The Sheepdogs are the Enemy


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A wise man never drinks his own koolaid. Same goes for the people of any State.

The State should always be critiqued. It should always be distrusted.

When the wolves become sheep, it’s all over but the slaughter. We have become a nation of sheep. I don’t trust the Sheep or the Sheepdogs. I only trust wolves. Wolves will always act in their own self interest. Sheep are easily led to their own demise. Sheepdogs pretend to care for the flock even as they lead them to that demise…on orders of the wolves.

The Sheep will be slaughtered.
The Sheepdogs will obey. No matter the cost.
The Wolves SHALL eat.

Those who trust the State are Sheep or Sheepdogs. In the end, they face the same fate.

The Founding Fathers did not trust the State. Hence the Constitution set up to impede the accrual of power and the Bill of Rights delineating certain Rights that exist prior to the State and upon which the State should never be allowed to infringe.

Yet, we live in an age when the State is allowed to infringe upon those inalienable Rights. More than that, we beg the State to infringe upon those Rights. We worship the State and the minions of the State with our Thin Blue Line stickers and our blind defence of Law Enforcement. We denigrate those who protest the State in defense of the rights upon which the State has trampled.

America is living the Orwellian Nightmare.

We have descended into the Soviet Gulag. We are now mandated to possess a national ID card or we will be forbidden air travel now…vehicle travel later.

These things occur now and all I hear is “Impeach Trump!” or “God Bless Trump!”

It is madness.

What can you do without permission of the State?




American Freedom





In America, one is said to be free.

As long as one pays one’s taxes and obtains the approved healthcare.

As long as one entertains oneself in the proper and approved manner.

As long as one partakes of the proper and government approved Narcotics.

As long as one travels to approved Nations.

As long as one is amenable to being groped and searched and invaded.

As long as one stands at the pre-approved moments and recites the pre-sanctioned pledges.

As long as one heeds the conventional wisdom of the Leftists of the GOP and DNC.

As long as one obeys.

One is free.

Obey. Vote for State Approved Candidates. Obey.




They Are Not Americans



If you don’t like Freedom and Liberty; if you don’t like Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; if you cannot handle Life, Liberty and Freedom; if you feel that you need the State to condone or restrict your behavior; You do not live as an American. You live as a slave.

Many of America’s Laws have been enacted at the behest of Corporations and at the expense of the Citizen.

Marijuana is one example. It is but one example. It is one of hundreds of thousands of example out of a galaxy of examples.

Marijuana was legislatively criminalized because the Dupont Chemical Corporation bought Congress and had them pass the legislation.

Marijuana laws targeted hemp. The laws are based upon lies and bigotry.

Chemical companies wanted hemp banned because hemp can be used to create paper as well as many, many, many products which are and have been created using petroleum.

Marijuana has medicinal properties and has been proven already to help American Citizens who are sick or in pain.

Yet, you want me to leave America because I do not like these laws.


I think all of those who wish to worship the State and be slaves of said State should move themselves to Saudi Arabia, China or some such other State wherein the people are pawns and slaves and have no choice but to obey the State and their masters within.

All who have this attitude should cease immediately calling themselves American. Those who worship the State and obey immediately every and any whim of their masters are not Americans. They are slaves. They are sheep. They are dependent persons. They are not free. They do not desire Liberty. They desire the sweet, long, silent death of the utterly dependent. They desire the contented, lulling song of thoughtlessness. These are not Americans.

America is Funny



When we are killing tens of thousands of their folks each year, we should probably think before we react when they kill a couple dozen of ours.

We’ve been waxing people in the Middle East for a while now.

We’ve been supporting corrupt, evil tyrants in the Middle East since the end of World War II.

We’ve installed corrupt, evil tyrants in the Middle East.

Yet, we, the Great Americans, get all huffy when they hit back. We’re ignorant peasants who believe patriotism is supporting a corrupt Federal Government that grows more centralized, more corrupt and more tyrannical with each passing election.

We vote for the lesser of two evils because we are too stupid to use our numbers to our advantage because we are more interested in being Republicans or Democrats than in being Americans.

We are easily led sheep wandering aimlessly down a pre-constructed path to our destruction and we love them for it. We fight each other for the right to be first into the meat grinder. We fight each other to show our love, support and blind trust of our respective “leaders” who are outright purchased by Big Banks and Big Corporations.

And we think this makes us exceptional.

America is funny. Deathly funny.


Flag Burning and Drawing Muhammad


If someone burns the Flag and people simply acknowledge it and register their disapproval in a normative manner, the protesters have nothing.

