Katie Hill’s Resignation Speech is Bunk!


I hunted down the photos. Gave them a gander. Cute goat, by the way.  I didn’t see anything that should be a HYUGE deal there. The cross is not a Nazi symbol that I can tell. The nudity is pretty PG rated to me. The text messages are….meh.

The only thing that she did “wrong” was her Matt Lauer-ish affair with the girl. If Democrats believe that a power imbalance means that consent can never be truly given, then Representative Katie Hill is “guilty of rape“. That is the Left’s philosophy. Katie Hill held power over the young girl. That was the only “mistake” or “bad decision”.

Hill is correct to resign because the Left should be treating her the same way that they treat Donald J. Trump# Judge Kavanaugh and other Male “power” figures. She is as guilty as they accuse those people of being. She’s actually guilty. She confessed to the “crime”. She confessed AFTER they were discovered, of course. This wasn’t a moment of honesty. It was coming clean only after discovery.

The Left always has a different standard for their own. Men such as Bill Clinton were repeatedly excused and their “crimes” covered up by the Left. Hill should have received similar treatment to Trump from the Left. Instead, she got the Hillary treatment. Her sins were washed away and she becomes the martyr. Hill did nothing. The Patriarchy did it. Misogyny did it. Hill is guilty. Katie Hill is immaculate having been washed in the blood of Gaia and the warm milk of a virgin transexual man.

It’s not surprising that Hill is being allowed to leave with very little Leftist gnashing of teeth and only half hearted trash talking by the GOP.

If anyone aside from Katie Hill is guilty here, it wis the Progressives Left. Men didn’t do this to her. Misogyny did not do this to her. The Patriarchy did not do this to her.  It wasn’t any of the boogie men that she’s throwing out there. Her own people did this to her. Nancy Pelosi and the Leftists decided that Hill was in the way and would be a distraction. Katie Hill was allowed to give her martyr’s speech as she was thrown to the curb with the rest of waste and refuse of the true powers in the Capital Beltway.


There Were Viable Alternatives in Election 2016

There were viable alternatives in the 2016 Election. Americans were too cowardly to choose a better candidate. Instead, they stuck to the “lesser of two evils” paradigm which is killing this Nation.

20% of eligible voters in the US hated Donald Trump

20% of eligible voters in the US hated Hillary Clinton

That is 40% of eligible voters.

Another 20% or so hated both candidates.

That is 60% who either did not vote or voted against a candidate instead of for a candidate.

Instead, that 60% could have voted * F O R * a candidate.

They could have voted for the Libertarian Candidate or for the Green Peace Candidate.

I voted for the Libertarian Party and Gary Johnson.

Americans had alternatives. Americans were simply too stupid to do so.

Someone please come on here and tell me that Johnson would have been a worse President than Donald Trump.

Please. One of you daft, party line following morons come and tell me this so that I can smack you upside the head.

Instead, you let diversionary tactics such as “he didn’t know what Allepo was” and other inane, meaningless smears turn you off to a viable alternative.

Johnson has had more success in life than 99% of Americans. Yet, these same people felt that they were better than he.

Basically, what I’m saying is that you, Americans, are stupid and you suck.

To make matters worse, Democrats want to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote. We have folks who are 30 & 45 & 69 & 56 who cannot vote intelligently. It’s no wonder that the Democrats want children to vote. They love unintelligent, emotional, uninformed voters. The Emocratic Party thrives on emotional voters and diversity of lack of information and UNtelligence. As does the Conservative Leftist Republican party of fools.

Fascism and America’s Political Parties

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14 “typical” features of Fasicm:

The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”
The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”
The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”
Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”
Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”
Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”
The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.”
The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”
Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”
Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”
Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”
Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”

Those are the words of Umberto Eco who lived through the madness of Mussolini’s Fascist Regime in Italy.

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Some of these features are present in the actions and words of the GOP and DNC today.
We live in a dangerous time when fools such as Donald J. Trump and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are idolized and beyond reproach.
The Republican Party, the Democratic Party and the blind followers thereof are the greatest danger to American Liberty in the History of the United States of America.
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Women of the #MeToo moment believe that all criticism of Women of the Left is unwarranted.

Warranted or unwarranted. This is dependent upon perspective.

Apparently, if one is female, all criticism is deemed unwarranted. Must be something about having teats and a vagina.

If one bleeds once a month, one must not be criticized. Is that it?

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez has said much that is wide open for criticism. She has said, at least, one thing with which I agree and I stated as much when I read it. Her criticism  of Tesla and other corporations receiving federal monies/investment and the ROI is valid. She has also sounded much like a dumb teenager who failed Civics.


