Religion has no Place within the State

I do not trust any Christian to influence my government because in their hearts many Christians want the same thing that the Taliban wants. They want the government to pass laws based upon their religious beliefs. That is exactly why I would not want the Taliban and/or the Saudis in charge of the government. It’s also the reason that I do not trust “Liberals”. Their religious fervor is no less than that of the Christians or Muslims who wish to force upon the rest of us their belief systems.

Guns, Religion and Political Correctness


I’m a White Dude. I’m not a Liberal. Not a Snowflake. Not a Leftist.

Nor am I a Conservative or Neo-Con.

I fall somewhere in the margins. I believe fully that the American Citizen should be legally able to own any and every Fire Arm that is owned by the US Government. That includes everything from a .22 Pistol or Revolver to a Browning M2 .50 Calibre Machine Gun. If the State has it, the Citizen should be allowed to have it. I’d even include Grenade Launchers and 90MM Recoil-less Rifles.

A Private American Citizen should be able to purchase and own Body Armor and Kevlar Helmets. All types. Again, if the State has it, the Citizen should be able to own it if they so choose.

I believe in the right of the Citizen to Self Defense. Against all enemies. Foreign and Domestic. We should be able to defend ourselves against local and State Police, the DEA, the ATF, the FBI, the CIA, al Qaeda, ISIS, Antifa, the Weather Underground, Ted Kazinski, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), AIPAC and any other organization that seeks to undermine our Rights as Human Beings.

Note: I left out the Black Panthers. I’ve researched the Black Panthers. They were not a Terrorist Organization. They organized themselves to fight against the Terrorism of the Local and State Police as well as J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI. The FBI has been a terrorist organization since they first handed the reigns over to Hoover. J. Edgar was nothing more than an American State Sponsored quasi-secular Osama bin Laden. The Panthers were not Terrorists. They were a reaction to Jim Crow era Terrorism directed against Black Americans.

I do not like Political Correctness. While I do agree that we should be sensitive to the pain that we may cause others, I will not alter everything about myself or my beliefs to satisfy the moronic hypersensitivities of the thousands of Special Interest groups that cling to the Leftist quasi-Marxist cultural authoritarians of the Democrat Party. The Democratic Elite do not care about these groups. They use these groups as wedges and cultural swords against all who dare defy the Power of the Democratic Party Elite.

Dare ye question Hillary or Chelsea Clinton and you shall surely have these sharp edged morons at your person, your career, your life. The Left as it stands now should be destroyed.

I abhor the Right Wing Xties. These people are not followers of Christ. They know nothing of the words or message of the man whom they call Jesus Christ. They know nothing of Constantine and the truth of how Christianity spread throughout the world. They think God worked mysteriously. No. That’s not how it happened. Christianity spread much as Islam did. By the sword. Through brutality, force, rapine and pillage.

The original Church (Cult) of Christ spread through the word. Through letters and gospel. That ended the moment that Constantine lied about seeing a cross in the sky at Milvian Bridge. It ended the second that God “spoke” to Constantine telling him to conquer in his name.

The great lie of  Christianity is that Constantine, the Roman Emperor, saved the religion and raised it to Imperial power. If it weren’t for this event, Christianity would be another backwater religion in the lands of Islam. Christianity was saved by the very Empire who hung their Messiah from a pole at the behest of the Jews.

These are some of my beliefs. No, I’m not an Atheist. I refuse to label my beliefs. There may or may not be a God. If a God there be, he either cares nothing for human events or, if he is directing them, this God or Gods is a monster.

The history of the world is nothing but conquest, thirst for power, thirst for gold and thirst for land. Unquenchable thirst, it is. For the quest for power, gold and land never ends. Not even in this supposed civilized age.

This brings me to Islam. Islam arose in the deserts of Arabia. Muhammad walked to a cave, heard voices and exited the cave with a new message for his people. He attempted to preach that message and was chased from Mekkah with a few followers. He fled to Medina where he picked up followers overtook the power base and took the city for his own. He then returned to Mekkah at the head of an army. He conquered Mekkah.

From that conquest, he built an Empire based on cave ramblings which he called Islam (Isss-LAHM). Submission to Allah was required of every human being on Planet Earth. Muhammad had no idea of the size of the Earth at that time. He spread Islam by the sword. His armies conquered, raped and pillaged all over the Middle East. His soldiers were paid via plunder. They took from those whom they conquered. They took gold, silver, swords, land, women and slaves.

They gave those whom they conquered three choices:

1. Revert [convert] to Islam
2. Pay at tax (Jizya) to remain as they were and live under special rules as second or third class citizens in their own lands.
3. Die

These are not the actions of a Religion of Peace.

Various Islamic Qaliphate conquered the whole of the Middle East, North Africa, parts of Eastern and Central Africa, Spain and Portugal, Eastern Europe, and much of Asia. There was a part of Vietnam conquered by an Islamic Kingdom called the Cham. The Cham didn’t arrive in the area now known as Vietnam and Cambodia and simply invite people in to create a new Kingdom based upon Islam. They conquered!

When they Leftist Cultural Marxists recite the Pledge to Islam and claim that it is a religion of peace, they fail to reconcile Islamic history with their errant claim.

Islam was born in blood. Islam rises now in blood. The bloody history of Islam is a deluge of violence, conquest, rapine, pillage and slavery.

