My Muslim, My Brother, My Sister, My Friend


Here is the thing that I cannot reconcile with the Right fear of Muslims.

I know, have come to know and have met so many Muslims in the past decade and a half working overseas.

The majority of them are open minded. They are Muslims. You are Christian. Another is Jewish or Atheist or Animist. It doesn’t matter.

These people have befriended me. Brought me into their lives with open arms.

Some of them have protected me from harm.

Many of them curse ISIS, the Taliban, al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Many abhor Saudi Arabia.

I’ve even had some purported Muslims tell me that they hate the the Arabs came to their land and spread their religion.

They’re Muslim. They are Shi’a. Ismaeli. Sunni, Sufi and a dozen other sects.

They are Afghan, Jordanian, Egyptian, Israeli, Uzbek, Tajik, Pushtoon, Hazara, Thai, Cham and a hundred other nationalities, tribes and ethnicities.

None of them wish any other ill.

Most of them desire only what any other human desires. Security. A house over their head. Food and Water. A place under the sun and a better life for their children.

Yet, because some Muslims would force their religion and their desires on all other humans, these people whom I have come to call friend, brother and sister are looked upon as evil, enemy, villain.

I know it to be otherwise.

(And I say this as a man who thoroughly abhors all religion.)

I’m a White Dude

Camp Scorpion, Every 4 months

I’m a White dude — pure bred Cracker of Scots-Irish, Swiss origin. I think…that’s what legend tells me.

I’ve been subjected to racism. For instance, I was jumped by 8 Black guys when I was in the Army in Baumholder, Germany. I was one of four separate victims that night.

I never once used “Race” or “Color” to stereotype Black People. I don’t see life in binary colors.

I’ve had Black, Hispanic, Asian and, yes, White friends for as long as I can remember. I lived on Pope Street in Louisville, Kentucky. One street down the hill was Williams Street — home to the Page brothers who were pretty good boxers. We lived in the shadow of Muhammad Ali and we grew up believing him to be a larger than life hero.

I once walked into a room full of Black guys about half of whom were my friends. Jack, the guy who looked a helluva a lot like Ice Cube, yelled; “Hey fuckin’ Cracker! What the hell do you want?”

I answered; “Nothin’ Nigga!”

And the whole room cracked up laughing.

I’ve always had excellent relationships with anyone who wasn’t an ass.

I never really cared about the whole color thing on an individual level while simultaneously being fascinated by cultural differences.

Where I work now, my Boss calls me “White boy!” and I laugh and rejoin with “Nothing’, ya fuckin’ racist bastard.” And we all laugh.

I fully realize that my being White has contributed greatly to the ease with which I interact with and benefit from/with people and those who have hired me and for whom I have worked — Black, White, Hispanic, Araba, Asian and any other race you can name.

I know for a fact that being White has granted me access to places, events, people and things all over the world.

In China and most of Southeast Asia, people are fascinated by my “Whtie skin.” Asia has a “White is beauty, Black is ugly” dynamic that is, quite frankly, appalling. My girlfriend of several years used to tell me that she was Black. She’s approximately the color that most White girls aspire to when they are tanning. And when she tans, White women are jealous of it.

Strange, I know.

I constantly tell my girlfriend that she is beautiful. “Black” skin and all.

In Afghanistan, the Afghan Officers with whom I work told me that my girlfriend looks African and is too dark and that I should find a nice White woman and then show me photos of Iranian women who are only slightly lighter skinned than my girlfriend.

Skin color is confusing. The slightest shades make huge differences to people.

In Egypt, I was granted access to touristy places that were shut off to most because the strange tourist officials wanted to take pictures with the big white guy whom they kept calling Hercules. They virtually ignored my friend Humberto who was also American of Mexican origin because, well, he looked like them.

I have benefited from my skin color. I’ve also made great sacrifices to get to where I am. I’ve risked my life and taken chances that most Americans could never dream of.

I have helped many, many people along my journey. Some White, Some Black, Some Arab, Some Asian…Muslims, Christians, Atheists and Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu.

If I thought helping them would not come back to bite me in the ass or, more importantly, hinder me in helping others, I help others. I turned down my own White cousin when she asked for help with a recommendation and I told her the reason. She had a poor track record and I didn’t want her quitting on me and ruining it for some other who deserved the assist. She understood and we are still quite close.

I say all of this not to say that I’m a good person and not racist. I fully recognize that every human has built in and learned prejudices. I am not a good person. I’m not a bad person. I’m simply a human being who tries, sometimes fails and sometimes succeeds in treating others as I would like to be treated.

When “People of Color” (such a silly term…as if we aren’t all colored uniquely) make blanket statements about White people or White Americans, I get a bit touchy.

I’m a White person. I fully realize that racism exists and I have spent my life actively fighting it. I’ve called White and Black people out on their Bigotry. When a White friend used the word “nigger” in the privacy of our barracks room, I ripped him a new one. When a Black friend said all Afghans are “worthless raghead pieces of shit,” I ripped him a new one. Likewise when folks act foolishly and stereotype all Thai people when they’ve been insulted or in some way wronged by one Thai person, I refute their lunatic assertions that all Thai people are this, that or the other.

There is no such animal as a “person of color.” There are no two people on this planet that are the same color. “White” people are not bereft of color. I know White people who grew up in predominantly Black neighborhoods who “act Black” and cannot code switch to “Whitey-eze.”

I know Black people who cannot speak urban slang or “Ebonics.” I know 2ndGen Colombian-Americans who do not speak a word of Spanish and I know Mexicans who can barely speak English.

