Israel & Palestine

This is merely the evil of the State vs the evil of Religion.

And most Western Liberals are too damned stupid to comprehend.

I’d love to see Mia Khalifa run on over to Gaza and exercise her “rights” in “Palestine”. She’d be running back to Tel Aviv asking for protection within 15 minutes of crossing the border. They’d murder her as soon as they realized who she was.

The Killing of Qassem Soleimani

Soleimani was instrumental in several key events of the past 4 decades. He was instrumental in the Hezbollah takeover of Lebanon. He assisted Hezbollah in their political defeat of Israel in Lebanon. He was a major orchestrator of Shi’a militias in Iraq and insurgents in Afghanistan during the current Global War On Terror. I know we’re not supposed to call it that anymore. Nonetheless, that war on ideology is more global now than when Obama went full PC and forced the name change.


Soleimani has been a thorn in the side of the West for decades.

But why is the West still treading paths that lead them to that thorn.

Why is the West incessantly meddling in the Middle East? Why have US political leaders from FDR to Dwight David Eisenhower to Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, his father and Barack Obama kept the US in the Middle East. Why have we interposed ourselves within the Shi’a-Sunni divide. Why are we constantly involved in regime change in Islamic countries?

We’ve been meddling there since World War I. We have supported, thanks to the British and French, the creation of several Frankenstein monster States. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Syria and Israel to name a few. None of these States are stable. None can exist without outside support and interference. Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iraq have been on the British or US teat since their creation. Syria and Algeria would in no way exist without having been colonial creations of the French. Certainly, they’ve operated independently for decades. Yet, they always run to the West when they, again, run into trouble.

All of these Middle Eastern nations, excepting possibly Israel, are controlled by despotic regimes. The people of these States have no real conception of being a nationality. Instead, they are a conglomeration of tribes, ethnicities, religions and mutated cultures mashed together for political expediency. And, one might cynically say, so that they can never unite and become a real Nation State for that was never the intent of the West.

The West has always understood that a united Islam or a united Middle East would be a threat. Though, I’m not certain that the political leaders of Western Europe retain this knowledge. Possibly, they do and have a death wish which is why they have allowed such open migration of Islamic masses to the shores of Europe.

Soleimani wanted the West out. He wanted Iran to fill that power vacuum.

Saudi Arabia stands in his way as does Israel.

Why is America standing between this inevitable showdown? Why did we remove Saddam Hussein who was the only man standing between that showdown?

Removing Saddam was a mistake.

Every foreign policy decision stemming from that mistake has been a mistake.

Now that Saddam is gone. Only Saudi Arabia can confront Iran. If Israel does so, it would unite the Sunni and Shi’a against Israel because Muslims will alway stand together against “the infidel” or kuffar.

Why is the US still meddling when we should be using Saudi Arabia as a proxy. We should still be using Saddam as a proxy.

Us troops should never have been re-introduced to the Middle East after Beirut. It was a mistake then. It was a mistake in 1990. It was a mistake in 2003. It is a mistake now. There is no end to the blood feud between the Shi’a and Sunni short of the destruction of Islam. There is no end to the Arab-Israeli conflict short of the complete destruction of Israel or Islamic unity. Likewise, there will never be an end to religious persecutions in the Middle East. Not even the complete destruction of Islam will accomplish this. Christians have always done the same and would simply pick up the persecution mantle if they replaced Islam.

Soleimani was a key figure in all of those conflicts. He would have continued to be a key figure in all of those conflicts.

Soleimani was instrumental in killing Americans and other Westerners in the Middle East and anywhere Shi’a terrorist plied their trade. He would have continued to kill if he had lived.

Trump, in my opinion, made the realistic decision. He ordered the killing of a successful leader of the enemies of the West. He should do so again if given the opportunity.

I do not believe that Iran has the courage to “go to war” with the US. They’ll talk a good game. They’ll attack some targets. They would have anyway. The conflict will go on.

The United States should not commit to regime change in Iran.