And don’t get me started on the Crook Clinton. If you think criticism of her unwarranted, you have an exceptional way of blocking out criminality from your viewpoint. You rationalize much.

Hillary Clinton made a career of destroying women who, if they had been making accusation against anyone other than her husband, the Left would have had front and center in the #MeToo movement.

There shines your hypocrisy.

I heard no complaints about the attacks on Republican women in the past or in this day.

If you WOMEN and #MeToo’ers can stop being hypocrites, you may be taken seriously.


The Hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton and the Women who Vote for Her

Hillary Clinton enabled her husband, Bill Clinton, to prey upon women for decades. Most recently, she stated the following:

“My husband’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power.”

The many followers of Hillary Clinton will defend this statement even as they have spent that past twenty or thirty years prosecuting men in power for doing exactly what Bill Clinton did. Bill targeted a young woman and used his power and influence to get her to have sexual relations with her. Yes, a blow job is sex.

0Epws8EWI4Yet, these same feminists rail against and have an issue with Trump who paid women for their services. He pai

d. They profited. Stormy Daniels is an excellent example of this. Stormy “Horseface” Daniels twenty years later is simply attempting to get paid again because she was on the downside of her porn and pole dancing career.

Bill Clinton is alleged to have raped, sexually assaulted and sexually harassed up to FOURTEEN women. Bill Clinton used the trappings of his office to coerce Lewinski into having sex with him. Why else would she save the dress?

Show me a Trump victim? Send forth a woman who has accused Trump of Rape or sexual assault. Where are the women who have accused Trump of sexual harassment. Paying a Porn Star for sex and then paying her to NOT disclose it is NOT  sexual harassment.

Trump said; “If you are rich or famous, women will let you do anything.” Bill said; “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

Trum gave an example of the kinds of things that women will LET you do if you are rich or famous: “grab ’em by the pussy”. Bill gave us an example of extreme semantics in “defense” of his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinski.

Note the acknowledgement of consent in Trump’s example. Note the evasion in Bill’s.

“Women will let”

  “is is”

Trump didn’t say that a rich or famous man can do as he pleases. He said that women will LET [ALLOW] a rich or famous man to do these things.

There is no victim there.

Women who seek rich and famous men to use that wealth and fame to their advantage are not victims. They are predators.

Bill coaxed a young impressionable woman into the most intimidating office in the world and got a blow job. The Oval Office was designed to intimidate foreign dignitaries, Indian Chiefs and Warlords and World Leaders. I’m sure Monica felt right at home in that room and completely comfortable saying “No” to “the most powerful man in the world.”

The women Trump mentioned are women who allow and, in most cases, encourage these acts on the part of men in exchange for money, access, power, influence, etc.  Trump did not say that he walked around grabbing women by the pussy regardless of the desires of those women. Trump said that women will LET men do these things. It’s a huge distinction that, of course, faux feminists and Social Marxists refuse to recognize or acknowledge.

Bill bullied and intimidated Lewisnki. He’s a predator. Hillary is his enabler. I can actually see Hillary in the Oval Office while the thing was going down. “Oh yeah;” says Hillary; “Bil likes it like that.”

What’s more! Trump is correct. There are MANY Millions of Women out there who will LET men do what they want including but not limited to grabbing their pussies simply because a man is rich or famous. If you can’t acknowledge this, you are lying to yourself. You are a liar. You are probably one of the women who act in this manner and are, therefore, in denial.

Trump empowers Women. Hillary Clinton used her power and influence to destroy Women on behalf of her husband and in pursuit of power. The power and influence of Hillary Clinton came, in part, from the millions of “feminist” women who vote for and worship her. They enable her. She enabled Bill. Monica is their victim.

Yet, there are others who were victims of Hillary and her minions:

Even CNN admits that a whole lot more women have been abused than most people realize.

“There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another (about Bill Clinton,” CNN contributor Errol Louis accidentally revealed on air this Thursday morning.

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Sex, Harassment And Hollywood


McGowan remained silent when it profited her to do so.

I’ve been a victim of Sexual Harassment. I’ve also been accused of Sexual Harassment. I am a male.

There is a distinct difference in the ways that men and women deal with sexual harassment. Men usually do something to end it. Women usually let it go along until something bad happens or until they decide to file a complaint.

That is my experience.

I was in Egypt in 1997. I had a female Officer who would become intoxicated and then proceed to paw at every dude she encountered. She finally got around to me. When she did, I simply turned her down and then told her to police herself as she was acting foolishly and, eventually, someone was going to ruin her career over her behavior. Simple right?

I guess not.

Women, apparently, can’t do this. They let men paw at them for months or years. They let the men to accost them go on to harass and assault others for months or years. Women take pay offs and remain silent for years as other victims pile up.

