Modern American Politics

American Politics is an ebola laced turd in a puddle.

One side of that turd has been lying there facing the sun. It’s dry, white and pasty. Kinda like a powered donut. That’s the Biden side.

The other side has been in water. It’s moist and bloated and probably has a bit of moss or algae on it. That’s the Trump side.

Americans are out there arguing over that same turd and trying to swallow it down. Biting off chunks. Wondering why they feel death coming on.

That is the American Political system.

Iraq voted; Wants American Troops Out

This is the opportunity of a millennia.

Donald Trump, don’t argue with them. Let’s get out.

Pull out all US forces from Iraq and Syria.


It’s time for Iraq to put on their big boy drawers and run their own Nation.

It will fall apart and, eventually, a dictator will emerge.

Pull the US military out and let nature run her course.



Katie Hill’s Resignation Speech is Bunk!


I hunted down the photos. Gave them a gander. Cute goat, by the way.  I didn’t see anything that should be a HYUGE deal there. The cross is not a Nazi symbol that I can tell. The nudity is pretty PG rated to me. The text messages are….meh.

The only thing that she did “wrong” was her Matt Lauer-ish affair with the girl. If Democrats believe that a power imbalance means that consent can never be truly given, then Representative Katie Hill is “guilty of rape“. That is the Left’s philosophy. Katie Hill held power over the young girl. That was the only “mistake” or “bad decision”.

Hill is correct to resign because the Left should be treating her the same way that they treat Donald J. Trump# Judge Kavanaugh and other Male “power” figures. She is as guilty as they accuse those people of being. She’s actually guilty. She confessed to the “crime”. She confessed AFTER they were discovered, of course. This wasn’t a moment of honesty. It was coming clean only after discovery.

The Left always has a different standard for their own. Men such as Bill Clinton were repeatedly excused and their “crimes” covered up by the Left. Hill should have received similar treatment to Trump from the Left. Instead, she got the Hillary treatment. Her sins were washed away and she becomes the martyr. Hill did nothing. The Patriarchy did it. Misogyny did it. Hill is guilty. Katie Hill is immaculate having been washed in the blood of Gaia and the warm milk of a virgin transexual man.

It’s not surprising that Hill is being allowed to leave with very little Leftist gnashing of teeth and only half hearted trash talking by the GOP.

If anyone aside from Katie Hill is guilty here, it wis the Progressives Left. Men didn’t do this to her. Misogyny did not do this to her. The Patriarchy did not do this to her.  It wasn’t any of the boogie men that she’s throwing out there. Her own people did this to her. Nancy Pelosi and the Leftists decided that Hill was in the way and would be a distraction. Katie Hill was allowed to give her martyr’s speech as she was thrown to the curb with the rest of waste and refuse of the true powers in the Capital Beltway.


What Gets Trump My Vote in 2020

LEFTIST OUTRAGE about everything.

The utter lack of tolerance displayed by the Left.

The complete hypocrisy of the Left.

The hatred of the Left.

The Violence of the Left.

The State Worship by the Left.


The complete and utter disregard of the Constitution of the United States of America that the Left displays and acts upon.

The Racism and Bigotry of the Left disguised as compassion and empathy.

The fact that the Left cares more about ILLEGAL immigrants than Americans.

The disrespect of Leftists directed against minorities who don’t agree with them 100%.

I can’t stand Donald Trump even as I agree with many of his policies.

I didn’t vote for him in 2016.

Yet, I am seriously considering voting for him in 2020.


Because I hate the Progressive Left.  There is simply nothing progressive about them. They are hate personified.

Impeaching President Trump

75th Anniversary of D-Day, Portsmouth, UK - 05 Jun 2019
Impeaching Donald Trump results in one of two things:
1. He is successfully impeached, prosecuted and removed by the HoR and Senate respectively.
This guarantees that one of the nut jobs running on the Democratic Party ticket wins which dooms the country to insanity as we have never believed possible. Witch Hunts to make Colonial Salem blush. Leftist Agendas canceling every good thing that existed in America. A crash of the stock market so spectacular as to be theretofore unimaginable. People imprisoned for thought crimes and speech. The Bill of Rights not abolished but eradicated.
2. The idiots of the House fail to impeach or the Senate fails to prosecute and remove.
Trump is guaranteed #Election2020. God only knows what he’ll do in his second term.
I like some of what Trump has done.
I loathe the Left more than I am apprehensive of a second Trump term.
I prefer the 2nd scenario.
I’m not great fan of Trump but better him than any Democrat alive at this moment.