If Iran does strike out at the US, I would be for bombing Qom and killing Ayatollah Khamenai. I would not be for invasion. I would be for punitive incursion. Lightning quick strikes inside Iran at key targets. In and out. Never invasion.

The United States cannot afford to be fearful of spilling the blood of our enemies.

If we are going to remain committed to being World Police. We should be committed to taking out the enemy wherever he or she might lie in hiding. Kill them. Destroy their will to fight. Sanctions will not accomplish much. To destroy the will to fight, we have to make it incomprehensible for the enemy to go on. They have to believe that the United States will do everything and anything that it takes to win.

If we aren’t willing to do that, we should bring the troops home.

I believe that we should bring our troops home.

We should disband NATO. We should leave Europe.

We should become a nation of merchants…with a scorpion’s tail. Trade with us in peace. Attack us and die.


And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

The Palestine Lie and Marc Lamont Hill

Marc Lamont Hill is a fool. He is ignorant. He is wrong.

Support for Palestine is:

1. Support for the Enemies of God/Allah (if one is a believer in such things as Gods, in general and/or the God of Abraham specifically).
Either that or the Palestinians are so ignorant that they do not know that Palestine is derived from Philistia who were THE enemies of God.
2. A call for the destruction of Israel (or support of said call).

Every Palestine movement has called for the destruction and violent end of Israel and the death of the Jews.
3. A call for another Saudi Arabia.

Palestine is not going to be an enlightened nation wherein freedom and liberty will reign supreme. Hamas, Fatah, the PLA/O all call for an Islamic Nation based on Islamic Law. It’s another petty religious tyranny waiting to be formed. Saudi Arabia, Iran….Palestine.
4. Palestine is already free and a Nation. It’s called Jordan. They have a Nation. They also have Lebanon now because Palestinians combined with Hezbollah stole that nation from the Marionite Christians and occupied it.
5. I’ll support the end of the occupation of Jerusalem when the occupation of the Holy Roman Empire and Constantinople comes to an end.
6. Jerusalem is not the holy city of Muslims. That is Mekkah. Jerusalem is THE holy city of the Jews and has been for thousands of years. If Muslims base their claim on their 1300 year old conquest and occupation of Jerusalem, Israel has the greater claim as Jews have lived there for, at least, 1,000 years longer. Jews have the greater claim.
7. If Palestine was meant to be a Nation, why did it not exist between 1948 and 1967. Instead, those lands were illegally annexed by Jordan and Egypt.

8. Palestine has never…ever…ever…ever…ever(!) been a Nation. Palestine was first made a province of Rome after the 71 AD revolts of the Jews. It was, at that time, called Judea. The Romans renamed it Palestina or Palestinia. They named it so because of the Philistines who were the ancient enemies of the God and People of Israel. It was a slight. Again, “Palestinians” took the name of the enemy of their own God. Ignorance or Stupidity. You tell me.
Palestine was, after the fall of the Western Empire, a province of the Holy Roman Empire. Thereafter, it was a province of the various multitude of Islamic Empires, Caliphates
and Petty Kingdoms that conquered it. Those various entities, excepting the Crusader States, retained that name for that province. Palestine has never been a State. It has never been a Country. It has never been a Nation. It has never been a Kingdom. It was always a part of some Nation, State, Country or Kingdom


All else is lie or propaganda.
Finally, if Israel is an occupation and has no right to exist, every Nation from Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq to Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Pakistan and Indonesia, likewise, is an occupation and has no right to exist.
All of those nations were created in the same era and in the same manner and with the covert or overt support of the same “colonial” Western Powers.

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#FreePalestine = Genocide

st,small,215x235-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1u1Is supporting the #FreePalestine movement a celebration of genocide?

The name Palestine originates with the Romans who had just committed genocide, stopped short and forcibly ejected the Jews from their homeland and caused all manner of hardship, death and destruction in the name of Empire all so the Romans could continue to occupy the Kingdom of Judea.

A few hundred years later, the Islamic Empire continued that tradition of conquest, genocide and occupation.

Israel finally gets their homeland back and the myth of the Palestinian Nation is created to steal that land from them again.