Then years later, like Rose McGowan, they “courageously” come out about the behavior.

Rose McGowan is not a hero. She is a coward. She remained silent for decades and allowed other women to allegedly be victimized by Harvey Weinstein and others in the Entertainment Industry. There are more. McGowan is not the only cowardly “heroine” of the moment.

Anyone in the Democratic Party who speaks out against Weinstein and continues to protect and support the Clintons are equally cowards. Bill Clinton’s reign of terror in Arkansas and Washington, D.C, last a few decades. Hillary Clinton’s cover ups are ongoing today. Hillary was Bill’s attack dog. In order for Hillary to consummate her ambitions Bill could not go down to “loose women of questionable moral values.” Bill could not be at fault when it came to rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment. The victims had to be blamed and Hillary was the attack dog that made it so. She destroyed the women who, in an earlier Weinstein like episode, came out against Bill Clinton.

And the whole of Hollywood protected them and shamed Bill’s victims. The whole of Hollywood remained silent. 40 years later, the whole of Leftist Hollywood are still covering for Hillary’s behaviors.

Neither Donna Karan nor Democratic Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson have done or said anything worse than Hillary Clinton. They made statements. Hillary Clinton actively destroyed the victims of her husband.

I’ve always been suspicious of sexual harassment allegations myself. Why? I’m a victim of a false allegation. A woman who worked for me falsely accused me of sexual harassment because she wanted to go to an easier job. I had attempted to train her and make her a competent employee. She had no desire, at that time, to be such. She falsely accused me of sexual harassment. She was proven to be a liar. There was not one person who had witnessed anything of any sort that could have been construed as sexual harassment and the other female in my employ testified to this. Aside from that, I have a known dating preference and this female was as far removed from that preference as could be imagined. All and sundry testified that I treated male and female in my employ exactly alike. Even if she had been “my type”, I’d not have sexually harassed her as I want competent employees not a personal dating pool where I work. As a rule, I do not date where I work. I’ve simply seen that behavior become too messy.

When women speak out about sexual harassment, I am always skeptical. I can’t help it. I’ve been falsely accused and I’ve seen others falsely accused.

Yet, I know it happens as I have seen it. It makes me feel queasy when I see it. If I am in a position to say something, I usually do. I’ve done it several times in my 30 plus years in the workplace. DL1V-UWW4AAZ0xy

What I rarely see, outside of places like Hollywood, is a person capable of 40 year careers as sexual opportunists. Politicians, Hollywood Elitists, CEOs, Generals in the Military — these are the folks who usually are proven to be career perverts and/or harassers. Usually, it turns out that those who are loudest about empowering women turn out to  be the worst. These Champions of women are usually attempting to divert attention from their pathological attacks on women. Either that or they wish to somehow assuage their guilt. These folks will destroy others for lesser behaviors while continuing to act out and attacking women whom they perceive to be susceptible, weak and vulnerable.

Rose McGowan and Asia Argento are no better than Harvey Weinstein. They profited from their attacker and remained silent for decades so that Harvey Weinstein could remain out in the open and attack hundreds or thousands of other women. They suddenly became “courageous” only after they could no longer use their allegations to profit from the Weinstein Company. This is not courage. This is convenience.

Hollywood should clean up their act. I’m tired of all of the preaching. I’m tired of the lies and duplicity. I’m tired of the double standards. I’m tired of the very people who pretend to be above it all being so far down into the gutter.

Stop calling these women courageous who remained silent for profit.

Harvey “I made a mistake” Weinstein was/is wrong. Harvey Weinstein is a predator. Harvey Weinstein is to blame for his behaviors. Sorry, Harvey, but 40 years of actively assaulting women and forcing yourself on them is not a mistake. That’s a pattern of behavior. That is psychoses. That is simply being a horrific human being. If Harvey Weinstein were poor, he’d be referred to as the Jeffrey Dahmer of serial rapists. He’s wealthy, though. In America, money turns a monster into a sympathetic human being. Even a Harvey Weinstein and a Bill Clinton. In America, money turns a woman who enables a serial rapist and harasser into a Presidential Candidate.

Rose McGowan and every other Hollywood Actor who remained silent in order to work with and profit from the Weinstein Company are complicit. They are guilty of enabling these and other predators.

I see not one hero or heroine in any of this saga. Certainly not Rose McGowen, Asia Argento or any of those who remained silent.





Donald Trump is President


I didn’t vote for the guy. I didn’t vote for HER either.

I would rather have Donald Trump as President than HER.

Liberals, you lost. Conservatives, you did not win.

I abhor the Liberal Left. I simply cannot stand the self righteous Conservative Right.