If someone burns the Flag and people become outraged and react emotionally and/or violently, the protesters have a victory.

All of this angst and outrage, faux or otherwise, is both counter-intuitive and self defeating.

By being outraged and pretending that you are “American Bad Ass,” you are giving them exactly what they want.

If people ignored them, they’d probably not do it.

The folks who become outraged over flag burnings, stompings and other forms of protest against the United States are similar to those Muslims who act out over Mohammad cartoons and drawings. The difference being that Muslims will actually physically act on their threats whereas the folks of American Badassery will only whine and talk loudly with their chests puffed out.

Discrimination and Involuntary Servitude


You have no RIGHT to the labor of another. You have no authority to demand that another human being do your bidding.

You do have the ability to contract[ing] for the labor of another.

A contract is a two way agreement wherein both parties agree to some exchange of services/goods/labor in return for services/goods/labor.

Both parties must agree to the contract.

You have no right to the other parties agreement.

Except via the coercion of the State. If the State deems that you have a right to the labor of others, then you have a legal right but not a natural right.

This is where you err on the side of despotism.

If the State can demand that a bigot provide a cake for a gay person or that a bigot cater a gay persons wedding, where does it end.

If you wish to grant the State those powers on your behalf, then you forfeit all right to complain about items such as institutional racism.

Those who argue in favor of State enforced rights such as the right to the labor of others, the right to forced association, the right to forced contract, you are arguing for tyranny.

Any right that must be enforced by the State is a threat of violence.

You, who are arguing for these legal rights, are arguing in favor of the Police who killed Eric Garner and every other victim of the State.

Your desires and actions are no better than that of the Christian bigot who irrationally (based upon his misinterpretations of the message of Christ) discriminates against Homosexuals or Black people. I would argue that these actions are worse. You are essentially demanding involuntary servitude based on your beliefs that people should not discriminate when, in fact, we all discriminate to one degree or another.

I’m not certain that many have thought this through to its logical Statist conclusion.

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As the State Accrues Power, Liberty Abates


To the extent that government power grows, liberty diminishes. Remember this as you vote, America. Liberty is at a perilous crossroads thanks to lunatic voting of the Far Left and Right. Obama and Bush accomplished more in the name of government intrusion and centralized power than the last 42 Presidents combined.

Presidents are not Gods to be worshiped but men who are voted in to office to do the bidding of the people. Every power that they accrue to themselves comes at the expense of the citizenry. Every worshiper of the office of the President and of the men who are elected President chips away at the sovereignty of the American Citizen.

The trend continues towards centralization of Executive Power. The trend continues towards the diminishment of civil rights. The State grasps for power continuously. It is the responsibility of the American Citizen to ensure that our Liberties remain. If Liberty is lost, we have only ourselves to blame and Liberty, once lost, is never regained without revolutionary bloodletting.

“The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government. But the Constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.”
— George Washington (Farewell Address, September 17, 1796)
(see George W. Bush’s comment on this subject)

“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”
— Thomas Jefferson (Letter to Archibald Stuart – 1791)

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
— Wendell Phillips (speech in Boston, Massachusetts, January 28, 1852, citing Thomas Jefferson, though it has also been attributed to Patrick Henry)

“When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny.”
— Thomas Jefferson (attributed to Jefferson, by his contemporaries)

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”   — John Quincy Adams (attributed to Adams, by his contemporaries)

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The Patriot Act is the most unconstitutional legislation since the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, which proscribed speech critical of the government; yet the FBI loves it. Its premise is that in dangerous times, if we surrender our freedoms to the government, the government will keep us safe until the danger passes. This is a flawed argument.

Random Thoughts on the Destruction of American Liberty


The DNC and GOP are evil.

Neither are good for the country.

Both are good for their respective Lobbyists and Special Interests.

Both target key demographics and lie to them to get elected.

Unions represent the interests of their respective organizations. Police Unions represent the interests of Police. They lobby for legislation that will benefit the Police. Laws such as COPS and 1033, qualified immunity, confiscation, etc.

The Wars on Poverty, Crime and Drugs were initiated by Democrats. All of these so-called wars benefit the Police, empower the police and destroy the rights of the Citizens.

The War on Terror was initiated by Republican Bush 2. However, Obama has taken that war and run with it. He’s made it his own. The NDAA, NSA spying, police militarization, assassination, rendition, invasions and occupations…all of these things were started by someone other than Obama, the Democrat. Yet, Obama has taken them and injected elephant steroids into these programs and gone about the business of destroying the Constitution.

