Joe Biden’s Quid Pro Quo

This is the real Ukrainian quid pro quo. Joe Biden didn’t want revelations into the activities of his son coming to light. That is why he threatened to withhold the Billion Dollars. He admits his crime in the video above. This is exactly what they are accusing Trump of doing.

Empress Pelositine is using the Trump Impeachment to cover up the actual crimes committed in Ukraine (and China) by Joe Biden and his drug addled son, Hunter.

Joe is the real criminal. The Democratic Party are covering up for the Biden Family.

The Threat of China

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China is a different animal.

But why are they openly talking about going to war or attacking a US Carrier Fleet?

Because we are acting in an offensive capacity towards them.

Why are we enforcing the sovereignty of Taiwan? What do we get out of it? Hong Kong returned to China. They may attempt to break away. That is being openly discussed on the streets of Hong Kong. It’s one reason that China is getting testy in the world. Shianghai and Guangzhou (sp?) are two other possible break away provinces/cities.

China has plenty of internal issues that will not go away by focusing attention outward.

Of course, we should have a Navy capable of defense against a Chinese threat.

And….we do.

We’ve actually got 10 times the Navy of the rest of the world combined.

China can talk all they want. They have not the projection power of the US. Yet. They won’t have it for some time.

If they attack us, it is because we are THERE. Not because they are invading America.

You have to ask yourself the same questions with China as with Russia.

Are you prepared to go to war with China over the South CHINA Sea or Vietnam or the PI?

Personally, I’m not.

Now, would I be fine with going to war against China WITH Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, India and a few other PAC Nations. I might be.

However, I do not believe that this will occur.

No one can tell for certain but I believe that it is more likely that China dissolves AGAIN before they have a chance to start a war with the United States of America.

China is, technically, about 3,000 years old. It has been a united China for about 15 to 20% of that time. Most of that was because of the Mongols.


So, again, exactly why are we going to war with China? Because of a few Admirals who have openly spoken of attacking US Carrier Fleets. That is a bit hypocritical. US Generals and Admirals publicly speak of attacking China all of the time. Hell, we’ve had, at least, two US Generals openly speak of nuking China in the past (Stillwell and MacArthur). I’m sure that there have been more.


America’s Future is Asia

Chinese-American_war_2020If Germany had won World War II, they would control the continent of Europe.

Germany is now THE power in Europe.
The Third Reich was a genocidal organization.
Due to the policies of Merkel, Europe is veering more and more towards a “Race” war.
The defeat of Nazi Germany accomplished what?
The European Union will more than likely disintegrate due to the policies of the EU and Merkel.
A migrant war is almost a virtual certainty in the near future.
I can see a new war on Semitic peoples caused by the “migrant crisis” that has been caused by NATO meddling in North Africa and the Middle East.
It would seem that World War II did nothing but stave off the usual.
The Cold War kept the insanity of the region under control for 70 years. With the threat of nuclear annihilation all but removed, the Western and Central Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (old Rome) are at each other’s throats again ready to set the world on fire.
America should step away.
We should forge our future with Asia and China as our partners. Let the Mediterranean cesspool eat itself. There is no need to go down with them.

White Nationalism ~ The Rise of the Crackers!

blanatI keep asking this and no one wants to answer.

If Jewish, Arab & Chinese Nationalism as well as Black Nationalism are seen as ok and/or normal, why is White Nationalism bad?

That’s quite a double standard.

Jewish people can have their own Nation.

Black people can have their own Nation.

Chinese people can have their own Nation.

Thai people can have their own Nation.

Japanese people can have their own Nation.

Arab people can have their own Nation.

Muslims can have their own Nation.

Hindus can have their own Nation.

The only people who are thought to be RACIST or BIGOTED for desiring a Nation of their own are those of European Descent.

I’m a bit confused by this.

Personally, I don’t want a White Nation. If I have a Child, he or she will be half White and Half Asian (Thai).

Still, I want an answer to this question.

Why can all of the peoples of the Earth yearn for a Nation of their own filled with peoples like themselves and it be understood and compassion for these peoples felt EXCEPT FOR WHITE PEOPLE?

One of you Progressives or Liberals or whatever you wish to call yourselves, pls answer.

For that matter, there is a Jewish Nation. There are Buddhist Nations. There are Muslim Nations. These are seen as normal and no one bats an eye.


Do I have “Whiteness?” I don’t even think of myself as White. I think of myself as Homo Sapiens.

Yet, there is only one Christian Nation to my knowledge — Armenia. I’m not going to look it up. There aren’t many. Muslim Nations have cornered the Market across the Middle East and stretch into Asia, Europe and Africa. Yet, if a people were to arise and call for a Christian Nation, the Left would cry BIGOTRY. Actually, the less intelligent amongst the Left would cry Racism despite the fact that most religions are composed of multiple races.


There are Black Nationalists. There are Chinese Nationalists. There are Arab Nationalists. There are Islamic Nationalists.

Not a single Progressive will speak out against these folks.

Yet, a White Nationalist is the personification of evil.

Pls explain.

On a different note, does Donald Trump know any other adjectives? Everything is Great! Is The Donald really Tony the Tiger?


Biggest Terror Organizations in the World


1. Saudi Arabia
4. US/Russia/China
7. UK/France/Germany
8. Muslim Brotherhood
9. Puppets of #s 4 and 7
10. Israel
11. Iran
12. Remaining ME/CA Islamic Nations.
13. Everyone else.

Saudi Arabia exports more terrorism in the form of its decrepit Wahhabi creed than all of the others combined.

Iran is a chia pet by comparison.