Donald Trump is President because a large enough percentage of the middle 60% of Americans decided that they had had enough of the Democrats. Barack Obama was arrogant despite not accomplishing much of anything. Barack Obama murdered American Citizens overseas. No due process. No trial by peers. No justice. Murder.

Barack Obama and the Liberal Left pushed too hard for their “Social Justice” agenda. Most Americans do not care about the challenges of minorities. Most Americans have no LGBT(Q) agenda. Most American do not hate Black people. Most Americans really do not think about Black people. Most Americans have their own challenges in life.

The poor have always had challenges in America. The poor includes a great many White people. Telling this huge swath of White Americans that they have privilege is imbecilic. The average American of European descent has and has had their own historical challenges. Irish people were and are referred to as “White Niggers.” Tell them that they have “White Privilege.” Germans and Poles were treated exactly as Mexicans are treated now. Italians were treated similarly.

Yet, somehow, the Left believes that all White people are a huge monolithic and homogeneous group who think exactly alike and have all of the same privileges as does a Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton or a Bill Gates. This simply is not true.

The Left wanted us to believe that all “People of Color” were the same. People of Color are all discriminated against. People of Color are all mistreated. People of Color are all victims. This simply is not true.

Yet, the Left will not stand down from these foolish cries of bigotry and racism. Apathy is not racism. Apathy is not bigotry. Being consumed by the challenges of one’s life to the point that one does not notice the challenges of the Left’s pet victim groups does not make one a racist or a bigot. It means one has one’s own life challenges and has no energy to spend on causes outside of one’s own small world. When a White person is barely able to hold their own household and family together, feed their children and keep them inside and out of the cold, they don’t have time to spend on worry about the pet causes of the Left. This does not make these people racist and it certainly does not mean that they have some form of privilege.

Not being harassed by the Police is not a privilege. Not being watched by store owners and mall security because one is White is not a privilege. I understand that Black people live in this bizarre world where the color of their skin is held against them. The absence of this ignorant phenomenon does not constitute privilege. That is backward thinking.

The people who came up with the concept of White Privilege are the very persons responsible for the image of Black people in America. They are the Mainstream Media and Hollywood. For decades, the Leftist MSM and Hollywood have stereotyped and typecasted Black people as thugs, criminals, drug lords and gang members. Middle America believed them. Now, Middle America is being held at fault for the sins of the MSM and Hollywood. This is insane. You, MSM and Hollywood, created this phenomenon. You are to blame. The Oscars are “so White” because you created this dynamic. You fostered these fears and feelings. Yes, you did that.

Most Americans do not care to see Homosexuals on every TV Show and in every movie. We don’t care. Homosexuality is not nearly as prevalent in daily living as it is made to be in Hollywood and on TV. Pushing that agenda and normalizing something that is not actually “normal” or mainstream in America is a mistake. People should not persecute others for their sex lives. Likewise, folks should not be persecuted if they wish to not be disposed to homosexuality. Nor should Americans be told that they are ignorant and backward if they do not wish to be exposed to homosexuality.

Gavin McInnis said it best. “We’re not homophobes. We’re ‘homobored.'”

I would think that Donald Trump has been exposed to homosexuality more than any other President in History. Yet, the Left has ramped up fears in the homosexual community bordering on mass hysteria.

Donald Trump has worked with women for decades. He did not say that he grabbed pussies. He said that women will allow famous and rich men to do anything up to and including grabbing them by the pussy. Those are two different statements. Yet, the Left, again, has ramped up hysteria amongst the women of the Left so much so that they are marching on Washington.

The Left lost the election. You cheated for Hillary. You cheated Bernie Sanders. You lied, cheated and stole the nomination for the Clintons.

Now, you say that Russia helped Trump steal the election. You say that Russia interfered with Election 2016. I say we should give Putin a medal if he was even remotely responsible for keeping the war mongering Clinton out of the White House.

At the same time that the Left accuses Russia of interfering with the recent election, you ignore the 20 plus Millions that Saudi Arabia pumped into the Clinton campaign and the Clinton Global Initiative. I’d bet that since war mongering, Wahhabist loving Hillary Clinton has seen a substantial drop in donations to the Clinton Global Initiative since Election Tuesday. Clinton has no more influence in American foreign policy. There is no longer need to funnel bribes through her “charity.”

Barack Obama has spent the last 8 years wreaking havoc and sowing chaos across the Globe. He, who was pre-awarded a Nobel, invaded more sovereign States and Nations than did George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

Obama brought jobs back to America. Low wage jobs that counted statistically but not in the lives of Americans. He improved no lives excepting, of course, his cronies at Goldman Sachs, Big Pharma, Big Med and Big Insurance. His efforts have been extremely awarding for his cronies. Let us not forget Solyndra.