Any Political Party that centers on the corruption that are American cities is bound to be corrupt.

Police have, historically, been Democratic run organizations. Not Republican.

Military members joining the police forces enmasse is a recent phenomenon. This is happening recently as a result of the terrible economy and programs put in place by respective Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama DOJs.

Our current volunteer military is only 30 years old. Prior to the “All Volunteer” military, our nations military services were made up of careerists who retired after they left service and draftees who were mostly poor. These draftees left the service and went into all career fields and some into none as most were from the poor or lower middle class.

This preposterous idea that the Police forces in the military are made up of mostly ex-military is patently false. I looked it up and it can’t be proven or disproven because no one (not even the DOJ) keeps statistics.

I have been researching American police forces for some time now because of Obama’s continuation of Bush’s War on Liberty. Police come from predominantly working class familes. They enter the police force between the ages of 21 and 24. That does not give the majority of them time to enter the Military, ETS and then join the police as a goodly majority of Police have at least 2 years of college. This is a prerequisite for some, if not most, Police forces.

Police Brutality, of late, is a direct result of the Bush/Obama war on Liberty and the Constitution.

Both the Military and the Police are tools of the State.

Police forces have been given qualified immunity. This means that they are not accountable to the citizenry and not held to the same law as the rest of the citizenry. They are, in fact, above the law. Bush and Obama have brought this about via legislation, “Wars on…,” and court appointments.

This must change or America will no longer be a free nation but, instead, little better than Maoist China.

The Democrats are no better than the Republicans. They are the same. This is an age old tactic. Divide and conquer.

By choosing D or R, you are defeating yourselves and destroying America.



My Fellow Americans!


Your Constitution is dead!
Obama and Bush hammered the Final nails on the Coffin
America is a Police State



They’ve got a lot of good stuff over there. Check ’em out!

Is the Federal Government Afraid of the American People?

There is no other explanation for this:

President Obama blocks off whole highways so that he can travel in "safety."  But safe from who?  THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

President Obama blocks off whole highways so that he can travel in “safety.” But safe from who? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

(Yes, I know it’s Alex Jones.  That matters not for it is the act of segregation that should be thought upon here.  Not the rantings of Mad Alex)


President Obama moves through the city of Austin and blocks off all access to the highways and roads on which he will be traveling.

This gives the distinct impression that:

1.  The President is above the people.

I see this action taking place in Afghanistan, Egypt, Thailand, Russia and other places that are Third World or Oligarchic.  This is the action of a tyrant.  This is the act of a person who believes that he is above his subjects.

2.  The President fears the people.

In a free society such as that which America is supposed to be, the President is, or should be, a man of the people.  Yet when Presidents travel they are more and more guarded as though they are Kings or Dictators.  It is now illegal to protest and to peaceably assemble in areas wherein the President is known (or not known) to be occupying space.  The same is true of Congress.

When did this become America?  How is this America?  These are further signs that America has veered far from the path laid out by the founding fathers.  We are not longer on a path of liberty and justice for all.  We are on a path of elitism.  Justice for our betters and all others take what they can get..and risk persecution for daring to ask for basic rights and standards of justice.

The America Republic is falling.  It is failing.

What is America becoming for we certainly are not on the path to freedom.




When we depart Afghanistan, we will be leaving thousands of partners who aided the US/Coalition effort.

Leaving them to their fate.

These folks, who are ALL MUSLIM, have risked their lives for meager pay. We pay them anywhere from 150.00 to 3000.00 monthly average but most make closer to 800.00USD. In the meantime, thousands of them have been beaten, threatened kidnapped and at the extreme murdered in cold blood along with their families.

I have huge problems with Islam and what I call the “Muslim mentality.” That said, these folks, all of whom are Muslim have aided in our efforts against the insurgency, al Qaeda and the Taliban. They’ve put their lives on the line for their country, for the US & Coalition and for us.

I can’t not admire that and I can’t help but feel some sense of shame for we shall abandon them just as we abandoned the Vietnamese, Lao, Khmer and, more recently, the Iraqis.

We did not have to come here. They did not have to accept us. Nonetheless, we came. We stirred up the hornet’s nest. We shall depart hailing ourselves as the Great Bringers of Democracy and Liberty.

They will stay, suffer and die. We are culpable here in the Stan just as we are for the events transpiring in Fallujah and Mosul.


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David Petraeus

I knew this kid.  He works in a nan shop in Kabul right near where I was.  I bought bread from him two or three times a week.  I used to give him a Snickers bar when I bought fread.  Five of those “loaves” hanging behind Petraeus cost about 1USD (50 Afs).  Best bread in the world.