Oh…and there is that Hijab. Supposedly, this is a symbol of chastity and closeness to God. God needs women to put on a veil to be close to them but men can be close to Allah in shorts and tank tops. How stupid are these women?

I often wonder if any of the members of the Democratic and Republicans are capable of critical thought?

When I reflect upon their attitudes towards God [the Gods] and religion, I come to the only possible conclusion.

Democrats and Republicans have been so brainwashed by the Public Education System that none of them are capable of independent thought. The Christian Right has been further dumbed down by Sunday School. The Left has been lobotomized by Political Correctness.


The Long Awaited Islamic Reformation


Liberals, Leftists, Conservatives, Neo-Cons, Neo-Liberals, Islamists, Pan-Islamists and everyone else concerned keep speaking of a long awaited Islamic Reformation.

Actually, that Reformation has already began and is ongoing. Except that Islam is going from a slumbering megalith to an extremist controlled ideology. Islam began a long sleep sometime in the 1700-1800 era. It went near comatose after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Two things occurred to awaken Islam:

1. (a) The Brits made a deal with the devil and helped to create Saudi Arabia and (b) FDR made the Wahhabist scum a US protectorate in exchange for oil making Saudi Arabia one of the richest shit pot nations on the planet.
2. (a) Israel declared Independence in 1948 and (b) whipped Arab Muslim ass in 1967.
Since those two dates, Islam has slowly awakened.
That “Great Awakening” was quickened during the Soviet Afghan war when we, the US, brought Saudi Arabia into the mix and gave the Paki ISI the go to give monies to whom they would. The Pakis and Saudis funded the most extremist elements of the Afghan combatants.
The US said…Oh, we’ll just let things run their course after the Soviet hightailed it out of Afghanistan. Things ran their course. The Saudi Wahhabists built mosques and madrassahs all along the FATA and NWFP. They took in war orphans. The Paki ISIS needed a hedge against India and, just in case, Iran.
Thus was born the Taliban.
Prior to all of this, you have the US educated Qutb who created the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muzzie Bro’hood spawned every extremist group on the Sunni side.
Iran’s great Shi’a Revolution? You can thank Allen and JD for that. Oh…there was a Roosevelt in that mix as well. 26 years later…BOOM! The Iranian Shi’a Revolution brings the nutjob Khomeini to power thanks to a pacifist doofus named Jimmy.
The seeds to all of this were planted by US shortsightedness and ignorance of the Middle East, its people and culture as well as the megalomaniacal hubris of Post World War II America .  Americans are “exceptional” and, therefore, can’t be bothered with history or culture or anything that might call into question our exceptional lack of foresight.
We’re genius like that.
I reckon the MCIC knew that the Soviets would fall eventually and needed some reason to keep hysteria rockin’ and rollin’ in the free world.


Conflict in the Middle East predates Islam by thousands of years. This region is a crossroads of history. Traditions of hate, violence and war date back to before the Greeks and Persians to the earliest stories of the pre-Phoenician peoples. Expecting “Peace in the Middle East” One may as well search  for the burial place of Genghis Khan. Find one; you may find the other.


None of this is to say that the United States or Britain is to blame for Islamic Extremism. Islam was born in blood. It will die in blood. Islam was spread via conquest. Muslims and Liberals love to deny this. However, the Islamic Empire spread from Medina to Andalusia (Spain) in an amazingly short period of time. None of these territories invited Mohammad, Abu Bakr or Uthman into their lands. Islam did not quietly knock and ask for admittance. Islam rode at the head of a world devouring empire. People “submitted” to Allah not because they suddenly saw the light. They converted or “reverted” because it was the prudent thing to do. If you were given the choice between conversion, death or high taxes and second/third class citizenship in your own lands, most would choose to convert.

Islam is a violent Abrahamic religion. All three of the religions spawned by Abraham are violent and full of blood lust — Xtianity, Judaism and Islam.

The Extremist Muslims are following the path of previous Muslims including that of Mohammad. Denial of this is denial of historic reality.

Islam is violent. It also knows peace. However, like Xtianity, the majority of the religions is about purifying the world and making it ready for God/Allah via force.

Same God, same violence, same hatred for the non-believer. Muslims choose which path to follow. Those who choose violence choose that path regardless of outside influence. They would choose that path even if the US and Britain had never existed as neither existed when the Islamic Empire first invaded Europe, Africa and Asia.

The Democratic Party Loves War


If you supported the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, you have no room to criticize anyone for being pro-war. If you supported the past 8 years of Barack “Drone Ranger” Obama, you have no room to criticize anyone for being pro-War.

That is the problem with Democrats. You guys talk a loud game when it’s the other idiot in the White House. The moment Barack Obama entered the White House, all opposition to war dried up. You remained silent.

Now, suddenly, you all want to be anti-War.

Democrats are the Party of War. You are the Party of Division.

You have your pets that you allow to roam about the country as proof that you are enlightened. The moment one of those pets dares to cross the line, you turn on them like mad dogs.

Democrats are exactly like Republicans. None of you have real character. None of you have real convictions.

No one can claim to be progressive whilst defending the Stone Aged Religion of Abraham in opposition to another Stone Aged Religion of Abraham. They are both the same ignorance, hate, death and destruction.