Kids In Cages — The Immigration Lies of the Left


What should be done with these children who are taken to the border and across the border by their criminal parents, guardians and kidnappers?

Should we put them out on the street. Simply throw them across the border? Shoot them? Euthanize them?

Perhaps, we should place them in your home so that you can take care of them since you feel so for them?

Those “cages” are simply fenced in containment areas. Such would be used for any person who committed illegal acts. And I’ll remind you that crossing into another nation without the proper documentation/permissions is illegal. It is a criminal act.

Perhaps, the parents should be held responsible for dragging their kids to the border and preying upon the bleeding hearts of Leftists who can’t operate in reality and, therefore, encourage these parents and other more nefarious persons to drag children into these circumstances.

The United States Government did not ask these people to come. The United States Government did not invite these people to come. The United States Government did not snatch these folks from their homes in Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia and Honduras and place them into cages. These people took it upon themselves to attempt to enter into the country illegally and/or under false pretenses.

If there are children in cages, it is the fault of the parents and the criminals who have kidnapped these children and are trafficking them across international borders.

You speak to humanity and humanity’s values. What human value is it to encourage people to run to the US border and overwhelm that border with thousands of folks when the Border Control and Customs and Immigration folks do not have the capacity to deal with that large, abnormal influx of migrants.

What human value is it that states that you demand that others fund your desire to allow these people to come to America and become a drain on the taxpayer?

What human value is it that demands that I fund your charitable impulses?

Please. Do tell.

If you care so much about these people, why aren’t you there caring for them instead of in your home preaching self righteous nonsense.

Get a move on. Kids in cages are suffering because you are too lazy to get off of your duff and help them!

John McCain was hated by Democrats


John McCain was hated by the Democratic Party. Until, that is, Trump started openly hating on him. Now, McCain is the “hero of the Republic.”

McCain was a war monger. There never existed a possible intervention with which John McCain would not lovingly spoon in his 1970s waterbed. McCain loved interventions more than he loved Cindy.

Aren’t Leftist Democrats supposedly against these interventionist policies?

How, then, is John McCain suddenly the Great Hero of the Republic to the Democratic Party , CNN & MSNBC?

Oh…because Trump hates him. That is the simple explanation.

This is absurd. The United States of Absurdistan.

It’s also called duplicity, hypocrisy and deviousness.

Stop pretending to love and admire John McCain simply because Trump reviles him. Deep in your hearts, you, the Democratic Party, revile McCain as much as you hate Trump.

The only thing transparent about the Democratic Party is their dirty tactics, smear tactics, duplicity and hypocrisy.

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There Were Viable Alternatives in Election 2016

There were viable alternatives in the 2016 Election. Americans were too cowardly to choose a better candidate. Instead, they stuck to the “lesser of two evils” paradigm which is killing this Nation.

20% of eligible voters in the US hated Donald Trump

20% of eligible voters in the US hated Hillary Clinton

That is 40% of eligible voters.

Another 20% or so hated both candidates.

That is 60% who either did not vote or voted against a candidate instead of for a candidate.

Instead, that 60% could have voted * F O R * a candidate.

They could have voted for the Libertarian Candidate or for the Green Peace Candidate.

I voted for the Libertarian Party and Gary Johnson.

Americans had alternatives. Americans were simply too stupid to do so.

Someone please come on here and tell me that Johnson would have been a worse President than Donald Trump.

Please. One of you daft, party line following morons come and tell me this so that I can smack you upside the head.

Instead, you let diversionary tactics such as “he didn’t know what Allepo was” and other inane, meaningless smears turn you off to a viable alternative.

Johnson has had more success in life than 99% of Americans. Yet, these same people felt that they were better than he.

Basically, what I’m saying is that you, Americans, are stupid and you suck.

To make matters worse, Democrats want to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote. We have folks who are 30 & 45 & 69 & 56 who cannot vote intelligently. It’s no wonder that the Democrats want children to vote. They love unintelligent, emotional, uninformed voters. The Emocratic Party thrives on emotional voters and diversity of lack of information and UNtelligence. As does the Conservative Leftist Republican party of fools.

