John McCain was hated by Democrats


John McCain was hated by the Democratic Party. Until, that is, Trump started openly hating on him. Now, McCain is the “hero of the Republic.”

McCain was a war monger. There never existed a possible intervention with which John McCain would not lovingly spoon in his 1970s waterbed. McCain loved interventions more than he loved Cindy.

Aren’t Leftist Democrats supposedly against these interventionist policies?

How, then, is John McCain suddenly the Great Hero of the Republic to the Democratic Party , CNN & MSNBC?

Oh…because Trump hates him. That is the simple explanation.

This is absurd. The United States of Absurdistan.

It’s also called duplicity, hypocrisy and deviousness.

Stop pretending to love and admire John McCain simply because Trump reviles him. Deep in your hearts, you, the Democratic Party, revile McCain as much as you hate Trump.

The only thing transparent about the Democratic Party is their dirty tactics, smear tactics, duplicity and hypocrisy.

trump 2020 9





Abortion vs Gun Control

I find it hilarious that the Left claim to desire Gun Control to “save the  children” whilst simultaneously advocating for the killing of children via abortion. This is a prime example of cognitive dissonance. It’s worse than Christians who claim to love all of mankind whilst calling homosexuals abominations.


Humans are utterly stupid.




Cultural Appropriation

weave appropriation

America is a multicultural nation. Those cultures are going to mix. When that happens, White folks are going to try different items/actions/things that folks of other “races” do/say/try. Everyone else is doing the same. When we each try the other “thing,” we are going to adapt it to what we, personally, like. This is natural.

And people are going to make money off of it.

Black women purchase their hair from Malaysia, Brazil, etc. They wear these hair pieces in American Black hairstyles. They have appropriated the hair of women from other “races” and used it to make their “Black American” hairstyles. Black women also style their hair in styles that are traditionally White. Black women “straighten” their hair using chemicals to mimic the hairstyles of White women. Is that not cultural appropriation?

I’m not all that down with the whole “privilege” game either. Especially when I’m being lectured on privilege by a rich,privileged, celebrity teenager. There are many types of privilege. Some White people benefit from being White. Not all White people benefit from being White. There are millions of poor White people in prison for drugs right alongside Black people. Affluence is privilege. Celebrity is privilege. Education is privilege. In some cases, yes, definitely, being White is “privileged.” There are not many universal truths.

White privilege in America is definitely NOT universal.

This seems like typical American victimology. Americans have, somehow, come to believe that their world is unique. They have come to believe that racism, bigotry, slavery, class privilege and a whole slew of other societal blights exist exclusively or uniquely in America. No, this is not true. Then there is this. Black people are not the only people in history to put their hair in braids or rows. Asian people have done it. Arabs have done it. White folks have done it. Africans did not invent the braid or the cornrow.

That Black hair has certain requirements of which I may or not be aware and that I want to wear my hair in a way that is similar to the way that Black people IN AMERICA have traditionally worn their hair does not make my doing so an affront to all Black people in America or Africa or anywhere for that matter. This sounds like more celebrity whining about issues that are so inconsequential as to be nearly incomprehensible.

Juxtaposing “cultural appropriation” with institutional bigotry within the United States Federal Government is insulting to every victim of the War on Drugs and the prison plantation system that has been the sin of both the Democratic and Republican Parties.

America does not NOT love, hate, like, dislike or in any other way treat with Black people as a whole because no sane person hates or loves a whole group of people based on any sane notion. People love or hate individuals. Individuals love other individuals. I know of no sane person who loves or hates any group of people. Many Americans do not know Black people. They know only what they’ve been shown. Some White Americans do know Black persons. They know the Black persons with whom they have worked, associated, had a beer. They know the Black person(s) whom they have dated. They know the child whom they raise with their Black spouse. However, the fact is that most White Americans do not know Black people because they do not live near, work with, or associate with Black people for a variety of factors such as proximity.