If you defend Islam and oppose Christianity, you are a complete buffoon. It’s the same God. It is the same precepts. It is the same violence. It is the same madness.

They call this cognitive dissonance.
Democrats suffer from this badly. Horribly.

The 20th Century had two World Wars. Both of them were Democrat Wars. There were four major wars. Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, War On Terror (Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Libya).

Korea was a Democrat War.

Vietnam was a Democrat War.

Persian Gulf was a Republican War.

The War on Terror was started by a Republican President and widely expanded by a Democrat President.

Democrats wanted to elect Hillary Clinton. Hillary wanted more war. She was instrumental in expanding the Bush Wars and making them Obama Wars.

The Cold War was started by a Democrat President. Harry Truman started the Cold War when he murdered two Japanese Cities solely to make a statement to the Soviet Union.

Democrats are the War Party.

You cannot deny history. You cannot deny facts.

Democrats love war. Hillary would have continued that tradition and had she been elected, not a single Democrat would have uttered an anti-War word or phrase for the whole of her Presidency.

They call that hypocrisy.

Your party needs to do some serious soul searching. You are guilty of some of the worst wars in history. Yet, you have the gall to call other folks War Mongers and Pro-War.

The DNC stinks with the blood of humanity. You reek of death and hatred and fear.


My Muslim, My Brother, My Sister, My Friend


Here is the thing that I cannot reconcile with the Right fear of Muslims.

I know, have come to know and have met so many Muslims in the past decade and a half working overseas.

The majority of them are open minded. They are Muslims. You are Christian. Another is Jewish or Atheist or Animist. It doesn’t matter.

These people have befriended me. Brought me into their lives with open arms.

Some of them have protected me from harm.

Many of them curse ISIS, the Taliban, al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Many abhor Saudi Arabia.

I’ve even had some purported Muslims tell me that they hate the the Arabs came to their land and spread their religion.

They’re Muslim. They are Shi’a. Ismaeli. Sunni, Sufi and a dozen other sects.

They are Afghan, Jordanian, Egyptian, Israeli, Uzbek, Tajik, Pushtoon, Hazara, Thai, Cham and a hundred other nationalities, tribes and ethnicities.

None of them wish any other ill.

Most of them desire only what any other human desires. Security. A house over their head. Food and Water. A place under the sun and a better life for their children.

Yet, because some Muslims would force their religion and their desires on all other humans, these people whom I have come to call friend, brother and sister are looked upon as evil, enemy, villain.

I know it to be otherwise.

(And I say this as a man who thoroughly abhors all religion.)

On Blaming Mohammad


Why “Fuck Mohammad?” Why blame Mohammad for the lunacy of some Muslims today. Mohammad was a man of his age. He was a conqueror. Comparatively speaking, he was as great a conqueror as any of the Greats of any Age in history.

Mohammad is not making these folks do any of this? He acted, in his day, no different than any other leader of his age. They all used religion. They all used God. They all raped, pillaged and conquered their way to “Greatness.” He is accountable for those “sins” and no more. If he were a European, he would be celebrated by the West.

Islam moderated and was a center of enlightenment, creativity and modernity for a good while. Were it not for Islamic Qaliphs, we’d have lost much knowledge from the Old World. It was contact with the Islamic World that spurred the Renaissance and Enlightenment.

Does Mohammad get credit for all of the good that came from Islam as well as all of the nuttiness that is occurring now?

This is not Islam doing any of this. This is humans acting. Islam can be interpreted a thousand and one ways.

Much like anything else. Much like Christianity.

I can’t stand religion but really what I can’t stand are religious people.

I can read the Bible or the Qu’ran and come away with beauty, freedom, liberty, love and life. All too many others come away as slaves, violent, hateful, ugly, putrefied, inhuman scum.

In the end, Islam is not different than Liberalism or Conservatism or Socialism or Capitalism. All of these movements and philosophies can be good. We, humanity, bring them to reality and, all too often, use them as tools of greed and destruction.

Mohammad is guilty of nothing more than Alexander, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan (my personal hero) or any other Great Conqueror in history.


Invasion of the Refugees

The ‪#‎refugees‬ have no right to the land or resources of other people.

Isn’t the argument of the ‪#‎Palestinians‬ that Israel had no right to invade, occupy and steal the land and resources of the Levant?

Why, suddenly, do ‪#‎Syrians‬, ‪#‎Afghans‬, ‪#‎Yemenis‬, ‪#‎Iraqis‬ and other‪#‎MiddleEastern‬ peoples have the right to invade, occupy and steal the land and resources of ‪#‎European‬ nations?

Oh….you’re all hypocrites? I got it now.

This current set of refugees are running from war and violence in the exact same manner as the Palestinians ran in ’48, ’56 and ’67. Will they demand a “right of return” as well?



Hayat Boumeddiene 'appears in Islamic State film' - 06 Feb 2015

Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX USA (2642870a) 

I’m still waiting for the answer.