The Great Triumvirate of the United States of America, China and Russia have terrorized the world with impunity since the close of the Second World War.

France, the UK and Germany are all too willing accomplices to any and every US adventure that comes down the pike.

Iran selectively defends the Shi’a community via the IRG and the Party of God (Hezbollah). They imported Hezbollah to Lebanon. They support factions inside of Saudi Arabia, the Houthis in Yemen as well as other places. Iran will also selectively support Sunni terrorists otherwise known as Wahhabist Saudi Arabian created scum as suits their needs.

Israel terrorizes the Palestinians and occasionally Southern Lebanon. Israel has attacked nations such as Iraq and Iran preemptively.

The Palestinians terrorize Israel and their own people. The Palestinians attempted to depose the King of Jordan. They’ve also raised a bit of hell in Lebanon and Egypt. There is also the actions of the PLO under Arafat and assorted other madmen.

The other nations of the Middle East and Central Asia mostly terrorize their own people. Only occasionally sending out State sponsored Wahhabists and assorted other misfits to further their political ends.

Pakistan created the Taliban out of the anti-Soviet Insurgency, orphans from that war and the Wahhabist Madrassahs that were established by the Saudis. They were established, equipped and used as a hedge against Indian influence in Afghanistan and as well as a buffer against Iranian influence.

Yes, the world is fucked up.

Cultural Appropriation is Neither New nor Unique to America


So…a moron who claims he is American (I believe him) asks me to prove that cultural appropriation is not new, not unique to America and indeed has been around for a long, long time.

I answered thusly;

Gulf Arabs look down upon Palestinians and pretty much every other Arab or Muslim Nation.

Hazaras in Afghanistan who are descended from Genghis Khan.

Druze in the Levant.

Syriacs, Coptics were some of the the original Christian members predating Constantinian Catholic Christianity. When Rome took Christianity and passed it on to Europe, these Levantine Christians were sought out and slaughtered as heretics by post-Roman European Christians.

And, yes, there are plenty of Christian examples of “cultural appropriation.” Black Gospels, themselves, are cultural appropriation as is European Christianity. The religion of Christ was stolen from the Levant and laid over Europe. The Europeans then went about the act of murdering the original Christians which laid the foundation of dissent which allowed Islam to rise so easily in those areas.

Thai Corporations which sell whitening products. This is an Asian phenomenon and it has nothing to do with Europe.

Bedouins in the Gulf Area and the appropriation and commercialization of their culture to tourists. The Gulf Nations such as the UAE then oppress these bedouin peoples.

Many, many cultures have adopted Gypsy styles of dress and dance. No one is quite certain from whence originated the Gypsies as they are a roving band of people who predate history. Everyone in Europe hates the Gypsies and looks down upon them. The whole Bohemian movement was started by Gypsies. Much of the clothes worn in high fashion can be traced back to the Gypsies. Yet, they are hated and vilified. Even Hitler tried to exterminate them.

I find this irksome. When someone asks me to provide them with obvious examples of historical fact about which one should have learned in high school. Aside from that, there is google.

America is such a myopic, ignorant land…which is why we have terms such as “white privilege” and “cultural appropriation.”

If Americans would educate themselves…my God what a Nation we could be.

Instead, we whine and argue over inconsequential bullshit.

One last as it is a HUGE one.

The Yuan Empire was created by Khublia Khan who, as you should know, was a Mongol. Much of what China has become is due to the Mongols, Jinghiss [Genghis] Khan and his grandson Khublai

The Chinese erased that history, gave Kublai a Chinese name, and claim descent from the Yuan Empire for themselves. The Chinese hate the Mongols. The Chinese try even now to claim Mongolia as part of China as they do with Tibet.

It’s a huge world out there. There is nothing new under the sun. The more one knows…the less of a whiny cunt one becomes as a result.

Politically Correct “United Statesians” Annoyance


The United States of America is known around the world as AMERICA.

There is a country called America and you, dear Citizen of the United States, live in it.

That you, dear reader, personally, choose to refer to it in your preferred PC choice of wording does not negate the fact that America is a known entity.

Semantics and pedantry.

The correct term for a Citizen of America would be and is U.S. Citizen. The country is known colloquially as AMERICA.

Yes, it has much to do with one’s political bent. Only politically correct Americans who tow the Liberal Party line want to say that AMERICA is the incorrect manner to which one should refer to this country.

The citizens of the United Soviet Socialist Republic did not refer to themselves as United Soviets. The People of the Democratic Republic of China do not refer to themselves as Democratic Republicans. The people of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan do not refer to themselves as Islamic Republicans. Each respectively referred to themselves as Russians, Chinese and Afghans.

Mexico is the Republic of Mexico. People from Mexico are called Mexican. Canada is the, as far as I can tell, simply called Canada. Folks from Canada are called Canadians. It’s not difficult to follow this. If Canadians and Mexicans wish to call themselves America because they hail from the Americas, good for them. I have no problem with this. It would confuse the hell out of everyone and they’d spend half of their time explaining that they are Mexicans from the Americas and, therefore, Mexicans who are Americans or Americans who are Mexicans. However, that would be their prerogative and I’d not be concerned about it.

I refer to myself as an American. When folks ask me from whence I hail, I answer; “America.” Unless I want to be difficult and then I’ll say; “Thailand.” Because I live in Thailand now.

Every time that I have tried the Liberal Politically Correct usage of “United States” as an answer, I have received a blank look upon which I always have to expound by saying; “America.” At the stating of the word “America” in answer to my national origin, I am always rewarded with some semblance of  “Oh, OK. You’re American.”