To portray all of any people any thing is an injustice. Constantly reading articles by “People of Color” and “Allies of People of Color” (I’m not ever sure what the hell that means…) telling me that “White people are…..” or “Why White people freak out when told they are racists” and other inane articles without an ounce of nuance irritate the shit out of me.

I cringe. Why? I know the reaction to these articles is nothing more than tens of thousands of minds slamming shut!

I know that if I made a stereotyping statement about any group except for “White” people, I would be branded a racist by those of you who wish to pretend that the world is divided between “people of color” and White people.

I know that I have seen Black people treated worse in Africa than I’ve ever seen them treated in America. I was born in 1968. I know that one of my good friends holds a hell of a lot of anger because of his upbringing in South Carolina and his Grandfathers treatment at the hands of White Southerners.

There is much injustice in America. There always has been. More than likely, there always will be.

There is racism, bigotry and discrimination in America. I know this for a fact.

None of these things will be solved…ever…if we do not learn how to have real, honest and open dialogue.

White people can experience bigotry including racism.

If any American ever stopped to think about it, Europeans (i.e., White People, Crackers, Whitey) are the minority on this planet. Europe began its ascendancy geo-politically a mere 400 years ago. Prior to that, the largest “White” Empire was Rome. There is much evidence that Rome was much more ethnic than the European Colonizers would have us believe.

At some point, we must begin to be honest with each other. We must be open. We must stop accusing all or none. We must accept differences. Not tolerate but ACCEPT and we must do so in an open manner.

I have seen this work.

I have always been accepted for who I am and have always accepted folks for who they are. I fell into it. I was lucky. I learned to look past differences early on in my life. I have been rewarded countless times for this fortunate accident.

It is…unfortunate that we can’t all simply accept differences and move on together.

Arab-Israeli Cultural PTSD

Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, quoted in the New York Times in 1948:

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea.”


In 1948, the Arabs were not willing to allow an independent Israeli (Jewish) State. The Arabs wanted Arabs to rule the area as part of a Muslim Nation. Once the war kicked off after the Israelis declared independence, the Arabs attacked.

There was no mention of a Palestinian Nation. The Arabs immediately began to speak of massacre and running the Jews into the sea and turning the Mediterranean Red with the blood of the Jews. Prior to the Balfour and Sykes-Picot agreements, the Arab-Jewish relations were fairly calm and agreeable. Once the Brits pulled their various deceits, the bottom of the amity barrel dropped out into a pit of poisonous acrimony between Arab Muslim and Jew.

Once the Jews committed to Independence, war was all but inevitable. Golda Meir spoke with the Jordanian King and asked if amity was possible. He said no. Israel declared Independence nonetheless. The Arabs expected the Jews to allow themselves to be ruled by Muslims. They expected the Jews to be satisfied as subjects with little to no say about their governance. The Jews refused to accept this.

The Arabs refused to allow Israel to become a State without a bloodletting. The Arabs maintained a war of attrition against Israel until 1982 with the realization that Israel had a finite population. The Palestinian Statehood question only came about AFTER the sound defeat in 1967. Prior to that, the only Palestinian State was Trans-Jordan now called Jordan. (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)

Arafat was posted in Palestine as the Head of he PLA. He was theretofore an Officer in the Egyptian Army. He maintained a home in El Arish until he died most likely from HIV/AIDS. (I’ve seen his home). The Arabs warred upon the Israelis constantly from 1948 until 1980s when Sadat made piece with Begin.  Whilst the peace between Israel and Egypt was being crafted, the PLO began its storied history of terrorism and general political murder of civilians.

There has been nearly 70 years of constant war between the Israelis and some body of Arabs. Yet, folks act as though they are surprised that the Israelis see the Palestinians as inhuman enemies. The Palestinian State is merely one more iteration of Arab animosity towards the Jews. It is a continuation of previous hostilities to the Jews/Israelis.

It is exceedingly difficult to view a people who have been trying to destroy you as humans. For many Israelis, they were born into war and have never known anything else. They have been attacked constantly in one form or another since May of 1948. And it surprises so many that a people who more than likely collectively suffer from PTSD would act insane and not give a damn about the state of the Palestinian people.


It has been recognized internationally that Khmers and Afghans suffer from collective cultural PTSD. I’m quite certain that both Israel and Palestine suffers similarly.


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People Are Funny


People are funny.

Christians are committing the same old sins such as burning witches alive today in Africa. Christians have murdered in America in the name of Jesus. I know this is not the message of the Christ.  However, it is done. Abortion clinics have been fired and abortion doctors have been murdered. Other freaks are out there murdering in the name of Jesus. The KKK were using Christianity as pretext for their actions and still do.  Though the KKK is or has been fairly non-violent as of late.

Of course, America is a modern nation.  As such, our people are, on whole, better educated and less prone to outright violence in the name of religion. However, it happens and it will happen. Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity. It is going through a period similar to the Wests Dark Ages or Medieval Age. We had it.  They’re having it now.

Imagine what they were saying about us in our dark age. Fortunately, the West and Christianity did not have today’s technology. We were far, far more violent than they have been thus far. We are actually still more violent.  The Muslims have done nothing close to World Wars 1 & 2, yet. I love how we, in the West, point to others and call them savage and barbaric when the West have nearly destroyed ourselves twice.

What is worse?  A couple of hundred beheadings or the bombing campaigns that the US has going all over the Middle East and Central Asia.

“Hey, I’ve got a brilliant idea.  We’ll stop ISIS from murdering people by murdering more people!  Brilliant.”  lol

People are funny.

I’m not excusing anything. I’m simply saying that no one is innocent. If all Muslims are guilty of the actions of a minority of Muslims, all Christians are equally guilty of the actions of a minority of Christians. Thus, we have no room to speak.