The question: What is the National Security Interest of the US in Syria?
Another question: What is the existential threat posed by ISIS?
ISIS is a monster created in the bathhouses, madrassahs and Wahhabist charities of Saudi Arabia. They, the House of Saud, is responsible for this monster. They, the Saudi Royals, should clean up their own mess.
The Saudis should be held accountable for the creation of ISIS in much the same way as they and the Pakis should be held accountable for the Taliban.
If Wahhabism did not exist or was not spread like a slimy, scheit stain across the Muslim Crescent with Saudi oil money, would ISIS exist? Would the Taliban exist? Would al Qaeda exist?
The answer is no. A resounding no!
If we are going to solve this equation, Saudi culpability must be taken into account. The Saudis must be held to account.
Saudi Arabia is the enemy. Saudi Arabia is the source. Saudi Arabia is the origin of all Sunni Islamic Violence, Fundamentalism and Terror Strategies across North Africa, the Middle East and throughout Central Asia.
Saudi Arabia is the key to 9-11. Saudi Arabia is the key to the Taliban. Saudi Arabia is the key to ISIS. Saudi Arabia is the key to Libya. Saudi Arabia is a key to tensions with Iran. Saudi Arabia is a key to the Israel challenge.
Saudi Arabia is the focal point of all “evil” in the Islamic World.
Yet, somehow, they are our ally and everyone else is a threat.
Until someone satisfies the Saudi questions, we go nowhere in the Middle East or with the Islamic World.
We can crush ISIS. We can annihilate that faction. The newest of 70 years worth of Saudi funded Islamic insanity. Until we face down the Saudi Royal family, all effort is wasted. Something worse will arise from the ashes of ISIS.


Shakespearean Tragedy Plays Out in Afghanistan



Insanity is occurring at this moment.

An Afghan acquaintance has “kidnapped” a young women and run off with her. I don’t think she was kidnapped so much as they have simply decided that they can’t live without each other and absconded away with one another…for the sake of their youthful, idealized, idyllic love.

Much to the consternation of his family and friends. He has also caused some turmoil for some folks who have helped him out along the way here in the Stan. His father may have faked a heart attack to escape the scene that now evolves and has situated himself in a hotel in Kabul. That may be the “Ariana Hotel.” His father may have had an actual heart attack or episode from the stress of tonight’s events. I’m not sure.

I called one of my acquaintances cell numbers only to reach his family. Specifically his father…who did not sound healthy at all. The father gave his phone to his young son who spoke English quite well. I asked after my young friend. Little Brother excitedly replied; “Wahid not come home after work. We looking for Wahid. If Wahid call you…you tell us.”

Little Brother is who informed me of their location – the Ariana Hotel.

As of this moment, this young man and his lady friend are on the run. Being that this is Afghanistan and his family SEEMS to have connections, I fear more for the safety and welfare of this young woman.

In Kabul and Herat, there are Women’s Prisons which hold many young Afghan ladies who were guilty of nothing more than being in love and running off with a young fellow. These women are usually found guilty of the idiotic “Crimes Against Chastity” and/or “bewitching young men and forcing immorality upon them.”

I’m sure the young man will get his hand slapped and little else. I fear that, if they are found or return of their own volition, the young girl is going to wind up in Kabul Women’s Prison.

There is another unfortunate twist to this.

The young lady in question is supposedly pregnant. The Father allegedly being my young acquaintance. Supposedly, they’ve “run off to Qandahar.” I’ve tried to contact him to talk some sense into him. Alas, my efforts bear no fruit.

Sounds like something out of a crime novel, does it not.

I hope everything works out. I fear it will not.

The other twist to this is Sharia law combined with Afghan customs. The oft discussed Pashtunwali has another side to it’s code of hospitality. It is a code of revenge. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Blood for blood.

If Wahid has either kidnapped this young lady. He will owe a blood debt for he has dishonored the family of the young lady. Wahid’s actions have humiliated this young woman’s family. That stain upon their family honor will exist until they have extracted a measure of satisfaction. This can be paid in blood or gold. The family might even demand female siblings of Wahid’s family as a means of settling this dispute. If the debt is not paid in gold or women, blood will be demanded. They will hunt Wahid. They may even avenge their “honor” by murdering or kidnapping members of his family.

Badal –may be understood as vengeance, revenge or justice.  It requires violent reaction to a death, injury or insult.  Advances on one’s zan, [ZAHN] zar [ZAHR] or zamin [ZAH-meen] (“women,” “wealth,” or “land”) are the most common offenses requiring revenge.  The only acceptable defense of honor is revenge, equal to but not exceeding the original insult.  Avenging an insult to a woman’s sexual purity is particularly important.

It is a strange and violent culture that must be navigated with care.

Arab-Israeli Cultural PTSD

Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, quoted in the New York Times in 1948:

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea.”


In 1948, the Arabs were not willing to allow an independent Israeli (Jewish) State. The Arabs wanted Arabs to rule the area as part of a Muslim Nation. Once the war kicked off after the Israelis declared independence, the Arabs attacked.

There was no mention of a Palestinian Nation. The Arabs immediately began to speak of massacre and running the Jews into the sea and turning the Mediterranean Red with the blood of the Jews. Prior to the Balfour and Sykes-Picot agreements, the Arab-Jewish relations were fairly calm and agreeable. Once the Brits pulled their various deceits, the bottom of the amity barrel dropped out into a pit of poisonous acrimony between Arab Muslim and Jew.

Once the Jews committed to Independence, war was all but inevitable. Golda Meir spoke with the Jordanian King and asked if amity was possible. He said no. Israel declared Independence nonetheless. The Arabs expected the Jews to allow themselves to be ruled by Muslims. They expected the Jews to be satisfied as subjects with little to no say about their governance. The Jews refused to accept this.