To repeat, one can always tell a Liberal American traveling the world by how he/she refers to themselves. If an American uses the term “United States” in answer to “Where are you from?;” there is a 99% chance that that person voted for Clinton, Gore or Obama in the last few Presidential elections.

Having traveled all over the world, I can say this with certainty. Only a politically correct Liberal refuses to call themselves an American. Then there are the cowards who will tell folks that they are from Canada.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and James Madison all referred to themselves as Americans. I shall defer to their provenance in this matter over the latter day “shame interpretation” of our national identity by any Politically Correct Liberal “United Statesian.”


No, this is not an American. No self respecting native of the pre-American societies would refer to themselves as American. They called themselves “the humans,” “free people,” Iriqious, Shawnee, Mandans, Apache, Navaho, Algonquin, Seminole and a thousand other names. Not one of these folks were American and not one of them is American. Those descendants of these people who now call themselves American are not the same as the free peoples who inhabited these lands prior to European Colonization. A descendant of the pre-Euro-Colonization Natives of the Americas who has taken up the mantle of Citizen of the United States would be seen as traitors by the man pictured above.

America’s Guilt and the Coming Chaos

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People complaining about American conquest and treatment of the “Native American,” PLEASE! Just stop. This is the history of mankind. Only since World War II have we stopped the conquest and taking of land for ourselves.

I believe Israel (67), China (50s/Tibet) and Pakistan (Balochistan/49 to present day) are the last nations to take lands via conquest. Iraq tried it in the 80s but were immediately expelled by Iran. Lebanon is currently being occupied by Hezbollah which is tantamount to Iranian occupation.

Both China and Pakistan are currently and have been in contention with India over territories. China is starting to stake claims in territories that are currently in possession of nations such as Japan and the Philippines.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are in contention over the Durand Line.

Mexico and America are having extreme border issues.

Scotland wants to opt out of the UK.

The Kurds want their own nation with inclusion of territory currently possessed/claimed by Turkey, Iran and Iraq.

Iran will start making claims soon on lands occupied by the Russians.

ISIS is currently taking lands via conquest that were Syrian and Iraqi. If they grow powerful enough, they will turn towards Mekkah and possibly Iran. They’ll leave Israel for later.

Of course, there is Israel. They occupy the West Bank and Gaza as well as maintain control over an “autonomous” Arab/Islamic thugocracy in Gaza. They’ve occupy lands that are claimed by Syria as well.

I see occurring more and more in the near future conflicts over territory as the World grows more politically chaotic.

Without looking it up, I believe that the last time that America took lands by conquest was at the conclusion of the Spanish American War when we were “given” the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, etc.

Basically, the Colonists or White Man, as labelled by Western Liberals, did nothing that the Indians (Native or aboriginal) Americans had not done themselves. There were Empires and Kingdoms in the Americas prior to the advent of European “exploration,” conquest and colonization of the Americas.

The Aztecs, Incans, Mayans, Anasazi, Pueblo and every other tribe, confederation and/or “State” in the Americas did not spring up out of the earth in the exact spot where they became the dominant political entity. They took those lands from others.

In my opinion, gnashing one’s teeth over the “sins” of others which you yourself have committed is a bit hypocritical.

That said, I look to see more conquest in the future as liberalism and the touchy feely politics of America and Western Europe recedes with the fall from influence brought on by our liberalism and “guilt” in general, and the waning of our economic superpower status due to the rise of China, India and the conflicts with Russia and Iran as well as the negative impacts of our constant and consistent incompetent meddling throughout the world. America is overreaching and it is going to hurt us in the near future. With idiot leaders such as Bush and Obama, I see nothing changing and our path is clear and downward in a dizzying spiral.

The primary power of the globe for these past 70 years has been the “petrodollar.” Russian, Iran, Scotland (if she separates successfully) as well as Venezuela are willing and even eager to sell their natural resources in other currencies as well as through a barter system. This is the center of the conflicts evolving between the US and these nations.

If Scotland successfully secedes from the UK AND decides to go off the reservation (petrodollar), look for the US to start pressuring them and calling them rogue, etc.

Once America loses the petrodollar hegemony, all bets are off. We will see a much more chaotic world.

Personally, I am very much looking forward to it.

Imagine a war between a nuclear Saudi Arabia led Gulf confederation against a nuclear levant centered Iran.

Pakistan and India going at it with Nukes.

Russia is already threatening the use of nukes over Ukraine.

We can whine about the past all we want. That past will be nothing compared to the next 100 years. As resources grow scarce, this world is going to go insane.  In the end, I believe that Western Liberalism will achieve it’s end.  However, the unintended consequences will be their own annihilation as “barbarian” tribes rise up and murder them in their self-righteous and contented sleep.  The world will be in flames in the next 100 years.  This is not new to history.  All great Empires fall.  China and Rome fell in such a manner.  When a people lose their ability to fight, their will to fight, their survival instincts, the end is not far off.  Liberals have no will to fight and nothing in which they believe.  The highest ideal of the Western Liberal is the loathing of his/her own culture.  Doom shall surely follow.

THIS IS NOT ISLAM! It’s China…the ladies want to keep that nice White complexion (but usually only Muslims do this STUPID SHIT!)

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And they look strangely like these guys:


This is pure imbecility.  At first glance (I’ll be honest), I thought “stupid fucking Muslims.”  

This is the Asian way of staying white, I suppose.  Asian culture and “whiteness” is just downright odd.  O D D ! ! !

From Whitening creams and drinks to this insanity.

