Taliban, Democrats and Biden Have One Thing in Common: Gun Control

Despotism thrives on #GunControl.

MASS KILLINGS – It isn’t the Guns! It’s the People that are the Problem.

Why is this happening?

Why do these incidents continue to occur?

It’s not the firearms. It’s the people.

The Leftists keep concentrating on inanimate objects. A firearm can kill no one. People have to pull the trigger.

These people have an issue. There is something that these people have in common that pushes them to these acts and it isn’t the firearms.

What is it that causes these people to hate life, freedom, themselves and others such that they are willing to murder randomly?

Stop blaming the fucking guns. The guns are beside the point.

In countries with strict gun control, they are killing folks with whatever is at hand. Knives, machetes, sledge hammers. Hundreds of people were killed in the Balkans with sledgehammers and mallets. The Khmer Rouge murdered millions with blunt objects.

This is a human issue. It’s not a “gun control” issue. This is going to continue to be a challenge until we start to investigate why people resort to killing their fellow humans as some sort of purging of their own hatred or angst or….whatever it is.

Concentrating on the firearms will solve nothing. It will simply change the methodology and the tools.

Take away the guns and they’ll use knives, machetes and bombs.

Eric Swalwell should move to China


“Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters,” Eric Swalwell

And who will be tasked with going after resisters?  Who will willingly and joyfully follow those orders.

American Law Enforcement is the answer.

The Police are not your friend. Law Enforcement is always the first line of tyranny.

Democrats are scum. Law Enforcement are their Pets.

Abortion vs Gun Control

I find it hilarious that the Left claim to desire Gun Control to “save the  children” whilst simultaneously advocating for the killing of children via abortion. This is a prime example of cognitive dissonance. It’s worse than Christians who claim to love all of mankind whilst calling homosexuals abominations.


Humans are utterly stupid.




Opportunity Vs Gun Control

ciara meyer

Murder rates and crime has much less to do with availability of firearms and much more to do with poverty and hopelessness.

If our Political and Corporate Leadership were not greed driven gluttons and actually created opportunity for the masses of American Citizens, we would see crime rates lowered. That is all crime.

However, the idiots for whom the idiot Citizens of the United States vote do not care. The Corporate leadership of American Business do not care. They line their pockets and pat each other on the back as they tax our income and send jobs overseas to increase profit and stock prices.

This is the problem. Attacking firearms is a delusion of the Left. It is a strategy of divide and conquer as is religion, racism, abortion, sanctity of marriage and other identity politics.

You have been divided, you have been publicly “educated” (brainwashed), you have been conquered.

Vote, pay your taxes, obey, vote again.

Imagine if the American People stopped voting for Parties and Personalities and started voting for substance and policy. Imagine!

The Right To Bear Arms

All of you gun control freaks are wrong. 1. Rights are not granted by the Constitution. 2. The Constitution lays out certain rights with which the Government is prohibited from interfering.

3. These are NATURAL RIGHTS. They weren’t granted by the Constitution. 4. If you believe that Governments can give rights, you are ignorant. 5. Governments can grant privileges. They can take away privileges. 6. Rights precede the Government. The Constitution was meant to LIMIT government. Statists want the government to have total control. Statists want to be slaves. Statists should all be dead. Slaves are not worthy of the air they breath.

oppressors-james-madison Ever read James Madison.

He’s known as the Father of the Constitution.

His writings clearly illustrate that he was PRO- GUN OWNERSHIP and that the intent of said gun ownership was to stave off tyranny.

You know….tyranny like #POLICEBRUTALITY, Qualified Immunity, Civil Asset Forfeiture, the War on Drugs, the War on Crime, SWAT teams raiding homes because a family is two months behind on utility bills. Tyranny.

But none of that happens in America.


The CIA has never smuggled drugs into America. The Police and DEA have never been bought off by the Columbian and Mexican Drug Cartels. Al Capone didn’t own half of the judges and police in Chicago.

Nope…none of that ever happened.

An American President has never assassinated a United States Citizen. Nope, Barack Obama would never do that.

America would never go to war based on the lies of a President, Vice President, CIA, NSA and with collusion from foreign national leaders such as Tony Blair.

Nope…that would never happen in America.

Police would never rape citizens in America. Police would never murder citizens in America. Police would never take the money of a Citizen without due process. Police would never falsely charge citizens with crimes in America.

Never in a million years would any of that happen.

The United States Supreme Court would never hand down a ruling that stated something like this:

“Taylor’s shooting was justified not because he posed an actual threat, but because (Officer) Cruz reasonably perceived a threat.”


We’re the land of the free, the home of the brave.

Police officers are NOT responsible for 1 in every 13 gun deaths?

And, of course, James Madison never wrote this:

“Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form1e2defb691bb68296e9562db2827370a can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.”