Palestine has never existed as an independent State. The lie of Palestine was created in 1967 when the Arab Muslims finally realized that they could not “drive the Jews into the sea” or “make the Med run Red with the blood of the Jews.”

Support of Palestine is support of genocide.

Palestine was NEVER a Nation

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Palestine has never existed as a State.

It was a Province of Rome, of the Ottoman Empire, of other Arab Islamic and Turko/Kurdish Islamic Empires.

Palestine has always been a tool of Empires.

That is the funny part.

All of the ignorant Leftist fools who are against Imperialism and Colonialism have championed THE longest existing tool of Empire still extant.

Palestine was created by Rome to punish the Jews. The Roman Empire in the East ultimately fell to the Islamic EMPIRE. Various Islamic Empires rose and fell over the centuries after the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire. They all kept the Palestine name for that Province.

That province was NEVER a State. It was never a Nation.

Yet, most Leftist Social Justice Warriors are too stupid to realize that they’ve been duped.

Israel has committed no crimes that every other Nation now extant and in history have not committed. By virtue of being American, Syrian, Egyptian, Iraqi, Chinese, Russian, English, British, Canadian, Mexican, Irish, Scottish or any other member of any other Nation-State, you are guilty of the same crimes of which you accuse Israel.

Except…the Western Social Justice Warrior pretends that they are better because they are willfully ignorant of your own history.

Show me one Islamic nation now or in history that has not committed the same “crimes” as Israel. You will have to lie to do so.

The Long Awaited Islamic Reformation


Liberals, Leftists, Conservatives, Neo-Cons, Neo-Liberals, Islamists, Pan-Islamists and everyone else concerned keep speaking of a long awaited Islamic Reformation.

Actually, that Reformation has already began and is ongoing. Except that Islam is going from a slumbering megalith to an extremist controlled ideology. Islam began a long sleep sometime in the 1700-1800 era. It went near comatose after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Two things occurred to awaken Islam:

1. (a) The Brits made a deal with the devil and helped to create Saudi Arabia and (b) FDR made the Wahhabist scum a US protectorate in exchange for oil making Saudi Arabia one of the richest shit pot nations on the planet.
2. (a) Israel declared Independence in 1948 and (b) whipped Arab Muslim ass in 1967.
Since those two dates, Islam has slowly awakened.
That “Great Awakening” was quickened during the Soviet Afghan war when we, the US, brought Saudi Arabia into the mix and gave the Paki ISI the go to give monies to whom they would. The Pakis and Saudis funded the most extremist elements of the Afghan combatants.
The US said…Oh, we’ll just let things run their course after the Soviet hightailed it out of Afghanistan. Things ran their course. The Saudi Wahhabists built mosques and madrassahs all along the FATA and NWFP. They took in war orphans. The Paki ISIS needed a hedge against India and, just in case, Iran.
Thus was born the Taliban.
Prior to all of this, you have the US educated Qutb who created the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muzzie Bro’hood spawned every extremist group on the Sunni side.
Iran’s great Shi’a Revolution? You can thank Allen and JD for that. Oh…there was a Roosevelt in that mix as well. 26 years later…BOOM! The Iranian Shi’a Revolution brings the nutjob Khomeini to power thanks to a pacifist doofus named Jimmy.
The seeds to all of this were planted by US shortsightedness and ignorance of the Middle East, its people and culture as well as the megalomaniacal hubris of Post World War II America .  Americans are “exceptional” and, therefore, can’t be bothered with history or culture or anything that might call into question our exceptional lack of foresight.
We’re genius like that.
I reckon the MCIC knew that the Soviets would fall eventually and needed some reason to keep hysteria rockin’ and rollin’ in the free world.


Conflict in the Middle East predates Islam by thousands of years. This region is a crossroads of history. Traditions of hate, violence and war date back to before the Greeks and Persians to the earliest stories of the pre-Phoenician peoples. Expecting “Peace in the Middle East” One may as well search  for the burial place of Genghis Khan. Find one; you may find the other.