Climate Change, Wedge Issues and the Uninformed Americans who call themselves Citizens


Why do people think that this is an American problem. Is it arrogance or ignorance?

“they won’t be able to live the debt ridden lifestyle that America has become dependent on”

The most leveraged nation in the world is China. Sure they’ve purchased a lot of American debt. The problem is that they have purchased all of this with bad money and false accounts.

The whole world is leveraged to the hilt. 

It is not only America that is living off of tomorrow. 

America has an extremely narrow vision when it comes to these things.

America alone cannot solve or even begin to solve global climate change. That’s why it’s called “Global” climate change. Climate affects the whole of the planet.

We can produce all of the carbon offsets that we wish but if the rest of the world ignores the problem, we are pissing in the wind. Beijing is so polluted that folks can’t freakin’ breath.

America, however, is pushing the petro dollar which is why we are so heavily involved in the Middle East.

As long as we are pimping oil to the world via the Gulf, the problems associated with carbon dioxide and polluting the world will only continue to be exacerbated. 

All of this big talk from the democrats is hogwash. The democrats are profiting and gaining as much power from the petro dollar as are the Republicans. 

This is our special problem in AMerica. The citizens of America are dumb enough to believe in Hope and Change charlatans such as Mr. Obama. It’s all a lie.

Until the people wake up to the fact that the Democrats are just as corrupt and just as much a part of the oligarchy and as owned by the banks as the Republicans nothing will change.

However, Democrats are complete buffoons. I have no hope of a democratic awakening. They are much too stupid as a class. Much too bamboozled by Hope, Change and Yes, We Can.

Democrats are much more worried about the next Micronesian Transgender qausi-female lesbian Muslim becoming a Circuit Court Judge to actually be informed about any real issue. Democrats are more interested in Donald Sterling and whether or not he is a racist and whether or not he should be allowed to own and NBA team to actually stop and think that maybe Donald Sterling is a non-issue and who gives a fuck who owns an NBA team. 

The GOP and DNC keep the citizens of the Untied States diverted with these moronic wedge issues. In this way, they stay maintain their powerbase and no one notices that George Soros is the exact same monster as the Koch Brothers.

But, let’s argue over Climate Change…because, well, that’s what they want us to argue about so that they can enrich themselves from both ends of the pipeline.

And the citizens who are registered as Democrats and Republicans will continue to enable the criminals who create the problems that they pretend to resolve.

In short, the American people may be the dumbest people on the planet.


The Approach to No Regrets

The approach that I’ve attempted in my book No Regrets is to simply tell the story.  Lay out what happened/happens in Afghanistan/Nation Building and let people decide for themselves if it’s good, bad or somewhere in between.  I try not to lead to an opinion.

My opinion is that the Afghans are not ready for “democracy” or even Republicanism/Pluralism.  They are still tribal, patriarchal, superstitious (religious) and, by our standards, medieval.  There is nothing that an outside force can do to elevate them to a higher plain.

For the most part, they still sell their daughters into marriage.  They still see dark people as inferior.  They still believe that non-believers (in Islam) are inferior.  Their politicians are corrupt and see that as the way of business and governance.

Warlords still rule every facet of political life, social justice and still guide the way through violence or the threat of violence.  Mullahs still rule the social sphere.  Islam guides their thinking to a large degree.

We can only influence and hope that they integrate some of our mannerisms, culture (political and social) and values into their way of life.  In many ways we have done this already — positively and negatively.  However, the people of Afghanistan are a long way off from becoming anything resembling what the West would recognize as civilized or modern.  They’re somewhere around 1500 in terms of Western attitudes and such.

Women have no real rights.  Factions vie for power in the post-ISAF Coalition Afghanistan, corrupt officials steal every silver coin upon which they can lay their thieving hands and Mullahs still spout lies that America or the West is trying to crush Islam when, in fact, most of the West could care less about Islam except to the degree that it violently affects our cultures because of their obsessions over Israel, Wahhabism and a new Qaliphate over all of the old Muslim possessions.

I still keep an ear to the ground in Afghanistan as I care very much what happens to that nation and it’s people.  I have friends there.  I’ve heard rumors that the Taliban, or some factions thereof, are leery about the post-Coalition Afghanistan.  These talibs worry over the influences of Iran and Pakistan.  They are suspicious of the aims of those two Muslim nations.

However, China is out there to play some role in the post-Coalition Afghanistan.  China has invested billions in the region and has a vested interest in a peaceful, non-fundamentalist Afghanistan.

I hope my books creates discussion of some sort .  I’d love that.  Aside from lining my pockets, it might enlighten a few muddled headed souls about Islam, nation building and the US Coalition among other things.  How’s that for naivite’ and arrogance all rolled into one?

There are, of course, many negatives to the story of Afghanistan and our efforts therein.  Yet, there are also stories of hope and kindness.  There are patriots in that nation that wish for a strong, healthy Afghan Republic that is free of insurgents, Taliban, coalitions, war and violence.  Many private citizens work hard in the private arena to bring business to the country and to bring employment and build a strong economy with which Afghanistan can forge ahead.

Within the coalition, as misguided as it may sometimes be, there are many who work hard during their tours of duty in the Stan to leave behind a lasting legacy.  Schools are built.  Water pumps installed in villages that, theretofore, had no running water.  Hospitals are established and staffed.  Fire Stations are manned and equipped.

There are many who wish work to halt corruption and to find a way to work for the future.

If these folks are supported and successful, Afghanistan may prevail.   May the Gods be with them, comfort them and carry them to a day of promise and fulfillment.