The Arabs refused to allow Israel to become a State without a bloodletting. The Arabs maintained a war of attrition against Israel until 1982 with the realization that Israel had a finite population. The Palestinian Statehood question only came about AFTER the sound defeat in 1967. Prior to that, the only Palestinian State was Trans-Jordan now called Jordan. (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)

Arafat was posted in Palestine as the Head of he PLA. He was theretofore an Officer in the Egyptian Army. He maintained a home in El Arish until he died most likely from HIV/AIDS. (I’ve seen his home). The Arabs warred upon the Israelis constantly from 1948 until 1980s when Sadat made piece with Begin.  Whilst the peace between Israel and Egypt was being crafted, the PLO began its storied history of terrorism and general political murder of civilians.

There has been nearly 70 years of constant war between the Israelis and some body of Arabs. Yet, folks act as though they are surprised that the Israelis see the Palestinians as inhuman enemies. The Palestinian State is merely one more iteration of Arab animosity towards the Jews. It is a continuation of previous hostilities to the Jews/Israelis.

It is exceedingly difficult to view a people who have been trying to destroy you as humans. For many Israelis, they were born into war and have never known anything else. They have been attacked constantly in one form or another since May of 1948. And it surprises so many that a people who more than likely collectively suffer from PTSD would act insane and not give a damn about the state of the Palestinian people.


It has been recognized internationally that Khmers and Afghans suffer from collective cultural PTSD. I’m quite certain that both Israel and Palestine suffers similarly.


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People Are Funny


People are funny.

Christians are committing the same old sins such as burning witches alive today in Africa. Christians have murdered in America in the name of Jesus. I know this is not the message of the Christ.  However, it is done. Abortion clinics have been fired and abortion doctors have been murdered. Other freaks are out there murdering in the name of Jesus. The KKK were using Christianity as pretext for their actions and still do.  Though the KKK is or has been fairly non-violent as of late.

Of course, America is a modern nation.  As such, our people are, on whole, better educated and less prone to outright violence in the name of religion. However, it happens and it will happen. Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity. It is going through a period similar to the Wests Dark Ages or Medieval Age. We had it.  They’re having it now.

Imagine what they were saying about us in our dark age. Fortunately, the West and Christianity did not have today’s technology. We were far, far more violent than they have been thus far. We are actually still more violent.  The Muslims have done nothing close to World Wars 1 & 2, yet. I love how we, in the West, point to others and call them savage and barbaric when the West have nearly destroyed ourselves twice.

What is worse?  A couple of hundred beheadings or the bombing campaigns that the US has going all over the Middle East and Central Asia.

“Hey, I’ve got a brilliant idea.  We’ll stop ISIS from murdering people by murdering more people!  Brilliant.”  lol

People are funny.

I’m not excusing anything. I’m simply saying that no one is innocent. If all Muslims are guilty of the actions of a minority of Muslims, all Christians are equally guilty of the actions of a minority of Christians. Thus, we have no room to speak.

You can’t have it both ways.


People are funny.

Your sins are horrific. Mine are excusable even if they were worse.

Now, let’s go drone some ragheads!

THIS IS NOT ISLAM! It’s China…the ladies want to keep that nice White complexion (but usually only Muslims do this STUPID SHIT!)

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And they look strangely like these guys:


This is pure imbecility.  At first glance (I’ll be honest), I thought “stupid fucking Muslims.”  

This is the Asian way of staying white, I suppose.  Asian culture and “whiteness” is just downright odd.  O D D ! ! !

From Whitening creams and drinks to this insanity.

Barack Obama is Delusional. History Shows Him a Fool.

US President Obama waves from a golf cart in Kailua

This is President Obama’s reaction to the death of James Foley.  In the statement, he shows a naive, wishful view of World History.

Radicals are the “folks” who move history.  Radicals end nations and start nations.

Even our Founding Fathers were radicals.  Look back to the American Revolution.  The Revolutionaries carried out some nasty deeds.  Massacres…town burnings…hangings.  I’m fairly certain they beheaded a few people as well.

Obama seems to think that history is made by peaceful “folks” who suddenly agree that things should change.  I think he’s seen one too many “Faux Revolutions” in Eastern Europe.  He seems to think that those “upheavals” were the norm.  What happened when the Cold War ended and the walls came tumbling down.  The history of the era is not so bloodless as they seem.  The old regimes’ rulers died.  It’s just that they didn’t show it on TV.  The 90s upheavals were heavily sanitized here in the West.  We weren’t shown the deaths that are inevitable with any regime change.  These things are inherently violent.  

And then we had the Balkans.  Plenty of folks were killed.  Massacres were everywhere in the Balkans.  So much so that Clinton decided that he had to intervene.  Serbians hate America to this day.  

Below is the Obama delusion:

President Obama delivered the following remarks in Martha’s Vineyard on the beheading of American journalist James Foley by the militant group Islamic State. Transcript courtesy of Federal News Service.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody.

Today, the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of Jim Foley by the terrorist group ISIL. Jim was a journalist, a son, a brother and a friend. He reported from difficult and dangerous places, bearing witness to the lives of people a world away.