This is James Madison (as Publius in Federalist Paper #46) supporting the ratification of the present Constitution including the Second amendment.

Yes, America, you are Statist Sheep. You are exactly the Yoked about whom Madison spoke who are too fearful and too lacking in arms to throw off tyranny. This is ESPECIALLY so for those LIBERAL SHEEP who believe in gun control.
corrupt cop

The Racism of the Gun Control Crowd




You may not have noticed it but it’s there.

A WHITE Person is killed in a firearms related incident.  The Liberal Left goes insane.  Full on berserker mode.  Heads spinning!  Exorcism worthy.

A BLACK Person is killed in a firearms related incident.






Yeap, that’s right.  That’s about what you hear.

Trayvon Martin had nothing to do with gun control.  Doesn’t fit.  The Martin-Zimmerman hullabaloo was all about Stand Your Ground Laws.  Even though Black folks benefit more from the “Stand Your Ground” laws in this nation, the Left will tell you that these laws are racist.  The only time that race comes into the question is when it is a Black Male shooting a White Male.  In those instances, Black Males are at a cultural disadvantage when it comes to Stand Your Ground laws.  The Left won’t tell you the full story.  One has to research this to find the truth.  The Right doesn’t want to talk about that last bit either.

The oddest bit about the Martin-Zimmerman contrivance was that Zimmerman isn’t a White Person.  He is Half-Hispanic.  If Half Black Obama is Black, why is Half Hispanic Zimmerman White?  That is the Left in action.  Duplicity.  Hypocrisy.

There have been approximately 9,000 Black on Black murders since Trayvon Martin was killed by Zimmerman.  Have you heard about this?  No, you haven’t.  Why?  Why does the left not use this as part of their Gun Control dialogue?  Maybe they don’t want to seem racist by highlighting Black on Black crime.  It’s taboo.  Discussing Black crime will see one branded a racist by the Left.  They can’t very well have an open dialogue about this issue if they won’t allow anyone else to honestly and openly discuss it.

 Black people in America suffer from gun violence so disproportionately as to be nearly unfathomable.  However, we can’t discuss this.  One problem is that discussing race is taboo in the Age of Obama and “post-racial America.”  The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner.  They won’t allow anyone else to discuss it.  This makes it nearly impossible for the Left to discuss it.  When Black leaders discuss it, they are marginalized and called Uncle Tom’s because “How dare they jump off message and out of the Democratic Plantation!”

America ignores the violence challenge of Black communities.  The only reason that Trayvon Martin received any press was that incident’s availability to the Left as a racial baton with which to bash America, the Red States, WHITEY, Red Necks and those who failed to obey by voting for Barack Obama.  If it weren’t for the political usefulness of Trayvon and his hoody, no Democrat in America would have given it one second’s thought.  That includes Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who are the greatest race pimps in the history of mankind.

I will concede that Martin was murdered.  The reasons that I assign are quite different.  The Media has been portraying Black people on the news, TV and in movies as violent and out of control.  Reminders of Watts and Rondey King and O.J. Simpson are ubiquitous.  Black people are portrayed most often on TV as gang banging, hoody wearing animals on TV.  TV shows such as The Wire, Southland, The Shield and more portray all Black people as either corrupt or violent.  There are very few positive Black characters on television or in the movies.  The News may as well show pictures of Fallujah when they speak about Detroit or Chicago and it’s Black denizens.

With that in mind, White people start to see Black people as they are portrayed.  This country is only 13 to 15% “African American.”  Most White people have never had meaningful interaction with Black people.  They know of Hollywood stars, rappers, assorted other artists and Sports figures who are Black.  We’ve all heard of Marion Barry and Roy Nagin, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.  For many White people, these people ARE Black People or “African Americans.”  This picture of Black America is informed by the news which is always about violence (if it bleeds, it leads) or corruption.  If this was the only thing that you knew about a group of people, how would you react when you encountered them.

I’ve known Black folks my whole life.  I worked with Black folks in the Army.  I work with Black folks overseas in Afghanistan and
elsewhere.  I’ve had very few violent encounters with Black folks.  The one truly violent and racial encounter that I had with Black people was in Baumholder, Germany. Image I was jumped by eight black guys who thought that I was alone.  They jumped me and tried to beat me down while calling me a “dirty ——ing CRACKA!” and “F—-ing Honkey” and that sort of thing.  One of them yelled; “I got your massa’ right here” as he hit me with a brick in the face.  I yelled for my friends who were around the corner.  They came to my aid.  Two of those friends were Black guys.  We rough them off together.  I’m proud to say that I broke one of their shoulders with the brick with which they had earlier hit me.