Somewhere in America (Westernized Muslim Women and Hijab Pride)

These are Muslim women who do not understand Islam and the meaning behind the hijab. The hijab is humility and chasteness. There is nothing humble or chaste about most of the women in this video.

The hijab, chadori and other Islamic accoutrement that these women are wearing are nothing more than an expression of their being from an Islamic culture. It is not an understanding of Islam or a representation of their Islamic beliefs.

These women have a choice, obviously, as to how they wish to live their lives. let them go to Saudi Arabia and prance around as they do in this video. That would be an excellent and hard lesson for them in the realities of Islam.

American Muslims are, apparently, no longer Muslims. They’ve lost their “Islam.” lol Muslims in name only. haha

This video is not a vision of reality for Muslim women in the Muslim world. It is an expression of Women who grew up Muslim in the West and, apparently, in extremely liberal Muslim families. This would not be possible in most of the Islamic world.

Body fitting pants and a hijab are as compatible as liberty and slavery. One may as well be a Nun and wear a bikini.

This video says nothing except that Muslim women in America do not to understand Islam or the realities of Muslim women in Muslim countries. The Hijab, the Chadori and other Muslim clothing articles of this type are meant to convey a sense of humility before Allah. They are meant to be a sign that the woman or girl is chaste. These women almost universally wear curve revealing clothing. This completely negates the head coverings that they’re wearing.

I challenge any of them to move to Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Live for a year or two in Egypt or Turkey or many other traditionally Muslim countries outside of the larger Metropolitan areas such as Cairo. Try dressing their as they dress in America. Experiment with going out in public without their hair covered. After that, then come back and tell us how free you felt to dress as you please.

Muslim women outside of the Muslim world have fooled themselves into believing that they have choices. They have fooled themselves into believing that if they wear the hijab that they are good Muslims.

Reality would beat these girls and throw acid in their face almost anywhere outside of the West.

Enjoy those freedoms but understand that you have those freedoms because you DO NOT live in a Muslim society.

Cliven Bundy, The State and Conservative Cowards



On the “Conservative” over-reaction to Cliven Bundy:

Cowards. The guy wasn’t saying that black people belonged in slavery or would be better off as slaves as opposed to being free people.  He was talking about a specific subset of black people. He was referring to those on the government dole.  He wasn’t PC, so, of course, the PC cowards ran from his statement.  In my opinion, he had a valid point. Crudely made but a valid point. I’ve often wondered the same thing. Not specifically about black people or black people on the government dole but about people in general who are dependent upon the government.  When dependent upon the government, one is not a free person. One is subject to the whims of the State. This is a form of servitude.

It is growing worse. As people become more and more ignorant of the truth, they are falling for the demonization of the government dependent even as the STATE is forcing more and more of the citizenry into dependence.  After all, what is “Obamacare” but a crude and coercive expansion of citizen dependence upon the State. Now, we have States and other entities which wish to fully invade the nearly non-existent privacy of any individual who is dependent upon the government. Urinalysis checks, in home checks, child safety and welfare checks.

How long before a provision is added to the Affordable Care Act requiring urinalysis testing prior to receipt of any “benefits?”  (Remember Liberals, there will come a time when the GOP takes the White House and Congress.  The worm always turns.)  Is this what you call freedom?  It is definitively not what I call freedom.

Bundy’s point on “putting their men in prison” (paraphrased as I can’t recall exact wording) is potent. But no one listens to this truth because he used the word “negro” and his point was made crudely.  Black leaders go on and on about the prison population of America being essentially a BLACK population and the “War on Drugs” being aimed at America’s young, black male population. Bundy was essentially speaking to this truth and because he used the term “Negro” BOOM! he’s a racist.  (On a side note, I had no idea that Negro was an unacceptable term.  I guess it’s like the term “niggardly.”  It sounds vaguely racist to liberals and, therefore, it must be a bad word.  PC Censorship at it’s finest.)

So, what we are saying is that we must couch our truths in lies in order for them to be accepted and understood.  Cliven Bundy stated what many others have stated over the years. However, he’s a white, redneck, country, inarticulate old fella and, therefore, is not allowed to speak truths.  How dare a white man speak about problems in the Black community. Fuck….I mean if an old white dude can see it…well, there are issues.