None of this is to say that the United States or Britain is to blame for Islamic Extremism. Islam was born in blood. It will die in blood. Islam was spread via conquest. Muslims and Liberals love to deny this. However, the Islamic Empire spread from Medina to Andalusia (Spain) in an amazingly short period of time. None of these territories invited Mohammad, Abu Bakr or Uthman into their lands. Islam did not quietly knock and ask for admittance. Islam rode at the head of a world devouring empire. People “submitted” to Allah not because they suddenly saw the light. They converted or “reverted” because it was the prudent thing to do. If you were given the choice between conversion, death or high taxes and second/third class citizenship in your own lands, most would choose to convert.

Islam is a violent Abrahamic religion. All three of the religions spawned by Abraham are violent and full of blood lust — Xtianity, Judaism and Islam.

The Extremist Muslims are following the path of previous Muslims including that of Mohammad. Denial of this is denial of historic reality.

Islam is violent. It also knows peace. However, like Xtianity, the majority of the religions is about purifying the world and making it ready for God/Allah via force.

Same God, same violence, same hatred for the non-believer. Muslims choose which path to follow. Those who choose violence choose that path regardless of outside influence. They would choose that path even if the US and Britain had never existed as neither existed when the Islamic Empire first invaded Europe, Africa and Asia.

Nations Are Earned in Blood Not Flight


Nations become Nations because people fight, die and, eventually, succeed in taking the land upon which those nations are built.

This is how the United States, Ireland, Russia, China, Britain, France, Sweden, Thailand, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Yemen, Oman and every other Nation on the planet were formed.
This is how Israel was formed as well. This is why Palestine is not, has never been and will not be a Nation.

Palestine has never been a Nation. The existence of a group of people who choose to call themselves a name created by Romans nearly 2,000 years ago neither necessitates nor creates a Nation. The existence of a people who chose to flee (as they do in Syria) and become refugees rather than fight for their homeland does not create nor does it necessitate a Nation. A group of people who choose to call themselves Palestinians and who use terrorism to bully the world into coming to their aid and who constantly poke a bear in it’s lair so that said bear will come out and mail them neither creates, justifies nor necessitates a Nation.
Palestine has been a lie since 1967. Before 1967, Palestine was naught but the name of a province of Rome and half of the name of a British Mandate.
The people who chose to brand themselves Palestinians chose to flee rather than to stand and fight.

They do not deserve a Nation.


Invasion of the Refugees

The ‪#‎refugees‬ have no right to the land or resources of other people.

Isn’t the argument of the ‪#‎Palestinians‬ that Israel had no right to invade, occupy and steal the land and resources of the Levant?

Why, suddenly, do ‪#‎Syrians‬, ‪#‎Afghans‬, ‪#‎Yemenis‬, ‪#‎Iraqis‬ and other‪#‎MiddleEastern‬ peoples have the right to invade, occupy and steal the land and resources of ‪#‎European‬ nations?

Oh….you’re all hypocrites? I got it now.

This current set of refugees are running from war and violence in the exact same manner as the Palestinians ran in ’48, ’56 and ’67. Will they demand a “right of return” as well?


Biggest Terror Organizations in the World


1. Saudi Arabia
4. US/Russia/China
7. UK/France/Germany
8. Muslim Brotherhood
9. Puppets of #s 4 and 7
10. Israel
11. Iran
12. Remaining ME/CA Islamic Nations.
13. Everyone else.

Saudi Arabia exports more terrorism in the form of its decrepit Wahhabi creed than all of the others combined.

Iran is a chia pet by comparison.

The Great Triumvirate of the United States of America, China and Russia have terrorized the world with impunity since the close of the Second World War.

France, the UK and Germany are all too willing accomplices to any and every US adventure that comes down the pike.

Iran selectively defends the Shi’a community via the IRG and the Party of God (Hezbollah). They imported Hezbollah to Lebanon. They support factions inside of Saudi Arabia, the Houthis in Yemen as well as other places. Iran will also selectively support Sunni terrorists otherwise known as Wahhabist Saudi Arabian created scum as suits their needs.

Israel terrorizes the Palestinians and occasionally Southern Lebanon. Israel has attacked nations such as Iraq and Iran preemptively.