You can’t have it both ways.


People are funny.

Your sins are horrific. Mine are excusable even if they were worse.

Now, let’s go drone some ragheads!

Barack Obama is Delusional. History Shows Him a Fool.

US President Obama waves from a golf cart in Kailua

This is President Obama’s reaction to the death of James Foley.  In the statement, he shows a naive, wishful view of World History.

Radicals are the “folks” who move history.  Radicals end nations and start nations.

Even our Founding Fathers were radicals.  Look back to the American Revolution.  The Revolutionaries carried out some nasty deeds.  Massacres…town burnings…hangings.  I’m fairly certain they beheaded a few people as well.

Obama seems to think that history is made by peaceful “folks” who suddenly agree that things should change.  I think he’s seen one too many “Faux Revolutions” in Eastern Europe.  He seems to think that those “upheavals” were the norm.  What happened when the Cold War ended and the walls came tumbling down.  The history of the era is not so bloodless as they seem.  The old regimes’ rulers died.  It’s just that they didn’t show it on TV.  The 90s upheavals were heavily sanitized here in the West.  We weren’t shown the deaths that are inevitable with any regime change.  These things are inherently violent.  

And then we had the Balkans.  Plenty of folks were killed.  Massacres were everywhere in the Balkans.  So much so that Clinton decided that he had to intervene.  Serbians hate America to this day.  

Below is the Obama delusion:

President Obama delivered the following remarks in Martha’s Vineyard on the beheading of American journalist James Foley by the militant group Islamic State. Transcript courtesy of Federal News Service.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody.

Today, the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of Jim Foley by the terrorist group ISIL. Jim was a journalist, a son, a brother and a friend. He reported from difficult and dangerous places, bearing witness to the lives of people a world away.

He was taken hostage nearly two years ago in Syria, and he was courageously reporting at the time on the conflict there. Jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocked the conscience of the entire world. He was 40 years old, one of five siblings, the son of a mom and dad who worked tirelessly for his release. Earlier today, I spoke to the Foleys and told them that we are all heartbroken at their loss and join them in honoring Jim and all that he did.

Now, Jim Foley’s life stands in stark contrast to his killers. Let’s be clear about ISIL. They have rampaged across cities and villages killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. They abduct women and children and subject them to torture and rape and slavery. They have murdered Muslims, both Sunni and Shia, by the thousands. They target Christians and religious minorities, driving them from their homes, murdering them when they can, for no other reason than they practice a different religion.

They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people. So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.

People like this ultimately fail. They fail because the future is won by those who build and not destroy. The world is shaped by people like Jim Foley and the overwhelming majority of humanity who are appalled by those who killed him. The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless. When people harm Americans anywhere, we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done and we act against ISIL, standing alongside others. The people of Iraq, who with our support are taking the fight to ISIL must continue coming together to expel these terrorists from their community. The people of Syria, whose story Jim Foley told, do not deserve to live under the shadow of a tyrant or terrorists. They have our support in their pursuit of a future rooted in dignity.

From governments and peoples across the Middle East, there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer so that it does not spread. There has to be a clear rejection of this kind of nihilistic ideologies. One thing we can all agree on is that a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century. Friends and allies around the world, we share a common security and a common set of values that are rooted in the opposite of what we saw yesterday. And we will continue to confront this hateful terrorism and replace it with a sense of hope and civility.

And that’s what Jim Foley stood for, a man who lived his word, who courageously told the stories of his fellow human beings, who was liked and loved by friends and family. Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim. All of us feel the ache of his absence. All of us morn his loss. We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated from their families. And we will do everything that we can to protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for. May God bless and keep Jim’s memory. And may God bless the United States of America.

Most of the remarks were empty words.  Harmless.  Meant to make the Foley family feel as though the US did all it could to retrieve their son and bring him to safety.  This is and obvious lie but one that all Presidents tell the American people.  One can’t blame Obama for following in the footsteps of Reagan, Carter, FDR and LBJ.  Lies are common when Presidents speak to the America people.  

“All we have to fear is fear itself…;” said FDR.  He left out the Bankers and others who love to push America to war for profit.  After all, he was in cahoots with the Bankers.  Why would he speak truth to the power of the Bankers in American Foreign Policy.  If the American people were ever roused to the truth of American Banks…well, nothing.  Americans are too busy watching American Idol.

Obama says that no religion “teaches massacre of innocents.”  This lie ignores the commandments of God in the Old Testament and the Suras in the Qu’ran which continually command Muslims to murder the non-believer.  Until we come to terms with the truth that religions (faiths) do command murder, genocide and the killing of those who believe differently, we’re not going to successfully change the attitudes of the believers of this Earth.  We ignore the truths regarding these faiths at our own peril.  Obama should know better as he is a secularist and only pretends to be a church goer for political reasons.  It’s time, or rather it is past time, to speak the truth to these religions and of these religions.  

Christianity and Islam have blood stained histories.  That much they have in common.  Both are knee deep in the blood of innocents.  Let us speak the truth.

Obama also says that “people like this ultimately fail. They fail because the future is won by those who build and not destroy.”  

This is half truth at best.  Stalin did not fail.  Mao did not fail.  Pol Pot did not fail.  Ho Chi Minh did not fail.  Tamerlane did not fail.  Genghis Khan did not fail.  Alexander the Great did not fail.  The radical and the violent succeed.  The radical and the violent do not fail.  To say that the future is won by those who build and not those who destroy ignores 6,000 years of human history.  Even America has destroyed.  The American North invaded the American South and destroyed it.  The American South still feels the wrath of the Northern Invasion.  