Terrorism Equals Cowardice?

Nagasaki = Terrorism?

TERRORISM? Atomic Bombing of Japanese Civilians in World War II
I know it’s popular to say so, but, acts of terrorism as executed by groups such as al Qaeda and al Jihad are not rooted in cowardice. These are not cowardly acts.

Blowing up innocent people is a terrible act. That, however, is not the goal of the act. All acts of terrorism do not consist of blowing up innocent people.

The governments of the world take part in acts consistently of which the end result is the death of innocents. Blowing up, shooting or in some other way killing innocent persons occurs all the time at the behest of the most powerful nations on this planet to include the United State, Great Britain, Australia and Russia. Smaller nations also conduct operations of this sort.

How is this different?

Each time the United States enters into a conflict such as the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan, we do so in the full knowledge that innocents will die by our hand. We make these decisions consciously. Are we cowards for doing so?

Terrorism is naught but a form of war. It’s a war conducted by a smaller “power” against a larger power. Both parties have goals at which end they deploy the means at their disposal. For Arab insurgents and terrorists, the means at their disposal is partly small scale targeted bombings meant to produce psychological terror on a target population. For the US and other greater powers, we have greater means to produce terror and to intimidate or cause the destruction of our enemies.

A person who takes a bomb into a crowded market place or who drives up to an armed guard station with the intent to inflict damage is not a coward. The act is not that of a coward. The act may be heinous. It may be cruel and devastating. Cowardly, though, I think it is not. These people are acting in a cause in which they believe. No different than the belief of a soldier fighting for a State.

Their methods may be criminal in that they oft times target civilians, but, they are not cowards. It makes us feel good to call them cowards, but, it’s simply feel good politics to label them as such. And that label works to our detriment. These folks are dedicated fighters. Insanely dedicated in many ways but dedicated they are. No coward can commit him or herself to a goal and no coward is willing to die for a cause.

The United States has knowingly killed innocent people in the process of apprehending or killing it’s enemies. Are we cowards as well?

The Colonists engaged in psychological terror in the rebellion against the crown. Sherman’s March to the Seas was directed at Civilians. We decimated cities such as Dresden in World War II wherein we specifically targeted civilians. We detonated two atomic bombs over civilian populations. Were those cowardly acts?

The difference, the only difference, is that we rationalize these decisions as necessary to our war aims. Terrorists do the same.

From wikipedia:

“Terrorism” comes from the French word terrorisme,[10] and originally referred specifically to state terrorism as practiced by the French government during the Reign of terror. The French word terrorisme in turn derives from the Latin verb terreō meaning “I frighten”.[11] The terror cimbricus was a panic and state of emergency in Rome in response to the approach of warriors of the Cimbri tribe in 105 BC. The Jacobins cited this precedent when imposing a Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.[12][13] After the Jacobins lost power, the word “terrorist” became a term of abuse.[6] Although “terrorism” originally referred to acts committed by a government, currently it usually refers to the killing of innocent people[14] by a non-government group in such a way as to create a media spectacle.[15] This meaning can be traced back to Sergey Nechayev, who described himself as a “terrorist”.[16] Nechayev founded the Russian terrorist group “People’s Retribution” (Народная расправа) in 1869.

In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act “intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act”.[17]

This is one of hundreds of definitions of terrorism:

A definition proposed by Carsten Bockstette at the George C. Marshall Center for European Security Studies, underlines the psychological and tactical aspects of terrorism:

Terrorism is defined as political violence in an asymmetrical conflict that is designed to induce terror and psychic fear (sometimes indiscriminate) through the violent victimization and destruction of noncombatant targets (sometimes iconic symbols). Such acts are meant to send a message from an illicit clandestine organization. The purpose of terrorism is to exploit the media in order to achieve maximum attainable publicity as an amplifying force multiplier in order to influence the targeted audience(s) in order to reach short- and midterm political goals and/or desired long-term end states.”[23]

If we accept this as a definition of terrorism, then the NATO Air War in the Balkans was an act of terror. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were as they were targeted violence against a civilian populace designed to produce the response of capitulation from the Imperial Japanese government. The genocide of the Native populations of the Americas were acts of terror. The targeted bombings of civilian populaces in World War II on the European front were acts of terror. The British reaction to the IRA and others were acts of terror. The acts of Southern governments in the pre-1970s USA directed at the black populace were all acts of terror. Historical and ongoing US support of despotic governments such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, the UAE and Iraq are all acts of terror. Chinese governmental acts to control their populace through fear are acts of terror. The Shahs use of Savak in Iran was terrorism.

The question then is who are the terrorists? When did the war on terror begin and which party is actually fighting against terrorism or are both parties fighting different types of terrorism? Why is the US government supporting nations who regularly use terror to control their populace while we are fighting a “war on terror.”

Who are the terrorists?  US or THEM?  Both?  If we use terror to fight terror, are we cowards as well?

Geo-Politics: Change the Dynamic ~ Offer Incentive

If I were President…

1.  We get less than 20% of our oil from the Middle East.  I’d halt this immediately.

2.  That oil shortfall would be sourced from our own reserves and Canada.  I’d even throw a bone to Venezuela in exchange for their withdrawal from OPEC.

3.  I’d close all bases in the Middle East.

4.  I’d place a base in Israel and Egypt.  Keep the base in Turkey.

5.  I’d tell Egypt and Turkey that they have choice.  Either they’re with the West or their with the Muslim world.  If they decide that they’re with the Muslim World, then we withdraw all support and all bases from those countries.