I had black and white friends growing up. When the Black kids came home with me, Grandpa Les treated them exactly the same as he treated the White kids.  Yet, my Grandfather used the word “nigger” once in front of me.  I think I was 14 at the time.  In explaining to me his reason for his quitting smoking, he said;  “I couldn’t afford cigarettes for me and the niggers at work.”   He would be considered racist by PC folks like Glenn Beck and Rachel Maddow.  I never saw him treat black people differently from white people.  He worked, ate lunch, socialized with Black folks daily for a couple of decades at his garage.  I never heard him make a disparaging remark about Black people in general.  Just that one statement.  Yet, despite his daily interactions with Black folks and despite his friendship towards and total lack of negativity towards my Black friends or me for having Black friends, that one instance of his use of the “N” word would be enough to destroy him in the minds of politically correct idiots in the media and politics.

There is a strain of racism and/or bigotry in all of us.  There is always a degree of a lack of understanding and empathy with/for the other in each of us.  Why can’t they…..? Why won’t they…..?  Cliven Bundy, like all of us, has his prejudices, I am certain of it. I am certain of it because I have never met a human being who did not have prejudices.  To sit here and pretend that you are without them is a great lie…it is self deception.  It’s cowardice, duplicitous and a complete lack of self-knowledge. It is denial. It is hypocrisy.

AND the thing that most of America is missing is that all of this talk of racism (division) brings about is a diversion. A diversion from the real issue.  Cliven Bundy is a “racist bum.”  Therefore, the State can do as it pleases with him. In the exact same manner that it persecutes and oppresses those who are dependent upon the government.  However, let’s not talk about the State and it’s assault on the rights of the Citizenry.  Instead, let us speak about racism.

Meanwhile, pee in that bottle like a good little boy and girl.  Stand in line for security at the airport, let the TSA goon molest you.  Don’t complain when the police “mistakenly” raid your home for drugs.  You’re free.  You’re secure.  We are doing it all for you says the STATE.

Freedom to Be…


He’s Gay. She’s Gay. They’re not Gay. We’re all coming out of the closet. Who cares? Are we not free born humans? Am I a slave to your ideals, your desires, your beliefs? Must I be set upon constantly by the Statist & religious beliefs of others?

I’m not gay. I don’t care if others are gay. It’s none of my business. It is their life.

If America is a free country with free citizens, this should be a non-issue.

However, America has never truly been a free nation. We’ve always been beset by superstitions and whims of the masses. Free will, freedom…these are lies that we tell our children and our citizens.

If a man is not free to be homosexual and to marry the person whom he loves, there is no freedom.

There is a religious yoke across the neck of this nation that has strangled freedom since the “Great Awakening.” This yoke is loosened and tightened and loosened and tightened.

I shall be happy to see the darkness of these pre-historic mythologies and superstitions removed from the soul of humanity. Unfortunately, humans are pre-conditioned to control by a master. Religion is but one manifestation of this control.

Religion has always been a disturbingly large roadblock to freedom in America. The founders saw that this would be and had been for eons and attempted to forge a path through superstition by incorporating “freedom of religion” into the Constitution. This plan has not worked.

Why? Because the majority of people yearn for their chains.

Look at the Left. They have sworn off the mystical chains of religion only to create their yoke in the worship of the State.

Humanity is pathetic.

This raging debate over homosexuality is but one small example of the human free will and freedom revulsion. I think most humans fear freedom.

Freedom places the onus on one’s self for security, survival, life.

Most humans are too ignorant and too weak to survive in a truly free world.

American Idiots

Why do people trust the new administration or the last administration? How is it possible?

Each Presidential Administration in the past 100 years has been proven to have lied to the Citizenry of this nation. It has been proved that each of these persons and their underlings have lied, connived, circumvented the Constitution and profited from doing so.

Yet, we still believe that this one…yes, this one, the last one and the next one is, was or will be telling us the truth.

Americans are this pathetically stupid?

I keep going back to Johnny Walker Lindh. This guy was paraded in front of America as if he were the blood soaked re-incarnation of Tamerlane.

In the end, he was naught but a drug addled boy who had never handled a gun and was rounded up amongst a group of half assed “talibs” like cattle.

The dude did nothing. His crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time and refusing to admit guilt when he was really guilty of nothing.

Yet, he was railroaded through our justice system and sentenced to prison.

Our system of justice is warped or perhaps, there is no justice in America. There is only those who have the funds to manipulate the legal system and those who do not.  Woe be unto those who do not have the means to fight and go against the grain.

I am supposedly a free man from a country governed by the principles of Liberty, yet, they tell me that I need permission to travel to Cuba.

Freedom?  Liberty?