Obama’s hero Che Guevara is one of those who was a destroyer.  He believed and acted on the belief that Capitalist societies must be destroyed in order to re-build a more egalitarian society.  He acted similarly to ISIS and al Qaeda.  Che used the tactic of terrorism to destroy the governments in Central and South America.  

Perhaps, this has Obama confused.  




When we depart Afghanistan, we will be leaving thousands of partners who aided the US/Coalition effort.

Leaving them to their fate.

These folks, who are ALL MUSLIM, have risked their lives for meager pay. We pay them anywhere from 150.00 to 3000.00 monthly average but most make closer to 800.00USD. In the meantime, thousands of them have been beaten, threatened kidnapped and at the extreme murdered in cold blood along with their families.

I have huge problems with Islam and what I call the “Muslim mentality.” That said, these folks, all of whom are Muslim have aided in our efforts against the insurgency, al Qaeda and the Taliban. They’ve put their lives on the line for their country, for the US & Coalition and for us.

I can’t not admire that and I can’t help but feel some sense of shame for we shall abandon them just as we abandoned the Vietnamese, Lao, Khmer and, more recently, the Iraqis.

We did not have to come here. They did not have to accept us. Nonetheless, we came. We stirred up the hornet’s nest. We shall depart hailing ourselves as the Great Bringers of Democracy and Liberty.

They will stay, suffer and die. We are culpable here in the Stan just as we are for the events transpiring in Fallujah and Mosul.


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David Petraeus

I knew this kid.  He works in a nan shop in Kabul right near where I was.  I bought bread from him two or three times a week.  I used to give him a Snickers bar when I bought fread.  Five of those “loaves” hanging behind Petraeus cost about 1USD (50 Afs).  Best bread in the world.


Somewhere in America (Westernized Muslim Women and Hijab Pride)

These are Muslim women who do not understand Islam and the meaning behind the hijab. The hijab is humility and chasteness. There is nothing humble or chaste about most of the women in this video.

The hijab, chadori and other Islamic accoutrement that these women are wearing are nothing more than an expression of their being from an Islamic culture. It is not an understanding of Islam or a representation of their Islamic beliefs.

These women have a choice, obviously, as to how they wish to live their lives. let them go to Saudi Arabia and prance around as they do in this video. That would be an excellent and hard lesson for them in the realities of Islam.

American Muslims are, apparently, no longer Muslims. They’ve lost their “Islam.” lol Muslims in name only. haha

This video is not a vision of reality for Muslim women in the Muslim world. It is an expression of Women who grew up Muslim in the West and, apparently, in extremely liberal Muslim families. This would not be possible in most of the Islamic world.

Body fitting pants and a hijab are as compatible as liberty and slavery. One may as well be a Nun and wear a bikini.

This video says nothing except that Muslim women in America do not to understand Islam or the realities of Muslim women in Muslim countries. The Hijab, the Chadori and other Muslim clothing articles of this type are meant to convey a sense of humility before Allah. They are meant to be a sign that the woman or girl is chaste. These women almost universally wear curve revealing clothing. This completely negates the head coverings that they’re wearing.

I challenge any of them to move to Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Live for a year or two in Egypt or Turkey or many other traditionally Muslim countries outside of the larger Metropolitan areas such as Cairo. Try dressing their as they dress in America. Experiment with going out in public without their hair covered. After that, then come back and tell us how free you felt to dress as you please.

Muslim women outside of the Muslim world have fooled themselves into believing that they have choices. They have fooled themselves into believing that if they wear the hijab that they are good Muslims.

Reality would beat these girls and throw acid in their face almost anywhere outside of the West.

Enjoy those freedoms but understand that you have those freedoms because you DO NOT live in a Muslim society.

Palestinian Problems

I was a little into my cups in this vid.

So, I went to Jerusalem a couple of years back with my girlfriend and another friend.  We had a good time strolling through the old city. We saw a lightshow in the Citadel of David.  We grooved through all of the old Christian sites such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.  It was easy on the Christian side.

The Jewish sites were open to the public and easily accessible.  No threatening presence.  No people staring you down for daring to enter their domain.

We walked  the Via do la Rosa.   The path of pain.  That being the path that Jesus, according to tradition, took from his judgement to his torture to his death via the most horrendous method of judicious murder ever devised by mankind — hanging on the cross.  It’s a strange tradition to follow the death of a man so closely but that’s Christianity.  It’s all about death.  They love their Jesus and celebrate his death.  I don’t understand it and especially do not understand why they don’t concentrate more on his life.

That said, there is not much known about his life.  If he actually existed.  There is no real proof that Jesus existed.  Most of the “proofs” have been found to be fakes or hoaxes.  The Shroud of Turin has been proved false.  Yet, folks still flock to see “his” death shroud.  More celebration of death.

On the Muslim side, it was a little bit more difficult.  The Muslim side is segregated.  Not only do women have their places and places that they can not go but the Muslims have made rules such that Infidels must pass through certain gates to enter their holy places.  Non-Muslims could not walk through certain areas and were prohibited from entering places like the Dome of the Rock.

The Muslims themselves looked to be near to breaking out in violence at all times.  They didn’t look happy even in their own little areas.  That’s not to say all of them.  But even the puniest punk tried to stare down folks.  That happened even in the markets.

It’s a shame as I know many Muslims who lead happy lives.  As happy as can be as most Muslims whom I know live in war torn nations.  Could there be a pattern to that?  Someone might want to think about that.

Why are most Muslim areas poor and violent?

