Liberals and the Military

Many Liberals believe that those who join the military have a mental illness. I disagree.

In most cases, people join the military to “defend the country” and are misused by the politicians for whom you vote. You and anyone who votes are complicit. Many people join the military to obtain a skill with which to, later, market themselves. Some join the military to pay for education.

Not all of us were born with a silver spoon up our asses. Some of us didn’t even have a spoon. Some of us were beaten with the spoon and it was wooden.

The US Military is supposed to be a Defensive Military. It is called the Department of Defense after all. It is misused because Americans vote for Presidents such as George Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. All of these Presidents have misused the Department of Defense to protect and further Corporate and Bank goals and profits.

Perhaps, that means that those who vote for these creatures have a mental illness. At the very least, those who vote for Republicans and especially those who vote for Democrats are gullible.

Certainly, anyone who abhors the military or believes that those who join the military have a mental illness and who voted for Hillary Clinton are either gullible or bi-polar. Hillary made it clear that she was a War Candidate. Well, it was clear to all but the gullible Far Left.



The Libertarians


I can’t take anyone seriously who dismisses the opposition to the #WarOnDrugs as “oh, cool, we can some weed.”

The War on Drugs is the most serious threat to American and Global Liberty in the history of mankind. Millions in America and more across the world are incarcerated and murdered because of America’s War on Drugs.
The War on Drugs is a greater threat to world peace than the idiot, illogical and contrived war on terror.
Only the Libertarian Party wants to do away with these threats.
The Democrats and Republicans want to re-ignite the Cold War and expand the War On Terror. They would also continue the War On Drugs.
How many millions of lives must be ruined. How enslaved must the Citizens of America and the World become before the Politicians are satisfied.
These people are already talking about mandating RFID chips in children. Australia has made moves towards making this a reality.
Taxation has become naught but enslavement. The IRS can reach into your bank account and take every dollar you have saved.
Public Education is a failure. It is naught but nationalist propaganda. Want to know why Americans are so susceptible to Donald J. Trump’s moronic rhetoric. Look no further than the failed Public Education propagated by the Federal Government.

 Some critics of the Libertarian Party charge that it’s platform is merely a return to the Gilded Age. The Republican and Democratic Parties were the architects of the Gilded Age. The worst abuses of that age were simply made Government Policy under the Republican and Democratic Leadership. Certainly, the People forced the Federal Government to change. Unions forced much of that change. Leaders such as Henry Ford made much of that change in order to beat the competition. The Market does work. The People have become dependent upon the State and have forgotten how to use the power of numbers. Markets are moved by supply and demand. Numbers make change if the People come together.

There are more issues. More and more to come.

None of these issues will be resolved by the DNC/GOP Mafia. They will only be exacerbated.
The Libertarian Party is the only voice of the people. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican Party are responsive to the People.
We need real change. We do not need another decade of faux Drone Ranger Mass Murder change of the sort offered by the Bush/Obama Clones of the GOP and DNC.


The American Viche’ Slave


Bill O’Reilly has made the claim that the slaves who built the White House had it good…or better than other slaves.

It’s an idiot statement. Full of ignorance and I can see how the morons of the‪#‎Left‬ can find it “offensive.”

However, all he’s done is used a favorite tactic of the Left.

The Theory of Cultural Relativity.

Sure…those slaves were treated better than other slaves.

Still, they were fuckin’ slaves.

I’d rather die than be a slave.

I don’t understand people who worked with the system of Slavery. I have more respect for Nat Turner and Frederick Douglas who fought against and escaped slavery. The rest were no better than the Viche’ French. They assisted and furthered the system which enslaved themselves. They were collaborators.

The descendants of slaves who are living today are descendants of former Slaves because their ancestors accepted their own enslavement and worked WITH the Slavers and Slave Masters.

Hell, most Black people in America are Christians because that hideous religion was used as a tool to diminish slave aggression and to erase the original cultures of the Slaves from their points of origin.

There is no aspect of slavery that should be celebrated. Not the Masters. Not the Slavers. Not the Slaves. The whole system was decrepit and evil. Those who allowed themselves to be slaves hold guilt as well. They should have fought. They should have refused to work. Instead, they acquiesced and worked with the evil.

There is no good form of Slavery. Half Slave, 20% Slave…you are still a slave. The African accepted slavery. They eventually became a cog in the system that kept it flowing. They procreated despite knowing that their children would become property for the Master and would perpetuate the Slave System.

Slavery was perpetuated as much by the Slave as the Plantation owner, the Master, the Slaver and the Whip Cracker.

Americans will do the same thing in November when they vote for a new master in selecting between Trillary and Hump.

Fucking Cowards all!


Real Discussions on Race

Planned Parenthood was founded by a rabid racist.

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Margaret Sanger

Che Guevara held racist ideas in his youth and may have carried them forward into la revolucion’. Not a living human knows for sure what was in the heart of Che’. What cannot be denied is that he was an exceptionally brutal, murderous and bloody revolutionary.

Nathan Bedford Forrest was the author the Fort Pillow Massacre. He was also a founding member of the Klu Klux Klan.