6.  I’d tell Europe and Asia that America is no longer responsible and will no longer take action in the Middle East except in the case of defense of our allies.

7.  The Allies in the Middle East would be designated as Israel because they are a Democracy as well as Egypt, Turkey and Jordan.

8.  Our alliance with Egypt, Turkey and Jordan would be predicated upon Democratic reforms and their renunciation of a foreign policy based upon Islamic Internationalism.  These countries can keep their Islamic Nationalism, if they chose to do so.  That choice would mean our pulling all resources and support from their nations.

9.  Support of Jordan and Egypt would also be predicated upon an agreement to assimilation all Palestinian refugees.  All refugee camps would have to be closed down.  Those refugees would have to be given full rights in the countries in which they are located.  The US would assist with funding for housing and job training for these refugees at 50% of the cost.  This Aid Package would be closely guided by a contractual auditor to ensure that the monies were being used to build infrastructure and not lining the pockets of corrupt officials.  If bribes are insisted upon, funding would be withdrawn.

10.  Continued support of Israel would be predicated upon a real peace plan with the Palestinians.

a.  Israel would either permanently partition the West Bank and Gaza as sovereign nations and pull out completely leaving the Palestinians to their own fate.


b.  Israel would annex the Palestinian areas and alter their constitution making Israel an officially and legally secular nation.  Part of that constitutional reconstruction would be safeguards for all religions, creeds, ethnicities from persecution, etc.

There would be a ten year time frame to effect these changes with specific milestones in place.  If these milestones are not met, we would pull all support for any or all of these nations.

We would offer the new Palestine Nation, if created, a package of aid in return for a turning away from Islamism.  The US would provide financial and expert support in building a nation from the ground up.  A referendum from the Palestinian people would be required to receive this Aid Package.  In essence, the Palestinian people would be required to request it via said referendum and the leaders of Hamas, Fatah as well as members of any other quasi-governmental group recognized by the people.  If the people did not vote for our assistance, the offer would be withdrawn.  This Aid Package would also be closely guided by a contractual auditor to ensure that the monies were being used to build infrastructure and not lining the pockets of corrupt officials.  If bribes are insisted upon, funding would be withdrawn.
The onus would then be on these nations.  If they decided to go along with us, they would have our support.  If not, we would withdraw from them and leave them to their collective  fates.

I would have these treaties ratified by the US Congress and the United Nations.

There would be no military solutions offered.  Either they come on line with us or we no longer have a reason to be associated with them.  End of discussion.

As for the Gulf and their oil, that would be the responsibility of whomever wishes to continue to purchase oil from those nations.  China, France, Germany…whomever it may be.

We would continue to patrol the ocean lanes for support of international trade.  The Straits of Hormuz — no longer our problem.  Saudi Arabia — keep with your Wahhabism/Salafism on your own shores or risk offending more nations.

Egypt seems to be progressing towards Democracy.  This surprised me as I thought that the Muslim Brotherhood would take them in the direction of Islamic Sharia.  This is a positive development.  Jordan would need to step away from Monarchy and join the rest of the world in Democratic reforms.

Over the short term, these initiatives would seem expensive.  Over the long term, these initiatives would save America and the Globe much in terms of blood and treasure.

This would be my solution.

In effect, we would be saying; “Join the World and we will support you.  Remain in the Dark Ages and we will abandon you.”

I want out of the business of supporting corrupt and/or stubborn regimes.  Whether that regime be Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Western Europe.

The next thing that I would do would be to withdraw all forces from Europe.  The only way we would keep US troops stationed in Europe would be if at least 50% of the costs were funded by the country that wished for us to be there.  All real estate used by the forces stationed in those countries would need to be loaned permanently at a cost free basis for the duration of the deployment to that country.  A Status of Forces Agreement would have to be met whereby our Servicemembers would be subject to US Law and the UCMJ only while in country.  All services for our Servicemembers would be provided without interference by the United States.  All Servicemembers would be on a Tax Free Status in that country.  That nation would also have to be a member in good standing of the Democratic Nations of the World.

If they are not willing to do this.  No problem.  We will simply not have a need to act in defense of their Nation.

I would also pull out of South Korea.  On the way out, I’d tell China that if North Korea attacks, we would bomb the North into the dark ages.  That would be my final and only dealing with North Korea.  If the people of the North are too brainwashed, too stupid or too weak to fight for change, this is not the problem of the United States of America.  Let China feed North Korea or South Korea if that be their desire.

I would pull all of our forces out of Japan.  Japan doesn’t need us there and many of the people don’t want us there.  Next, I would enter a treaty with the Philippines wherein we purchase land from them to station our Pacific Forces.   I would base a Marine Expeditionary Unit and an Army Mechanized Infantry/Stryker Division there along with a Carrier Fleet being on Station at all times.

China would be warned that Japan is still our ally.  Taiwan would be told to work out their differences with China.  If China became bellicose and threatened invasion, we would act in defense of Taiwan.  Unless the threat is based on Taiwanese provocation.  In that case, Taiwan is on their own.

I would also make an alliance of mutual support with India.  Our Armed Forces would conduct joint operations/exercises with India.  If possible, I would allow for a treaty whereby US Forces would be permanently stationed in Southern India.  This would hinge upon Indian acquiescence on the Kashmir debate.

I would withdraw all forces and support from Pakistan and Afghanistan.  If Pakistan wanted our support, they would have to oust the Saudi Wahhabis and the Deobandi.  Pakistan would also be required to sweep the FATA and NWFP of taliban influences.  They would also be required to withdraw from the Kashmir debate.  This would be the price of assistance from the US.  No debate.  No equivocation.  If they want our support, they give up their dispute with India over Kashmir and halt support of all terrorism directed towards India.