I know.  America.  Right?  It’s all the fault of the Great Shaytan and the little Shaytan.  America and Israel.

Only that doesn’t account for the fact that Muslim areas have been in strife before contact with Europe or the existence of America.

Was Genghis Khan America’s fault?  Was Tamerlane the fault of America?  Were the Turkish tribes the fault of America or Europe?

Something to think about I suppose.

Overall, though, we encountered very few problems in Jerusalem.  Unless you count the impossibility of finding a good cheeseburger.

The Crusades through Muslim Eyes

Basically, the Crusades about which Muslims eternally whine were made possible by the internecine squabbles of Muslim rulers of the era and were conducted against a group of “Muslim” rulers who had taken control of Islam and the area in which the Crusaders attacked for one hundred years and less.

I find this ironic and humorous.

The Crusades through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf

Read it.  It’s an eye opener.

Basically, the Muslim world knows nothing of their own history.

Baghdad of this era was fought over by a group of brother rulers/caliphs over a period of 30 months.  In that time, Baghdad changed hands eight times for an average of every one hundred days.

Seljuk Princes were constantly squabbling with each other over the lands eventually taken by the “Franj” (Franks/Crusaders) which made it possible for the invading Europeans to take the Syria, Palestine and other areas piecemeal and quite literally at their [the Franj] leisure.

Muslim leaders also made and/or offered political alliances to the “Franj” against their brother Muslims.

Yet, the Muslims whine constantly about the Crusades.

Muslims learn your history before you whine again about the crusades.

Islam and the Golden Rule

From Jihad Watch:

Hello Robert,

The Quran is a book of double standards. Indeed there are exhortations to Muslims to be kind to the poor, the traveler, the orphan and the sick. This is to be expected. If you want to start a religion you must preach something good or you’d not find anyone to believe you. You cannot preach only evil. In order to attract followers you must teach things that people like and can easily identify as good. Once they accept you as a prophet, guru or their spiritual guide, then you can do whatever you want and get away with it.

The difference between a true spiritual teacher and a conman is in their consistency. There are several teachings of Muhammad that can be compared to those of Jesus, but the teachings of Jesus are consistent while those of Muhammad are not. Even a criminal can give you good advises, this does not mean this criminal is a good person.

When I was young there was a radio show in Iran called A City within Our City. Every week the producer interviewed a prison inmate on death roll and the criminal would tell the story of his life and what brought him to crime. At the end of the program the producer would ask, whether the criminal had any advice for young people. These criminals often had the best advices. They knew exactly the difference between right and wrong. I recall thinking, if only someone complied the advices of these criminals he could write the best book of guidance. Good words are dime a dozen. If they are not accompanied by good actions they are worthless. In fact the difference between a great man and a conman is in how much their word and deed differ. Even Obama came to power by giving good talks. His entire life however he befriended conmen, terrorists and hateful people. Demagogy is the domain of all charlatans and they are good at it.

We find similar good exhortations in the teachings of Jim Jones who actually based his religion on “social justice”. He even adopted children from many races to set the example.

The problem with the good teachings of Muhammad is that they are reserved for fellow Muslims. When the hadith says “None of you [truly] believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself,.” it is talking about the fellow Muslims. The brotherhood in Islam does not extend to everyone. The Quran (9:23) states that the believers should not take for friends and protectors (awlia) their fathers and brothers if they love Infidelity above Islam. In fact there are many verses that tell the Muslims to kill the unbelievers and be harsh to them. A clear example that Islam is not based on the Golden Rule is the verse (48:29): “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other.” This is the perfect definition of fascism.

There are many other verses that show the brotherhood in Islam is not universal. The non believers have no rights and should not be treated in the same way that Muslims are to be treated. The entire Quran is a breach of the Golden Rule. The Quran tells Muslims to slay the unbelievers wherever they find them (2:191), do not befriend them (3:28), fight them and show them harshness (9:123), smite their heads (47:4), etc. Are these verses compatible with the Golden Rule?

Islam is the only doctrine that calls upon its believers to do evil to others for the simple fact that they are not believers.

According to Muslims it is not the Golden Rule that defines the good and bad, it is Muhammad who does it. They believe that what is good for Islam is the highest virtue and what is bad for Islam is the ultimate evil. This is the definition of good and evil in Islam. This is the ethos of all cults. From Asahara’s “Aum Shinrikyo” to Jim Jones’ “People’s Temple”; from Sun Myung Moon’s “Unification Chruch” to David Koresh’s “Davidian Branch”, the recurring theme is that the cult’s interests override the human understanding of right and wrong. In order to advance the interest of the cult, which is regarded as the ultimate good, everything, including lying, and even murder and assassination are permissible. The end is deemed to be so lofty that it justifies the means. This is the same idea of fascism where the glorification of the state and the total subordination of the individual to it are enforced.

None of the verse quoted above have anything to do with the Golden Rule.

Verse 13:22 tells the believers to be patient and generous with their money. This is what all cults demand from their followers. The more sacrifice the cultist makes the more he or she can be manipulated. Verse 23:96 asks Muslims to repel evil, whereas the definition of evil for Muhammad was contradicting him. Verse 41:34 is a Meccan verse where Muhammad and his followers were the underdogs and here he preached patience and said repel evil with good so your enemy becomes as friend. Could he have done anything else? These orders changed when Muhammad came to power. In Medina Muhammad banished and massacred entire populations just because he suspected that they may not be friendly to him. 28:54 is a repetition of 23:96 and 42:40 says whoever forgives and amends, he shall have his reward from Allah. However, Muhammad never forgave those who mocked him. As for Muhammad’s unforgiving nature it is enough to recall the fate of Oqba the man who when Muhammad was in Mecca used to mock him and when he was captured in the Battle of Badr, Muhammad ordered his decapitation. He ventured to expostulate, and demand why he should be treated more vigorously than the other captives who were kept for ransom. ‘Because of your enmity to God and to his Prophet,’ replied Muhammad. ‘And my little girl!’ cried Oqba, in the bitterness of his soul, ‘Who will take care of her?’ – ‘Hellfire!’ exclaimed the heartless conqueror; and on the instant his victim was hewn to the ground. ‘Wretch that he was!’ continued Muhammad, ‘and persecutor! Unbeliever in God, in his Prophet, and in his Book! I give thanks unto the Lord that has slain you, and comforted mine eyes thereby.’