He was taken hostage nearly two years ago in Syria, and he was courageously reporting at the time on the conflict there. Jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocked the conscience of the entire world. He was 40 years old, one of five siblings, the son of a mom and dad who worked tirelessly for his release. Earlier today, I spoke to the Foleys and told them that we are all heartbroken at their loss and join them in honoring Jim and all that he did.

Now, Jim Foley’s life stands in stark contrast to his killers. Let’s be clear about ISIL. They have rampaged across cities and villages killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. They abduct women and children and subject them to torture and rape and slavery. They have murdered Muslims, both Sunni and Shia, by the thousands. They target Christians and religious minorities, driving them from their homes, murdering them when they can, for no other reason than they practice a different religion.

They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people. So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.

People like this ultimately fail. They fail because the future is won by those who build and not destroy. The world is shaped by people like Jim Foley and the overwhelming majority of humanity who are appalled by those who killed him. The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless. When people harm Americans anywhere, we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done and we act against ISIL, standing alongside others. The people of Iraq, who with our support are taking the fight to ISIL must continue coming together to expel these terrorists from their community. The people of Syria, whose story Jim Foley told, do not deserve to live under the shadow of a tyrant or terrorists. They have our support in their pursuit of a future rooted in dignity.

From governments and peoples across the Middle East, there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer so that it does not spread. There has to be a clear rejection of this kind of nihilistic ideologies. One thing we can all agree on is that a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century. Friends and allies around the world, we share a common security and a common set of values that are rooted in the opposite of what we saw yesterday. And we will continue to confront this hateful terrorism and replace it with a sense of hope and civility.

And that’s what Jim Foley stood for, a man who lived his word, who courageously told the stories of his fellow human beings, who was liked and loved by friends and family. Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim. All of us feel the ache of his absence. All of us morn his loss. We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated from their families. And we will do everything that we can to protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for. May God bless and keep Jim’s memory. And may God bless the United States of America.

Most of the remarks were empty words.  Harmless.  Meant to make the Foley family feel as though the US did all it could to retrieve their son and bring him to safety.  This is and obvious lie but one that all Presidents tell the American people.  One can’t blame Obama for following in the footsteps of Reagan, Carter, FDR and LBJ.  Lies are common when Presidents speak to the America people.  

“All we have to fear is fear itself…;” said FDR.  He left out the Bankers and others who love to push America to war for profit.  After all, he was in cahoots with the Bankers.  Why would he speak truth to the power of the Bankers in American Foreign Policy.  If the American people were ever roused to the truth of American Banks…well, nothing.  Americans are too busy watching American Idol.

Obama says that no religion “teaches massacre of innocents.”  This lie ignores the commandments of God in the Old Testament and the Suras in the Qu’ran which continually command Muslims to murder the non-believer.  Until we come to terms with the truth that religions (faiths) do command murder, genocide and the killing of those who believe differently, we’re not going to successfully change the attitudes of the believers of this Earth.  We ignore the truths regarding these faiths at our own peril.  Obama should know better as he is a secularist and only pretends to be a church goer for political reasons.  It’s time, or rather it is past time, to speak the truth to these religions and of these religions.  

Christianity and Islam have blood stained histories.  That much they have in common.  Both are knee deep in the blood of innocents.  Let us speak the truth.

Obama also says that “people like this ultimately fail. They fail because the future is won by those who build and not destroy.”  

This is half truth at best.  Stalin did not fail.  Mao did not fail.  Pol Pot did not fail.  Ho Chi Minh did not fail.  Tamerlane did not fail.  Genghis Khan did not fail.  Alexander the Great did not fail.  The radical and the violent succeed.  The radical and the violent do not fail.  To say that the future is won by those who build and not those who destroy ignores 6,000 years of human history.  Even America has destroyed.  The American North invaded the American South and destroyed it.  The American South still feels the wrath of the Northern Invasion.  

Obama’s hero Che Guevara is one of those who was a destroyer.  He believed and acted on the belief that Capitalist societies must be destroyed in order to re-build a more egalitarian society.  He acted similarly to ISIS and al Qaeda.  Che used the tactic of terrorism to destroy the governments in Central and South America.  

Perhaps, this has Obama confused.  


ISIS Is Exactly What the Muslim World Needs Right Now

ISIS Five Year Plan — These boys mean business


ISIS/ISIL/IS is exactly what the World needs right now.

They are a wake up call to the Muslim World.

ISIS is the ultimate expression of Islamic values at their most extreme. ISIS is the Spanish Inquisition of Islam. ISIS is a heinous, violent, vile organization that expresses it’s Islamist values at their ultimate Wahhabist/Muslim Brotherhood level of hate, exclusivity and intolerance for all others.

The Sunni Muslim world now has a choice. Embrace ISIS and show the world that Islam truly is a wretched religion of hatred and death OR reject ISIS and show the world that there is hope that Islam can normalize AWAY from the House of Saud’s death cult and it’s various branches in Hamas, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

The Muslim world has a clear choice. Embrace ISIS’ Islam and reject the World community or reject ISIS and join the World community.

Islam or Muslims do not need to embrace Western commercialism as a culture. They do need to step out of the 14th Century and allow for the existence of other peoples and cultures.