Most of America know only the Black persons and groups whom they see on TV. Who controls that message?  America does not control that image and message. Who controls that dialogue? The American Media controls that image and that dialogue and that image. The American Media is a small percentage of America. Less than .0001% of America, I would guess.  When your average American thinks of Black people, they conjure the images, messages and dialogue which they’ve been provided by Politicians, Hollywood, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.

A more valid and truthful end to Amandla Stenberg’s video monologue would have been “what would America be like if the American Media loved Black People as much as they love Black culture.” That would have been a truth.


Michael Moore and Freedom of Speech


America has been supporting despotic monarchies since, at least, World War II. That thanks to our late, “Great” President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It is disgusting to me and should be to any American that we are so deeply embedded with the tyrants of this world. All in the name of Corporate Greed. But don’t let that stop anyone from decrying Moore as a hypocrite or a fat ass. I think it disgusting how obese MM has become. He looks like a muppet, he’s so fat.

Some of the points he makes in his documentaries are very much laden with truths. Yet, he has attacked corporate greed and does profit from the same system. I can’t blame the guy for using the system as it is. He cannot change the whole of the system. He can only make others aware. Certainly, he is a bit of an ass in the way that he gets his point across. I have a certain amount of respect for that, though.
My goal in life has always been to comfort the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable. Working within the system is a good way to go about it. The only persons who can work outside of the system are those willing to be outlaws and those who are born to a silver spoon. Moore serves his purpose and I, for one, am glad to have him speaking his truth. His truth is as valid as many others, more valid than some and less than others. To dismiss all of Moore’s work simply because it makes one uncomfortable is unintelligent and speaks more to the listener than the crier.

Moore is still an American. Even if there are aspects of America with which he disagrees. The Conservative Right hates more because he exercises his right to Freedom of Speech. This is hypocritical of the Right. Moore should speak his mind and tell his truth. If that leaves the Right butthurt, so be it. I, for one, can see where Moore has been correct. A good, healthy, open minded reading of history proves Moore to be correct in many of his more salient points in his documentaries. Moore recently stated that snipers were cowards and shot people in the back. Many folks who have been to War agree with this sentiment. A sniper hides and takes shots at folks who have no idea from where they are being sniped. This is the nature of the job. It’s the same in any war, their snipers are murderous cowards. Our snipers are valiant heroes. That’s the nature of propaganda.

It’s the same with insurgents. The Founding Fathers and the Revolutionary heroes such as the Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, are hailed as heroes. There is not a whole lot of difference in the tactics of Marion and those of ISIS or al Qaeda. Both used terror tactics to achieve a goal of independence. We see it differently only because those tactics when used by ISIS and al Qaeda are an attack on our values and our world view. However, there is no difference. In the American Civil War, Federal Soldiers led by General Sherman raped, pillaged and burned their way through the South. ISIS is doing the same thing in Iraq and Syria. We hail Sherman as a hero for the same actions for which we deem ISIS as villainous and evil.

It’s propaganda. Michael Moore has done nothing more than bring transparency to our hypocrisy and we hate him for it. He’s put a mirror to our face and forced us to peer into our own souls. Sometimes, that viewing leaves us disquieted. This is the nature of what I call Statism. The State wishes us to believe that we are good when we perpetrate evil. We excuse our own excesses. We rationalize our murders and genocidal behaviors. They are evil because they wish that which we do not. It matters not what it is. It only matters that the State tells us that they are wrong and we are right. They are evil. We are righteous. Despite the fact that our actions mirror one another.

Moore is guilty of nothing more than bringing a different perspective to the discussion. We hate him because his perception makes us uncomfortable. That and he is as guilty as the rest of us. He defends or stays silent in the face of the criminality of Obama and the Left. Yet, screams to the heavens when Bush was taking the exact same actions as Obama does now. I am waiting for the Michael Moore treatment of the illegal assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki and his son. Until Moore is as outspoken of the crimes of Obama as he was of the crimes of Bush, I see Moore as nothing more than a Statist propagandist for the Left. I have no respect for the man based on this hypocrisy. That and he is way to intelligent and wealthy to be such an obese monstrosity. He must know that his obesity will kill him.

Such is my belief at any rate.