How do you reconcile the claim that Muhammad in his farewell sermon said, “Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.” With the fact that in his deathbed he said, “No two religions are allowed in Arabia” and ordered the forced conversion, expulsion or ethnic cleansing of the Jews and Christian and the murder of Pagans?

The sura 9, which is the last words of Muhammad, is a manifesto of discrimination and human rights abuses. This sura alone is proof that Islam is against the Golden Rule

The first requisite to feel the pain and suffering of others is to accept that they have feelings like us and they also feel hurt the way we do. If we deny such feelings on others we do not feel any remorse in abusing them. Muhammad claimed all those who disbelieve in Allah are the worst creatures. He even said that all non-believers will end up in hell where they will be tortured for eternity. How then Muslims can treat equally those whom they believe to be worst than beast and that deserve eternal punishment?

There is nothing in the Quran and Hadith that would make us believe that Islam is compatible with the Golden Rule.

A Challenge to the Religious

“You’re familiar with the old written law, ‘Love your friend,’ and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’ I’m challenging that. I’m telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves. This is what God does. He gives his best . . . to everyone.”
– Jesus (Matthew 5:43-45 The Message)

Islam was spread solely through conquest.  In every land that is now Muslim there are religious minorities.  These people are treated as second class citizens.  In no Muslim country are religious minorities treated with the respect and reverence  that Muslims demand for themselves everywhere in which they are minorities.

Islam has a version of the Golden Rule.  The problem with this Qu’ranic exhortation to “do unto others as…” is that it applies ONLY to fellow Muslims.  It is not all inclusive.  It is exclusionism at it’s worst.  The Qu’ran exhorts it’s followers to kill the unbeliever and to NOT treat with the unbeliever.  There is no universal Golden Rule in Islam unless you are a fellow Muslim or until the whole of the World “reverts” to Islam.  Those are Muhammadan commandments.  This is clearly spelled out in the Qu’ran and expounded upon tirelessly in the Hadith.

Christianity is on the verge of returning to it’s old ways.  It is becoming a religion of exclusion.  Counterfeit outrage and unfounded claims of persecution abound within the Christian realm of America.  Christians see more ghosts lurking in the shadows than McCarthy at the height of the Great Pink Scare of the Cold War.

Go back and read the words of your Savior.  Stop spreading hate and discontent towards others who are not like you.

Instead of forcing others to become Christian in order to receive your charity and kindness, be truly charitable and kind without expectation, without demanding reciprocation and without the quid pro quo.

In the northern Hill Tribe area of Thailand, Christians are doing excellent work.  However, that assistance is only available to those who are willing to become pretend Christians or who are willing to be indoctrinated and attend Church services on a regular basis.  The Hill Tribe people are required to convert or at least “shamvert” in order to receive services, education, food stuffs, etc.  This is not charity.  It’s trickery.  It’s deception.  It’s dissembling.  It is an outrage.

Yeshua said to be fishers of men.  He did not command his followers to go forth and enslave men.  He did not force others to receive his word in order to receive his love and kindness.  If this is to be the work of Christianity, they may as well be Muslims.

Christians and Muslims loudly proclaim that theirs is a religion of peace.  They say that they are a boon to mankind.  Prove it.  I do not see it.  In Islam, I see continual strife and violence against the unbeliever.  In Christianity, I see exclusion.  Too much hell fire and brimstone and not enough Faith, Hope and Love.

Come to the light.  It’s warm and lovely therein.

Islamic Democracy!

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Muslim immigrants in Palma de Mallorca, the capital of the Balearic Islands in Spain, have succeeded in forcing the expulsion of all female parking meter enforcement officers from a city neighborhood that is home to a growing Muslim population.

The move reflects the increasing assertiveness of Spain’s Muslim community, which in recent years, has sought to impose its will over Spanish society on a variety of issues deemed offensive to Islam.

Female parking enforcement officers patrolling the streets near a mosque situated on the Plaza de Pere Garau in downtown Palma have been subjected to a systematic campaign of harassment and humiliation by Muslims who insist that only male officers should be allowed to work in the area.

In recent weeks the tensions have escalated to the point where female parking officers have been verbally abused and spit upon by Muslim immigrants seeking to force the women out of the neighborhood.


“We are ready to work with our souls and hearts to fight for our beloved prophet, even if death comes to meet us.” — Sharia4Belgium

“I can imagine there would be good reasons to outlaw the film.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a reversal from two years ago, when she said, “Free speech is one of the greatest treasures of our society.”

The protests mark the beginning of a process of “intimidation.” — Marine le Pen, President, National Front Party, France


Islamic Democracy is a misnomer.  It’s a contradiction in terms.  These people should not be allowed to live in a Democratic Nation.  Anyone who harbors these beliefs and ideologies should be deported.  If you wish to live under Sharia, move to Iran or Saudi Arabia.  Leave the West alone.  Leave.  Go.  Get out.  You are not welcome here.