Forrest also went on to disavow the KKK. He helped shut the doors of the KKK in his lifetime. He also spoke against the murder of Black Americans by criminals. His words. He called them criminals. He advocated for more humane treatment of the freed slaves and advocated for their admission into law school in Tennessee.

“After only a year as Grand Wizard, in January 1869, faced with an ungovernable membership employing methods that seemed increasingly counterproductive, Forrest issued KKK General Order Number One: “It is therefore ordered and decreed, that the masks and costumes of this Order be entirely abolished and destroyed.” By the end of his life, Forrest’s racial attitudes would evolve — in 1875, he advocated for the admission of blacks into law school — and he lived to fully renounce his involvement with the all-but-vanished Klan.”

Forrest changed. He renounced his racist past. Compared to our age, Forrest more than likely went to his deathbed with what we would consider bigoted attitudes. Yet, he did more for Black Americans than your average Democrat or Republican of our time.

If Forrest and the Confederate Battle Flag should be purged from the American Landscape, so too should Margaret Sanger who agitated for the extermination of the Black Race and Che Guevara who wrote openly of his bigotry and murdered many more and in just as cold blood as Nathan Bedford Forrest.

If we are to “cure” America of racism via the purging of symbols and historical figures in some Maoist Cultural Revolution, we should look to all symbols of racism, hatred and bigotry. Targeting only the Right is not the answer. West Virginia’s Robert Byrd, Lyndon B. Johnson, Woodrow Wilson all were at least as racist as any leader of the Confederate States of America up to a point in their lives and possibly to the end of their lives.

Strom Thurmond was a Democrat turned Republican. He switched parties allegedly over the Civil Rights movement. Democrats make this statement despite the fact that Republicans voted FOR the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on average at an 80% rate while Democrats voted for the the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at a 63% rate.

Strom Thurmond also had a Black daughter which, I’m sure, helped to modify his racial attitudes. He put her through College at an HBC. He also supported her throughout her life.

Racial attitudes are rarely simple…rarely “black and white.” Race is a complex issue. The issues of Race, Racism, Bigotry and Discrimination cannot be brought to resolution simply by ridding ourselves of symbols and statues.

There must be real and open communication. Putting White Teens through guilt trip driven reality TV is no discussion. That will come to no good end.

The discussion must be open. It must be real. It cannot be one sided. There are millions of White folks out there who are not racist. There are millions of Black folks out there who aren’t racist. There are also other races in America who are often left out of the discussion. The discussion cannot be a “People of Color” against White People dialogue either. White Privilege only goes so far when you live in a Trailer Park and are dependent upon the government and educated in one of America’s Branches of Public Wage Slave Propaganda.

What must be realized is that racism will never go away. Bigotry will never go away. As long as there are two humans or two groups of humans, one will vie for supremacy over the other. In old Europe, Race was Class. One’s class determined one’s place in society. The Race that we recognize today is a product of Colonialism and European Oppression, Suppression and Exploitation of the world.

Yes, Slavery was a part of that. However, it was only a component.

If we are ever going to come to a place of understanding, we have to understand that how we understand and react to race is based upon the lies of Colonialism and that these race based ideologies were thrust upon us.

Once we begin to comprehend this, we can move towards a better understanding of who we are as a HUMAN RACE. The Color Line is as artificial as Jim Crow, Apartheid and Mao’s Cultural Revolution.


The Truth of White Privilege

hillary-clintonI broke the code.

I’ve figured out “White Privilege.”

White Privilege is the arrogance of descendants of Leftist European Persons, having decimated, colonized, raped, pillaged and conquered descendants of the poor of the European and American Continents as well as the African, Asian and Arab lands affirming that the world is exactly as it should be and arrogating to themselves the right and responsibility to ensure the status quo. These Elitists then use all means in their power to ostracize any and all other nations and/or peoples who use their own tactics against them and/or others.

White Privilege is an American-Euro Leftist Tactic of domination. It is a means of Leftist Socialists continuing to prey upon others of differing and opposing political, religious, cultural or racial makeup from themselves.

White Privilege is self righteous hypocrisy intended to keep the poor and “colored” people’s of the planet from rising up and throwing off the Slavers and Statists.

The perfect exemplars of this attitude are Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and Barack “I’m Half White” Obama. Also, see The Bush Dynasty, Dick Cheney, Ronald Reagan.

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The DNC — Racist, Warmongering Scum Sponsored by Goldman Sachs


What is up with the Democratic Party?

Every evil that is conceivable has been perpetrated by the Democrats.

Jim Crow
Japanese Interment
The Trail of Tears
The Vietnam War
The Cold War
The United Nations

The Original Chickenhawks

I could go on and on.

Yet, now, they attempt to act innocent and they call the Republicans racist.

As if history did not exist.

Now, we have Obamacare & White Privilege.

We have Democrats attempting to tell us that the GOP is bought and paid for (IT IS) while pretending that they, the Left, are not owned by the same Goldman Sachs cabal.

Obama was against the war in Iraq until he made it his own by screwing up across the Middle East. Now, the Nobel laureate is in love with the War in Iraq. After all, Iraq War 3.0 is his own war. Of course, he loves it.

Obama invented Terror Tuesday where he votes THUMBS UP or THUMBS DOWN like a Roman Emperor in the Coliseum on whether to assassinate American Citizens or to drone the hell out of mostly random brown folks in Central Asia and the Middle East.