The Palestinians terrorize Israel and their own people. The Palestinians attempted to depose the King of Jordan. They’ve also raised a bit of hell in Lebanon and Egypt. There is also the actions of the PLO under Arafat and assorted other madmen.

The other nations of the Middle East and Central Asia mostly terrorize their own people. Only occasionally sending out State sponsored Wahhabists and assorted other misfits to further their political ends.

Pakistan created the Taliban out of the anti-Soviet Insurgency, orphans from that war and the Wahhabist Madrassahs that were established by the Saudis. They were established, equipped and used as a hedge against Indian influence in Afghanistan and as well as a buffer against Iranian influence.

Yes, the world is fucked up.

Arab-Israeli Cultural PTSD

Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, quoted in the New York Times in 1948:

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea.”


In 1948, the Arabs were not willing to allow an independent Israeli (Jewish) State. The Arabs wanted Arabs to rule the area as part of a Muslim Nation. Once the war kicked off after the Israelis declared independence, the Arabs attacked.

There was no mention of a Palestinian Nation. The Arabs immediately began to speak of massacre and running the Jews into the sea and turning the Mediterranean Red with the blood of the Jews. Prior to the Balfour and Sykes-Picot agreements, the Arab-Jewish relations were fairly calm and agreeable. Once the Brits pulled their various deceits, the bottom of the amity barrel dropped out into a pit of poisonous acrimony between Arab Muslim and Jew.

Once the Jews committed to Independence, war was all but inevitable. Golda Meir spoke with the Jordanian King and asked if amity was possible. He said no. Israel declared Independence nonetheless. The Arabs expected the Jews to allow themselves to be ruled by Muslims. They expected the Jews to be satisfied as subjects with little to no say about their governance. The Jews refused to accept this.

The Arabs refused to allow Israel to become a State without a bloodletting. The Arabs maintained a war of attrition against Israel until 1982 with the realization that Israel had a finite population. The Palestinian Statehood question only came about AFTER the sound defeat in 1967. Prior to that, the only Palestinian State was Trans-Jordan now called Jordan. (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)

Arafat was posted in Palestine as the Head of he PLA. He was theretofore an Officer in the Egyptian Army. He maintained a home in El Arish until he died most likely from HIV/AIDS. (I’ve seen his home). The Arabs warred upon the Israelis constantly from 1948 until 1980s when Sadat made piece with Begin.  Whilst the peace between Israel and Egypt was being crafted, the PLO began its storied history of terrorism and general political murder of civilians.

There has been nearly 70 years of constant war between the Israelis and some body of Arabs. Yet, folks act as though they are surprised that the Israelis see the Palestinians as inhuman enemies. The Palestinian State is merely one more iteration of Arab animosity towards the Jews. It is a continuation of previous hostilities to the Jews/Israelis.

It is exceedingly difficult to view a people who have been trying to destroy you as humans. For many Israelis, they were born into war and have never known anything else. They have been attacked constantly in one form or another since May of 1948. And it surprises so many that a people who more than likely collectively suffer from PTSD would act insane and not give a damn about the state of the Palestinian people.


It has been recognized internationally that Khmers and Afghans suffer from collective cultural PTSD. I’m quite certain that both Israel and Palestine suffers similarly.


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The “Good” War

So you would have fought during World War II but not Nam, Korea or Iraq and Afghanistan.

What was the actual outcome of World War II?
Why did we fight World War II?

Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?

Britain and France declared war on Germany because Germany invaded Poland. That was the pretense at any rate.

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor after America had engaged in a systematic effort to deny the Empire of Japan the resources necessary to build their Nation and Empire.

By the end of World War II, Poland and all of Eastern Europe was in the hands of a greater evil than Hitler could ever have hoped to represent. That evil being the Soviet Union.

Soviet Communism which later morphed into Maoist Communism took China.

Communism also swept through Southeast Asia.

The end result of World War II was that the West fought Japan and Germany in order to hand over their Empires to the Soviet Union.