India and Kashmir would be required to allow a full vote by the Kashmiri people.  1.  Independence  2.  Annexation by Pakistan  3.  Retention by India

International Election Officials would oversee the vote.  Any monkey business by either side and no deal.  Kashmir should be able to decide it’s fate.  Their fate should not be decided by Muslim terrorists or Indian Soldiers.

We would withdraw all support from Pakistan if this is not followed through to completion.   With regards to India, we go to a neutral stance.  India has no need of our support.  They’re a viable nation in their own right.

Aside from moving away from the Defense of Europe, I would do nothing in Europe.  They’re sovereign nations that can navigate their way through the world in their own rite.  We should not be providing defense for them unless they are willing to subsidize it.

On patrolling the commercial sea lanes, I would require that other nations either subsidize fleet operations or provide support in the form of personnel and equipment.  Either that or we protect only US shipping.

It’s time for the free ride to end.  The Nations of the World (especially Europe) have enjoyed peace at the expense of the American tax payer for far too long.  They decry our every move.  It’s time for them to step up.  The World doesn’t want Team America — World Police or so they say.  Let them have their desire.

These actions would save American Tax dollars.  They would remove us from the Middle East conflicts.  They would place the onus on other nations to conduct their own defense and improve the lot of their own citizenry.

After these offers, blame for the sorry affairs of the world could no longer be placed at the feet of America.  The primary sources of conflict would have been given a viable alternative.  If they chose the path to peace, it would be with our leadership.  If they chose the path to war, it would be at their own behest.  The blame would lie with themselves.

Another thing that I think would be a positive is for an exchange program wherein a Battalion of another Nations forces would be given the opportunity to come to Fort Irwin, Texas to train with US Forces.  I’d rotate the Nation on a regular basis.  6 Month rotations.  This would be a tremendous opportunity for our Armed Forces and theirs.  I’d offer this opportunity to India, Romania, South Korea, Hungary, Egypt, Russia, Thailand, Iraq, Jordan, Israel and other Nations with whom we would engage in treaties of mutual defense or with whom we wish to improve relations.

The last item on my agenda would be reforming the UN.  That, though, is a whole other post.

That would keep us from any more of this:

Along with legislation mandating a Declaration of War in order to commit forces to a Ground Invasion of another country.  I have no problem with bombing a perpetrating country into the stone ages.  If there are viable targets.  I would also work to repeal the prohibition against assassination of World Leaders.  We could have saved a lot of money and lives by simply putting a .99$ bullet through the forehead of Saddam Hussein.  We could save a bit more by spreading about 200 USD worth of lead throughout the Iranian, Hezbollah and Syrian power structures.

Beijing — The Forbidden City


WOW!  I was going through old posts and came across this one.  Apparently, I’d uploaded the pics and never gone back to it.

These are from the winter of 2006.  My first long trip to Asia.  Amazing what an experience that turned out to be.  I became more or less addicted to Asia.  I’ve been back to China since then and lived in Thailand for a year aside from various excursion throughout Southeast Asia.

This was my first big trip with Becca.  I’m sure I drove her crazy.  lol  Nagged her to death and caused her all kinds of inner turmoil.

We’ve since traveled all over the world.  India.  Greece.  Italy.  France.  Israel.  Turkey.  Egypt twice.

Some of the most exciting experiences I could ever have dreamed up as a child in Louisville, KY.

Life is freakin’ incredible.

Fast Food Overseas

Fast food overseas.  It’s a little different.

This is one example.  Lots of tuna and corn offerings over here.  In China as well.

McDonalds in India offers no beef burgers at all.

In Israel during some of their Holy Days, they offer only unleavened bread.

Some of the stuff tastes pretty good.  Some of it is wierd.  KFC does not offer their famous cole slaw in Thailand in so far as I know.  They offer a tuna/corn salad instead.  It’s pretty good stuff. I grab one every time I stop in to a KFC.

A few differences here and there…

Monetary Notes of the World

Unny and I had this table custom made for our new digs out in the ‘burbs.  Cost a bit, but, not too much.  It’s made from teak wood.  I wanted something in which to display the monetary notes which I’ve collected from my travels.  I only wish that I had some of the notes that are in my storage room back in the States.

There are notes in there from China, Dubai, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, India, Iran, Bahrain, Egypt, Vietnam, North Korea and a few other countries.  As well as notes from old French Indochine.  The note with the tiger is from Vietnam during the US war era.  I actually got that one from because I thought it was cool.

There are also coins in there from all over (Japan, Malaysia, EU, England, etc).  Some old ones but mostly newer coins.  I placed my three French Indochine Silver Dollars. They’re probably counterfeit, but, I don’t care.  That actually makes them a little more interesting to me and I paid a pittance for them.  3 or 4 bucks.  Nothing to cry over.  I knew or thought that they were fakes when I purchased them.

I also placed of couple of Greco-Bactrian coins in there.  Supposedly, they’re silver and over a thousand years old.  I don’t know.  So many fakes being sold in Afghanistan these days.  Even so, those coins are supposedly a dime a dozen over there.  Chances are they’re real.  They’re not rare, though.  At least not for anyone who’s traveled in Central Asia.  They’re all over the place there.  It is said that one can find them walking out in open ground or on fields and such.  They’re that common place.  Neat little pieces of history.