Islam Does Not Advocate Pedo-Rape & Jesus Never Spoke Out Against Slavery


Here is a comment that is no so uncommon amongst those who wish to criticize Islam while being ignorant of their own history and religion:


 Yeah the “prophet” Mohamed also said forcing little girls to be married at 6, and raped was ok. Fuck this posting and the politically correct bullshit behind it. What other religion advocates for rape, murder, terror, beheading, and the stoning of women simply because some guy is attracted to her? Fuck jihad.

I dislike all religions. That said, Mohammad never said that “forcing little girls to be married at age 6, and raped was ok.”  Mohammad did marry several wives and he did marry a young girl named Aisha.  Aisha was somewhere between the ages of 9 & 13.  That’s bad enough.  No need to go into full hyperbole mode on that one.  He did not rape her.  As was the custom in that age, he waited until her “first blood” to consummate the marriage.  This was a custom in Europe at that time as well.  This was not so unusual in America as recent as the late 1800s.

If one is going to criticize Mohammad, one should probably first look closer to home.  There is a good chance that someone in your recent ancestry is guilty of the same behavior…AND thought it normal.  If one is going to criticize something, one should have at least a basic understanding of that which one is criticizing. Otherwise, one simply looks ignorant.

No religion that I know of specifically advocates rape. However, both Islam and Christianity advocate murder, terror, stoning, etc. Also, Christians have raped and employed rape as terror. This happens today in Africa right alongside Muslim rapine. American “Christians” have been found guilty of raping young girls in all of our wars. What does Jesus say about motes and eyes, etc? Judge not, lest ye be judged. I know that Christians hate to actually use the Bible except as a weapon of mass distraction but it contains much wisdom if only Christians would actually read the damn thing.

Read the Bible. It is horrifically similar to the Qu’ran. As a matter of fact, much in the Qu’ran is plagiarized from the Bible.

Christians would know this IF THEY ACTUALLY READ THE fuckin’ BIBLE as opposed to the average Christian using it as a home decoration and nothing more. lol

It should embarass Christians that one such as I have read the Bible and written about the Bible at University, yet I am not Christian. While the majority of Christians have never read the Bible except in snippets and overheard soundbites from TV, their pastor or on the internet.

I am often irked to hell by Christians due to their ignorance about their own mythology. They ignore all of the horrors and atrocities committed by their own while castigating others for theirs.

Let’s take Jesus. Jesus talks about slavery in the Bible. Basically, he tells slaves to “honor” their masters.  What does this say about the attitudes of Jesus Christ about/towards slavery.

1. Jesus thought slavery to be normal.
2. He didn’t think it a sin for one man to own another.
3. Female slaves were sold as sexual objects and subjected to rape on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.
4. Honoring one’s master is, in part, being obedient. Therefore, when female slave is told to bend over and allow her master to enter her anal cavity, Jesus had already commanded slaves to honor their masters.

Did Jesus think that slavery was ok. Did Jesus think that owning another human was just. Was Jesus telling female slaves that their rape at the hands of their master was good in the eyes of God.  Probably not. I would like to think that Jesus thought that rape of slaves was bad. I would like to think that slavery was seen as an evil by Jesus.

The simple fact of the matter is that Jesus did not speak out for or against slavery. Was slavery simply not important enough a social subject for Jesus to speak of. Was slavery so unremarkable in the time in which Jesus lived that he simply felt it something about which there was no necessity to speak.

I can’t answer these questions. I can only say that Jesus said nothing about Slavery itself.

What does that say about Jesus the man? To me, it says that he was a man of his time. That, to me, is revealing. It says to me that he was a reflection of his times which means that he was mortal and not a God or a son of God any more than you or I.  A God or a representative of God would not be affected by local or era customs.  He would be above and beyond such things.

Yet, the West has spent nearly 2,000 years worshiping this man as well as murdering and conquering in his name.

And what does that say about us.



Michelle Obama: Let Them Eat Cake

Michelle Obama:  Let Them Eat Cake

How do Barry and Michelle justify to themselves these extravagant vacations while millions go hungry and hundreds of thousands go homeless?