Samuel L. Jackson Hate Donald Trump

And now we know why:   SIMPLE GREED

Sam doesn’t want to pay his Mother’s medical bills. He wants YOU, the Tax Payer, to pay them.

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“‘You’re an actor. Stick to acting.’ No, motherf–ker. I’m a human being that feels a certain way. And some of this shit does affect me, because if we don’t have health care, sh-t, and my relatives get sick, they’re going to call my rich ass. I want them to have health care. I want them to be able to take care of themselves. This is how I feel. And I count to one hundred some days before I hit ‘send,’ because I know how that sh-t is.”

Samuel L. Jackson

Having health care provided by the State is not taking care of oneself.

What Sam wants is for the State (i.e., the Tax Payer) to take care of his relatives instead of his “rich ass.”

That is some sorry ass shit.

I don’t give two shits what he says about Trump but that is the real motivation of most of the Hollywood types. They want their less affluent relatives to be cared for by the State (i.e, the Tax Payer) so that they do not have to spend their own money on their own relatives.

That is some regressive fucking shit, Sam!

What a piece of shit.

I’ll still go see his movies because I go to the movies to be entertained and don’t give a fuck about the political opinions or, in this case, the lack of compassion, stealth hate for relatives and the poor, or complete fucking greed of these millionaire actors. I pay to be entertained. Hollywood educates only the fools and the daft.

Bottom line, the justification for Sam Jackson’s hatred for Trump is that Sam might have to pay his Mother’s doctor bills.

Ain’t that some heartless shit.

Morals Morals Morals War Mongers

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It is funny that the party of no morals is going after Trump over moral scruples.

It’s FUCKING hilarous.
Kinda like an evangelical going after someone for prostitution and that evangelical is Jimmy Swaggert.
This is all….ALL…..all about war. It’s about the Neo-Libs teaming up with the former Neo-Cons to keep pushing towards war with Russia or China or Iran or NoKo or anyone who can keep those receipt waterfalls for the Military Industrial Congressional Complex.
Sorry Lefties, you’ve been sold out. You are now [again] the Party of War.
I’m all for it.
Let’s crash this market.
Whatever does that, I’m for it.
I do have a question, though.
What does a check prove?
Trump gave his lawyer a check for 35,000USD. That proves exactly what?
Does Cohen have an email that says; “Mikey, take dis 30 Grand and give it to da ho. Take da udder 5 Grand fo yo’self. Buy your wife [or mistress] something nice.”

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Fascism and America’s Political Parties

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14 “typical” features of Fasicm:

The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”
The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”
The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”
Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”
Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”
Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”
The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.”
The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”
Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”
Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”
Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”
Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”

Those are the words of Umberto Eco who lived through the madness of Mussolini’s Fascist Regime in Italy.

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Some of these features are present in the actions and words of the GOP and DNC today.
We live in a dangerous time when fools such as Donald J. Trump and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are idolized and beyond reproach.
The Republican Party, the Democratic Party and the blind followers thereof are the greatest danger to American Liberty in the History of the United States of America.
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An Open Letter to Rachel Maddow (and other media slugs)

download (19)The Rachel Maddow Show
So…um….Rachel, what was the purpose of the hype and lies and propaganda that you have been spreading since the election of Donald J. Trump?
What exactly have you accomplished with your constant attacks on a sitting President of the United States of America?
In so far as I can tell…NOTHING!

In a just world, everyone who helped promote this toxic narrative would apologize profusely and spend the rest of their lives being mocked and marginalized. In a world wherein pundits and politicians can sell the public a war which results in the slaughter of a million Iraqis and suffer no consequences of any kind, however, we all know that that isn’t going to happen. Russiagate will end not with a bang, but with a series of carefully crafted diversions. The goalposts will be moved, the news churn will shuffle on, the herd will be guided into supporting the next depraved oligarchic agenda, and almost nobody will have the intellectual honesty and courage to say “Hey! Weren’t these assholes promising us we’ll see Trump dragged off in chains a while back? Whatever happened to that? And why are we all talking about China now?”
Presidents and Congress should be held accountable for their actions. The Media should be tools of this accountability. I have seen no one in the media actually pursuing that accountability. What I see, instead, are talking heads and airheaded pundits sowing division to score political points aimed, not at accountability, but at scoring political points in pursuit of power at the behest of their chosen Party.
You, Rachel, are as culpable for the criminality of the State as any President or Congressman. When your party is in power, you lie for them. When your party is out of power, you lie for them.
You should be behind bars along with Obama, Hillary and every other crooked politician and lying “journalist” in the US. You are not a People’s Press. You are a party apparatchik, a mouthpiece for criminal incompetence and abuse of power.
I am no fan of Trump. You and those like you enable him. You are the reason why he was elected. You are the reason that no truly qualified candidate will step forth to aid the Nation in our hour of need.