Obama did nothing with the War on Drugs or, as I like to call it, the War On American Liberty, Rights and Freedom.

The Average American is not better off now than in 2008. Many are, indeed, worse off. Banking and Investing professionals are much better off.

Poor people now have insurance. The Middle Class is now being raped by the Insurance industry. Medical costs are still out of control. Pharmaceuticals are still outrageously priced. Big Pharma is still killing hundreds of thousands per year more than illicit narcotics. The criminal drug cartels are the legal drug companies such as Pfizer. Legal opium kills. Legal cocaine kills. Marijuana has still yet to take its first life. Yet, we have a war on marijuana being perpetrated by the DEA, FBI, ATF and local law enforcement whilst the real criminals rake in billions in profit.

Obama pardoned, etc a few thousand of the heinous drug convictions that have crushed the lives of Americans. Yet, he did nothing about the criminality of the For Profit Prison cartels. His acts of generosity to a few Americans was less than a band-aid on a problem that has been decades in the making thanks to Richard Nixon and every President since.

Obama changed nothing. He brought hope to a few million poor people at the expense of a many more millions of folks barely hanging on above poverty levels.

This was not Hope and Change. It was chicanery and deception.

These are reasons for the rise of Trump’s populist brand of politics.

The Left doesn’t want to hear any of this.

The danger is that the Conservative GOP will claim this as their victory. Trump won because Middle America grew tired of the arrogance and preaching of the Left. The Conservative Right will not learn this. They will grow arrogant as well. They will push their faux, self righteous agenda and be expelled again in four to eight years.

This is America. A pendulum ever swinging.

As long as there are only two options, we will continue to stagnate with the same unexceptional politicians and ideologies that have kept us from moving forward for the past 40 years. Great progress was made into the 1980s. Since Reagan, there has been no real progress. There has only been infighting and hatred. It is time for something new.

The old system has grown staid, tired, obsolete. America either tries something new or it continues to decline.

Obama was the first sign of decline. A President who finds America and Americans abhorrent. Barack Obama was a President of the Yankee North and Hollywood Left Coast. He hated all other sections.

Trump is a President of Appalachia and the Deep South. They hate the Yankee North and the Hollywood Left Coast.

If you think there is not Appalachia, Deep South or Yankee North, you are ignorant of the real America.

America needs a truly American President.

The New Jim Crow, Black Lives Matter & Hillary

“But now that I’ve been speaking out and saying that mass incarceration is the new Jim Crow, now all of a sudden the Clintons are saying, ‘oh wait a minute, we are going to be back on the other side of this issue right now.’”

Rand Paul


The African American under the Clinton Boot

The Clintons injected steroids in the New Jim Crow. It is amazing to me that Hillary Clinton, Democrats and other Hillary supporters have the unmitigated gall to claim that others are racists.

Why the fuck Black Americans supported Hillary is beyond me. Bill Clinton is the one who amped up the Drug War, Incarceration and Police Militarization that has led to the exact complaints of #BlackLivesMatter. This is exactly why I believe the BLM movement to be nothing more than Sorosian Propaganda. If BLM were really an intelligent, meaningful movement, there is no way that they would have supported Hillary Clinton. They’d have supported Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders or Gary Johnson.

You want to talk about cognitive dissonance. Black Lives Matter Activists supporting a candidate like Hillary Clinton is the very definition of it.

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The Democratic Party Loves War


If you supported the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, you have no room to criticize anyone for being pro-war. If you supported the past 8 years of Barack “Drone Ranger” Obama, you have no room to criticize anyone for being pro-War.

That is the problem with Democrats. You guys talk a loud game when it’s the other idiot in the White House. The moment Barack Obama entered the White House, all opposition to war dried up. You remained silent.

Now, suddenly, you all want to be anti-War.

Democrats are the Party of War. You are the Party of Division.

You have your pets that you allow to roam about the country as proof that you are enlightened. The moment one of those pets dares to cross the line, you turn on them like mad dogs.

Democrats are exactly like Republicans. None of you have real character. None of you have real convictions.

No one can claim to be progressive whilst defending the Stone Aged Religion of Abraham in opposition to another Stone Aged Religion of Abraham. They are both the same ignorance, hate, death and destruction.

If you defend Islam and oppose Christianity, you are a complete buffoon. It’s the same God. It is the same precepts. It is the same violence. It is the same madness.

They call this cognitive dissonance.
Democrats suffer from this badly. Horribly.

The 20th Century had two World Wars. Both of them were Democrat Wars. There were four major wars. Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, War On Terror (Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Libya).

Korea was a Democrat War.

Vietnam was a Democrat War.