Democrats speak of helping the poor and caring for humanity.

The waste of the Obamas could have fed and housed thousands upon thousands.

Is this the Hope and Change on which Mr. Obama ran his campaign for the Presidency?

I call it hypocrisy.

I see no difference between Bush and Obama except that Bush vacationed at home and the Obamas enjoy travelling the world in the citizen’s dime.

Is Human Life Sacred?

ImageIs all human life inherently sacred and worthy? Why? What makes human life more sacred than a goat, a horse, an elephant or a sea urchin?

I’m not talking in a White Supremacist kind of way.  However, I know many people who hate others simply because of the color of their skin or because they are of a different religion.

Niggers, kikes, nips, chincs, ragheads, zips, spics are all humans.  Are they not?  If one did not know better one would believe that these groups were NOT human.  The people who use these labels certainly do not believe that these groups are human.  Else they’d not hate them so and would not be so willing to murder them.  Infidels are human?  Are they not?  If we are to believe that infidels, niggers, kikes, nips, chincs, zips, spics and rag heads are all human, then how can we cling to the belief that human life is sacred.  For these groups are murdered as if they have no worth across the world by their “fellow” humans.  How can a communist or a socialist lay claim to a belief that life is sacred.  The proponents of these to two political/economic beliefs are responsible for millions upon millions of human deaths.  How can a capitalist lay claim to a belief that human life is sacred when they create anarchy and wreak havoc upon humanity and the planet causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and untold suffering by destroying the planet’s resources.  Capitalists also exploit the weaknesses of humanity and humans themselves in their search for profit and higher stock prices.

We do nothing good for the planet. We are more or less parasites attached to and sucking at the teat of the planet.  We refuse to respect the planet.  Instead, we destroy the planet as we seek to profit from its natural resources.  This greed destroys the planet by slowing making it uninhabitable or, at the very least, less habitable.

What makes human life sacred?  A claim by books written by men in ancient times siting various Gods or versions of God as principle lawgiver?

I simply do not believe that life is sacred.

Judging by the prejudice of men and the wars we constantly and incautiously wage upon one another, life is not sacred.  We murder each other over greed, religion, skin color.  Yet, we attempt to claim enlightenment. We claim that life is sacred.  Our actions speak otherwise.  Any person who hates others based on their skin color, their work ethic, their religion cannot lay claim to the belief that life is sacred.  That is hypocrisy.

Perhaps, I am simply lacking understanding.  Perhaps, I am not human.  I do not hate others because they are Black or Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or because they are not White, Muslim, Christian, heterosexual, etc.  I suppose my willingness to accept differences and not merely tolerate difference makes me some sort of mutant.

I suppose I should be like others who believe that all “niggers are worthless,call Obama a nigger, say that all Muslims should be killed, tell homosexuals that they can’t marry because THEY believe that homosexuality is wrong or perverted or because my belief labels them abominations (again, based upon a book).

We murder each other over these superficial differences and then claim that life is sacred.  Humanity is a plague upon the planet, upon nature and upon each other. Yet, life is inherently sacred.

When someone can explain the contradictions herein, I will believe that life is sacred rather than the phrase being a mere slogan created, like religion, to control and subvert the masses.

It is a lie.  Humans are mostly a blasphemy to the Gods and the books written at the behest of these supposed Gods.  We murder each other by the thousands and by the millions.  We create divisions in order to create fictional power over others.  Even in America, there is no true tolerance.  Tolerance is given lip service by the Left and the so-called Liberals and Progressives.  However, there is no true tolerance.

Tolerance is the game of the weak mind.  There is acceptance of differences or there is not.  To merely tolerate someone is not generosity or kindness or goodness.  Tolerance is merely a way of saying; “I dislike you, what you are and what you stand for but I’ll let you stay around until I show you the truth and you become like me.”

There is acceptance or there is merely delayed violence over differences.  I can accept the differences between myself and others.  I do not wish to change others and certainly I do not with to murder others because they believe differently than I or look differently than I or are attracted to the same sex.