Meddling in the Middle East was a terrible crime under Bush. Bush was a war criminal. Obama has meddled ever more and in a much more corrupt, cronyistic and incompetent manner, yet, you are a racist if you question his war mongering across the Brown portion of the Planet.

Perhaps, some fuckin’ Democrat can explain this shit to me.



The DNC has murdered and rampaged its way across history and somehow blames it all on the GOP…and you are a racist.

Michael Moore and Freedom of Speech


America has been supporting despotic monarchies since, at least, World War II. That thanks to our late, “Great” President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It is disgusting to me and should be to any American that we are so deeply embedded with the tyrants of this world. All in the name of Corporate Greed. But don’t let that stop anyone from decrying Moore as a hypocrite or a fat ass. I think it disgusting how obese MM has become. He looks like a muppet, he’s so fat.

Some of the points he makes in his documentaries are very much laden with truths. Yet, he has attacked corporate greed and does profit from the same system. I can’t blame the guy for using the system as it is. He cannot change the whole of the system. He can only make others aware. Certainly, he is a bit of an ass in the way that he gets his point across. I have a certain amount of respect for that, though.
My goal in life has always been to comfort the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable. Working within the system is a good way to go about it. The only persons who can work outside of the system are those willing to be outlaws and those who are born to a silver spoon. Moore serves his purpose and I, for one, am glad to have him speaking his truth. His truth is as valid as many others, more valid than some and less than others. To dismiss all of Moore’s work simply because it makes one uncomfortable is unintelligent and speaks more to the listener than the crier.

Moore is still an American. Even if there are aspects of America with which he disagrees. The Conservative Right hates more because he exercises his right to Freedom of Speech. This is hypocritical of the Right. Moore should speak his mind and tell his truth. If that leaves the Right butthurt, so be it. I, for one, can see where Moore has been correct. A good, healthy, open minded reading of history proves Moore to be correct in many of his more salient points in his documentaries. Moore recently stated that snipers were cowards and shot people in the back. Many folks who have been to War agree with this sentiment. A sniper hides and takes shots at folks who have no idea from where they are being sniped. This is the nature of the job. It’s the same in any war, their snipers are murderous cowards. Our snipers are valiant heroes. That’s the nature of propaganda.

It’s the same with insurgents. The Founding Fathers and the Revolutionary heroes such as the Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, are hailed as heroes. There is not a whole lot of difference in the tactics of Marion and those of ISIS or al Qaeda. Both used terror tactics to achieve a goal of independence. We see it differently only because those tactics when used by ISIS and al Qaeda are an attack on our values and our world view. However, there is no difference. In the American Civil War, Federal Soldiers led by General Sherman raped, pillaged and burned their way through the South. ISIS is doing the same thing in Iraq and Syria. We hail Sherman as a hero for the same actions for which we deem ISIS as villainous and evil.

It’s propaganda. Michael Moore has done nothing more than bring transparency to our hypocrisy and we hate him for it. He’s put a mirror to our face and forced us to peer into our own souls. Sometimes, that viewing leaves us disquieted. This is the nature of what I call Statism. The State wishes us to believe that we are good when we perpetrate evil. We excuse our own excesses. We rationalize our murders and genocidal behaviors. They are evil because they wish that which we do not. It matters not what it is. It only matters that the State tells us that they are wrong and we are right. They are evil. We are righteous. Despite the fact that our actions mirror one another.

Moore is guilty of nothing more than bringing a different perspective to the discussion. We hate him because his perception makes us uncomfortable. That and he is as guilty as the rest of us. He defends or stays silent in the face of the criminality of Obama and the Left. Yet, screams to the heavens when Bush was taking the exact same actions as Obama does now. I am waiting for the Michael Moore treatment of the illegal assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki and his son. Until Moore is as outspoken of the crimes of Obama as he was of the crimes of Bush, I see Moore as nothing more than a Statist propagandist for the Left. I have no respect for the man based on this hypocrisy. That and he is way to intelligent and wealthy to be such an obese monstrosity. He must know that his obesity will kill him.

Such is my belief at any rate.



Black lives matter. All lives matter. No lives matter.

A life matters only to the extent that one makes one’s life matter.

Here is the problem with the “Black Solidarity movement” and “#Blacklivesmatter”

It is almost always a dirtbag at the center of the controversy.

Why should I rally around a movement that centers on Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown? Two lives that had a 99% chance of amounting to nothing but wasted air and tax dollars.

Trayvon Martin was every bit the punk that Zimmerman is. Mike Brown was every bit the idiot and waste of air that is the State Thug that murdered him.

The other guy who was murdered by the Police. I’m seeing him as a mostly innocent victim of Statism. He as assassinated by State Thugs. But he was known to break the laws of the State. For better or worse, he was infamous as being a seller of illegal cigarettes. Illegal because the State wasn’t getting it’s cut. Any citizen who refuses to render unto Caeser is asking for the State to send it’s Army of Thugs to their door for a good beating and possibly an unofficial death sentence.

This is America.

Minorities are an easier target for the State.

And here is one big slap in the face for you.