This is why we need to allow the Muslim world to deal with ISIS. Stop interfering. If ISIS wins, we can deal with them at that point. Until such time as ISIS wins, the Muslims need to make choices and decide to embrace and support or reject and fight ISIS.

We have coddled these people for too long. We have protected despots, petty monarchs and dictators for far too long.

It is time to step back and let Islam reform itself one way or the other. Either they embrace the Extremist culture and ultimate expression of the Salafist way of Islam or they reform their religion and culture in a positive way that allows for the existence of and cooperation with others.

Islam at this point is a decrepit beast that is hell bent on a path that leads down the road to violent death. ISIS is nothing more than an Islamic Khmer Rouge.

If the Muslims wish for this and embrace it, they are our enemies. If they reject it, they can become something more and better.

However, if the West keeps fighting the battles that Muslims need to fight, they will never know who they are, what they can become and why they should or should not become whatever it is that they are to become.

The only thing that Obama and other Western “leaders” are doing at this moment is giving future generations future excuses to reject the West as interlopers and enemies of Islam. If the West defeats ISIS without letting Islam confront this “face of Islam,” we are simply giving future generations of Muslims an excuse to re-open this Pandora’s box when they too become disillusioned by the corruption and ignorance that prevails in the Middle East and other areas dominated by Islam.

We are simply transferring angst from one generation to the next. That angst needs to be let loose. It needs to be resolved by Muslims within Islam. This is humanity. This is what we do. No reform will come in Islam until ISLAM is allowed to face itself stark naked in the mirrors of the deserts of it’s own cultural soul.

Islam Does Not Advocate Pedo-Rape & Jesus Never Spoke Out Against Slavery


Here is a comment that is no so uncommon amongst those who wish to criticize Islam while being ignorant of their own history and religion:


 Yeah the “prophet” Mohamed also said forcing little girls to be married at 6, and raped was ok. Fuck this posting and the politically correct bullshit behind it. What other religion advocates for rape, murder, terror, beheading, and the stoning of women simply because some guy is attracted to her? Fuck jihad.

I dislike all religions. That said, Mohammad never said that “forcing little girls to be married at age 6, and raped was ok.”  Mohammad did marry several wives and he did marry a young girl named Aisha.  Aisha was somewhere between the ages of 9 & 13.  That’s bad enough.  No need to go into full hyperbole mode on that one.  He did not rape her.  As was the custom in that age, he waited until her “first blood” to consummate the marriage.  This was a custom in Europe at that time as well.  This was not so unusual in America as recent as the late 1800s.

If one is going to criticize Mohammad, one should probably first look closer to home.  There is a good chance that someone in your recent ancestry is guilty of the same behavior…AND thought it normal.  If one is going to criticize something, one should have at least a basic understanding of that which one is criticizing. Otherwise, one simply looks ignorant.

No religion that I know of specifically advocates rape. However, both Islam and Christianity advocate murder, terror, stoning, etc. Also, Christians have raped and employed rape as terror. This happens today in Africa right alongside Muslim rapine. American “Christians” have been found guilty of raping young girls in all of our wars. What does Jesus say about motes and eyes, etc? Judge not, lest ye be judged. I know that Christians hate to actually use the Bible except as a weapon of mass distraction but it contains much wisdom if only Christians would actually read the damn thing.

Read the Bible. It is horrifically similar to the Qu’ran. As a matter of fact, much in the Qu’ran is plagiarized from the Bible.

Christians would know this IF THEY ACTUALLY READ THE fuckin’ BIBLE as opposed to the average Christian using it as a home decoration and nothing more. lol

It should embarass Christians that one such as I have read the Bible and written about the Bible at University, yet I am not Christian. While the majority of Christians have never read the Bible except in snippets and overheard soundbites from TV, their pastor or on the internet.

I am often irked to hell by Christians due to their ignorance about their own mythology. They ignore all of the horrors and atrocities committed by their own while castigating others for theirs.

Let’s take Jesus. Jesus talks about slavery in the Bible. Basically, he tells slaves to “honor” their masters.  What does this say about the attitudes of Jesus Christ about/towards slavery.

1. Jesus thought slavery to be normal.
2. He didn’t think it a sin for one man to own another.
3. Female slaves were sold as sexual objects and subjected to rape on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.
4. Honoring one’s master is, in part, being obedient. Therefore, when female slave is told to bend over and allow her master to enter her anal cavity, Jesus had already commanded slaves to honor their masters.

Did Jesus think that slavery was ok. Did Jesus think that owning another human was just. Was Jesus telling female slaves that their rape at the hands of their master was good in the eyes of God.  Probably not. I would like to think that Jesus thought that rape of slaves was bad. I would like to think that slavery was seen as an evil by Jesus.

The simple fact of the matter is that Jesus did not speak out for or against slavery. Was slavery simply not important enough a social subject for Jesus to speak of. Was slavery so unremarkable in the time in which Jesus lived that he simply felt it something about which there was no necessity to speak.

I can’t answer these questions. I can only say that Jesus said nothing about Slavery itself.

What does that say about Jesus the man? To me, it says that he was a man of his time. That, to me, is revealing. It says to me that he was a reflection of his times which means that he was mortal and not a God or a son of God any more than you or I.  A God or a representative of God would not be affected by local or era customs.  He would be above and beyond such things.

Yet, the West has spent nearly 2,000 years worshiping this man as well as murdering and conquering in his name.