World War II was a direct cause of the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War and attributed to the rise of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the cause of 90% of the Islamic Fundamentalism on this Globe. Islamic Fundamentalism is the root of Islamic Terrorism.

If there were no Saudi Arabia, there would exist no taliban, no ISIS, no al Qaeda, no Khorasan and so on and so forth.

Fundamentalist Shi’a Iran can also be traced to poor decision making based on the the Cold War anti-Communist paranoia that haunted the West from 1945 through the end of the Soviet Union circa 1991.

The Arab-Israeli Conflict can be traced back to World Wars 1 and 2.

World War II also gave us the CIA and the NSA via Cold War paranoia.

You can research any and all of this with a simple google search.

I’m not seeing how World War II was “the good war.” It was an asinine war prompted by the American Banking conglomeration.

World War II was not the good war. It was a war like any other only on a global scale. It put the globe to the flame and destroyed millions of lives and billions of dollars of property.

America profited from the outcome immensely which drove our recovery out of the Great Depression and into the boom years of the 50s and 60s.

It was as much an elective war for the United States of America as Polk’s Mexican War or LBJ’s Vietnam War or Bush’s Iraq War or Obama’s wars in Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia.


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Barack Obama is a War Criminal

I can find no difference in the actions of Barack Obama and George W. Bush.  Yet, Democrats support Obama and condemn Bush.  They are both guilty of war crimes.  Both guilty of circumventing the US Constitution.

Obama is using Bush/Cheney tactics and politics to subvert the National Will and to circumvent the Constitution.  He has lied.  He has fear mongered.  He has used WMD.  He has reused the Bush Act of 2002.  Yet, Democrats support him.

How does any of this make sense?

These same democrats condemn Israel for targeting civilians.  Yet, Obama is targeting civilians and has done so since he became President.  How does Obama differ from Netanyahu?

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America’s Guilt and the Coming Chaos

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People complaining about American conquest and treatment of the “Native American,” PLEASE! Just stop. This is the history of mankind. Only since World War II have we stopped the conquest and taking of land for ourselves.

I believe Israel (67), China (50s/Tibet) and Pakistan (Balochistan/49 to present day) are the last nations to take lands via conquest. Iraq tried it in the 80s but were immediately expelled by Iran. Lebanon is currently being occupied by Hezbollah which is tantamount to Iranian occupation.

Both China and Pakistan are currently and have been in contention with India over territories. China is starting to stake claims in territories that are currently in possession of nations such as Japan and the Philippines.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are in contention over the Durand Line.

Mexico and America are having extreme border issues.

Scotland wants to opt out of the UK.

The Kurds want their own nation with inclusion of territory currently possessed/claimed by Turkey, Iran and Iraq.

Iran will start making claims soon on lands occupied by the Russians.

ISIS is currently taking lands via conquest that were Syrian and Iraqi. If they grow powerful enough, they will turn towards Mekkah and possibly Iran. They’ll leave Israel for later.

Of course, there is Israel. They occupy the West Bank and Gaza as well as maintain control over an “autonomous” Arab/Islamic thugocracy in Gaza. They’ve occupy lands that are claimed by Syria as well.

I see occurring more and more in the near future conflicts over territory as the World grows more politically chaotic.

Without looking it up, I believe that the last time that America took lands by conquest was at the conclusion of the Spanish American War when we were “given” the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, etc.

Basically, the Colonists or White Man, as labelled by Western Liberals, did nothing that the Indians (Native or aboriginal) Americans had not done themselves. There were Empires and Kingdoms in the Americas prior to the advent of European “exploration,” conquest and colonization of the Americas.

The Aztecs, Incans, Mayans, Anasazi, Pueblo and every other tribe, confederation and/or “State” in the Americas did not spring up out of the earth in the exact spot where they became the dominant political entity. They took those lands from others.

In my opinion, gnashing one’s teeth over the “sins” of others which you yourself have committed is a bit hypocritical.