New York is a Liberal Town. Missouri has been run by the Democrats for decades. Democrats are a part of the State Machinery and Democrats send their State Thugs out into the Street every day just like the GOP does.

To the DNC, Black people are merely modern slaves on a new plantation. Democrats know that Black people are going to vote as a nearly solid block for Democrats. They do not have to do a thing, lift a finger or grant one favor. They need solve nothing. They need do nothing for the Black community such as it is.

Democrats know that regardless of the injustice that exists in the State Machinery and no matter how many State Sponsored Thugs murder Black citizens that Black people will vote for Democrats.

Black people were bought and paid for 50 years ago and only the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons profited. MLK and Malcolm were murdered as part of the bargain.

And still Black people as a community are too ignorant to see the obvious.

Until Black people start voting on issues and look past the DNC to other avenues for political empowerment not one thing will change and no Black Lives will Matter.

Hollywood Liberals know this and know that the majority of Black people will continue to vote Democrat and that the Black community can be used by the DNC to further empower a White Affluent Elite that cares for nothing beyond their own status.

Barack Obama is merely another Democrat who lies to the Black Community while watching them fall further behind the rest of America.

Soon, the Latinos will pass the Black Community as the “people of color” preferred by the DNC.

How much will Black Lives Matter at that point?

If your greatest accomplishment in life is turning food into poop, your life doesn’t matter.

Random Thoughts on the Destruction of American Liberty


The DNC and GOP are evil.

Neither are good for the country.

Both are good for their respective Lobbyists and Special Interests.

Both target key demographics and lie to them to get elected.

Unions represent the interests of their respective organizations. Police Unions represent the interests of Police. They lobby for legislation that will benefit the Police. Laws such as COPS and 1033, qualified immunity, confiscation, etc.

The Wars on Poverty, Crime and Drugs were initiated by Democrats. All of these so-called wars benefit the Police, empower the police and destroy the rights of the Citizens.

The War on Terror was initiated by Republican Bush 2. However, Obama has taken that war and run with it. He’s made it his own. The NDAA, NSA spying, police militarization, assassination, rendition, invasions and occupations…all of these things were started by someone other than Obama, the Democrat. Yet, Obama has taken them and injected elephant steroids into these programs and gone about the business of destroying the Constitution.

Any Political Party that centers on the corruption that are American cities is bound to be corrupt.

Police have, historically, been Democratic run organizations. Not Republican.

Military members joining the police forces enmasse is a recent phenomenon. This is happening recently as a result of the terrible economy and programs put in place by respective Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama DOJs.

Our current volunteer military is only 30 years old. Prior to the “All Volunteer” military, our nations military services were made up of careerists who retired after they left service and draftees who were mostly poor. These draftees left the service and went into all career fields and some into none as most were from the poor or lower middle class.

This preposterous idea that the Police forces in the military are made up of mostly ex-military is patently false. I looked it up and it can’t be proven or disproven because no one (not even the DOJ) keeps statistics.

I have been researching American police forces for some time now because of Obama’s continuation of Bush’s War on Liberty. Police come from predominantly working class familes. They enter the police force between the ages of 21 and 24. That does not give the majority of them time to enter the Military, ETS and then join the police as a goodly majority of Police have at least 2 years of college. This is a prerequisite for some, if not most, Police forces.

Police Brutality, of late, is a direct result of the Bush/Obama war on Liberty and the Constitution.

Both the Military and the Police are tools of the State.

Police forces have been given qualified immunity. This means that they are not accountable to the citizenry and not held to the same law as the rest of the citizenry. They are, in fact, above the law. Bush and Obama have brought this about via legislation, “Wars on…,” and court appointments.

This must change or America will no longer be a free nation but, instead, little better than Maoist China.

The Democrats are no better than the Republicans. They are the same. This is an age old tactic. Divide and conquer.

By choosing D or R, you are defeating yourselves and destroying America.



The Black Vote in America. Do Black People Really Have a Choice?


The GOP attempts to limit minorities the vote through various shenanigans. They can’t outright deny minorities the vote. However, they can move towards requirement of IDs via legislation because, apparently, minorities are….hell, I don’t know…too stupid, too lazy, too complacent to get an ID of some sort. I don’t understand this as I’ve had some form of ID since I was 15.

The GOP works to limit minority voting not because of RACISM, but, because minorities vote heavily for the DNC.

The DNC attempts to limit minority voting choice in the election process. This is especially true of the Black Community. The DNC shames Black people and other minorities into voting Democrat. It does this through control of community centers and Black Churches.


Watch what happens when any Black person or other minority comes out of the closet as a Republican. The reactions of the Left is alway swift, loud and violent. UNCLE TOM! Pull that bitches Sistah Card! And worse. Stacey Dash was vilified so greatly by the DNC mouthpieces that I thought she must have assraped several toddlers. Nope…not that. She simply came out as a Republican.

The attacks on Allen West are the same.

No Black person is safe who comes off of the Democratic Plantation. A Black person who dares to go against the 50 plus years of Democratic Domination of the Black Vote is vilified. Not even ISIS or al Qaeda is attacked by the DNC with the same fervor as a Black Republican.