And what does that say about us.


More Signs of the Coming Backlash Against Muslims in Europe

A bit sensationalistic, this.  However, some truths lie within.  Regardless, this video will upset the masses of Muslims around the world   Hopefully, they’ll realize that it wasn’t made by Americans as we usually are blamed for everything.

All religions have skeletons in their closets. The “Virgin Mary” impregnated by God at/abt age 13. Did GoD get down with the boogie in the Virgin Mary or did he just reach up there and throw a baby inside?  Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, married a girl somewhere between the ages of six and nine.  No one knows for certain and the actual age is hotly contested by Muslims and “Infidels” alike.  The one thing that the record makes clear is that he did not have “relations” with her until she had “passed her first blood.”  Mohammad also had multiple wives as did nearly all of the Prophets of the Bible.  Such was the custom of the times.  Abraham, the great patriarch of all three major Western Religions, pimped his wife out at least two times.  Both times, he denied that Sarah was his wife.  Both times, he allowed her to “marry” a local ruler by deceiving said ruler into believing that Sarah was his sister.  Abraham also sexed up his consort (slave), Hagar, in order to bear a child.  Did Jesus not say “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?”

The Europeans in this video and elsewhere are complaining about the actions of a subset of Muslims.  They are complaining that nothing is being done to counteract the criminality of this subset.  Here’s the thing, though. Muslims in Europe are being treated differently because of European Culture and European Politicians. Who elects these creatures? Oh….EUROPEANS!

If you do not like what is happening, stop electing these people.

The other problem is the immigration programs of these nations.  Immigration, at certain points, was selective.  Europe took in oppressed peoples.  They accepted immigrants with certain needed skill sets such as Doctors, Engineers and Scientists.  This was a wise policy.  In the past 40 years, European nations have accepted all comers.  Many of these people journeyed to the Scandinavian nations, France and Germany because of these lax immigration measures and because of the benefits and “entitlements” offered by these nations.  These people had nothing to offer but the “equality” mindset of Europeans made it so that all immigrants were seen as equal.  There is an issue with this egalitarianism in that all people are not equal.  Some are base criminals.  When a country accepts large numbers of these undesirables and treats them as the oppressed when they are actually the oppressors, these are the problems that will arise.  Europeans, primarily because of the World Wars and Colonialism, became myopic and wished to offer themselves as reward or recompense.  The guilt of the collective European nations overwhelmed sense and has created a situation in which large numbers of criminals were accepted and their activities excused as being “part of their culture.”  That sentiment in and of itself is bigoted.  All peoples have morals.  Even the “other” who arrive from distant lands.  To act as though this subset of folks are representative of any culture is ludicrous and bigoted.  It is an insult to those who are of those cultures who do act with common courtesy and are law abiding, moral peoples.

I’ve long said that there is coming a backlash in Europe. That old race hate will again raise it’s ugly head. Muslims in Europe had best pay heed. Europe has a long and nasty history of murdering the masses of immigrants who come to their lands.

The past 60 years has been an anomaly in European history. With the resurgence of Nationalism and the threat from the old Russian Empire raises, Europe will revert to form.

All it will take is a major economic slowdown. Muslims will become the targets of massive hate. Some will deserve it. Others will not. Some will have laid the seeds of their fellows destruction. Others will be innocent victims. When the wave strikes, it will destroy the lives of many innocents. It is coming. If you read between the lines, Europe is close to the edge.

It does not matter that it is a small percentage of Muslims who are guilty. All will suffer. All will reap the whirlwind.

60 years in the face of thousands of years of history…the “tolerance” of the “new Europe” will be wiped away and blood will run in the streets.

Muslims would be well instructed to police their own. Yet, this will not happen.  Eventually, they will all pay for the actions of a few.  Europe will set itself afire and the dead will pile up as the pyramids of old.  The blood will be on the hands of all.

Iraq and the Coming War within Islam

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Nothing in Iraq is about American Security. In the ’80s, our Iraq policy was about revenge and sowing division. In the ’90s, it was pure economics but advantaged for the dollar, Europe, India, Japan and China.

Now, I can’t really tell what it is. We false flagged our way into a decade of lunacy in Iraq to no apparent advantage. We’ve definitely sewn division amongst the Middle East.

What we’ve accomplished here is the pitting of Shi’a Iran against Sunni Saudi Arabia. We’ve made a showdown all but inevitable. The problem with this is that there is no guarantee that the current criminals who are our putative allies will actually be the power in Saudi Arabia. We have strengthened the Wahhabist movement in the Nejd at the expense of the Saudi Royals. Not that I am against that. I abhor the Saudi hypocrites.

I suppose now that the thing to do is to withdraw from the Middle East and await the inevitable showdown between the Saudi led Sunnis and the Irani led Shi’a.

Let them fight it out. That’s a good centuries worth of fighting there.

That will take Israel out of focus until Egypt gets dragged into the conflict. The seeds for this have already been laid.

even with Egypt, there is no guarantee that Israel would become a focal point. Instead Egypt could be led to focus upon Iran.

If the Saudis were smart, they’d ally themselves with Israel against Iran. There is precedent for alliances with infidel powers. Saladin did it. Several Muslim princes did so during the “Crusader era.”

It will all depend on who comes to power over the next several decades.