Yet, those who call life sacred do kill others over these differences and have done so since the beginning of the human race.  Yet, they claim that life is sacred.

It is a lie.

Our voices speak to one “truth” while our actions speak to THE truth.

Muslim Hypocrisy!

Mohammad Cartoons published in Denmark ~ Muslims Riot

Suicide Bomb goes off in Market ~ Muslim World Silent

Qu’ran flushed in a toilet ~ Muslims Riot

Women raped and then deceived into becoming suicide bombers ~ Muslim World Silent

Terry Jones threatens to burn a Qu’ran ~ Muslims Riot

6 year old Afghan Girl used as suicide bomber ~ Muslim World Silent

Qu’ran rumored to be burned ~ Muslims Riot

40 Children saved by Combined Coalition/Afghan Force ~ Muslim World Silent

Qu’rans accidentally included in a burn pile ~ Muslims Riot in Afghanistan

Do any Muslims see the stupidity in this? Does anyone else?

Is the Qu’ran this important?

People wonder why I have no respect for religion.

Foolish Infidels

If anyone secretly entices you–even if it is your brother, your father’s son or your mother’s son, or your own son or daughter, or the wife you embrace, or your most intimate friend– saying, “Let us go worship other gods,” whom neither you nor your ancestors have known,

any of the gods of the peoples that are around you, whether near you or far away from you, from one end of the earth to the other, you must not yield to or heed any such persons. Show them no pity or compassion and do not shield them.

But you shall surely kill them; your own hand shall be first against them to execute them, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

Stone them to death for trying to turn you away


I agree with the Tea Partiers and Neo-Nativists.

Any religion that includes passages such as these
in their Holy Book should be banned from the
United States of America.

These are outdated notions in a world attempting to achieve universal peace and harmony.  Any religion that claims to be
of love and peaceful would recognize that such talk is counter-
productive and would rid itself of such language.

By the way, that passage under the photo is straight
out of the Bible (Deuteronomy 13:6).

A most excellent passage from the New Testament would seem to apply here:

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Jesus of Nazereth

Matthew 7:5

No Conversion, Please: “I believe that there is no such thing as conversion from one faith to another in the accepted sense of the word.      It is a highly personal matter for the individual and his God. I may not have any design upon my neighbour as to his faith, which I must honour even as I honour my own. Having reverently studied the scriptures of the world I could no more think of asking a Christian or a Musalman, or a Parsi or a Jew to change his faith than I would think of changing my own.” (Harijan: September 9, 1935)

All Religions are True: “I came to the conclusion long ago … that all religions were true and also that all had some error in them, and whilst I hold by my own, I should hold others as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we are Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu … But our innermost prayer should be a Hindu should be a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, a Christian a better Christian.” (Young India: January 19, 1928)


I wonder how many will have the courage to forward this on to friends and relatives.  ; )  No guilt from me.  Do as you wish.  God won’t hate you.  God won’t love you more.  You won’t get good luck or bad.  No car will come crashing through the front of your house and you won’t go bald or become impotent if you don’t forward this.  You won’t lose your your job, your wife or your dog if you don’t forward this.  You won’t win the lottery or a get laid if you do send it forward.  You’ll simply have forwarded on something for others to think about.

The Heretic

(I sent this out as an email.   I wonder if it will make it back to me someday as a forward.)








America’s Christian Inferiority Complex

Do American Christians have an inferiority complex?

The above photo would give that impression.  Some person decided that he should create this picture and shoot it around the internet.  Of course, he uses Islam as the juxtaposition.  He might have used a group of Hindus praying or Buddhists in contemplation.  Why not Wiccans?  Satanists?  Daoists?

It’s the obvious emotional ploy.  Aside from the fact that no one really has a problem with Tebow praying in public except, perhaps, Jesus himself.  The complaint that I’ve most often heard is from players on opposing teams.  That complaint being that God is on their side, too.  Why does Tebow think that he’s so special that God would intervene on his behalf and not theirs.  Players pray in the NFL and NBA all the time.  So much so that I get sick of them publicly thanking God for the big win.