What you have here is a basic attempt to deny voting rights to minorities by both parties. One attempts to limit opportunity. The other attempts to limit choice. This amounts to the same. A Black person is expected to vote Democrat. A Black person who doesn’t vote Democrat is vilified, black listed and defamed such that they can find it dangerous to be amongst Black people.

I see no difference. The GOP doesn’t want Black people to vote because they know that 90% of Black people will vote Democrat. The DNC only wants them voting or to have a voice if they stay on the Democrat Plantation. If they don’t, the DNC wants to deny them both voice and vote.

How are Black people better off now than under Jim Crow? They changed the system, changed the vocals and optics but it amounts to the same.  Zero Choice for the majority of Black people.  Vote Republican at your own peril.

The GOP would prefer that you not vote if you are Black. The DNC demands that you vote Democrat if you are Black.  If you don’t, they’ll burn down your life.  It amounts to zero real representation as the Black Democratic vote is taken for granted and the Black Republican vote is not truly courted.

That’s freedom?



Not Stacey Dash. Erika Harold.

Liberal Tolerance of a Black Republican lol

Liberal Tolerance of a Black Republican lol

The Racism of the Gun Control Crowd




You may not have noticed it but it’s there.

A WHITE Person is killed in a firearms related incident.  The Liberal Left goes insane.  Full on berserker mode.  Heads spinning!  Exorcism worthy.

A BLACK Person is killed in a firearms related incident.






Yeap, that’s right.  That’s about what you hear.

Trayvon Martin had nothing to do with gun control.  Doesn’t fit.  The Martin-Zimmerman hullabaloo was all about Stand Your Ground Laws.  Even though Black folks benefit more from the “Stand Your Ground” laws in this nation, the Left will tell you that these laws are racist.  The only time that race comes into the question is when it is a Black Male shooting a White Male.  In those instances, Black Males are at a cultural disadvantage when it comes to Stand Your Ground laws.  The Left won’t tell you the full story.  One has to research this to find the truth.  The Right doesn’t want to talk about that last bit either.

The oddest bit about the Martin-Zimmerman contrivance was that Zimmerman isn’t a White Person.  He is Half-Hispanic.  If Half Black Obama is Black, why is Half Hispanic Zimmerman White?  That is the Left in action.  Duplicity.  Hypocrisy.

There have been approximately 9,000 Black on Black murders since Trayvon Martin was killed by Zimmerman.  Have you heard about this?  No, you haven’t.  Why?  Why does the left not use this as part of their Gun Control dialogue?  Maybe they don’t want to seem racist by highlighting Black on Black crime.  It’s taboo.  Discussing Black crime will see one branded a racist by the Left.  They can’t very well have an open dialogue about this issue if they won’t allow anyone else to honestly and openly discuss it.

 Black people in America suffer from gun violence so disproportionately as to be nearly unfathomable.  However, we can’t discuss this.  One problem is that discussing race is taboo in the Age of Obama and “post-racial America.”  The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner.  They won’t allow anyone else to discuss it.  This makes it nearly impossible for the Left to discuss it.  When Black leaders discuss it, they are marginalized and called Uncle Tom’s because “How dare they jump off message and out of the Democratic Plantation!”

America ignores the violence challenge of Black communities.  The only reason that Trayvon Martin received any press was that incident’s availability to the Left as a racial baton with which to bash America, the Red States, WHITEY, Red Necks and those who failed to obey by voting for Barack Obama.  If it weren’t for the political usefulness of Trayvon and his hoody, no Democrat in America would have given it one second’s thought.  That includes Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who are the greatest race pimps in the history of mankind.

I will concede that Martin was murdered.  The reasons that I assign are quite different.  The Media has been portraying Black people on the news, TV and in movies as violent and out of control.  Reminders of Watts and Rondey King and O.J. Simpson are ubiquitous.  Black people are portrayed most often on TV as gang banging, hoody wearing animals on TV.  TV shows such as The Wire, Southland, The Shield and more portray all Black people as either corrupt or violent.  There are very few positive Black characters on television or in the movies.  The News may as well show pictures of Fallujah when they speak about Detroit or Chicago and it’s Black denizens.

With that in mind, White people start to see Black people as they are portrayed.  This country is only 13 to 15% “African American.”  Most White people have never had meaningful interaction with Black people.  They know of Hollywood stars, rappers, assorted other artists and Sports figures who are Black.  We’ve all heard of Marion Barry and Roy Nagin, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.  For many White people, these people ARE Black People or “African Americans.”  This picture of Black America is informed by the news which is always about violence (if it bleeds, it leads) or corruption.  If this was the only thing that you knew about a group of people, how would you react when you encountered them.

I’ve known Black folks my whole life.  I worked with Black folks in the Army.  I work with Black folks overseas in Afghanistan and
elsewhere.  I’ve had very few violent encounters with Black folks.  The one truly violent and racial encounter that I had with Black people was in Baumholder, Germany. Image I was jumped by eight black guys who thought that I was alone.  They jumped me and tried to beat me down while calling me a “dirty ——ing CRACKA!” and “F—-ing Honkey” and that sort of thing.  One of them yelled; “I got your massa’ right here” as he hit me with a brick in the face.  I yelled for my friends who were around the corner.  They came to my aid.  Two of those friends were Black guys.  We rough them off together.  I’m proud to say that I broke one of their shoulders with the brick with which they had earlier hit me.