That said, I look to see more conquest in the future as liberalism and the touchy feely politics of America and Western Europe recedes with the fall from influence brought on by our liberalism and “guilt” in general, and the waning of our economic superpower status due to the rise of China, India and the conflicts with Russia and Iran as well as the negative impacts of our constant and consistent incompetent meddling throughout the world. America is overreaching and it is going to hurt us in the near future. With idiot leaders such as Bush and Obama, I see nothing changing and our path is clear and downward in a dizzying spiral.

The primary power of the globe for these past 70 years has been the “petrodollar.” Russian, Iran, Scotland (if she separates successfully) as well as Venezuela are willing and even eager to sell their natural resources in other currencies as well as through a barter system. This is the center of the conflicts evolving between the US and these nations.

If Scotland successfully secedes from the UK AND decides to go off the reservation (petrodollar), look for the US to start pressuring them and calling them rogue, etc.

Once America loses the petrodollar hegemony, all bets are off. We will see a much more chaotic world.

Personally, I am very much looking forward to it.

Imagine a war between a nuclear Saudi Arabia led Gulf confederation against a nuclear levant centered Iran.

Pakistan and India going at it with Nukes.

Russia is already threatening the use of nukes over Ukraine.

We can whine about the past all we want. That past will be nothing compared to the next 100 years. As resources grow scarce, this world is going to go insane.  In the end, I believe that Western Liberalism will achieve it’s end.  However, the unintended consequences will be their own annihilation as “barbarian” tribes rise up and murder them in their self-righteous and contented sleep.  The world will be in flames in the next 100 years.  This is not new to history.  All great Empires fall.  China and Rome fell in such a manner.  When a people lose their ability to fight, their will to fight, their survival instincts, the end is not far off.  Liberals have no will to fight and nothing in which they believe.  The highest ideal of the Western Liberal is the loathing of his/her own culture.  Doom shall surely follow.

Iraq and the Coming War within Islam

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Nothing in Iraq is about American Security. In the ’80s, our Iraq policy was about revenge and sowing division. In the ’90s, it was pure economics but advantaged for the dollar, Europe, India, Japan and China.

Now, I can’t really tell what it is. We false flagged our way into a decade of lunacy in Iraq to no apparent advantage. We’ve definitely sewn division amongst the Middle East.

What we’ve accomplished here is the pitting of Shi’a Iran against Sunni Saudi Arabia. We’ve made a showdown all but inevitable. The problem with this is that there is no guarantee that the current criminals who are our putative allies will actually be the power in Saudi Arabia. We have strengthened the Wahhabist movement in the Nejd at the expense of the Saudi Royals. Not that I am against that. I abhor the Saudi hypocrites.

I suppose now that the thing to do is to withdraw from the Middle East and await the inevitable showdown between the Saudi led Sunnis and the Irani led Shi’a.

Let them fight it out. That’s a good centuries worth of fighting there.

That will take Israel out of focus until Egypt gets dragged into the conflict. The seeds for this have already been laid.

even with Egypt, there is no guarantee that Israel would become a focal point. Instead Egypt could be led to focus upon Iran.

If the Saudis were smart, they’d ally themselves with Israel against Iran. There is precedent for alliances with infidel powers. Saladin did it. Several Muslim princes did so during the “Crusader era.”

It will all depend on who comes to power over the next several decades.


Ideological Tolerance and Acceptance

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I have a few hard line stances to which I am pretty much a hard stay.

Most people are cool with the difference of opinion.

Two groups who, ironically, preach tolerance/love/acceptance have been the ones most often and most likely to hold these opinions against me.

1. Fundamentalist Christians
2. Hard Left Liberals

I have a few people who hold a hardcore dislike for me or who love to “preach” their message but do everything that they can to NOT hear any other message.

All of these people fall into the category of Fundamentalist Christian or Hard Left Liberal.

For instance, I do not think that Palestine will ever be “democratic.”  Yet, there are a group of liberals whom I have known who attend rallies, meetings and such with the goal of a “free and democratic” Palestine.  When I tell them that this is impossible, they automatically think that I am for the status quo in Palestine and that I am pro everything Israel.  However, that could not be further from the truth.