To the photo!

What’s occurring in the two pictures?

#1   Muslims in an area designated for their daily prayers acting out one of their five daily devotionals to Allah in a Mosque.  They’re repeating a set prayer in a place of worship.  This same prayer which is memorized by all devout Muslims is offered by millions of Muslims daily.  Five times daily.  Muslims go to their Mosque or other designated area.  If they’re not near a mosque a designated prayer area, they usually find some private place to pray.  They lay down their prayer rug.  They bow.  They pray.  Same prayer.  Five times a day.  Every day.  The truly devout Muslims do this.  Other Muslims pray when they feel like it or not at all.

Note that this prayer is occurring in a designated area in what I believe is New York City.

#2  Tim Tebow is on the sideline of a Football Stadium on National TV.  He’s kneeling.  He’s offering up a prayer to God.  What is his prayer?  For what are we to assume that he’s praying?  World Peace?  Universal Harmony?  Not to embarrass himself and the Denver Broncos in a football game?  Victory in a Football Game?

What’s he praying for?

I have no problem with the guy praying.  I can understand why members of the other team would think that he’s grand standing when he prays in the middle of a game on the sidelines as if he’s David about to do battle with Goliath or Constantine about to meet the savages of Briton.

I can understand why so many people are making fun of him.  It’s completely understandable.  He’s made himself into a caricature of Christian arrogance and hypocrisy.  He’s praying on the sidelines of a football game and his stance usually looks strikingly similar to a famous portrait of George Washington praying at Valley Forge.

He’s asking God to take time out of his busy schedule to help Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos prevail in a Football Game.  A Football Game.  Yeap.  Never mind all those wars, the famine, the hurricanes, floods and tornadoes ripping through the world.  God, please stop everything else and help me win this football game.  It’s a bit ridiculous.

The players on the opposing team are probably sending up their own prayers.  However, they’re not doing it in such a manner that the whole world can see them.  They’re silently offering their prayers in the manner that Jesus himself said that Christians should offer their prayers.  Prayers are personal and private.  A prayer is a conversation between God and an individual.  Does Tebow think that God is more likely to answer his prayers if he’s seen praying on National TV?  Maybe he thinks God is watching the game on a satellite dish in Heaven.

I understand that he’s attempting to set an example.  Be a good role model.  I don’t know if that’s the way to do it.  Maybe it is.  If you take something personal and put it in the public realm, don’t be surprised and certainly don’t be thin skinned if other public people ridicule the act or, at the very least, call into question your motives.  Perhaps ignoring the actual instructions of Christ is a good and Christian way of setting a proper Christian example for other Christians.

Let’s see what the Bible says about Prayer.  This is what Jesus had to say concerning how and where to pray;

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

That’s Mathew 6:6.

It’s instructive to note that Jesus didn’t say to walk onto the sidelines of an NFL Game on National TV and pray in front of three or four million people.  His basic instruction was to NOT showboat and to not make it a public spectacle.  Jesus wasn’t a big fan of public spectacle.  Perhaps, there has been a papal bull wherein the Acts of Tebow supercede the Life of Christ and the Bible.

Muslims are actually instructed to pray publicly.  Mohammad had no problem with public acts of piety.

Jesus, however, instructed Christians to pray in their rooms.

Christians should ask themselves the question in the photo.  What is wrong with that picture?  The Bible has the answers.  It’s called the Word of God by Christians.  The answer is in the very words of Jesus when he instructed the Disciples on how to pray.  The same time that he gave Christians the Lord’s Prayer.

But you good Christians knew that…didn’t you.

Sometimes, I have to wonder if Christians actually read the Bible.  Perhaps, they’re too busy thinking of new and improved ways to be offended by Muslims to pay attention to the Life of Christ or his words.  I must have missed that passage in the Bible that states “Thou shalt be offended.”

Christians have gone so far away from Christ that I’m surprised any of them own a Bible.  Sometimes, it seems that too many Christians learned how to be “good” Christians while watching the Kingdom of Heaven.