How does one hate Black people for a bigoted beating attempt when those who came to your aid were also Black?  It’s kind of difficult.
This leads me back to WHITEY and the Gun Control Crowd.  There have been somewhere around 80 “mass gun murders” in the past decade killing approximately 200 people.  Primarily WHITE people.

In that same time frame, there have been thousands of BLACK folks killed in America.

Yet, the only time that the Left gets it’s faux outrage up into a self righteous lather is when it’s WHITE people being murdered in White neighborhoods.

I find this interesting.  I, also, find it further proof of the duplicity and callous bigotry of the DNC.  Race is only a problem in America when it is convenient to the Democratic National Party.  If race cannot be politicized, it is rarely raised as an issue.  This is the very definition of hypocrisy.  This is the Democratic National Party or Committee as it is called.



P.S.  Now think about all of the Police murders in Black communities.  The numbers are bewildering.  But let us not talk about this.  We’ll be branded “extremists” by the transparent Obama Administration.


America’s Greatest Criminals aka Political Parties



Criticism of one political party is not approval of the other. Neither is approval of one effort, program, legislative act or idea consent to, approval of, validation of, endorsement of nor support for either political party in any way, shape or form. I wish Americans and, especially, Democrats and Republicans could comprehend this.

Any time I say anything about one party, the other comes rushing in to defend or criticize the other.

Often times, the every day person is unaware of his parties history and true actions versus their rhetoric.


No real difference between political parties whether you want to discuss the National Socialist of Germany, the Bolsheviks, Menshevists Russian, Christian Democratic Party of Germany, Socialist Party of America, the KKK, The Black Panthers, Hamas, Fatah, Likud, Kadima, Jamiat-e Islamic, the the GOP or the DNC.

Each and every one of them will do anything to win and to stay in power.

Each has lied to start wars and each has caused the murder of hundreds of thousands to millions AND each are supported by Corporations and assorted other terroristic, criminal organizations.

If it is a corporate backed political party it has been corrupted by profit and greed driven CEOs and Bankers. It is not worth human effort and definitely not worthy of trust.


America Beware: History and Political Parties

America Beware: History and Political Parties

If you believe that Democrats are Good or that Republicans are Evil, I’d suggest a look at history.

Both parties have tried to be the party of humanity. Both parties have failed. Both parties claim to be for the rights of humanity. Both parties continuously and consistently fail to work for the betterment of humanity. Both parties lie to the American public first and above all.

If someone attempts to tell you that the GOP or the DNC wishes the citizen well, that person is lying.

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The Statist Nightmare called “Progressive” America


Anyone who stands behind the fascist laws of this nation may be able to read. However, these persons are much too brainwashed to be capable of critical or independent thought.
America is supposed to be a land based on justice, liberty and “pursuit of happiness.”
I know this concept is foreign to most liberals and conservatives who wish to impose their will upon the population at large.

America, thanks in large part to the GOP and DNC, has become an oligarchy wherein justice is known only to the affluent and elitist classes. That anyone besides these persons would support fascism such as that clearly visible in America today is a clear sign of said person’s self-delusion.

I hope that each Democrat and Republican in this country falls victim to the abomination which they have helped create via their blind allegiance to the parties of corruption and greed.

May you all rot in your mythological Christian hell.


The Statist Nightmare called “Christian” America

Anyone who stands behind the fascist laws of this nation may be able to read. However, these persons are much too brainwashed to be capable of critical or independent thought.
America is supposed to be a land based on justice, liberty and “pursuit of happiness.”
I know this concept is foreign to most liberals and conservatives who wish to impose their will upon the population at large.

America, thanks in large part to the GOP and DNC, has become an oligarchy wherein justice is known only to the affluent and elitist classes. That anyone besides these persons would support fascism such as that clearly visible in America today is a clear sign of said person’s self-delusion.

I hope that each Democrat and Republican in this country falls victim to the abomination which they have helped create via their blind allegiance to the parties of corruption and greed.

May you all rot in your mythological Christian hell.

Climate Change, Wedge Issues and the Uninformed Americans who call themselves Citizens


Why do people think that this is an American problem. Is it arrogance or ignorance?

“they won’t be able to live the debt ridden lifestyle that America has become dependent on”

The most leveraged nation in the world is China. Sure they’ve purchased a lot of American debt. The problem is that they have purchased all of this with bad money and false accounts.

The whole world is leveraged to the hilt. 

It is not only America that is living off of tomorrow. 

America has an extremely narrow vision when it comes to these things.

America alone cannot solve or even begin to solve global climate change. That’s why it’s called “Global” climate change. Climate affects the whole of the planet.

We can produce all of the carbon offsets that we wish but if the rest of the world ignores the problem, we are pissing in the wind. Beijing is so polluted that folks can’t freakin’ breath.

America, however, is pushing the petro dollar which is why we are so heavily involved in the Middle East.

As long as we are pimping oil to the world via the Gulf, the problems associated with carbon dioxide and polluting the world will only continue to be exacerbated. 

All of this big talk from the democrats is hogwash. The democrats are profiting and gaining as much power from the petro dollar as are the Republicans. 