I believe that Israel is the author of many of the woes of Palestine.  I believe that Israel has become an offensive fraud who preaches democracy, yet, oppresses a whole class of people based upon fear and greed.

I, also, believe that the Arab Nations share guilt in this endless conflict.  All of the Arabs.  Iraq, Saudi Arabia (most guilty and most hypocritical), Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan and Palestine.  These people are as great a problem and sticking point as the Israelis.

That said, no Palestinian State that emerges at this time will be democratic.  It will be another Islamic Despotism based on the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Liberal fallacies and fantasies about freedom and democracy in the region are naught but dreamy intentions paving the way to hell for Arab Christians and Muslims in Palestine.

I also have my Fundie Christian detractors.  Those purveyors of hellfire and brimstone who “innocently” imply that I am on the path to hell and can’t quite understand how such a belief would offend anyone.   These people have told me countless times that morality can not exist without Christianity.  For them, there is no morality without Christ.

I, on the other hand, look at the history of Christianity and think that if that is morality, I’d rather be immoral.

When I refute their claims, they claim that I am blaspheming their religion.  They tell me that I am disrespecting their beliefs.  They tell me that I should be more tolerant.

That bewilders me.  The thought that I should be “tolerant” of a belief that condemns me to hell.  The idea that I should be more respectful of a religion that believes that I will burn for eternity because I do not pay lip service or believe in their system of intellectual and emotional servitude to a capricious deity who on the one hand orders genocide and on the other preaches faith, hope and love BUT only if you believe in him, his son and their plan for salvation.

If I deign not to believe, I shall burn in hell for eternity.

And I’m the disrespectful, intolerant one?


Yet, that I have the audacity to make it clear that I think Palestinian Democracy or Salvation at the hands of a vengeful, judgmental God or whatever pet project a Fundamentalist Christian or Hard Left Liberal might have is based on fallacy, I am the intolerant one.

These folks are absolutist.  There is no room for difference with these folks.  I will admit that I might be wrong.  I fully and freely admit that I do not know all.

But there is no room for doubt with these folks.  Therefore, I become the enemy.  The hated one.

They preach.  They give their story.  They’ll demand that you listen, that you give them your time.  When you attempt to give your side, they will not listen.  Their minds close as tightly as their eyes, ears and hearts.

And then I become the evil one.

Tolerance?  Acceptance?

For most of these people, these are mere tools with which they bash the opponent.  You are required to tolerate and accept their ideas.  They require that you dismiss yours.

Israel and it’s Defense Force

Palestine Youth in the Crosshairs

This is a result of a combination of perpetual war, Israeli myopia, Israeli aggression, Arab Muslim aggression and the Arab/Palestinian use of civilians as human shields.

Both sides are guilty of dehumanizing the other.  I have had conversations with Israelis and with Palestinians.  They did not speak of “the other” as fellow humans but as targets to be killed.  They spoke of each other as enemies.  There was never a mention of reaching agreement or to coming together to solve the issues.  It was only winning the battle that mattered.  For Palestinians, winning is complete control of the Palestinian State.  For Israelis, it is the same but they rule the day.  There is no ending this stalemate short of a holocaust of one side or the other.

Israel did not come to this point on it’s own.

Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran all share blame in this ongoing tragedy.

The Israeli have allowed themselves to become their enemy. They’ve allowed themselves to morph into the same monsters that they fight.

That’s the shame of it.

Israel needs a sea change in cultural attitudes. Their policies with the Arabs need a thorough review and evaluation.

I’m of the opinion that the Israelis should back off completely. Withdraw unilaterally to the pre-67 boundaries sans Jerusalem.

Let the Palestinians do as they will.  Let time pass.  If the Palestinians still wish to fight, IDF can justify their actions.

Right now, Israel needs to back off.

It’s past time for change on this front.

I can no longer tell who is the terrorist and who is the victim.

All of that said, I can never support the creation of another oppressive Islamic State.  A Palestinian State as it stands right now would be another Muslim Brotherhood sponsored despotic Islamic State that oppresses all but especially targets non-Muslims.

Israel is wrong.  So is Palestine.

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