How does one hate Black people for a bigoted beating attempt when those who came to your aid were also Black?  It’s kind of difficult.
This leads me back to WHITEY and the Gun Control Crowd.  There have been somewhere around 80 “mass gun murders” in the past decade killing approximately 200 people.  Primarily WHITE people.

In that same time frame, there have been thousands of BLACK folks killed in America.

Yet, the only time that the Left gets it’s faux outrage up into a self righteous lather is when it’s WHITE people being murdered in White neighborhoods.

I find this interesting.  I, also, find it further proof of the duplicity and callous bigotry of the DNC.  Race is only a problem in America when it is convenient to the Democratic National Party.  If race cannot be politicized, it is rarely raised as an issue.  This is the very definition of hypocrisy.  This is the Democratic National Party or Committee as it is called.



P.S.  Now think about all of the Police murders in Black communities.  The numbers are bewildering.  But let us not talk about this.  We’ll be branded “extremists” by the transparent Obama Administration.





And people will still die.

1. Gang related deaths are a majority slice of these gun deaths.

You aren’t going to get their guns nor are you going to stop them from getting guns. This isn’t Europe. We have Mexico on our border.

2. Most of the mass killings of white people, which is the real issue here as the only time anyone cares about gun deaths is when they invades White America, are centered on young males who have been life long pharmaceutical addicts due to depression or some other pseudo-psychological issue which the pharmaceutical industry combined with left leaning sociologists and psychologists have conspired to create in order to properly profit from misery.

3. America is not the rest of the world. What works in Australia, Canada, Sweden, Britain or what seems to work there will not necessarily work in America. We have a greater population. We have more dense population centers. We have a more diverse population. We have a greater immigrant population. We have a culture that sees firearms significantly differently than the United Kingdom which has historically banned firearms (weapons) ownership.

4. We have a right to bear arms codified in our Constitution.

This challenge can be supered via the following:

1. Halting the war on drugs. Legalize drugs.  Tax them.  As with the end of alcohol prohibition, this will greatly decrease violence in the inner cities.

2. Stop the pharmaceutical companies from issuing drugs with KNOWN psychotic side effects.

This would stop roughly 99% of the Young Male Mass Shootings.

3. Enforcing laws currently ON THE BOOKS and stop wasting time on criminal manufacturing and prison profiting.

That ends about 80-90 percent of the firearm deaths that are not GOVERNMENT RELATED.

4. Hold Police accountable for their negligence and malfeasance and dereliction of duty.

Police, as of this moment, are above the law. They can kill with impunity. They can kill innocent people and be excused for doing so because they have a “dangerous job and have to make split second decisions.”

Put a stop to legalized police and STATE murder. That takes a huge chunk out of deaths due to firearms.

These steps are, I would think, common sense.

Imagine the lives that would be saved for more extensive taxation by the State if these steps were taken.

A last step would be to actually reform education in America. An educated citizenry would go a long way towards resolving much violence across all levels of society. It may even rid us of the idiotic superstitions (religions) that plague our people’s minds and spirits.

As for me, I do not trust the State. I trust no State. Not America, not Australia, not even peaceful Canada or Switzerland. All of them are 15 minutes away from tyranny. I’ll keep my ability to defend myself against the despots that have always been waiting in the wings and will always be waiting in the wings.

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GUN CONTROL ~ The Real Leftist Agenda


Yes, that is Anthony Holder smiling at Bill Clinton.

Can there be any clearer proof that the liberal agenda is complete abolition of the 2nd Amendment Rights of American Citizens?

I suppose if you need more proof, you’re either a liberal and in on the agenda, stupid or too lazy to fight for your own rights.


“If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!”

Diane Feinstein

But such comparisons are not easy to dismiss. Lenin stated “One man with a gun can control 100 without one.” Stalin, his successor declared, “If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.” When the Kulaks refused, Stalin instituted his own “executive order,” and they were helpless as the state mowed them down.

More here


The Right to Bear Arms Shall NOT be Infringed


Militia in the War for Independence

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.’

~ Thomas Jefferson


1.  An armed man is a citizen.  An unarmed man is a subject.

2.  A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

3.  Colt:  The original point and click interface.

4.  Gun control is not about guns; it’s about control.

5.  If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

6.  If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.

7.  Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

8.  If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.

9.  Those who trade liberty for security have neither.

10.  The United States Constitution (c) 1791.  All Rights Reserved.

11.  What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do you not understand?

12.  The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.

13.  64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

14.  Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.

15.  Know guns, know peace, know safety.  No guns, no peace, no safety.

16.  You don’t shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

17.  911:  Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.

18.  Assault is a behavior, not a device.

19.  Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.

20.  If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.

21.  Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

22.  You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.

23.  Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don’t make more.

24.  When you remove the people’s right to bear arms, you create slaves.

25.  The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.