If Sharia law is ever introduced into America, I will lead the Revolution myself.


Muslims and the Qu’ran

By this stage, most Muslims are not Arab.   As a matter of fact, I think the majority of Muslims live in South Asia or Africa.  The largest single Muslim country is Indonesia. 

  The native language of most Muslims is anything other than the Arabic in which the  Qu’ran is written.

  The Qu’ran, technically, is forbidden to be translated to other languages.   

Therefore, many or most Muslims will not read a translated version as to do so is to sin. 

  Most Muslims outside of Arab speaking nations memorize the Qu’ran by rote.

  They can recite suras from the Quran from beginning to end.   Yet, they haven’t the foggiest notion of the meaning of that which they recite.   They rely upon Mullahs or Imams to tell them meanings.  

In many places, the Mullahs themselves are illiterate or have no knowledge of Arabic.   Therefore they do not know what the Qu’ran actually states.

  That’s why most Muslims are Muslim in name only.   They worship an idol called “the Qu’ran.”   They have no knowledge of the actual  Qu’ran and take the word of the more famous and fundamentalists Mullahs as to what being a Muslim entails.

I met a young man in Herat who was given the privilege of giving the Friday prayer because of his voice and his memorization of the Qu’ran. This child was brought over to pray at one of my Class Graduations. Afterwards, I spoke to the child. 

”So, you’ve memorized the whole Qu’ran?”

“Yes Sir, and I have been tested to ensure the completeness of my knowledge.”

“That is amazing. So you speak Arabic as well as Dari? And at such a young age.”

“No sir, I only speak Dari. I do not know Arabic.”

“So you memorized the whole of the Qu’ran but you don’t know what any of it means?”

“Yes Sir. But the Mullah tells me what it means. He shares with me his knowledge.”

  And that is the majority of Muslims. They may know some or all of the Qu’ran.   But it is a relatively small percentage of the Muslim population which can read the actual Qu’ran with any dawning of comprehension.   To most, it’s merely a series of squiggly lines.

Muslim Hypocrisy!

Mohammad Cartoons published in Denmark ~ Muslims Riot

Suicide Bomb goes off in Market ~ Muslim World Silent

Qu’ran flushed in a toilet ~ Muslims Riot

Women raped and then deceived into becoming suicide bombers ~ Muslim World Silent

Terry Jones threatens to burn a Qu’ran ~ Muslims Riot

6 year old Afghan Girl used as suicide bomber ~ Muslim World Silent

Qu’ran rumored to be burned ~ Muslims Riot

40 Children saved by Combined Coalition/Afghan Force ~ Muslim World Silent

Qu’rans accidentally included in a burn pile ~ Muslims Riot in Afghanistan

Do any Muslims see the stupidity in this? Does anyone else?

Is the Qu’ran this important?

People wonder why I have no respect for religion.

Burning the Qu’ran

To Muslims, it's sacred. To anyone else in the world, it's just a damn book.

1. Don’t spread rumours. Whenever you hear something which concerns your collective life, communicate it to the appropriate authorities so as to make them reach a correct conclusion after proper investigation:

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(4:83) “When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they divulge it, although their attachment and obedience to the (Divine) System requires that they had only referred it to the Rasool (central authority) or those charged with authority amongst them (officers of the lower ranks); in case they refer it to them, the specialists could verify and ascertain the truth.”

Afghanistan, 21 February 2012

Afghans are rioting in Kabul and Bagram AGAIN.  Blocking streets.  Attacking innocent civilians and Westerners.  Why?  Another violent reaction to a perceived slight.  US Soldiers inadvertently including Qu’rans in a pile of files and documents that were being burned.

Some lower Enlisted guys were told to take some old files out to the burn pit. Apparently, it was a lot of stuff. Most of it in Dari. Included in the piles of stuff were copies of the Qu’ran. These kids had no clue as to what the stuff was. They only knew that they were told to burn it.

While they were burning these materials, some local nationals were in the area. These local nationals (AFGHANS) noticed that there were Qu’rans and other religious materials being burned.  Instead of asking why the soldiers were burning the material, the Afghans jumped to the worst possible conclusion.  They stormed off the base and riled up the masses outside of Bagram and spread vicious rumors about the Soldiers of Bagram.  By morning, the rioting had spread to Kabul.

The locals didn’t stop and ask the guys who were burning the stuff if they indeed knew what they were burning. They offered no advice or warning. They simply became enraged and started riots and protests.  Typical Muslim behavior the world over.  See something happening, become enraged and jump to conclusions.

AFTER the Qu’rans had been burned, the Afghans walked off the job and proceeded to spread the news that US Soldiers at Bagram were burning Qu’rans.

My question is this:

Why did the local nationals (AFGHANS) not stop the guys and tell them that they were about to burn Qu’rans?  Why did they not inquire as to the nature of the Soldiers’ reasoning in burning the materials that included Qu’rans?

I’ve read the book and, therefore, I know what a Qu’ran looks like. A guy who has never seen a Qu’ran isn’t going to know that it’s a Qu’ran. It’s going to look like some book with squiggly ass writing on it in the middle of a bunch of other old papers, files and books with squiggly ass writing on it. If there are boxes of books and files and a few lower Enlisted guys are told to take the shit out to the burn pit and burn it, they’re going to take the shit out to the burn pit and burn it. I’ve thrown tons of old stuff into the fire pits in Bagram, Camp Stone and other places. If it’s old shit, I rarely look through it. I just start ripping, wadding and burning and throwing.

