic Islamic State that oppresses all but especially targets non-Muslims.

Israel is wrong.  So is Palestine.

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Israel: An Apartheid State?

Next they’ll be telling us that America is an Apartheid State.  Transy-Progs really are stupid.

Having visited Israel several times, I can tell you that it is not an Apartheid State.

Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and a whole slew of other Muslim Nations…well, I can’t vouch for them.  I can only say that they oppress and repress any form of religion, action or thought that aren’t conducive to Islam or being a good Muslim.  They have religious police.  They have chastity police.  They have people who run around beating and arresting folks for such heinous acts as holding hands in public or hair hanging out of your hijab.   You know.  Those kinds of terrible crimes.

God forbid if you are a homosexual or if you are caught in the company of the opposite sex and he/she isn’t your blood relative.  It’s off to prison and torture for you.

A Palestinian State would be an exact replica of Saudi Arabia or Iran.

And bringing another abortion of a nation such as these is why the idiotic leftists are fighting Israel.


You Will Be Losers

This sign is right outside of the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth

Smells like tolerance to me…

Speaks volumes to the propaganda of certain parties and their agenda to turn the tide of public opinion against Israel.  Arabs/Muslims in Israel are as tolerated/accepted and as free as those in Europe and the United States.  That tolerance, acceptance and freedom ends when the Muslims resort to acts of terror.

I felt completely safe in most of Israel.  The only time that I felt endangered was around Palestinians because they noted that I was an American and had been a soldier by a pin I was wearing and my bearing.

In the end, Israel creates life out of the desert.  Palestine does nothing but destroys and tears down.  The Palestinian leadership would much rather destroy itself battering itself against Israel than build it’s people up and create a Palestinian Nation.

That is the major difference to me.


No Need for a Jewish Homeland?

Animosity against Jews intensified. Notes nailed to the homes of Jews accused them of working for Israel and corrupting Muslim morals. “Jews were specifically targeted by Houthi rebels,” says a spokeswoman for the Yemeni embassy in Washington.

In January 2007, Houthi leaders threatened Jewish families in Saada. “We warn you to leave the area immediately… [W]e give you a period of 10 days, or you will regret it,” read a letter signed by a Houthi representative cited in a Reuters article.

Virtually the entire Jewish community in the area, about 60 people, fled to the capital. Since then, they have been receiving food stipends and cash assistance from the government while living in state-owned apartments in a guarded enclave, says the Yemeni embassy in Washington.

President Saleh, a Shiite, has been eager to demonstrate goodwill toward the Jews. On the Passover holiday, he invited TV crews to videotape families in the government complex as they feasted on lamb he had ordered.

Raida became the last redoubt of Yemeni Jews, who continued to lead a simple life there alongside Muslims.

Ancient stone homes dot the town. Electricity is erratic; oil lamps are common. Water arrives via truck. Most homes lack a TV or a refrigerator. The cell phone is the only common modern device. Some families receive financial aid from Hasidic Jewish groups in Brooklyn and London, which has enabled them to buy cars.

Typically, the Jewish men are blacksmiths, shoe repairmen or carpenters. They sometimes barter, trading milk and cow dung for grass to feed their livestock. In public, the men stand out for their long side curls, customarily worn by observant Jewish men. Jewish women, who often marry by 16, rarely leave home. When they do, like Muslim women, only their eyes are exposed.

It is bewildering to me when people question the need for a Jewish Homeland.  The Jews have been persecuted for centuries.  Since the Roman era diaspora.  Christian purges, Czarist pogroms, Islamic expulsions.  The Holocaust of Nazi Germany.  Jews are forever the scapegoat for the inadequacies, incompetence and criminal acts of the elite.

Yet, today, people question the need for a homeland wherein the Jews can defend themselves and live with dignity.  A place where the Jewish people can live without fear.  A place where a future as a Jew is possible.

Palestine is a fiction.  There was never a Palestine in history except as a Roman province.  The name itself comes from the Roman language.  The Romans dubbed the area Palestine as an affront to the Jews.  Palestine is the Roman transliteration of the word Philistine.  Thus, the Romans named the area once known as Judea after the ancient enemy of the Kingdom of Judea.  Jews have had a constant presence in the area for thousands of years.  They have been present in the Levant since the time of the ancient Kingdoms of Assyria and Babylonia and the ancient Persian Kingdoms.  Alexander’s Generals and historians wrote of the Jews there.  The Romans conquered them there.