The necklace is a Kuchi piece that I purchased at a bazaar in Herat.  It’s made of brass and copper with a few worthless gems thrown in for good measure.  It has an old animist relief on it.  Looks to be an old Ganesh likeness to me. I also placed my Bamian Buddha stamps in the lower right corner and four little jewelry/snuff boxes.  The two with Camels depicted on them are from Dubai and made from silver and glazed to make the camel likenesses.  The other two I purchased in Herat.  Those two are supposed to be silver as well.  Though, I doubt it.

There you have it.  My little collection of monies (and sundry items) from around the world.

All Around Beijing ~ From the Forbidden City to the Summer Palace in 7 Days

I went off to China again.  Unny and I spent 7 days in Beijing and then went on to Xi’an.  The pics below are all from Beijing.  We popped around the city, traveled by taxi, subway, train and the little three wheel taxi the name of which I can’t recall right now.

We had a great time.  Spoke to a few pf pir Chinese neighbors and generally trotted around the city as safely as if we were in the States.  Beijing has to be one of the safest cities in the world.  There are Army and Police all over the place.  Everywhere you look.  Even with them trolling around everywhere, I never felt like Big Brother was watching.  Though, I’m sure that they were.  There are cameras in every building and seemingly in every corner of the city.  I didn’t see as many in Xi’an.  Neither the police nor the cameras were as ubiquitous.

Above is a picture of the Buddha from the Lama Temple.  It’s the tallest Buddha in the world carved from one piece of wood.  One big tree.  They wouldn’t let us take a picture, so I had to google this one to post here.  It’s a beautiful and serene temple.  Peaceful.  Incense burning continuously.  Smoke billowing around the altars.  Buddhist pilgrims wandering around paying homage to Buddha and his principles.  It’s a beautiful feeling.  Peace all around.

We walked out of the Lama Temple to grab something to eat and then catch a bus.  After we ate, we passed a Camel shote store.  Camel seems to be a Chinese version of Timberland.  Same look and same line of clothing and shoes.  Apparently, China not only bootlegs electronics by whole clothing lines as well.  Unny had been walking around in these thin shoes.  They’d rubbed her heel raw in one place that was starting to get nasty.  I’d told her that she needed better shoes, but, she wouldn’t listen.  This time, though, I  put the full press on.  There’s no way that she could climb the Great Wall with those shoes.  I tried and tried to reason with her and get her to buy a pair of hiking shoes.  Finally, I prevailed.  So when we passed the Camel Store, I asked her again.  When I described the Great Wall to here again.  Reason finally prevailed.  Thank God.  Her feet would have frozen on the Wall in those little thin shoes that she brought with her.  We walked into the Camel Store.

I walked in the store and started laughing.  They had some groovy music playing, so I started to dance around the store like a wild man.  Jumping and gyrating.  The ladies in the store were laughing.  Unny, though, is a little shy.  So she kept telling me to stop.  I just kept going and laughing.  Unny finally just started trying on shoes.  She bought her shoes.   I bought a jacket.  We decided to take a taxi to the Hostel.

Our 7 days in Beijing were nothing less than incredible.  Some days we froze our butts off and some days, we were enjoying ourselves so much that the cold just didn’t matter.

The Confucius Temple was being renovated last time I was there as were major parts of hte Forbidden City.  So I was able to see before and after versions.  The Chinese artisans did amazing work.  The Confucius Temple was beautiful.  I love how peaceful all of these temples are.  The Forbidden City looked much the same.  Immense and awe inspiring but with a new paint job.

It’s funny.  Walking around Beijing, you don’t get the feeling that you are in a communist country.  It’s very commercial.  Very consumer oriented.  The major difference is in employment.  You can tell that the Chinese create jobs.  They still operate on a mass project basis.  Mass employees over taking an area and getting the job done.  Whereas in the West or more modernized nations, we have machinery and automation that takes the place of mass numbers of people.   Aside from that, the police for the average tourist are just curiosities.  As are the Military men and women walking about.  You don’t really feel any oppressive weight bearing down on you.  The Facebook thing is an obvious clue that you are in a totalitarian country.  Xi’an had an even more open feel.  Out there, there was almost no presence and Xi’an had a fairly large Muslim population.  I wondered at that as I was walking round.  They all seemed fairly content in their lives.  Who knows.  I didn’t sit down and talk to them about it.  Although, I did have an interesting conversation with a girl who works in a Shop/Cafe down by the Xi’an Mosque (more on that later).

Unny and I had a great time.  That’s what mattered for us.

More later.  For now.  Here are some photos from the first few days in China.  Hope you enjoy.

Jinshanling and Simitai

These are the pics from our day at the Great Wall.  What a cool day!

I screwed up a bit, though.  I had my camera on an off setting.  The pics aren’t as good as they could be.  I’ll try to fix some later.

For now, these will do.

At the end of the portion of the Wall that we trekked, we took a wire rope bridge ride to the bottom.  Much faster and saved us about 20 minutes more walking.  That and it was really fun and cool.  Hook up, jump and zoom…to the bottom in seconds.

Once we made it to the bottom and re-joined our group, we headed off to have lunch.  I think it took us about 3 hours to walk the 10 kilometres from Jinshanling to Simitai.  I was ready for a nap afterwards.  We headed back to the hotel and napped for most of the rest of the day.

The next day, Unny stayed in while I went out to see the Marco Polo Bridge.  It’s a bridge described and made famous by Marco Polo’s writings of his journey in China and on the Silk Road.

Later that night, Unny and I took in a Chinese Acrobatic show.  It was a great show.  The acrobats ranged in age from what looked like 12 to 21 or so.  A hugely talented group of young folks.  We thoroughly enjoyed the show.