This is our special problem in AMerica. The citizens of America are dumb enough to believe in Hope and Change charlatans such as Mr. Obama. It’s all a lie.

Until the people wake up to the fact that the Democrats are just as corrupt and just as much a part of the oligarchy and as owned by the banks as the Republicans nothing will change.

However, Democrats are complete buffoons. I have no hope of a democratic awakening. They are much too stupid as a class. Much too bamboozled by Hope, Change and Yes, We Can.

Democrats are much more worried about the next Micronesian Transgender qausi-female lesbian Muslim becoming a Circuit Court Judge to actually be informed about any real issue. Democrats are more interested in Donald Sterling and whether or not he is a racist and whether or not he should be allowed to own and NBA team to actually stop and think that maybe Donald Sterling is a non-issue and who gives a fuck who owns an NBA team. 

The GOP and DNC keep the citizens of the Untied States diverted with these moronic wedge issues. In this way, they stay maintain their powerbase and no one notices that George Soros is the exact same monster as the Koch Brothers.

But, let’s argue over Climate Change…because, well, that’s what they want us to argue about so that they can enrich themselves from both ends of the pipeline.

And the citizens who are registered as Democrats and Republicans will continue to enable the criminals who create the problems that they pretend to resolve.

In short, the American people may be the dumbest people on the planet.


A New Constitutional Convention.

America needs a new Constitutional Convention.

1.  TERM LIMITS on all Elective and Appointed Government Offices:

a.  Congress:  Four Terms and Out, No Retirement, No Lifelong Benefits, Abolish/Modify the Senate
b.  SCOTUS:  20 year terms and Outc.  President:  Two Terms and Out

Electoral College Abolished
War Powers Modified
Treaty Ratification Modified
Sovereignty Clause Strengthened

A New Bill of Rights

1.  The Right to Privacy shall not be abridged, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech and Freedom from Censorship, Political Correctness Banned2.  Freedom OF and FROM Religion, Relgiion Based Legislation Banned, No Right to NOT be offended. Persons who agitate for Religious governance to be exiled, deported.  This includes but is not limited to Islamic Sharia.
3.  The Right to Bear Arms as Protection from an OVER REACHING GOVERNMENT
4.  ONE PERSON, ONE VOTE:  For Citizens, LIVING Citizens, Corporations are not PEOPLE and get no VOTE.  Campaign Finance Reform across the board.  No campaign donations from Corporations.  Limit on Funding to Political Candidates.
5.  Abolish the Income Tax:  Taxing a Man’s Labor is Enslavement.
6.  Consumption Tax:  Pay for the Government via Corporate Taxes and Taxes on Consumer Products.  No Food Sales Tax on Basic Foodstuffs.
7.  The Right of the people to STRIKE against Corporate Greed and Malfeasance shall not be abridged.  The Government shall side with the people and not the Corporation.
8.  Complete overhaul of the Immigration Standards and Practices
9.  Wars on ________ shall be forever more abolished and illegal.  No more War on Terror, Drugs, Poverty or anything
10.  Re-enforcement of Impeachment and Trial of Government officials.  Corrupt officials shall be tried by the people.  Corporations out of the process.
11.  Natural Resources are the property of the people.  Not Corporations.  Corporate Leasing of Natural Resources.  Funds from said leasing replace, partially, the revenues from income taxes.
12.  Corporate Lobbying of the “People’s Representatives” legislated away and enforced with strict penalties for both representatives and corporations.
13.  Despoiling of natural resources (waterways, lands, etc) shall be made illegal upon pain of death.  If a Corporate CEO runs a company that despoils a river, that CEO faces the death penalty.  If a Corporate CEO runs a company that causes cancer or other disease of illness due to pollution of lands, air or water, that CE faces the death penalty.  If a People’s Representative attempts to cover up for that CEO, that representative also faces the death penalty.
14.  Transparency in Governance:  All Government Documents will be made available to the public.
15.  National Security & Transparency:  Officials will be elected to run oversight of National Security programs.  These persons will hold office for a period not to exceed then years.  
16.  Healthcare:  A basic healthcare system will be established.  Fair and non-punitive taxes on Alcohol, Drug, Tobacco, Gambling will be set aside to pay for this.  No citizen will be made to be bankrupt due to healthcare issues.  Frivolous lawsuits when settled shall result in the attorney and the client being imprisoned.  American Drug policy overhauled. 
17.  Commerce Clause restricted.
18.  Corporations and CEOs shall not be involved in the Governance of the Nation nor will they be allowed to sit on secret committees to make policy.
19.  Censorship will be banned in the United States.
20.  The Internet will be a free zone for American citizens.
21.  Writ of Habeus Corpus re-iterated and strengthened.
22.  Castle Clause established as an axiomatic right of all citizens.
23.  Property ownership strengthened.  Property Taxes on (first) Homes eliminated.
24.  Taxation on Ex-Pats eliminated.
25.  IRS abolished.
26.  The right of the citizens to impeach and try a President shall be established.
27.  Political Party funding, resourcing.  Political Corruption Penalties Severe.
28.  Elections fair and open.
29.  English and Spanish Official Languages of the United States.  (Indian Languages:  Unofficial Favored Langauges). 
30.  Education Reform:  Commitment to Maths and Sciences.  History shall be uncolored by Political preferences and shall be laid bare.  No mandatory prayer in school.  No special rooms for any religions for prayer, Religions unrecognized in schools, No Pledge of Allegiance.
31.  Religion is personal.  Banned from the Government in any form.  No preference from the Government for any Religion. 
32.  International AID:  Abolished
33.  Defense of Europe:  MADE ILLEGAL
34.  Interference in the affairs of other Nations:  MADE ILLEGAL upon pain of death.