Persian Gulf was a Republican War.

The War on Terror was started by a Republican President and widely expanded by a Democrat President.

Democrats wanted to elect Hillary Clinton. Hillary wanted more war. She was instrumental in expanding the Bush Wars and making them Obama Wars.

The Cold War was started by a Democrat President. Harry Truman started the Cold War when he murdered two Japanese Cities solely to make a statement to the Soviet Union.

Democrats are the War Party.

You cannot deny history. You cannot deny facts.

Democrats love war. Hillary would have continued that tradition and had she been elected, not a single Democrat would have uttered an anti-War word or phrase for the whole of her Presidency.

They call that hypocrisy.

Your party needs to do some serious soul searching. You are guilty of some of the worst wars in history. Yet, you have the gall to call other folks War Mongers and Pro-War.

The DNC stinks with the blood of humanity. You reek of death and hatred and fear.


Hillary’s Avoidance of FOIA


“Someone using the wrong email address…:”

The issue that most can’t seem to comprehend was the avoidance of FOIA. This is why Hillary had her own server.

SERVER…not email address. A whole Server for her State correspondence. Correspondence for the people, on behalf of the people. Correspondence that should have been available BY LAW to the people should they request it.

That was the issue.

She was actively breaking the law. She broke the law when she deleted those emails.

FOIA is the Freedom of Information Act. It is designed to make the Government more transparent.

Now, having read many of those emails, I fully understand why Hillary didn’t want the public reading them. They detail a State Department which was out of control. They detail her sordid CGI pay for play, money making scheme at the State Department. They detail her scamming the American people. They detail her stealing the primary.

So, no, it wasn’t a distraction for Americans. I can see how a partisan Democrat would think them a “distraction.” An American, however, sees the emails and the server for the threat to #Liberty that they were.

The Media purposely avoided this discussion.

Hillary Clinton On War


“It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.”— Robert E. Lee, at Fredericksburg

And that was the problem with Hillary Clinton. She was so fond of war because she had never been in one. She always had a nice, comfy seat as she ordered the deaths of thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands.
Her No Fly Zone would have resulted in the deaths of Millions.
Hillary would have sat back and reflected; “It is well that war is so comfortable and cozy, or we should grow too fearful of it.”

America Won Because Hillary Lost




I celebrated the end of “marriage inequality.” I love it that my Uncle can marry the man whom he loves and has loved for 40 plus years.

I did not celebrate the fact that “marriage equality” furthered the State’s legitimacy in interfering in the personal lives of Citizens.

There should be no need for marriage equality because the State should have no say in who can or will or cannot or will not enter into a marriage contract.

Why is there such a backlash against Homosexuality in America right now?

Instead of celebrating the above victory, the Left used it to attack folks whose beliefs differed from theirs. Religion, though an idiocy in my opinion, is still strong in America.

Telling a person who owns a bakery or a pizzeria that they must cater a “Gay Wedding” is wrong. A person in America is free to exercise their religion. That is as it should be.

No one has a right to force contract or association. No one has a right to tell me that my beliefs are wrong.

I believe that Christianity and Islam are great evils. I believe that Homosexuality whether it be genetic, learned or choice is no one’s business except the consensual individuals involved in the relationship.

As soon as the Left started attacking individuals and businesses who did not wish to contract or associate with Homosexuals or Homosexuals enterprise, I knew that a backlash would result. Why the Left didn’t see it is beyond me. It’s as if they are stupid.

If one approaches a wedding planner or a bakery and request that they cater a Same Sex Wedding and they tell you that this is against their beliefs, we should accept that answer. We should not force them to cater that wedding or tax or fine them.

Move on to someone who wants your business.

Targeting these people for action in the court did nothing but create this exact backlash.

This is but one example.

Safe Spaces is another example of a phenomenon that has created a backlash. White blaming is another phenomenon that has created ill will across this nation. Pretending that every evil perpetrated across the ages is the fault of White people living today has angered a huge swath of Americans.

You can’t alienate a majority of a population and expect them to love, cherish and respect you.

Yes, I know. That same majority has behaved atrociously over the past 200 plus years. However, the people alive today aren’t responsible for Jim Crow or the mistreatment of Homosexuals in the 60s or 80s. Those people are dying off. Angering the next generations by blaming them for the sins of their fathers is not the correct path.

Forcing contract and association is not the correct path.

Over the past decade, White people in general and straight White males specifically have been told that they are evil. That they are responsible for all of the ills of the world. Most of them aren’t even truly aware of all of the evils in the world. Now, they’re looking around and you’ve made them the enemy. Many might decide to grant you that wish. If you want them as an enemy, they will be your enemy.