Or Strategic Posturing?

Let’s Build a Mormon Temple in Makkah (Mecca)

So! I was thinking. I’d like to build a synagogue and a Mormon Temple in Mekkah, Saudi Arabia. I feel Christians and Jews should have a place to worship when they visit Mekkah. What’s that you say? Non-Muslims aren’t allowed to travel to Makkah. But, then….why…well, why are they offended that Switzerland banned …minarets when they ban whole groups of humanity from their town?

Mecca (pronounced /ˈmɛkə/), also spelled Makkah (English: /ˈmækə/; Arabic: مكة‎ Makkah and in full: Arabic: مكّة المكرمة‎ transliterated Makkah Al Mukarrammah [mækːæt ælmukarːamæ]) is the holiest meeting site in Islam, closely followed by Medina. The city is modern, cosmopolitan and while being closed to non-Muslims, is nonetheless ethnically diverse.[1][2][3]

Muslim tradition attributes the beginning of Mecca to Ishmael‘s descendants. In the 7th century, the Islamic prophet Muhammad proclaimed Islam in the city which was by then an important trading center. After 966, Mecca was led by local sharifs until 1924 when the Ottoman Empire collapsed and it came under the rule of the Saudis.[4] In its modern period, Mecca has seen tremendous expansion in size and infrastructure.

The modern day city is the capital of Saudi Arabia‘s Makkah Province, in the historic Hejaz region. With a population of 1.7 million (2008), the city is located 73 km (45 mi) inland from Jeddah in a narrow valley at a height of 277 m (910 ft) above sea level.

Where is the UN condemnation over the fact that only Muslims can enter Makkah?

They certainly stepped up quickly enough to condemn Swizerland because they voted against allowing minarets to be built in their country.

Saudi Arabia, the country from which most terrorism originates, bans whole people from even entering their city.

Some enterprising Swiss individual needs to petition to build a Church or Temple in Makkah.  See how well that goes over.

Entry to Mecca for Non-Muslims

“Non-Muslim Bypass:” Non-Muslims are not permitted to enter Mecca.

Non-Muslims are not permitted to enter Mecca under Saudi law.[1][37]

The Saudi government supports their position using Sura 9:28 from the Qur’an:

“O you who believe! The Mushrikeen (idolaters) are (spiritually) unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year; and if you fear poverty then Allah will enrich you out of His grace if He please; surely Allah is Knowing Wise.”[Qur’an 9:28]

The existence of cities closed to non-Muslims and the mystery of the Hajjis have often aroused intense curiosity in people from around the world. Some have falsely claimed to be Muslims in order to visit the city of Mecca and the Grand Mosque to experience the Hajj for themselves. The first to leave a record was Ludovico di Varthema of Bologna in 1503.[38] The most famous account of a foreigner’s journey to Mecca is A Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, written by Richard Francis Burton.[39] Burton traveled as a Qadiriyyah Sufi from Afghanistan; his name, as he signed it in Arabic below his frontispiece portrait for The Jew The Gypsy and El Islam, was al-Hajj ‘Abdullah.[citation needed] Individuals who use fake certificates of Muslim identity to enter may be arrested and prosecuted by Saudi authorities.[40]

Piss on Jesus? Why Not Piss on Mohammad, too?

After all, it’s just a joke.  Right?

Political Cartoon by Eric Allie

Comedian Larry David is under attack from critics who say he pushed the mocking of religion and Christian belief in miracles over the edge in the latest episode of his HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which the cable network defended as “playful.”

On the show’s most recent installment, which aired Sunday, David urinates on a painting of Jesus Christ, causing a woman to believe the painting depicts Jesus crying.

Deal Hudson, author and publisher of, said he doesn’t find any humor in the episode.

“I don’t think it’s funny,” Hudson told “Why is it that people are allowed to publicly show that level of disrespect for Christian symbols? If the same thing was done to a symbol of any other religions — Jewish or Muslim — there’d be a huge outcry. It’s simply not a level playing field.”

Hudson said an apology from the show’s producers and writing team should be issued.