So Afghans watched a group of Soldiers burn some Qu’rans along with a bunch of other stuff.  Having simply watched the Qu’rans burning and not offering any warning to anyone involved that they were about to burn the Holy Qu’ran, the Afghans spread the news that US Soldiers are burning Qu’rans. Kabulis and other Afghans are now out in force blocking roads, burning tires and rioting in general.  As a result of this, one or two of Afghans and possibly, but doubtfully, a Coalition member or two will wind up dead or injured due to the stupidity of a couple of Afghans who could have forestalled all of this by simply saying; “Hey, do you know that those are Qu’rans that you are about to burn?”

Had an Afghan told the Soldiers this, not one Qu’ran would have been burned.  Another thing that could have forestalled this would have been a little situational awareness on the part of the NCO or Officer who ordered the files to be burned.  Having said this, the US Army should not be in the business of handing out religious books.  If that is done at all, it should be in the hands of the various Chaplains in country.

My opinion. The Afghans should grab the guys who watched the Soldiers burn the Qu’rans and spread fallacious stories and hang their asses. They allowed this to happen and then spread the news so that idiots could have an excuse to act like idiots.

Bottom line, though.  It’s a fuckin’ book. If God had touched it or they were copies carried back from the Kaba’a or they were ancient manuscripts that were carried by Abu Bakr or Hussein and Ali, I could understand. But these were US mass produced copies of the Qu’ran.   Not every copy of the Qu’ran is sacred.  Some of them are just books that were mass produced.  The Mullahs need to stop acting like and telling the Umma that all copies of the Qu’ran are sacred.  Nothing that is massed produced is sacred.  I don’t give a fuck if God himself hands each one out himself.  If it’s massed produced, it’s about as sacred as a Happy Meal.

American and other Coalition soldiers have shed their blood in defense of Afghanistan.  Shoulder to Shoulder or  Shona ba Shona and Ooga pa ooga as the Afghans say.   Coalition Forces have died defending the Afghans right to worship as they see fit.  Americans, Canadians, British, Romanians, French and soldiers of other Nations have given their lives for the people of Afghanistan.  The Afghans overwhelmingly express a desire for America and the Coalition to stay on past 2014.  Afghans are fearful of a resurgent Taliban.  Yet, the moment an American or a Coalition Soldier makes a mistake concerning their fuckin’ book, the Afghans go insane and jump to the worst possible conclusion.

The actions by these protesting Afghans dishonors every Soldier who has given his life for the cause of Afghan independence and security.

I have news for Afghans and Muslims world wide.  The overwhelming majority of non-Muslims could give a fuck less about Islam or the Qu’ran.  That includes the majority of the International Force fighting for your right to act like complete idiots each time someone pisses on or burns a Qu’ran.   If it weren’t for the Coalition of Nations and their Soldiers including those who inadvertently burned the Qu’ran last night, Afghans would still be under the oppressive reign of the Taliban.  Most of us in the West don’t care enough about Islam to burn a book which is essentially meaningless to us.  However, the more ignorant that the more idiotic of the Muslim Faith act in “defense” of their religion, the more people dislike the Faith of Islam and the more likely people are to see Islam as an enemy of peace.  The more Muslims react with this seemingly instinctively visceral insanity after any instance of supposed disrespect to the religion of Islam, the more likely folks are to see Islam as an exercise in intellectual and spiritual fallacy.  The more likely regular folks are to see it as an enemy.

Muslims, grow the fuck up.  Neither you nor your religion is entitled to respect.  Respect is earned.  If you’ll note, the Islamic world is the poorest region of the world.  The Islamic world is one of the most illiterate regions on the planet.  The world of Islam is one of the most violent regions in the world.  The Nations of Islam are the most oppressive on the planet.  Again, grow the fuck up.

Most people in the West know next to nothing about Islam.  The one thing that nearly all people who have any awareness of Islam know is that many of it’s adherents are petty lunatics and are prone to riots and violence over any perceived insult to Islam, Mohommad or the Qu’ran.  We don’t care about your religion.  Keep it to yourself.  As a non-Muslim, I am not obligated to show respect for your Faith.  If I do show it respect, it is not because I am obliged to do so.  That respect is due to the Muslims whom I have known over the years for whom I have respect.  These folks earned my respect.  The morons out there rioting over inadvertently burned Qu’rans burn away the respect that those folks earned from me.  The majority of Muslims whom I have met are excellent people.  I don’t see them doing this incessant rioting and whining over smallish slights to their religion.  They realize that not everyone believes as they do.  They realize that some folks out there make their religion look bad.  The folks out there rioting over cartoons, inadvertently or purposefully burned Qu’rans and Fitna videos make all Muslims look foolish.  These are the Muslims who make it possible for the World to look at the Muslim world as an illiterate, insane backwater that is not worthy or ready for self-determination or self leadership.  These fools make the World of Islam ripe for exploitation.  These fools make it possible for the Islamic world to be dehumanized on a grand scale.  These fools make possible the Saddam Husseins, Hosni Mubaraks, Khomeinis, Ahmadinejads and Bashar al-Assads.  These fools make it possible for the West to maintain relations with the House of Saud.  The West would rather deal with these mad men than the mass of lunatics represented by the rioters of the Muslim World.

It’s extremely hard to defend Islam or Muslims when they act like fucking morons.  Please stop acting like complete and utter morons!


Get a grip.  It would help if Muslims actually read the Qu’ran which they hold so sacred:

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(24:15-16) “When you received it on your tongues and spoke with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge, and you deemed it a trifle, while with Allah Almighty it was serious. And why did you not, when you heard it, say: It beseems us not to talk of it. Glory be to Thee! This is a great calumny”