I’m one of the most open minded fuckers on the planet. I hate religion. Yet, I have friends of many religions. I’m straight and I have many friends who are not. I don’t believe in marriage but believe that if you want to be married, you should be able to do so. Misguided though it is. I believe abortion is murder. Straight up murder. Yet, I believe that this is not my choice to make and that you are responsible for your actions and your choices. I would not want to be a part of an abortion and would never again talk to a woman who aborted a baby conceived with me. Yet, I would not want abortion to be banned because I know people are weak and ignorant. Banning abortion would only cause needless deaths, suffering and pain.

I support Liberty above all.

Trump is a mistake. Hillary would have been a mistake of equal, if not greater, proportion.

Trump is an unknown right now. I don’t think he will attack social freedoms. I might be incorrect. I thought Obama would be more proactive in protecting or expanding social freedoms. I was wrong. He was lackluster at best in doing so.

Trump will not have the power to remake America in his image. If he doesn’t appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton, Pay for Play and CGI, he will lose much of his support immediately.

Two years from now, he will lose some of the Congressional Majority. It is almost a certainty.

Unfortunately, Democrats were arrogant over these past 8 years. Instead of progress, they chose hubris and vindictiveness. Instead of trying to reach consensus, they preached and told their “enemies” to suck it up because they had won.

I said it four years ago. Beware. The precedents of Presidents always come back to haunt the ordinary American.

Democrats vilified Bush for his wars and worshiped Obama for his wars.

Democrats have been arrogant. They have reaped the whirlwind. They have earned what may come.

Hillary was the most arrogant, self aggrandizing candidate to ever run for the American Presidency. For her, this election was about what she felt she deserved. She enlisted the worst of the Neo-Con warmongers (whom the Democrats once labeled Chickenhawks) and the greediest of the Corporate Banking Institutions (against whom #OccupyWallStreet once railed impotently) and thought to outright purchase the Office of POTUS.

She failed.

In that failure of Hillary Clinton, America won. The World won. Hillary would have been a disaster as President. At the very least, she would have continued and expanded the Bush/Obama wars. At worst, she would have disastrously clashed with Putin and started the world down the road to the conflagration that would, decades later, have been called World War III – the war that ended humanity.

Instead of Hillary, we elected Donald Trump. We know a few things about Trump.

1. He is a business man. No matter how much you hate him, he has been successful. Even if it was snake oil, he successfully sold it. People bought it. He earned Billions from it.

2. He is a former Democrat who ran as a Republican because “they’ll believe anything.”

3. He is, despite the Leftist propaganda, a Social Progressive.

4. He wasn’t called a racist for the first 60 plus years of his life.

5. He only became a racist when the Democrats needed to make him seem so.

6. He makes crazy and, sometimes, stupid claims and statements.

7. He has surrounded himself with insiders whilst running as an outsider.

8. He has very little foreign policy experience. The people that surround him have foreign policy experience.

9. He will still bring to the White House a good deal of fresh perspective. We need that.

10. He is not as evil as the 20,000 people how “protesting” his election (who are on the payroll of George Soros).

We do not know exactly what Trump will be. We can only guess at this time. We can look at his past. The whole of his past rather than the selected soundbytes and photos leveraged against him during the campaign.

Time will tell if Trump is a mistake. Regardless, he’s not going anywhere for four years unless he is assassinated by some Liberal Looney.

No matter what happens over the next four years, it will be better than the wreckage that will have been left in the wake of the Queen of Chaos. America won because Hillary lost.


“Grab ’em by the Pussy” Hillary and Donald have that in Common


Obama has made similar comments. I guarantee it. After all, he came out of Chicago Corruption.

JFK made similar comments. He had the SS bring him women at the White House.

Trump is a turd.

He’s a chauvinist. OK. Fine.

Hillary has done worse.

The campaign hired a private investigator with a bare-knuckles reputation who embarked on a mission, as he put it in a memo, to impugn Ms. Flowers’s “character and veracity until she is destroyed beyond all recognition.”

She shamed women who her husband ACTUALLY sexually assaulted. She did that. She didn’t have to do it. Yet, she did. She destroyed women to further her ambitions. She did not care about Bill “grabbing pussies” and getting blow jobs in the Oval Office right down the hall. No, she cared about her career and she destroyed any obstacle, human or otherwise, which dared stand in her way.

The enduring image of Mrs. Clinton from that campaign was a “60 Minutes” interview in which she told the country she was not blindly supporting her husband out of wifely duty. “I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette,” she said.

If you are voting for Donald J. Trump or Hillary Clinton, you are mentally unstable. If you can rationalize a vote for either of these monsters, you are, yourself, a monster.