“Somebody should [apologize],” Hudson said. “When is it going to stop? When is common sense going to dictate that people realize this willingness of artists to do to Christianity what they would never do to Judaism or Islam?”

In a statement to, HBO downplayed the controversy.

“Anyone who follows Curb Your Enthusiasm knows that the show is full of parody and satire,” the statement read. “Larry David makes fun of everyone, most especially himself.  The humor is always playful and certainly never malicious.”

Liberals are a funny lot.  Liberals are a cowardly lot.

Sacrilege is fine when it brings with it no dangers.  They’ll piss on the image of Christ.  They’ll display a Bible in a jar of urine.  The average liberal will blaspheme Christians and Christianity to hell and back.  They know that there is no danger in these acts.  Most Christians will have become morally outraged.  They’ll be angry, offended, disgusted by these Liberal behaviors.

But they won’t riot or murder over it.

Of course, you have random murders of Abortion Doctors committed by a random Christian every decade or so.  And the Liberal will be quick to point this out as if in comparison to the Islamic Extremists who commit atrocious acts of murder such as Al Jazeera beheadings.

Take that same urine or even the rumor of urine being placed on or near a Qu’ran and Liberals will run amok with declarations of intolerance by the Christian community.

Why is it acceptable for Secularist Liberals to piss on the Bible and call it critical humor, yet, it is not acceptable to do the same with the holy books or personages of other religions such as Islam.

Is Jesus not as sacred to Christians as Mohammad is sacred to Muslims?

Mass riots were justified by the left as a rational response to cartoons of Mohammad in Denmark.  Yet, Christians are irrational if/when their beliefs are demeaned by that same Secular Left.

I’d love to hear the rationalization on that one by the Secular Multi-culturists.  Speaking of Culture.  Is Christianity not a part of the CULTURE of the West.  Why is it the Christian Religion not afforded the same respect as Islam in these matters.  Piss on the Qu’ran.  Bad.  No matter the circumstances.  Piss on the Bible.  “It’s a joke.  Sarcasm.  Critical humor.”  Portray Mohammad in cartoons depicting him with a bomb for a turban.  Bad.  Never mind the fact that Muslims worldwide have grafted this image into the mainstream consciousness.  Never mind the fact that there is no place on the planet wherein Muslims live peacefully side by side with non-Muslim neighbors.  Piss on a Picture of Jesus or caricature Jesus in a cartoon.  “It’s just a joke.”

The Secular Left are cowardly hypocrites on the subject of religion.  Period.

I grow tired of it.

Multi-cultural, they wish to call themselves.  I call them what they are.  Christian haters.

For the record, I’m not Christian.  I shed that belief ages ago.  That doesn’t mean that I can’t see hypocrisy when it is plainly evident.

Maybe Christians should start rioting in the streets and murdering artists for portraying their religious symbols inappropriately.  Apparently, that’s the only way that the average Secularist will respect your beliefs.

I dare say that not one of the cowards would piss on a picture of Christ if  he, afterwards, had to fear for his safety or life.

Try pissing on a picture of Mohammad on TV, Larry David.  Hell, just try showing a picture of Mohammad on TV.  I’d love to see Larry David defend that one as “playful” as a mob of angry Muslims beat him and threw rocks at him.  I’d love to witness his attempt to explain to the murderers of Van Gogh in Sweden as they wielded a knife in anticipation of gutting the infidel.  I’m sure they’d listen to him closely.  I’m sure the extremist elements of Islam would love to murder an infidel and a Jew.  Two birds with one stone and all.

Cowards and hypocrites all.

Christians need to stop whining over these things and take up arms against them.  Defend your ideals.  I’m not necessarily talking about violence or shooting.  There are other ways of dealing with this hypocrisy.  Just stop the incessant whining.

Larry David should test his comic theories on Muslims in America.  Piss on a picture of Mohammad.  Claim it was merely being “playful.”  When he and his fellow hypocrites start using the same standard for Muslims as for Christians, they’ll have a point.  Until then, they’re merely typical leftists bigots.