Then came the Muslim Empire.  The great and bloody Empire of Islam.

Islam conquered the area and forced mass conversion on the inhabitants of the region.  Well, technically the didn’t force conversion.  You had choices.  Flee.  Become a slave.  Pay a hefty tax called the Jizya.  To avoid all of these choices, one had merely to convert.  State three times the words “there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his Prophet.” Yes, many people “chose” to convert to Islam.  And what a choice it was.

Today, all across the Muslim world, Jews are second or third class citizens.  They are treated poorly.  Subject to rules and regulations and the whims of a mostly illiterate populace.  Antisemitism is on the rise across the globe.  Especially in Europe and the Arab lands.

The Arabs like to say that Israel is a guilt price for the actions of Europe during World War II.

And perhaps there is some truth to that.

Even so, the Jews have paid their own blood price for that land.  When Israel declared independence in 1948, the Arabs attacked.  Killing thousands of Jews and proclaiming that they would drive the Jews into the sea.  The Jews fought back and held off that bloody calamity.  The Arabs maintained a steady war of attrition for the next 30 to 40 years.  Attacking at the borders.  Raiding across the border and murdering families and communities much like the bloodletting and rockets that the Palestinians and Hezbollah plan and execute today.  In 1956, 1967 and 1973, the various Arab factions have pursued outright war against Israel by closing the straits and bottlenecking the Red Sea, by bombarding the country with artillery and build ups on the borders of Israel and by outright attacking as Sadat did in the ’73 October War.

Yet, through it all, Israel has survived.  They’ve had the assistance of the US at times.  Their enemies have also had assistance.  The Soviets paid for most of the militaries of Egypt and Syria.  The Army that attacked Israel in 1973 was “mentored” by Soviet “advisers.”  Soviet pilots were shot down in combat action in the ’73 war.

These are things that the opponents of Israel will deny or claim inconsequential.

Israel has always existed in one form or another.  Most of the land that comprises Israel was owned by Jews in 1948.  This land was purchased from the Arabs who owned the land.  Most of the business in Israel in 1948 was Jewish owned.  The Arabs who lived in the area in 1948, moved there because of developments created by the Jewish immigrants to the area.

I have been to Israel.  What is striking about the region is that Israel is much like a mini-European country in a vast wasteland.  Exit Israel and enter Egypt or Jordan or Syria.  You enter a time warp.  As if traveling back to the Ottoman Empire.  If Israel were to fail as a nation, this is the same fate that awaits the land.  It will corrupt and fall into disuse and neglect.  This is why the Arabs want it?  The people of Israel took a barren wasteland and made it into a paradise.  The Arabs simply let the wasteland stand as it is.

I do not support the creation of a Palestinian State.  Never do I think this should happen.  A Palestinian State would be nothing more than another Islamic Despotism wherein the people are kept illiterate and a few corrupt leaders in the mold of Yassar Arafat will enrich themselves at the expense of  the masses.  The Arabs of Palestine would do better to make their own treaty.  Expel the thugs of the PLA, Hamas and FATAH and make their own treaty with Israel.  Create a non-religious state and live side by side with Israel in peace.  Either as an autonomous region or a City-State along the lines of the Vatican.  Live in peace with their neighbors and let religion be no issue at all.

Israel is the only beacon of light in the darkest region of the Planet.  In almost every country that claims Islam as it’s dominant religion, the people are merely slaves to the whims of despotism and tyranny.

Israel should be supported by all democracies and all liberal peoples.  The PLA and the other groups that keep this war going should be international pariahs.  Iran, Saudi Arabia and any other country who supports these groups should be ignored.

But, of course, oil makes that impossible.  America, China, Europe and India will kiss the feet of the Arab oil men of the Middle East and ignore the real injustice of the region.  And the despots of the Arab Nations will forever use Israel as the scapegoat for their corruption to avert the eyes of their illiterate masses away from the real enemies that are the leaders of their own nations.