But privately, she embraced the Clinton campaign’s aggressive strategy of counterattack: Women who claimed to have had sexual encounters with Mr. Clinton would become targets of digging and discrediting — tactics that women’s rights advocates frequently denounce.

There is no excuse.

Criticizing the one whilst defending the other makes you a hypocrite. Nothing can change that.

Voting for either of these creatures means that you suck as a human being.





“It was a reaction of no surprise, but immediate anger and action,” said Ms. Sheehy, who also described her observations in a Vanity Fair article that year. “Not anger at Bill, but at Flowers, the press and Republicans.”

Back on a plane that night, Mrs. Clinton told Ms. Sheehy that if she were to question Ms. Flowers in front of a jury, “I would crucify her.”


Trillary is Evil


Trillary is evil.

She is no better than Hump and Hump will be no worse than Trillary.

Hump wants to deal with Russia and China.

Trillary wants to wage war upon them. Economic, if possible. Real World Conflict, if she must.

Trillary will expand the “War on Terror.” She will draw the US deeper into conflict.

Trillary is a Neo-Con every bit as much as Dick Cheney. She even has her own War Profiteer Corporation called the Clinton Global Initiative which profits from misery, war, famine and catastrophe.

Much of our foreign policy revolves around the petrodollar. So long as we control the flow of oil, we are Masters of Global Commerce. We, the US Gov’t, cannot abide independence out in the global realm. Therefore, we war upon or sow chaos wherever we cannot persuade. If they will not heed and heel, they reap our whirlwind.

evil-hillaryThe folly of that is the rise of groups like ISIS.

They are our creation.

One can thank FDR, Truman, Kennan, Ike, Dulles Bros and on up to Clinton, Bush and Obama. Of course, Trillary has voted for, supported and pushed for these actions in her term as Senator and SecState.

And the Clinton Global Initiative profits from it and spreads largesse to cronies across the globe.

So long as people vote for personality and propaganda as opposed to policy, it shall be so.

A vote for Trillary is a vote for the status quo. Sure, it gets a woman in the White House. A woman who is as much Neo-Con as Dick Cheney. A woman who has never met a war she would not support. A woman who has ties to an organization in the CGI that is no different than and, actually, much more nefarious than Halliburton could hope to be.

But…that is apparently what the Democrats want now.

As long as the poor and minorities get a few crumbs and they can look good by taking in a few thousands of refugees who are likely to cause all sorts of interesting problems which will lead to greater centralization and more power for the Federal Government.

I suppose if one cares not for Liberty and only for faux equality of the masses excepting the elite, it makes sense.




Vote For Hillary


“Fast forward to the present day, and President Obama—the antiwar candidate and Nobel Peace Prize winner who has waged war longer than any American president and whose legacy includes targeted drone killings and at least 1.3 million lives lost to the U.S.-led war on terror—is paying lip service to the victims of America’s nuclear carnage, all the while continuing to feed the war machine.”

I admire Barack Obama. He is a stealthy war monger before whom the Liberal, “Peace Loving” Democratic Party prostrate themselves in devotion while condemning Bush, Trump and Dick Cheney for same.

Barack has waged war across the planet whilst apologizing for wars waged by other Presidents and, oddly enough, he doesn’t seem to see the irony inherent in his actions.

Drone Warfare? No big deal.

Signature Death from Above? Let us not speak of it.

Terror Tuesdays? Nothing to discuss.

Assassinating US Citizens overseas? We care not.

Democrats still love their Nobel Prez.

Have Democrats always been this oblivious and specious in their yearnings for global accord and human harmony? Let’s look back to the days of Kennedy, LBJ and FDR to see. Better yet, let us look to Truman. He who dropped the only Nuclear Weapons in the history of Humankind. He who bungled us into the Korean War. He who launched the Cold War that terrified Americans long before the Wahhabists rose out of the deserts of Arabia [again].

We could ask Clinton about peace. His fallacious peace accords in the Balkans and abortive attempt to save Somalia. His tenure was one long war called Desert Fox of which the American people were all but aware.

And then we have the peace devotee Hillary Clinton. She who has never seen a war which she did not adore. From the Balkans to Yemen to Libya to Ukraine and soon Iran.

Vote for Hillary and let the War Profiteers lust for Gold be appeased. We shall sacrifice a new generation of Americans for Hillary and her Corporate Sponsors.

Yes. For we must let loose the dogs of war. Too long have they been leashed by rules of engagement, collateral damage and the doctrine of proportionality. We must have massive retaliation. We must have punitive incursions followed by nation building. We must elect the Queen of Chaos.

Vote for Hillary!!!

Yes, vote for her.

olympus_has_fallen (1)

I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

Hillary Clinton, 2008 AIPAC Annual Convention