You are so arrogantly ignorant that you STILL have not figured out how Trump plays you all. Time and time and time again.


The Hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton and the Women who Vote for Her

Hillary Clinton enabled her husband, Bill Clinton, to prey upon women for decades. Most recently, she stated the following:

“My husband’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power.”

The many followers of Hillary Clinton will defend this statement even as they have spent that past twenty or thirty years prosecuting men in power for doing exactly what Bill Clinton did. Bill targeted a young woman and used his power and influence to get her to have sexual relations with her. Yes, a blow job is sex.

0Epws8EWI4Yet, these same feminists rail against and have an issue with Trump who paid women for their services. He pai

d. They profited. Stormy Daniels is an excellent example of this. Stormy “Horseface” Daniels twenty years later is simply attempting to get paid again because she was on the downside of her porn and pole dancing career.

Bill Clinton is alleged to have raped, sexually assaulted and sexually harassed up to FOURTEEN women. Bill Clinton used the trappings of his office to coerce Lewinski into having sex with him. Why else would she save the dress?

Show me a Trump victim? Send forth a woman who has accused Trump of Rape or sexual assault. Where are the women who have accused Trump of sexual harassment. Paying a Porn Star for sex and then paying her to NOT disclose it is NOT  sexual harassment.

Trump said; “If you are rich or famous, women will let you do anything.” Bill said; “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

Trum gave an example of the kinds of things that women will LET you do if you are rich or famous: “grab ’em by the pussy”. Bill gave us an example of extreme semantics in “defense” of his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinski.

Note the acknowledgement of consent in Trump’s example. Note the evasion in Bill’s.

“Women will let”

  “is is”

Trump didn’t say that a rich or famous man can do as he pleases. He said that women will LET [ALLOW] a rich or famous man to do these things.

There is no victim there.

Women who seek rich and famous men to use that wealth and fame to their advantage are not victims. They are predators.

Bill coaxed a young impressionable woman into the most intimidating office in the world and got a blow job. The Oval Office was designed to intimidate foreign dignitaries, Indian Chiefs and Warlords and World Leaders. I’m sure Monica felt right at home in that room and completely comfortable saying “No” to “the most powerful man in the world.”

The women Trump mentioned are women who allow and, in most cases, encourage these acts on the part of men in exchange for money, access, power, influence, etc.  Trump did not say that he walked around grabbing women by the pussy regardless of the desires of those women. Trump said that women will LET men do these things. It’s a huge distinction that, of course, faux feminists and Social Marxists refuse to recognize or acknowledge.

Bill bullied and intimidated Lewisnki. He’s a predator. Hillary is his enabler. I can actually see Hillary in the Oval Office while the thing was going down. “Oh yeah;” says Hillary; “Bil likes it like that.”

What’s more! Trump is correct. There are MANY Millions of Women out there who will LET men do what they want including but not limited to grabbing their pussies simply because a man is rich or famous. If you can’t acknowledge this, you are lying to yourself. You are a liar. You are probably one of the women who act in this manner and are, therefore, in denial.

Trump empowers Women. Hillary Clinton used her power and influence to destroy Women on behalf of her husband and in pursuit of power. The power and influence of Hillary Clinton came, in part, from the millions of “feminist” women who vote for and worship her. They enable her. She enabled Bill. Monica is their victim.

Yet, there are others who were victims of Hillary and her minions:

Even CNN admits that a whole lot more women have been abused than most people realize.

“There are about 14 women who could be said to have made claims at one time or another (about Bill Clinton,” CNN contributor Errol Louis accidentally revealed on air this Thursday morning.

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