That’s a good start.  What would you add? 



America’s Corrupt Political Class and their War on Freedom



The only way to end this is to go to a one vote policy. Each person gets one vote.

This will entail taking the money out of politics. Money is not speech. Money is bribery.

Every politician who takes campaign donations from any source other than individuals should be impeached for their unethical practices. That which is legal is not always ethical just as that which is illegal is not always unethical. Many of our laws in America amount to no more than legalization of corruption. Many of our laws amount to little more than legislatively outlawing beneficial substances such as Hemp based on corrupt influences.

Take, for instance, GMO corn vs hemp. Hemp could save human beings millions. Hemp would be good for the environment or not as harmful as chopping down trees. However, we have corporations in America which would lose money and whole industries that would go out of business if we switched to hemp. Hemp would benefit millions of Americans.

Conversely, GMO corn benefits a few billionaires such as the Monsanto gang of thugs. GMO corn causes huge problems for small farms and farmers in that, if one GMO genetically altered seeds fall into a small farmers crop, that farmer is legally liable to pay fees to Monsanto.

That should be the other way around. If GMO corn seed or seed of any type infects the crops of a farmer close to the Monsanto fields, Monsanto should be liable to the farmer for spreading their disease ridden pestilence.

GMOs profit the few at the expense of the many. Why? Because of bribes which are legally termed “campaign donations.”

The FCC supposedly owns the airwaves. Each candidate running for office should be alloted two weekly 15 minute time slots. That is all. Each politician should be allowed a website and allowed to create a facebook and twitter account. Each politician should be made to conduct town hall meetings to explain their platform.

No politician should be allowed to take monies from Corporations.

No SuperPacs should be allowed. These SuperPacs should be legislatively banned.

If a commercial is aired in support of a candidate, the sponsoring entity should be made plain. At the bottom of the screen, there should be, in bold, the Corporate Logos and Names of each sponsor.

This would make plain why a candidate is being sponsored.

No corporation should be able to directly or indirectly donate campaign funds to a political candidate.

It is time to take the corruption out of politics. It is time that we have a 3rd and 4th party in America. It is time for real transparency. Not the faux Obama Hope and Change transparency. It is time to hold politicians accountable. If that means jailing a President after an impeachment and trial, fine. Good.

I don’t care to what party a candidate pretends to be loyal. At this time, they are all loyal to the Party of Greed. Yes, even Obama.

Less than half of America believes that the political parties are good for this nation. Less than half of America are loyal to the DNC and GOP.

How are these two parties representative of America if they cannot, will not and will never represent more than half of the populace.

This is not Democracy. This is not representation. The only “people” being represented in today’s America are the Banks and Corporations.

Yet, individuals amounting to roughly 40% of America believe that the political parties are who is needed to run this country.

From what I can see, these partisans and their corrupt parties are running America into the ground.

The real traitors in America are not Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. The real traitors are members of and voters for the GOP and DNC.


“So it should be no surprise that “follow the money” beginning at the local level should extend to the formulation of US foreign policy, where money also talks. Adelson wants a war? He just might get it if he backs the right GOP horse. And don’t think for a second that a President Hillary will be any different. She also has monied interests behind her who wouldn’t mind seeing Iran get its comeuppance. Where is the peace candidate? Looking for money”.

Let’s Eat The Poor!

I have an idea. Since poor people now have to take a urinalysis in order to receive assistance, let’s take it to the next logical step.

Mandate that poor people volunteer at least two times each month for product testing. Cosmetics, sun screen, pest repellant, diet and fitness products, nerve agents and the like.

I mean poor are all lazy slobs anyway. What’s it matter if a few of them die from the tests and experiments. That’s a few less poor slobs on the welfare teat.

And, bonus, we can stop testing animals and all of those annoying PETA freaks will finally shut the hell up.

On that note, let’s eat poor people. Put ’em in pens like KFC does to Chickens, fatten ’em up and then slaughter them humanely.

imagesWe can save the chickens and beeves.

The really fat poor people could be a delicacy.

Any other problems that need solving, pls feel free to contact me. I’m quick with the solutions.

In order for this to NOT be racist, we’ll only use white people.

All the poor people are already in Trailer Parks in Red State America. It shouldn’t be too difficult to turn Trailer Parks into concentration camps.

Most of the fat asses won’t leave their couches so there will be no resistance. Most of the mayonnaise sandwich eaters won’t realize they’ve been penned in for years.

By the way, when are we going to pass legislation mandating drug testing for CEOs and assorted other beneficiaries of TARP and the many other forms of Corporate Welfare?

Not to mention the Welfare Recipients at the White House and the Capital.