America’s Guilt and the Coming Chaos

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People complaining about American conquest and treatment of the “Native American,” PLEASE! Just stop. This is the history of mankind. Only since World War II have we stopped the conquest and taking of land for ourselves.

I believe Israel (67), China (50s/Tibet) and Pakistan (Balochistan/49 to present day) are the last nations to take lands via conquest. Iraq tried it in the 80s but were immediately expelled by Iran. Lebanon is currently being occupied by Hezbollah which is tantamount to Iranian occupation.

Both China and Pakistan are currently and have been in contention with India over territories. China is starting to stake claims in territories that are currently in possession of nations such as Japan and the Philippines.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are in contention over the Durand Line.

Mexico and America are having extreme border issues.

Scotland wants to opt out of the UK.

The Kurds want their own nation with inclusion of territory currently possessed/claimed by Turkey, Iran and Iraq.

Iran will start making claims soon on lands occupied by the Russians.

ISIS is currently taking lands via conquest that were Syrian and Iraqi. If they grow powerful enough, they will turn towards Mekkah and possibly Iran. They’ll leave Israel for later.

Of course, there is Israel. They occupy the West Bank and Gaza as well as maintain control over an “autonomous” Arab/Islamic thugocracy in Gaza. They’ve occupy lands that are claimed by Syria as well.

I see occurring more and more in the near future conflicts over territory as the World grows more politically chaotic.

Without looking it up, I believe that the last time that America took lands by conquest was at the conclusion of the Spanish American War when we were “given” the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, etc.

Basically, the Colonists or White Man, as labelled by Western Liberals, did nothing that the Indians (Native or aboriginal) Americans had not done themselves. There were Empires and Kingdoms in the Americas prior to the advent of European “exploration,” conquest and colonization of the Americas.

The Aztecs, Incans, Mayans, Anasazi, Pueblo and every other tribe, confederation and/or “State” in the Americas did not spring up out of the earth in the exact spot where they became the dominant political entity. They took those lands from others.

In my opinion, gnashing one’s teeth over the “sins” of others which you yourself have committed is a bit hypocritical.

That said, I look to see more conquest in the future as liberalism and the touchy feely politics of America and Western Europe recedes with the fall from influence brought on by our liberalism and “guilt” in general, and the waning of our economic superpower status due to the rise of China, India and the conflicts with Russia and Iran as well as the negative impacts of our constant and consistent incompetent meddling throughout the world. America is overreaching and it is going to hurt us in the near future. With idiot leaders such as Bush and Obama, I see nothing changing and our path is clear and downward in a dizzying spiral.

The primary power of the globe for these past 70 years has been the “petrodollar.” Russian, Iran, Scotland (if she separates successfully) as well as Venezuela are willing and even eager to sell their natural resources in other currencies as well as through a barter system. This is the center of the conflicts evolving between the US and these nations.

If Scotland successfully secedes from the UK AND decides to go off the reservation (petrodollar), look for the US to start pressuring them and calling them rogue, etc.

Once America loses the petrodollar hegemony, all bets are off. We will see a much more chaotic world.

Personally, I am very much looking forward to it.

Imagine a war between a nuclear Saudi Arabia led Gulf confederation against a nuclear levant centered Iran.

Pakistan and India going at it with Nukes.

Russia is already threatening the use of nukes over Ukraine.

We can whine about the past all we want. That past will be nothing compared to the next 100 years. As resources grow scarce, this world is going to go insane.  In the end, I believe that Western Liberalism will achieve it’s end.  However, the unintended consequences will be their own annihilation as “barbarian” tribes rise up and murder them in their self-righteous and contented sleep.  The world will be in flames in the next 100 years.  This is not new to history.  All great Empires fall.  China and Rome fell in such a manner.  When a people lose their ability to fight, their will to fight, their survival instincts, the end is not far off.  Liberals have no will to fight and nothing in which they believe.  The highest ideal of the Western Liberal is the loathing of his/her own culture.  Doom shall surely follow.

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